The Power and Mystery of Horoscopes Awaits you!
Horoscopes By Melissa...
You have reached my page!!!! Where the power awaits you.....I have a very special gift! To see peoples future.......their horoscopes......So go on....I can already see already...that findout our your horoscope from my page is your destiny................Just follow the steps below!

To see your future, you must hold down your mouse and rub the magical green herbs with mystical powers along the side 7 times and recite the medeival ancient magical spell words, "Abinga!! Machinga!! Oh doda de schinca mo lada de noo!" Then peer at the old ancient magical mystical  wonderful castle that are flying around the page, then give it a name, This will be your new horoscope castle. Then, imagine yourself eating eating crackers in your castle (crackers are the ancient horoscope food)Then you must cross your eyes and then gaze into the crytal ball below for approximately 10 seconds......until the crystal ball looks double and is glowing in a violent red color......or as if 2 red eyes are glaring at you have created the magic potion to view your horoscope......Click on the crystal ball to continue.............pthooo!!!!! sorry, gas attack (if you know what i mean)   man that just totally ruined the mood!
I am Melissa. The trained professional on horoscopes. I have a very special gift. I would like to share it with the world. Please linke me to your website because I would love to share my magnificent powers of the future with the world!. Anyways, please enter.....its your destiny and in fact, that I can read right now...
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