Ontario divorce

Since aggressive litigation is the most costly process and the one most likely to create emotional and financial pain, clients must be careful who they hire to represent them and should be careful to maintain control of their attorney. ontario divorce Can you file for a divorce without a lawyer.. At the end of the case, the lawyer moves on to the next case. The clients must deal with the wreckage left behind. MediationMediation is the most well known alternative to litigation. ontario divorce Indiana-divorce. Mediation encourages clients to hire a neutral, divorce mediator, usually an attorney or a family therapist, to meet with them. A mediator will conduct as many sessions as necessary to help clients reach agreement on their issues, without resorting to a courtroom. A mediator does not play the role of arbitrator or decision-maker; rather he or she facilitates resolution. ontario divorce Indiana-divorce. Mediation can be faster and far less costly because couples only have to hire one individual to resolve their issues. Mediation is most likely to be the process that enables parties to preserve relationships and avoid the acrimony that can create years of hard feeling and damage children. Most mediators encourage clients to consult with experienced family lawyers as coaches during the process so that they are fully informed as they make commitments. Collaborative LawA relatively new approach to divorce is collaborative law. Its popularity is growing across the country as both lawyers and clients are finding it useful in certain cases. In a collaborative law case, each client selects an attorney who makes a commitment not to go to court to resolve the case. Each lawyer actually agrees in writing that he or she will withdraw from the case if it goes to court as a contested matter. This feature of collaborative law was developed to meet the perceived problem of lawyers churning cases for their own benefit. By agreeing in advance not to take the case if it goes to court, all questions about the attorney's motivation are resolved. In the collaborative law process, both parties hire the same appraisers, the same pension actuaries and thereby reduce gamesmanship and cost. Experienced collaborative lawyers report that by eliminating the threat of 'I'll see you in court,' the process of resolving differences can proceed in an orderly, creative and non destructive way. Although slightly more expensive than mediation, collaborative law permits the parties to have meaningful involvement of attorneys who can help with technical and creative solutions, without running the risk that the situation will degenerate into a war.

Ontario divorce

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