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Bill dug his hard bonyknee caps between Jim's outstretched legs and slammed his ballswith the top of his muscular thighs. latina escorts south florida Latina-women-marriage. Bill let go of Jim's titsand slammed his right elbow into Jim's jaw, on the reversestroke he drove the back of his elbow into the side of Jim'sneck. Bill drew both of his hands back and shot them into Jim'sarmpits, digging in his fingers, searching for the nervecenters there. After gouging Jim's pits he grabbed a hold ofJim's hair and ripped out two hand fulls, denuding them. latina escorts south florida Big latina booty. ThenBill shot two open hand claws to Jim's pecs and clawed themunmercifully and again pumped his knees into Jim's ballsbouncing and battering them further. Jim was on the verge of passing out when Bill stoppedhis initial attacks to rest. Bill stepped back to admire thedamage he had inflicted on Jim's worthless body. latina escorts south florida Latina-women-marriage. Large dark redmarks and bruises were already forming were Bill's finger tipsand knuckles had ruptured the underlying blood vessels. Jim wasin a world of hurt, but this was only a foretaste of what wasto follow. After a short break Bill concentrated his fists onJim's already battered face, alternately punching his largeknuckles into the remains of Jim's features, breaking his nose,cheek bones and jaw. When Bill had finished pounding Jim's faceto a shapeless bloody pulp, he began to methodically work overevery square inch of Jim's body. He slammed his fists andelbows into Jim's ribs, liver, solar plexus and groin. He usedfive finger claw hands to gouge and rip Jim's biceps, gut andthroat before stepping back so that he could start using hispowerful muscular legs and calloused feet. Bill knew that Jim'sknees were bad from playing football in school and he wasdetermined to make them permanently useless. He drew back,turned slightly to one side and drove a vicious side kick intoJim's left knee breaking it like a match stick, then he stompedthe right knee. Jim would have collapsed but his hands were tiedover his head and as he fell both of his shoulders weredislocated. Bill liked to use high spinning kicks and now heunleased them on the helpless Jim, landing them in his face,ribs and softened gut.

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