
OA Friends


OA Friends is a discussion group for
compulsive overeaters and we would
love to have you join us. Most of
our members are also members of OA
and our guidelines are the 12 Traditions.


OA Friends has a very special mission purpose.
Unlike many recovery lists in cyberspace, we
focus on becoming a recovery family. We are
here to build each other up ~ not to tear each
other down. We are here to accept each of us
as we are ~ and not to judge. We offer safety
and serenity. We will not have it otherwise.


OA Friends is a place where 24 hours a day 7 days
a week, you will have a safe haven where you can
interact with others who are suffering from the
disease of food addiction. The OA Friends loop does
not just focus on our physical problems. We
focus on our emotional and our spiritual needs
as well. Our recovery home is not a religious
program ... it is a spiritual program. We are
not a church ~ we are a group of men and
women who are hurting physically,
spiritually and emotionally.

Our way of finding recovery is through the Twelve Steps .
We have reached a place in our life where
this may be the last stop on the bus ~
the last house on the block. And we have
come to believe that there has to be a power
greater than ourselves and it doesn't matter
what we call this power ... but it does matter
that we admit to ourselves and each other
that we cannot recover alone.

There is only one requirement for membership
in OA Friends ~ the sincere desire to stop eating
compulsively. If you have this desire and would
like to become part of our recovery family, we
will welcome you with open arms. Our mission
is firm ... our purpose is resolute ... our goal is
to insure a better quality of life for compulsive
eaters worldwide. Through the miracle of the
Twelve Steps , tools
to reach and maintain a state of abstinence,
one on one sponsors, online recovery meetings,
special interest loops, dedicated Trusted Servants
and many other tools of recovery to offer you, we
will accomplish our mission, achieve our purpose
and exceed our goals.


What we could never do alone ~
We can do together.

Dove in flight

~ One Day at a time ~
~ One Step at a time ~


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