Diane woke up to talking. She strained to hear where it was coming from and what it was saying. She sat up and listened. She soon realized it was coming from Raquel on the other side of the tent. Diane crawled over to Pichu and poked at her. Pichu stirred, then woke.
"Diane? What are you doing?" Pichu hissed. "It's late."
"It's Raquel- she's...talking." Diane replied.
"Do you think she's alright?" Diane asked. Pichu climbed out of her sleeping bag. They both went over to where Raquel lay. She was murmering and hugging her pillow tightly. They leaned closer to listen.
"James, James..." She was mumering.
"She talking in her sleep." Pichu said aloud, but stayed to listen.
"James... you're so kind and sweet...and handsome..." She was saying.
"...and I love you!" Diane and Pichu tried not to laugh but couldn't contain their giggles. They broke out laughing hysterically. Raquel woke up to see two laughing faces.
"What the-!?" She excalimed, sitting up.
"You-were-talking...in your sleep." Pichu managed to get out in between fits of laughter.
"Oh god no. What did I say?" Raquel asked in disbelief.
"You were talking...Hahahaha...about James." Diane said.
"Someone is in love!" Pichu sang irritably. Raquel blushed vigorously.
"I-I-I..." Raquel tried to make an exuse to no avail.
"Somebody's has a cruuuush." Diane poked fun at her and sat down to talk.
"Girl talk!" Pichu exclaimed.
"Okay...so I like him." She started, "but he likes Jessie, I know it."
is cute." Diane started.
"Hey!" Raquel exclaimed, elbowing her. They all laughed and talked until dawn.
     The trio were walking along, all in amazingly good moods despite their lack of sleep. Soon they found themselfs looking down at a large feild full of brillaint flowers.
"Oh my!" Diane exclaimed. Raquel ran down the hill.
"It's so beautiful! And it smells delightful!" She yelled up. Diane came down too, followed by Pichu who tripped on a rock near the bottom. Raquel and Diane skipped around, picking flowers and sniffing them. Raquel stuck a blue flower one behind her ear and Diane pinned a purple flower onto her shirt. Raquel ran about, finding the pritiest assortment of flowers for a boquet.
"Who are they for?" Diane asked.
"For James." Raquel said, blushing.
"No duh." Pichu replied sarcastically. Raquel just stuck out her tounge and pulled down her eyelid.
"I hope James will like them!" She said happily, and ran off.
"Aaah, first love." Diane sighed cheerfully, and ran after her.
      "Go on, there he is." Diane urged, pushing Raquel from out behind the tree.
"Raquel, hello." James said, noticing the blushing girl. "What gorgeous flowers!"
"Yeah, gorgeous.*sigh* I mean no, I mean yes- they're for you." She said, handing him them.
"Oh Thank you! They're lovely." James exclaimed. Diane and Pichu walked out.
"Oh Hello! Jessie! We have visitors!" He yelled. Diane and Pichu walked over to Raquel.
"Here. You can have this rose. It smells wondeful." James said, handing her the flower. Raquel accepted it with a shaky hand, then James went off to get Jessie. Raquel continued to shake, then fell into Diane's arms.
"Raquel! Are you ok?" She asked.
"He gave me- the rose." Raquel sighed, and hugged it close to her chest. Pichu groaned.
"Don't forget who is in love with a Pikachu here." Diane remended her.
"Hi!" Jessie greeted, dragging a half asleep Meowth close behind.
"Wha- I'm awake." He mumbled.
"CUTIE!" Diane screeched, grabing Meowth and lifting him up.
"Ok! I'm really awake now!" He excalimed.
"I love you." Diane said sweetly.
"What brings you here?" Jessie asked.
"I had somethong to give someone." Raquel said. Diane popped out of nowhere.
"Can I keep Meowth?"
"Please! Oh please! Just for a day!" Diane pleaded. Jessie turned to James.
"Rocket huddle!" She yelled.
"James! We can get Meowth out of the way for a day or two!"
"I dunno. Remeber what happened with Modo in the CD drama? And what will we do about the motto?"
"No Pikachu today. It's a day off for us!"
"Er...ok!" James agreed.
"Ok Diane!" Jessie exclaimed.
"HOOORAY!" Diane yelled, running off, dragging Meowth behind.
"Wait for meeeeee!" Raquel and Pichu screamed after her.