Benefits Of Massage Therapy


Discover the benefits of massage:

Relieve stress, release tension

Sometimes we are so conditioned to living in a stress-filled environment that we loose touch with how it feels to be in a normal relaxed state. Below is a checklist of symptoms you might not realize you experience when you are under stress:

Tightness, pain, or stiffness in the muscles of the neck & shoulders
Back aching
Headaches or migraines
Tightness in the abdomen or an upset stomach
A tensing muscle in the jaw
Frequent, tearful outbursts

If you have associated yourself with even one of these, regular massage may just be the right answer to relieve the symptom, relax and calm you.

Touch is one of our most primal senses. Our society today tends to retreat from touch and its importance in our lives. You should treat yourself now and then to help yourself become a better, happier person.

Use MASSAGE as a PREVENTATIVE ... Why wait for stress to grind you to a halt? Regularly scheduled massage will stop stress at your front door. Massage makes a person feel better and become more aware of how they feel, which in turn can lead to more positive lifestyle choices. Massage also has been shown to help boost your immune system.

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