On the chopping block today, we have a 1999 Sauternes Rieussec, 2000 Borsao Spanish Red, and a 1994 Marcus James Special Reserve Merlot.

1999 Rieussec Sauternes, this is a sweet white dessert wine.  Perhaps a little too sweet.  This might well have been thinned white grape juice from concentrate with a little added sugar.  Well suited for 19 year old girls or 35 year old "hippy" women to enjoy with a slice or several of cheesecake.  Hardly any distinguishable characteristics except for sugar and something that resembled "grape".  Served chilled, unfortunately.  Upon popular demand:  purchase price US$38. (4.5/10)

2000 Borsao Spanish Red, this is a very palatable wine for its price.  Fairly dry, hints of hazelnut, oak, cinnamon and cherries.  Breathes well for 35 minutes.  Not bitter at all.  Purchase price: US$6.99 (6.3/10)

1994 Marcus James Special Reserve merlot 1994 - California.  The overwhelming odor of sweaty ballsack quickly dissipated from this offering after it breathed for 10 minutes.  Pretty dry, drinkable with a meal of heavy meat and pasta or meatloaf.  Didn't bother to formally "taste" the wine due to the initial disgust imposed by the opening scent.  Purchase price:  I forget.  (4.6/10)