Accepting Christ

If you have never accepted Christ as your savior, please do it now.
Don’t wait.  You may have already felt His presence in your life.
Maybe you’ve felt a desire to know Him but haven’t had the opportunity before?
You do now.

     To accept Him is simple,

1. Believe that Jesus is the Son of God.
2. Believe that He died on the cross
and was raised from the dead.
3. Know that He did this for you.
4. Acknowledge that you have sinned
by not knowing Christ and that you
    are in need of salvation.

      Then pray this prayer out loud.

Lord God,
I do believe that your son is Jesus.
I believe he died on the cross
and was raised from the dead
for me and for my sins.
Please forgive me for those sins.
Come into my life
that I may have an everlasting life
with you in Heaven, forever.

My prayer for you:
May God's blessings overwhelm you. May His peace surround you and may His grace sustain you now and forever as you work toward the full healing that only Christ can offer.