My Original Works

Copyright (C) POON Wing-Chi. All rights reserved. You are granted permission to use the following materials for non-profit-making educational purposes only.

Learning ResourcesSizeTypeCompletionCopyright jointly with
* Giganet Presentation184KflashMar2000Chin Chi Kin Kenneth
* High Precision Arithmetic59KdocJan2000HKOI
* Computer Monitor333KdirectorNov1999Dept of CSIS, HKU
* Disk Scheduling23KjavaApr1999
* 睲地厩眖﹁狥隔47Kbig-5Oct1999
* 清华大学从西门到东门的路47KgbOct1999
* Music TSR for DOS47KTSRJul1995
* My Art Gallery170KjpegJul1993
Coming up...
* The SixinonecasioMar1997

Webmaster: POON Wing-Chi
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