Bits and Pieces
            The Hotchkiss Family Coat of Arms
The Hotchkiss Family Coat of Arms are printed in six colors on 11" x 14" parchment, a handsome gift for sons, daughters, and relatives far and near. The cost is $6.00 each plus $3.00 postage and handling fee for mailing each order to one address;that is, several sent to one address will be only one mailing charge. They will be mailed flat with good protective backing. Enclose a gift card with your order if you wish to send the arms to someone else.
Send order to: Mr. DeWolfe Hotchkiss
                      COA chairman
                      68 Route 55 West
                       Sherman, CT 06784
Make checks or money orders payable to:
Hotchkiss Family Association, Inc.

Don Hotchkiss is collecting data for all Hotchkisses - by that name or others - who served in any war. Please contact Don if you haven't done so already at
If you are interested in the essential oil industry relative to "The Peppermint King" Hiram Gilbert Hotchkiss and his brother Leman Beecher Hotchkiss, Contact Dick Kelley at His bottle collection grows almost daily, and he dreams of a museum celedrating this industy in Lyons, NY.
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