Teaching Room
I built this Page so you, our members, can get help fixing some of the problems you may have in the saddle.You can ask all the instructors, Or a certain one. Either way your question will get answered.
Insrtuctors available:
Meaghan Teaches in real life
Emilly  Teaches in real life
Example Question  and answer.
   Q:  I have a 6 year old mare  whos usually great over fences . but on the flat...     she wont do what i ask anymore. she wont halt uppon command and she wont do downward transitions properly either. She used to do them well i dont know whats wrong. The Vet checked her over and shes fine. Can you  help me?
A: It sounds as tho you may not be asking her properly. I have a few excersises that you could do that could help her and you at your riding. Do this at walk and halt first, untill you get that down then do it at trot.. then canter.start out waking.... Move with the movement of your horse.. dont sway your  hips in order "to speed her up" it doesnt work. as you go around the ring  ask  your mare to half halt, by deepening your seat, apply leg presure(not much) shoulders back. and colect the reins... .......................      
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