Chapter Four

“I.....don’t wanna hear lies...babay...I don’t wanna man with no alibi....I...just want your hands upon my hips, your breath upon my lips, baby...” I stood singing into the mic at the New York studio. The song was titled “Just Want Your Love” I was halfway through the song, when AJ started lifting his shirt, then pressing his chest against the glass while sticking out his tongue.

“Damnit AJ,” I stopped singing.

“I’m sorry baby. I didn’t think it would mess you up,” He said pressing the button to talk through the speaker. I continued, and surprisingly got through two songs that morning.

Walking back to the hotel was so peaceful. It was 9:30 a.m. when we left the studio, and the sun’s warmth had not fully spread it’s rays over New York yet. Hand in hand, AJ and I walked down the sidewalk. There were people everywhere, but whenever AJ would turn and smile at me, with that gorgeous smile and those warm brown eyes, the people were the farthest on my mind.

“For you madam,” He said holding up a small, white daisy he had picked.

“Thank you, hon,” I smiled while smelling the flower. It was still cold from the morning dew. I kissed AJ’s cheek then tucked the daisy into my hair.

When we got back to the hotel and approached the door to our room, we heard loud laughter coming from Courtney and Nick’s room. At first, I only heard Courtney, then Nick, then a different, female voice, only it was a high-pitched screech. A screech that I had not heard in along time. AJ knocked on the door, confused.

“Who is it?” Nick hollered still laughing.

“It’s me man, open up!”

“OhmiGod!!” I screamed as I walked into the room. There sitting on the bed with Courtney was Tommi, an old friend from high school. Her and Courtney were the closest, though. She never really acted like the friendliest person around me, and if she did, it was always that way-too-kind attitude, you knew it had to be fake. But anyway, she was okay. You could always count on her for a laugh.

“Jessica, AJ!! I haven’t seen you all in so long,” She smiled, rushing over to hug us. Tommi had been to one of the concerts months ago and had met the Boys backstage. They all thought she was great.

“Wow, girl. How have you been?” AJ asked, returning Tommi’s hug.

“Just great! I have been down here, in New York for the past month taking acting classes, and I heard ya’ll were in town.”

“Well, it’s good to see you again,” I replied.

“Same here,” Tommi said, getting a little more excited. “And guess what? Courtney and Nick have invited me to come with you guys to Orlando.”

“Wow, that’s a great idea,” AJ exclaimed.

“Yea, isn’t it. It’s going to be so much fun.”

“Well, I hope you’re ready to go, because we’re leaving at one,” I said sitting beside Nick.

“Yea, Courtney was getting ready to take me to my mom’s house.”

“Oh, you’re staying with her?”

“Yea, she’s been missing me a lot. That’s one of the main reasons she’s paying for the acting classes. So I’ll be close to her. She wants me to transfer from UCLA to NYU.”

“Do you want to?” Courtney asked.

“I don’t know yet. I just finished my first year at UCLA, I still have time to think about it before registering.”

“Well, I think a weekend in Orlando will do you some good,” AJ grinned.

“Now that’s what I’m talking about!!” Tommi laughed. “Come on Courtney, let’s go.”

”Be back in a little while, babe,” Courtney said, kissing Nick and leaving to take Tommi to get her things.

“Well, come on Jess, we have stuff to pack,” AJ said, pulling me up.

“No wait!! Jess, I need to talk to you,” Nick replied quickly.

“I’ll be in there in a few minutes,” I directed toward AJ. I closed the door behind him and sat down beside Nick.

“So what’s on your mind baby?” I teased, puckering my lips and batting my eyes.

“Ha ha. Funny Jess, but be serious.”

“Why, what’s wrong?”

“Nothing, nothing at all. In fact, everything is perfect. Me and Courtney have been dating for a while now, right?

“Yea, same as me and AJ.”

“Yea, well, I love her so much and.....”

“Oh my gosh Nick. Are you going to say what I think you’re going to say?” I interrupted him, jumping to my feet.

“Which is?” Nick asked.
