


Undead Johnny
"The World of the Weird Monster Show"

"The Stroke of twelve...and there is one thing of which I am certain: For the next two hours we will be much, much safer in here than those of you watching from out there." So begins each episode of the World of the Weird Monster Show with your hosts Undead Johnny and Dementia. Broadcasting on Channel 666 straight from the fifth circle and now available on the mortal plane. Each show promises bloodcurdling horror, nailbiting terror and macabre mayhem. Remember, everyday is Halloween.

Debut: Halloween 2004 with "Night of the Living Dead."
Undead Johnny's greatest inspirations came from watching Uncle Don's Terror Theatre and the Son of Svengoolie.
Co-hostess: Dementia


  Broadcasts on Comcast Channels 19 and 35 in twenty North Chicago Suburbs. Check website for which suburbs and their corresponding channel.

· Official Website



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