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You are at: Contact Info. page

For more information, and/or to be placed on the Support Group postal mailing list, please contact us as follows.


Postal Mail

Dizziness & Balance Support Group of WNY
P.O. Box 466
Buffalo, NY 14215

Online Support

We have an online version of the support group through Yahoo! Groups. It is called wny-dizzies. To learn more about this group and to sign up, please go to this address: (A new window will open in your web browser.) Anyone with a vestibular disorder is welcome to join. Although wny-dizzies is mainly Buffalo and Western New York state oriented, people from other areas who feel they could benefit from this group are certainly welcome.

Or, you may click on the button/link below if you would like to join wny-dizzies:

Click to join wny-dizzies

Click to join wny-dizzies

Please note: None of the information presented at this site, and/or via the related liks, is intended to be medical advice or a substitute for professional medical care.

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