Story #1

           The Boss wasn't goind to help her so she had to do something. Something big. Then, the craziest idea tickled her brain.
"The twirps! They always have enough money for food and supplies. They can lend me some money!" She exclaimed. She headed back to camp and got in the Meowth balloon. She prodicted that the trio would be in the woods near Goldenrod City about now so she took off without haste. She came near the woods and swooped down a bit so she could get a closer look. Her eyes raced back and forth, looking for a sign of them. Finally, she saw them and landed the balloon in front of them.
"What do you want?" Ash screeched
"Reality check Ash. Jesse want Pikachu." Misty said, tapping his head.
"Riiiiight!" Ash replied, nodding, Sometimes even Misty was suprised by his stupidity.
"I'm not sure. She lookes so worried." Brock said steping forwward.
"He's right. I need something of you." Jesse said, calmly.
"I don't trust you." Ash said.
"Please," She said, almost in tears," It's about James."
"What?" Misty asked.
"He's sick, really. We have no money for medical treatment or medicine. We need some help. Or some lent money."
"Hmmm..." Brock thought.
"No!" Ash said.
"But Ash-" Misty started.
"She's lying!" Ash screamed.
"No, no, no...." Jesse said, in tears.
"I DON'T TRUST YOU!" He yelled.
"Please, I NEED you!" Jesse exclaimed.
"Pikachu, Go!" Ash yelled. Pikachu stepped forward.
"THUNDERSHOCK! Now!" Ash commanded. Yellow bolts flew toward her and sent her flying.
"Looks like I'm blasting off alone!" She screamed hurling through the air.
            She landed close to her campsite. She got up, dusted herself off and ran to the site. She saw Meowth standing ouside, looking very worried.
"What's wrong?" She asked.
"It's James. He's- not doing too well."
"What! What's wrong! Did you even watch him?" She asked, shaking him back and forth vigorously.
"He's getting worse."Meowth replied. She ran into the cave. She put his hand on his head.It was burning hot and his face was twisted in pain. She slung him over her shoulder.
"I'm taking him to town." She proclaimed. She started to run. She kept thinking,
"Keep going, keep going, go go...." as she ran. She started to grow tired as the town came close. Then she colapsed.
"Sorry James, I have failed you." She whispered before she fainted.
               She woke up in a cozy bed. She looked around.
"Where am I?" She asked helself. Then, the busines man apperaed in the doorway.
"Hello. We meet again Miss." He said with a smile.
"Hello," She said weakly. Then she remembered. "Where's James?" She asked.
"Oh, you mean the young man? He's in the next room." He said.
"Thank you so much." Jesse said as she ran to the next room. He was laying in a bed, sound asleep. She ran her finger down his cheack. The man came in and stood next to Jesse.
"He'll be O.K" He said confidently. Jesse believed him and sat down on a chair next to his bed.
"Thank goodness." She said aloud.