Diane woke up to talking.She strained to hear where it was coming from and what it was saying. She sat up and listened. She soon realized it was coming from Raquel on the other side of the tent. Diane crawled over to Pichu and poked at her. Pichu stirred, then woke.
"Diane? What are you doing?" Pichu hissed. "It's late."
"It's Raquel- she's...talking." Diane replied.
"Do you think she's alright?" Diane asked. Pichu climberd out of her sleeping bag. They both went over to where Raquel lay. She was murmering and hugging her pillow tightly. They leaned closer to listen.
"James, James..." She was mumering.
"She talking in her sleep." Pichu said aloud, but stayed to listen.
"James... you're so kind and sweet...and handsome..." She was saying.
"...and I love you!"