Daine's Results
Find Your Exercise Quotient
Quiz URL: Take quiz here!
Quiz Results: Click here to view!
Lord of the Rings Character Quiz
Quiz URL: Take quiz here!
Quiz Results: Arwen
Lord of the Rings Fellowship Actor Quiz
Quiz URL: Take quiz here!
Quiz Results: Elijah Wood
Lord of the Rings Personality Quiz
Quiz URL: Take quiz here!
Quiz Results: Frodo... Also very much like Samwise and Gandalf.
Which Ringwraith Are You?
Quiz URL: Take quiz here!
Quiz Results: Nazgul # 8 - The Chef... "Hobbits are tasty."
What Hobbit Are You?
Quiz URL: Take quiz here!
Quiz Results: Pippin
Are You an Emotional Overeater?
Quiz URL: Take quiz here!
Quiz Results: Little or no emotional eating.
Your weight management efforts should be relatively uncomplicated by emotional issues.

Emotional overeaters have a major problem with weight management because food is closely tied to their emotional coping efforts. Thus, emotional eaters tend to eat for reasons other than physical hunger, which of course leads to excess calorie intake.

We're all emotional eaters to some extent. It's nearly impossible not to be in a food oriented society where eating is a part of celebrations and rituals -- and a fundamental aspect of family life and interaction.

How much emotional eating is too much? Simply put, when it interferes with your health and happiness.

If you ever suffer from emotional eating, you'll want to consult with Diet Psychologist Jeffrey R. Wilbert, Ph.D., and learn how to beat your fattitudes!

What Hobbit Are You?
Quiz URL: Take quiz here!
Quiz Results: Pippin or Bilbo
Hobbit Name Generator
Quiz URL: Do generator here!
Results: Prisca Underhill of Frogmorton
Elven Name Generator
Quiz URL: Do generator here!
Results: Alasse Telemmaite
What Hobbit Are You?
Quiz URL: Take quiz here!
Quiz Results: Pippin or Bilbo
Which Tortallian Are You?
Quiz URL: Take quiz here!
Quiz Results: Daine: You seem to have a knack with animals that's down-right magical! Your connection with animals has sometimes aided in the rescuing of Tortall. You have changed the lives of both humand and animals.
Which Circle of Magic Character Are You?
Quiz URL: Take quiz here!
Quiz Results: Daja: You are a nice person, but you have trouble with certain 'kaqs' (ignorant upper-classmen). Your magic deals with metalcraft, and you can handle red-hot metals with your bare hands.