Footloose Homepage


The following splint can be made at home to help straighten toes of children. The splint must be used 6 months to 2 years. Take a tongue depressor and cut the length so it lies the length of the toe and down just past the ball the of the foot or just the length of the toe. Sand cut edge and cover depressor with elastaplast. Cut a 1 inch tube from the smallest pair of rubber washing gloves and put over the toe. Slip the depressor under the toe between the rubber and toe. Push in from the base of the toe up to tip of the toe extending 2mm beyond it. Wear a few hours a day or as a night splint. Have the child walk a round bare foot for an hour checking every 10 minutes for discoloration. If toe goes purple or red or too white the rubber tube is too tight. Cut another piece from the finger of the glove that is looser. Note the author takes no liability of incorrect fitting of the splint. Check with your doctor or podiatrist for fitting if unsure.
 toe splint This is a commercial toe splint. You can get it with 1 or 2 bands. It is cushioning for the ball of the foot. The toe becomes straighter if it isn't already fused, then it is too late. Its quite popular

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