"AJ!" Amy yelled waking up in a cold sweat. AJ rushed to Amy's side.

"What's wrong?" He asked worried.

"I was running to you but I couldn't reach you. And when I finally got close enough to you…you just turned away like I was never there." AJ looked straight into her eyes.

"I'll never leave you and I'll never turn my back on you. I promise." For the first time since he'd shown back up he smiled sweetly at her. The phone ringing broke the silence and Amy jumped up to answer it.


"Amy it's me Brenda."

"Oh hey." Amy said looking over at AJ who was staring back at her.

"Is he there with you?" Brenda asked sensing Amy's withdrawal from the conversation."


"Ok then just answer me discretely so he doesn't know."


"I found Denise, the guys, and his girlfriend. Of course it took me a long time to get a hold if each one of them but I did. I talked to them separately so they don't know they all are coming down here. None of them believed me but when I explained exactly how he died they believed me. They knew that only someone who knew AJ would know how he died because they never told the press."

"So what's going to happen?"

"We're all catching a plane in about a hour. So be waiting for us."

"Ok bye Brenda."

"Bye bud." Amy hung up the phone and smiled back at AJ.

"So what's up?" AJ asked unknowing of what was going to happen to him that afternoon.

"Something I've put together. I've got to go do something. Will you please wait for me here?"

"Of course. I'll be here…waiting."

"Bye babe." Amy said grabbing her keys and taking off to meet Brenda. As Amy reached the airport she saw the guys all talking outside the two sliding doors. She parked and as she approached them she saw Brenda and Denise walk out of the airport.

"Hi Amy. This is Denise, Kevin, Howie, Brian, Nick, and the woman coming towards us is Theresa AJ's ex-girlfriend. Everyone this is Amy. She's the one that moved into the apartment and found out about AJ."

"Hi." Amy said sweetly with a grin. Everyone said their hellos and then Amy explained what was going to happen.

"The one thing AJ told me was that he wanted to tell you guys goodbye. That he had a message to tell you. He said he couldn't leave until he told you. I want to help him be at peace so I think this is the best way I can make it happen. I'll take you to him but let me warn you. I didn't tell him you were coming so please be understanding." Amy took Brenda, Kevin, Nick, and Denise in her car. Howie, Brian, and Theresa rode in cab that followed because they all couldn't fit in Amy's car. They were on their way to see AJ who would hopefully understand all this.