(House Un-American Activities Committee)
HUAC Hearings
-Also Called the HCUA (House Committee on Un-American Activities)
-1938 to 1975
-Investigative committee of the United States House of Represenatives.
-Lost some credibility after accusing Hollywood stars for being assosciated with the communist party.
-Lead the anti-communist crusade.
Nine days of hearings were held for the alleged communist propaganda involving the Hollywood motion picture industry.  Eventually over 300 directors, radio commentators, actors, and screen writers were blacklisted by the Hollywood studios.  Also in 1947 the HUAC forced Ronald Reagan Screen Actors Guild President and future President of the United States.
Notable Members and Committee Chairs
-Martin Dies jr., chair 1938-1944
-John Parnell Thomas, chair 1947-1948
-John Stephens Wood, chair 1949-1953
-Harold Himmel Velde, chair 1953-1955
-Francis Walter, chair 1955-1963
-Edwin Edward Willis, chair 1963-1969
-Richard Howard Ichord jr., chair 1969-1975
-Richard Nixon
-Gordon H. Scherer
-Karl Earl Mundt
-Felix Edward Hebert
-John Elliot Rankin
-Samuel Dickstein