Michael Jackson is the Tops

I'd like to think that my love for Michael Jackson's music is not an isolated case. Indeed, since MJ holds the world record for album sales for Thriller and Beat It, the first and second best-selling albums of all time, it would be absurd to say that he no longer has fans. In fact, you're probably a liar or a burnt out hippie if you say you've never been a fan of the catchy beats of Emm Jay. "Back in the day" I was a huge Michael Jackson fan. While I do enjoy listening to the guitar riffs of Eddie Van Halen on Beat It, I must say that I am most partial to the 1991 Dangerous relsease.

So what does this mean in the long run? I know of course that every album released after Dangerous has been a steaming pile. Forced and lacking the soul of his previous works, the 1995 release HIStory: Past, Present, and Future has both a long-winded title and hints of megalomania when the CD cover is seen: a large iron Michael Jackson statue. The 2001 release of Invincible was terrible, and barely resembles musical art. MJ has done the thing right though, he has released a greatest hits album called Number Ones, which is probably a good primer for your young sons and daughters, kind readers. I propose that if MJ is not somehow sent to Federal-pound-me-in-the-ass prison in the near future, he will release a horrible "victory" album, full of cliché and megalomania. But it will go platinum. Because he is likely a pedophile, people are intrigued by the whitest black man, and everyone (especially the British press) is obsessed with the future of his children Paris and Michael Junior.