Jesse: We're slowing Lugia down, he can't go any faster, we're too heavy!
James: Maybe we can try weight watchers.
Jesse: It's too late for that!
Meowth: I heard it's never too late if you really STICK TO THE PROGRAM!
Jesse: James! Snap out of it!
James: I'm James from Team Rocket! Wheeeeeee!
(After finding some Unown)
Jesse: Are they Pokemon?
Meowth: They kind look like alphabet soup, without the soup.
James; Yeah, but if we're not careful, we could end up in hot water!
Jesse: Shhh... If we're quiet we can sneek past.
James: I haven't seen this many strange letters since the last time I placed a personal ad!
Ash: How'd you guys escape?
James: That's a Team Rocket secret you'll never know!
Jesse: Yeah. Not even the writters know how we did it!
James: Just blast us off already!
Meowth: We could make a lot of dough from this!
James: We're going to open a bakery?
James: And the only way to get there is by wadding.
Meowth: No, by walking.
Jesse: Wadding.
Meowth: How could he  be wating if he's walking?
James: They're walking through the stream?
Meowth: Yeah.
Jesse and James: Then he's wadding!
Meowth: Bad human, bad, bad human! Don't you ever raise your voice to me again!
James: This was so easy, why didn't we do this earlier?
Jesse: Well, we have to fill a full 30 minutes.
Domino: You knever know. Sometimes the friendlies face hide your fiercest foe.
James: Look at our faces!
Jesse: They're friendly-
Meowth: and foey!
James:I don't think I'm tough enought to be a woman.
Meowth: Now where am I gonna get gloves 'wit three fingers?
Jessie: I want my lawer!
James: I want my mommy!
Jessie: That was so sad.
Meowth: I feel so sorry for that boy.
Brock: So sad, I wish James was still here!
Ash: I miss him!
Misty: He's not dead, he's right here!
James: You're right!
Jesse: It's Cassidy!
James: And Botch!
Butch: It's Butch!
Jesse: To protect ourselfs from all this chafing and itching.
James: It may finally stop all of Jessie's...complaining.