Spirit Review: Samuel Adams Utopias

Price paid: $150. Alcohol by volume: 25%. Vintage: 2003. Brewer: Boston Beer Company, Bostonn, Massachusetts, USA. Famous for being the "beer" with the highest alcohol content by volume ever brewed. Overall weighted rating for price, taste, and "voodoo" factor: 7.6/10

This is an exciting and unusual one, really bearing little resemblance to beer. I had the pleasure of purchasing this limited edition spirit months after it had been discontinued. This is a limited edition which I paid more for than the 2003 market price, and it shows. However, I feel that this was one of my most worthwhile acquisitions, and was worth the extra $50. Plus the decanter is so unique! The friend who sold it to me is quite obviously a profiteer, having bought two of these little honeys and doing the "favour" of selling me one at a 50% mark-up.

Anyhow, on with the review. This spirit is incredibly versitile. It can be warmed like you would a good port wine and indeed takes on interesting and unique characteristics such as butter, honey and a really really faint trace of maduro tobacco. It can be chilled with crushed ice like you would cognac, and it takes on a whole completely different palette such as lavender, vanilla and of course hops. I might add that 3oz. mixed with Dijon mustard makes for a fine ham rub.