BMapes1's Friends

A Guide To Medical Information On The Web
Medical chats, newsgroups, listservs, online doctors, medline, many medical links to choose from.

Alvin Benatovich's Home Page
He has links to E-Cards, graphics, jokes, search engines, photography, and his many friends.

America Online Internet Mailing List Directory
Search Over 3300 Internet Mailing Lists

American With Disabilities Newsletter
Information that: empowers people with disabilities, their families, employers and advocates; helps people make better decisions, better policies, better laws; lays the groundwork for a society in which people with disabilities -- and all Americans -- enjoy equal access, equal opportunity and full inclusion.

Andy Barnes Home Page
This page contains 1000's of MS related links. Homepage of the The MS Information Exchange

Brejcha Personal Disability Resource Page
Another wonderful page with many links about MS and other things he cares about.

Brian's Home Page
Brian's page has links about MS and other things he cares about. A visit to the bookmarks page will show you many of his interests.

Carolyn Cherry Zimmer's Home Page
She has many links, jokes, poetry, a great photo gallery, and more.

Chris's Home Page
She has many great links, jokes, poetry, games, wavs, and more.

Crutch's Corner
Crutch's Corner is dedicated to helping those, newly diagnosed with MS, to have an easier time accepting their disabilities and symptoms and becoming comfortable using the internet.

CuteDog's Home Page
Meet Cutie, her family, and her online friends who have MS. Lots of great information to choose from.

DALnet's #Multiple Sclerosis Home Page
DALnet designed and set up the channel and web page because It was found that several other nets on IRC have MS support channels, but it seems they are lacking on DALnet.

Disability Access In The Canadian Rockies
This site is to provide information to disabled travelers.

Ginny's Place
My dear friend has many links and information about MS; chat, poetry & essays, and other fun stuff. There is also links about ADD, ADHD, and Diabeties. A fun place to visit.

Greg's Home Page
Gregory has not only helped me but he has taught me many wonderful things about MS. All his research can help you too.

Gunsan's Home Page
A great site full of fun stories to read from my Swedish friend.

Henrys Muskoka MS Chapter site
Site dedicated to Multiple Sclerosis news, info and research. Home of the Muskoka MS Chapter Ontario Canada. Spreading local info on news selfhelp groups and events.

Hermit9's Home Page
"MASTERING Multiple Sclerosis" A site dedicated to overcoming the physical challenges of MS by offering links to resources specifically available on the web. Especially important is offering alternatives to "assisted suicide" as a way out of the difficulties caused by MS.

Jan's The Only One Left!
Jan Cleary is a NYC musician who is getting ready to release "Cane and Able". The music is original neo-folk/rock and is dedicated to all people dealing with the everyday challenges of Multiple Sclerosis.

Jody's Web Site
Jody's Web Site contains a personal description of her and her family, with a whole lot more. Her MS page currently has many greatlinks.

Jooly's Joint Home Page
Worldwide Webpal service and support network for people living with multiple sclerosis. The original founder and moderator of JJIE now TIE

Ken's Multiple Sclerosis Web Page
This web page has links on the Internet that will help you learn about Multiple Sclerosis and has links to sites on the Internet will help you keep informed about new or possible break throughs and medications

Laura Highlands MS Support Group Website
The Laurel Highlands Multiple Sclerosis Support Group is a non-profit support and social group for those afflicted with MS, their families, and friends. The website is here to provide informative and current information to those afflicted with Multiple Sclerosis and other disabling conditions. They are continuously adding links to other MS support and social groups, services, and any other web sites that may be of interest to disabled individuals.

Living And Coping With Multiple Sclerosis
Living and Coping with MS is a site you can share YOUR personal trials of MS with others! You can read about others trials and errors and learn more! It is a site we can use to learn or just let off steam in messages!

Mainly Cats
She has links to a lot of MS pages, Breast Cancer, and other interesting sites.

Marcy's Multiple Sclerosis Page
A little bit of MS info, a little bit of her history and some links.

Max Midnight Home Page
The One Truth is all we need to live by in order to ascend to fifth plateau of Maxonic bliss and thereby defeat MS.

Med Help International
Medical information available on the web.

Medscape is free for health professionals and interested consumers, features thousands of free full-text, peer-reviewed articles, medical news, MEDLINE, and interactive quizzes. Updated daily!

