In Loving Memory Of
Christine L.Valliere
October 4, 1966 to February 1 ,1999

Chris was my best friend. We were sister's. Chris was 4-1/2 years older than me.
Chris had a long history of serious back problems and had surgery many times for the pain. They seemed to help but never for long. Chris was alos a recovering alcoholic. She fought hard to stay away from temptation but she was not perfect, only human.
As addictions usually go hand in hand she also had problems with perscription and over the counter drugs. She was afraid to take of work for the fusion she needed because of the loss of income this would bring.
So she self medicated.On February1, 1999 Chris did not show up for work and was not answering her phone so her supervisor caled her number. The neighbor immediately went to Chris's house and found the door locked but she could hear water running inside. She broke the door down and found my sister lying on the floor in the bathroom dead. The water running was from the shower, it appeared that Chris was getting ready for work when she used Morphine to help control her back pain.
Drug Abuse destroyed Chris. Losing Chris destroyed me.
I, nor my family will ever be the same.
My 3-1/2 year old daughter Julianna always tells me "Aunt Chrissy is here, she always comes back."
~Arline--Chris's Sister~

NA Medallion Courtesy of
Thanks Barbara!


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