Hospital Ship International (HSI) AIMS

General Aims:

  • To educate and promote by developing and enhancing the general public and others' awarenesses,understandings and appreciations of medical/healthcare purposes vessels/crafts of all types from all periods including persons associated/affiliated with such vessels/crafts by various means.

  • To assist anyone at HSI's discretion whose purposes are compatible with HSI's general aims.

    In order to accomplish these aims HSI shall:

    1) Maintain a publicly accessible internationally based "FLEET REGISTRY" of as many medical/health care purpose vessels/crafts.

    2) Maintain a publicly accessible web site that amongst other goals disseminates information,shares and exchanges HSI pertinent information.

    3) Reasearch and document medical/health care purpose vessels/crafts.

    4) Sponsor meetings,debates,contests and other activities.

    5) Facilitate communications between all interested parties.

    6) Foster and encourage anyone who wishes to plan,develop,assist,work,volunteer,consult for and/or build medical/health care purpose vessels/crafts at HSI's discretion.

    7) Act in a spirit of charitableness and humanitarianism without seeking profit.

    8) Act in accordance with all Canadian and International Laws.