MS-CAN California Action Network
MS-CAN (California Action Network) is a coalition of the seven California chapters of the NMSS. It is composed of the people with MS and their friends and families in California and it's purpose is advocacy on disability issues. There is a page on national issues as well as one on state issues. Often, laws made in California are soon picked up to use in other states. There is also an explaination on how to participate in MS-CAN Online which is a action alert notification via e-mail.

MSers Forum Moderated by Tom Copeland A ListServ.. email discussion group for MS.- See homepage links to Subscribe or UnSubscribe.

This MS Page is a collection of MS Related pages and other information found around the web.

MS Library Books
Roger Tracy Memorial Library - & NMSS Chapter Information.

MS Links
MS Societies, Research Sites, Support Groups & Other MSers' WebSites.

MS Revealed
MS related abstracts from published medical journals. Request a search for terminology, medications, method, therapy, topics, etc.. Founder, creator and original Moderator of TheForum ListServ.. email discussion group for MS. Now Run by Tom Copeland.

The Quarterly NewsLetter for the AOL Multiple Sclerosis Community.

#Multiple_Sclerosis Channel Official Home Page
DonalG is a doctor and person who lives with MS. He and Gab who also has MS are the founders of the undernet support channel #multiple_sclerosis. They are on the channel at 3 PM and 9 PM every day. They always enjoy meeting new and old members of our community of people who have multiple sclerosis.

Multiple Sclerosis Links!
Multiple Sclerosis Links

Multiple Sclerosis (MS) WebRing Home Page
The Home of the MS Web Ring! If you have a MS related web page I recommend you join a growing new era of searches.

Multiple Sclerosis MS World MSChat Homepage
MSChat is dedicated to help bring MSers together for live chat.

National MS Society
Need I say more.

Natural Recovery
Recovery from MS through Natural Means using postive attitude, exercise, dietary changes, supplements, and sunlight. "Recovery Stories", including Dave Q's, wheelchair to biking 40 miles a day.

On A Roll Talk Radio
Greg Smith rolls up to the mic every Sunday in his electric wheelchair. He has muscular dystrophy and only weighs 65 pounds. His deep, seasoned radio voice is passionate in its purpose: empowering the individual to live as independently as possible in the mainstream of society. This is "must-hear-radio" It airs Sunday evenings from 7-9 PM Eastern Time. It is broadcast live via satellite on the network!

Oishdas' MS Resource Page
Her place in cyberspace. She is always looking for the best ways to help anyone and everyone who, like herself, live daily with Multiple Sclerosis.

Our Circle Of Friends Web Page
Take a look at this sight is covers every immune system disorder from A-Z and more. A sight with unlimited support and information links for anyone.

Pixie's Home Page
Significant Other Information Exchange is a support and email discussion group for people who have loved ones with Multiple Sclerosis...a problem shared is a problem halved.

Ron Snyder: The MS Story
Personal sharing of MS coping experience and search for help over a five-year + period from diagnosis to current chronic-progressive status. Snyder is a happy, retired advertising executive enjoying family, friends, and faith.

Sandi's HomePage
Look at her great original graphics, Her shamless page is filled with many wonderful links you will surley enjoy.

Sue Marks Med Support
24 hr. support, information and friendship. Unlimited links of great information.

The Forum

ThJulands MSers' Glen
"The Forums Moderator" A Multiple Sclerosis resource website, designed and maintained by a MSer for the benefit of the extended MS Family. This site is dedicated to all serious MSers who want to learn while having a good time. There is much to do and even more to discover, but we can still have a blast while we're doing it!

ThJuland's MSers' Glen - My Cyber Home
Where he holds nothing back.

Uni's MS Page
Many informative MS links, as well as her personal MS experience.

Vicki's Home Page
Take a tour into her life and meet her family and see what they have been up to this year. She has links to a few Web sites made by fellow members of the TIE forum.

Welcome To Support Group Com's Home Page
A place with links fom A-Z medical ,and support they cover many illnesses & diseases.

Wendy's Multiple Sclerosis Page
Living with Multiple Sclerosis and links to MS resources on the Internet.

WoMS-What is MS?
What is MS? What causes MS? Who gets MS? What are the symptoms? What are the types of MS? How is it Diagnosed?

If you think I left you out. Please page me or send me a email and let me know. Also please tell me if you find any non-working links. Thankyou

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