Hearing Loss Glossary

Here are some basic terms commonly used. If you have any question about a term that you don't see here, please e-mail me. I'll see if I can find the definition for you!

A non-medical professional highly trained and specializing in hearing and deafness. Tests hearing and evaluates hearing aids.
Commonly known as an ENT this doctor specializes in problems of the Ears, Nose, and Throat.
A medical doctor that specializes in problems of the ear.
Outer Ear
The part of the ear that is outside the head and the ear canal.
Middle Ear
Between the outer and inner ear, the middle ear is separated from the ear canal by the eardrum. It contains the ossicles that pump sound vibrations from the eardrum to the fluid in the inner ear. This causes wave in the fluid, which are transmitted as sound by the auditory nerve to the brain.
Inner Ear
The innermost part of the ear. Made up of the cochlea, the balance mechanism, and the auditory nerve.
Auditory Nerve
Located in the inner ear, leading to the brain.
The hearing organ. Located in the inner ear it is snail like in shape.
The tympanic membrane that separates the outer ear from the middle ear.
The three tiny bones in the middle ear
Earwax is an oily glandular substance that lubricates the ear. It can harden and block the ear canal, and should be removed only by an Otologist.
External Otitis
Inflammation of the outer ear. Should be treated by an Otologist.
Otitis Media
Middle ear infection. Fluid may form in the middle ear and affect the hearing, so immediate examination and treatment by an Otologist is urgent.


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