SORCERER Characters
Lord 4 6 6 5 5 4 9 4 10
Master 4 6 6 5 5 3 8 3 10
Champion 4 6 6 5 5 2 7 2 9
Sorcerer 4 6 6 4 5 1 7 2 9

The Chaos Sorcerers are second in power to the Undead Army's Necromancers, as far as stats go. A Sorcerer Lord has better stats than the General of most races! Of course this makes them very expensive, but it is worth it as they can be very good combat mages. They are required to worship one of the 3 magic allowing Gods of Chaos. As far as spell selection goes they are limited to the deck of their Chaos God and Dark magic. For example, a Sorcerer Lord of Tzeentch is limited to spells from the Tzeentch spell deck and the Dark magic spell deck. In addition, they must always take at least one spell from the deck of their God.

Sorcerers may not wear armour and still cast spells, except for Chaos armour, and so must be protected by things such as--Black amulet, Golden Helm of Atrazar, Regeneration, Iron Hard Skin, Destiny of Tzeentch, Allure of Slaanesh, Nurgles Cloud of flies, etc... It is very important to give your Sorcerer Lord at least one of the above items, losing your best Sorcerer can spell disaster, as you more than likely will not be able to afford to take more than one Sorcerer Lord, points wise.

Sorcerers can ride Daemon mounts and monsters, which is sometimes useful as it can help you get into a desirable position from which to unleash your spells. They also all have a "Mark of Chaos'.

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