Character Profiles
Jesse is a strong willed, red headed Team Rocket member. She seems to take charge of any problem, but if it doesn't go her way, she might just release some of her anger on James! I think she likes him though! :) Jesse is big on looks, as well as capturing Pikachu. Jesse also has a soft spot. In Holy Matrimony, she's really depressed when she thought James left for good. She also vowed never to leave him in Pokemon Shipreck. Jesse had a rough past. She was a poor girl,growing up eating snow and soy as a treat and her mother, Miyamoto, died when she was young. Later, after Poke Tech, she joined a bicycle gang as Chainer Jess. She didn't have even one doll, or a friend as a child, untill she met James and they went to Poke Teach together. Jesse and James became very close and look where they are now.Then, she failed Pokemon Tech, later to join the wonderfull Team Rocket as the lovely Jesse as we know her today! She has potentail to  be evil but- uh.... she can't. Gee... I think I covered her well!
I love this Picture of James! Ok, well James grew up in a rich family, with two crazy parents and no friends. You'd think he was the typical rich, spoiled kid, but he's far from it. He fished in his pool for fun! (Now what kind of logic do his parents have eh?) He was forced to marry Jessebelle, a southern belle who was trying to turn James into "a proper gentelmen", and so was his parents. James despised Jessebelle, so he ran away, he'd rather have is freedom. He met Jesse at Poke Tech, and they both got the lowest grade in the history of the school. They then joined a bycicle gand in Sunny Town and he was known as Little Jim, or Trainer Jim. (Because he rode with Training Wheels. Hehehe. Cute.)Then, they both joined Team Rocket. James may be called, a whiner, a goof ball, but really he's soft and cute! :) James has a  love for donuts and enjoys his "free" life in Team Rocket. He's a child at heart, but a wonderfull crimanal outside. I think he has potentail too. He comes up with some crazy scemes (like the gaint vaccums) and is very, very funny.  James was once going to go home and get "fake" married to Jessebelle so he could get the money then leave. When he couldn't leave, everyone was sad, but James chose Team Rocket over money and returned to a very happy Jesse.
Meowth is far from your average cat. He's the only pokemon (besides Mewtwo, Lugia and Entei, but they're special) that can speak the human language. He also learned how to walk because he was trying to impress a cat named Meowzy.  Meowth was a stray cat in the coutnry, who dreamed of having fried chicken and ice cream, and a glamorous life. He thought he'd find it tin the city. He (it?) traveled to the city and joined a group of other stray, food stealing  Meowths. He stayed in this gang  until he fell head over heels for a rich Meowth names Meowzy. He tried to impress her but she (that snobby cat, Meowzy!) said that he could never give her what her rich human could give her. Then her owner walks up and Meowth sees that Meowzy loves her human. Meowth learns to walk and talk, but then Meowzy thinks he's a freak and falls for a lousy Persian!(the first word he learned was Rocket!) Meowth then meets up with Team Rocket. They appreaciated him for what he was, and didn't think he was a freak. Awwww.....
Team Rocket I guess are all outcasts, and they're only friends are eachother. 'Aint that CUTE!  :)
Ash is the spiky haired, Pokemon Master wanna be with loser gloves. (I thought that was a great description!) Well, he's eleven and he has a best friend Pikachu. Ash *appears* to be the hero, but I find him to be more of a zero! He does barely any work, and still gets all the credit. I must admit though, he's a good trainer and keeps his Pokemon well. He travels colecting badges with his friends Brock, Misty, and once, Tracey. Ash is the star, but does everyone like him? Well, he can be quite impolite and sometimes, can have a really cocky attitude.  I personally don't like him, but many do. So, Ash: Hero or Zero. (sigh) A real delema.
Jesse+James: Zero! ^-^
Ooh! This is a great picture of Misty! Misty is also an eleven year old (or is  it 12?)Pokemon trainer, but her specialty is water Pokemon. Misty met Ash when he *borrowed* her bike and then ruined it. She vowed to follow him around untill he repaid her for it. (Which he still hasn't done!) I still think she'd follow him even if she did get her bike because she likes him. ^-^ Misty has a freaky temperment and also wants to get "even" with her older sisters, the lovely "Water Flowers of Cerlulean City." Misty has always been at Ash's side, ready to help him out in times of trouble.('cause he ALWAYS gets in trouble)
Uh- Brock is the one on the left.^_^ SORRY! I just couldn't resist this picture. Poor Brock falls in love with every girl. So he's a little immarture at times, but Brock is a smart, sensitive, and reliable person. He usually is the one with the good advice, or knows what pokemon is in front of them. (He doesn't need a stupid pokedex Ash!) He lived in Pewter City with what seemed to be a 100 little brothers and sisters. He was the gym leader untill he left with Ash on his Pokemnon journey. Brock seems to be a bit older than Ash and Misty, so maybe that's why he likes girls and Ash doesn't. *sigh* Teenage hormones....
Here's a better picture of Brock. Senor Squinty is actually kinda cute and he's my 2nd favorite character. (That's after Team Rocket)