In Memory Of...
Eudora Welty!
For those of you who don't know, Eudora Welty is a Southern Writer.  Ah, but she is much more than that.  Try. . . evil incarnate, the Devil, fire in a human form, and Ye Who Holds Knowledge to All Things Evil and Mean and Nasty and Scary.
She was born in 1909 (no joke), and she died the 23rd of July, 2001.  If that doesn't tell you she's immortal, nothing will.  Just look at the recent picture given to us by an unknown photographer.  It arrived in the mail the other day, addressed to "Those crazy movie hotdog people ladies. . .er. . .whatever." 
So please. . .we're begging you to join the In Memory Of Eudora Welty Club today....  just look at all these other people already involved with the Evil One herself:
Alex Kyger
Tim Threet
Marc Van Bulck
Robert Beaty
Taylor Shipman
Sarah Riggs
Melanie McCummiskey
Justin Chapura
Amber Wilcox
Syrena Knopf
Lauren Waldkirch
Anna Owens
John Tyler
Kayla Oxendine
and many many others.  So please - join the fight for your right!  Let's bring this dead pyscho southern stalking writer to justice. . . but better than that, let's bring her with us to the All You Can Eat Great American Steak Out (I hear the ribs are to die for).
To Join, send us an email and tell us!
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