Chaos Battle Standard Bearer
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Chaos has one of the best Battle Standard Bearers available. Unlike most races, the BSB of Chaos is a Hero as opposed to a Champion, which means not only does he have 2 wounds, but his other stats are just below a Chaos Lord and he can have 2 magic items, one of which can be a Magic Standard. This means your Battle Standard has a good chance of surviving the battle. He gives a +1 bonus to combat resolution and in addition allows a re-roll of any failed break test within 12". The down side is that he is very expensive--243 pts before equipment, mount, and magic items; this makes it difficult to field him in smaller battles. Personally I always take him in a "Khorne only" army, and rarely in the other armies. A risky ploy is to take him, put him on a nasty flying monster, give him the battle banner and the black amulet and send him off to kill. You will win combats with him, but on the downside nothing is guaranteed and this option takes him away from the rest of your troops who may benefit from his proximity.

Note: In 5th ed., the battle standard bearer is worth 2 extra victory points to your opponent on top of the VP's he gets for the point cost of the character. This change makes the chaos battle standard bearer very expensive in terms of victory points. Consider this before deciding whether or not to use him. I would suggest NOT using him.

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