Pantheism holds that God is identical with the real world. God is all and all is God. God does not trancedent reality but is immanent in reality, or rather, all reality is in God. Beyond him is only illusion or nonreality.

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My Personal Veiws on Pantheism

1. Am I a nature freak? Quite the contrary! To me all is God. The good, bad, and ugly. I firmly believe in industry ( which sometimes has to change the natural balance.
2. Do I believe in the Bible? The Bible has many good writings as do many other books ( it also contains many awful writings of war, inconsistencies, and many evil items.)
3. Do you believe in Heaven? Yes, I am in it now. How many people in our universe (if any) get to live? If you are not having a good time help - not from religion.
4. Do you believe in Church? Yes, I am in "church" everyday. It is the world (life).
5. Why are there not more Pantheists? Two reasons - 1) So many people can not believe in themselves and have to "hope" for a higher power. 2) Upbringing from the past. "If you do not believe in a physical God you will burn or go to hell. This fear tactic is out of sheer desperation.

6. Do I condemn others for not believing in Pantheism? No, everyone should believe as     they please.
7. If "all" is God then is evil part of God? Yes, what one person sees as evil is (or may     be) good for others.
8. I do not believe ( or at least "worship") any book - they all were all written by people     like you and me.
9. I am open to debate or a personal talk with anyone without condemning their belief.
10. I have no desire to "convert" anyone.
11. I do not believe in heaven or hell. They are physical things - when dead the physical        is  gone! I prefer to enjoy "heaven" on earth - in the real world.
12. Do I believe in reincarnation? No, however I do believe we all go back to the        universe in energy. I don't believe we come back as someone else.

13. Do I believe you are God. NO, just a small part of God.
14. Do I believe the universe is God? No, just a small part
15. Who are my mentors? Einstein, Wordsworth, Emerson. Mainly Einstein.

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