The 5 Types Of Affirmations

This is an explanation of the affirmations i send out to the group, it will help you better understand the Affirmations. Please feel free to E-Mail me with any other questions you might have.

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Affirmation-Giving attention only to positive causing expansion of the theme in my life

Over-arching Intention-Is a simple statement for purpose of working within the month's theme.

January-Hope: I am hopefilled at all times.

February-Love: I am Love.

March-Balance: I am in Balance.

April-Clarity: I know God's Will for me.

May-Trust: I Trust myself.

June-Joy: I am Joyfilled.

July-Transformation: I am Transformation.

August-Peace: I am Peacefilled.

September-Abundance: My life is Abundance Conscious.

October-Freedom: I am Free.

November-Surrender: I am Surrender.

December-Mastery: I am Masterful.

Days 1-7 Releasing/Cleansing Affirmation Empty out, let go of the unwanted and unneeded. Purify our system, stimulating release of toxins such as negative thought forms, misconceptions, repressed or suppressed emotions, old memories, negative bonds with others, things, karma, and distorted consensus reality, or illusions of all types. Release of these toxins is routine, like flushing the toilet or removing trash- like the step 4.

Days 8-14 Receiving/Accepting Affirmations Open myself for something to be or to happen. Allows me to receive the goodness of the Universe. Neutralizes misqualification of energy like reversing illness, karma, density, or other misusing of energy. In addition, helps shift the attention from disempowering actions such as "getting" or "taking" to the freeing concepts of "receiving" and "allowing" and "being" and "accepting."

Days 15-21 Being/Intending Affirmations Ground my purpose, especially my higher purpose. Enhances conscious awareness of my intention about specific thing or my life mission. In addition, will deepen my understanding of my reason for being and/or acting generally or in a specific situation. Used to enhance any/all action.

Days 22-28 Acting/Claiming Affirmations Manifest/direct the energy of intention to appropriate manifestation. Brings into the physical the ideas that I hold in my mind and/or heart. In addition, helps me to claim my power and establish clear and necessary boundaries in relationships. While taking action, I make a commitment and deeply embody the principle that prompts the action.

Days 29-31 Integrating/Embodying Affirmations Incorporates theme in my life.

This should be helpful in understanding how to use the affrimations.

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