Our Korean War Guest


Pak3.jpg (21873 bytes)  We had on board with us this cruise, a Republic of Korea Navel Officer, Ensign Park Nae Um.  Mr. Park came aboard on the 18th of October, 1952, upon his graduation from ROK Naval Academy.  Mr. Park underwent extensive training. Engineering, sonar, CIC and bridge watches are just a few of the various
phases of ship's work  participated in by our Korean Naval Officer.  Of all the training he seemed to enjoy engineering most.

Ensign Park enjoyed visiting the many 'ports of call' made by the Hopewell.  Although he had been to Sasebo before, he listed Sasebo, along with Yokosuka, as his favorites. 

Before his entry into the Republic of Korea Naval Academy,

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Pak1.jpg (17863 bytes) Mr. Park graduated from Chyong Ju Commercial High School.   He completed his three years course in August of 1949.  In order to qualify for the cruise on Hopewell it was necessary for the Korean Ensign to maintain high marks at the ROK Naval Academy.  When we pulled into Yokusaka for the last time, the ROK Naval Officer left us, and reported to Destroyer Division 92 for additional training.   When asked his reaction to the officers and men of Hopewell, Mr. Park said "I think you behave gentle and kind. I like your cleanness and respect for good manners."

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