Friday - 08 - 24 - 01



Deworming should be done about every 3 months ( or 12 weeks ). The trick to deworming is rotation. There are 4 different types of dewormers ( that come in many different brands ) that should be rotated each year ( 4X a year ).


Here is a chart listing the 4 different types of dewormers and the brands avaliable in each type -

Dewormer Type Brand Avaliable
  • Anthelcide EQ
  • Benzelmin
  • Panacur
Macrocyclic lactones
  • Equaian
  • Zimectrin
  • Dhoenectrin
  • Rotectin 1
  • Quest
Pyrantel Salts
  • Strongid T
  • Strongid C
  • Piperazine

Dewormers range from approx $12.00 to $20.00 depending on the brand ( note - the more it cost the better the quality usually )

Application : In order to give dewormer I usually do the following.

  1. Make sure dewormer is set to my horses weight and that the cap is off.

  2. Place my fingure in the corner of my horses mouth ( so she will open her mouth , like when bridleing your horse )

  3. Quickly slip the dewormer injector in my horses mouth ( right up ) and push dewormer out.

Make sure that you get almost all the dewormer in. If you feed your horse a little grain after the dewormer it goes down easier.


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