Here I am 30 Days Post-Op.

I have lost about 35 pounds. I feel great. It's nice to have on normal clothes. I have been living in robes since I got to my daughter's. I am walking two miles a day and actually look forward (a tiny bit) to exercising. I still haven't been released to drive a car yet, but I have my own chauffer, my daughter, Hilary. I am starting to get antsy about wanting to do things and constantly have to remind myself that I am still healing.

Eventhough, I know that there are fellow Fobi patients out there that feel the six-week puree diet is horrible, I have been keeping to Dr. Fobi's instructions and have two weeks left on the puree diet. As a result, I have had NO dumping, NO vomitting, NO Dizzy Spells, or other major complications that can occur. At every step, I have tried to do exactly what they told me to do. When you consider how expensive and how life changing this surgery is, that is the only thing that makes sense. (Even wearing a bra too early can damage your incision.)

My Six Week Update

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