The Star: Pac-Man Stickers and Ruboffs Web Site Click a box below...


Rub-Off Games

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This free web site
created and maintained
by Pac-Man fan
Kevin Jay North.

Visitors since 22 Jul 08:


Welcome! This web site is dedicated to Pac-Man fans, especially those who enjoy Fleer's Pac-Man (or Ms. Pac-Man) Stickers and Rub-Off games. Perhaps many of you bought these bubble gum cards when you were young. Now you can enjoy them again, plus learn everything I know about these cards. At first, it would seem that this product is just one of 1,000 other Pac-Man products produced during the early 1980s. But there's a lot more to these cards than there might seem, making them very interesting for collectors!

Did you know...?

Explore the site to learn more about the above facts as well as enjoy the interesting stickers and rub-offs. And if there's something that you know that I haven't mentioned in the web site, feel free to let me know so that I can include it! (Click here for my E-mail address.)

[Stickers] [Rub-Off Games]

Other Pac-Man Collectors' Items Web Sites:

Zutco.Com: Explore the Virtual Pac-Man Museum (hundreds of items featured)

Billy Galaxy: Another Pac-Man collectibles web site [archived]

Super Pac-Man Trade List: Russ Perry Jr.'s list of Super Pac-Man stickers he has for trading (click links for Pac-Man and Ms. Pac-Man stickers)

Daily Ping 03 Sep 00: Pac-Man Stickers and Rub-offs discussion (comments may be added)

Pac-Man Stickers FAQ 1.8: Allen Wakefield's updated (25 May 00) list of Pac-Man Stickers -- includes very similar information as on the Pac-Star, though the text list is even more detailed

Bubble Gum Cards Short List [archived]: also includes link to original 1995 Pac-Man Stickers Technical Info by Tony Mason

tOkKa's photostream on Flikr: High resolution scans of about 17 Pac-Man and Super Pac-Man Fleer stickers.

Other Pac-Man Web Sites Via Web Ring:

The Pac-Star is not yet a member of Pac-Land, but a happy promoter of it! Waka Waka!

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Document last modified 25 Dec 08 by Kevin Jay North; see also full copyright notice & disclaimers.