Carrots, cantaloupe, dark greens, leafy vegetables, spinach, sweet potatoes.
Beta-Carotene protects mucous membranes of the mouth, nose, thoat, and lungs. It helps protect Vitamin C from oxidation.
Levels decrease with old age (over 65) and it is depleted by dieting, smoking and heavy drinking.


Berries, cauliflower, citrus fruits, leafy vegetables, peppers, potatoes, tomatoes.
It heals wounds, burns, bleeding gums, helps blood cholesterol, prevents viral and bacterial infections, potentiates the immune system, lowers incidence of blood clots in veins, helps formation of collegen.
Older persons & smokers have greater need for vitamin C.
Carbon monixide destroys vit. C . Women on the pill need extra Vit. C. Aspirin can speed up the excretion rate of vit. C.


Enriched flour, leafy greens, nuts, vegetable oils, spiniach, soybeans, whole wheat, whole-grain cereals.
Vit. E slows down cellular aging due to oxidation, brings oxigen to the body for endurance, works with Vit. A to protect the lungs against air pollution, aids in prevention of miscarriages, alleviates fatique, speeds up healing of burns, prevents and disolves blood clots.
Chlorinated drinking water depletes vit. E. Pregnant or lactating women, as well as those on the pill or taking hormones need more vit. E. If you are on a diet high in polysaturated oils, increase Vit. E intake.

Bran, broccoli, onions, seefood, tomatoes, wheat germ.
Vit. E and selenium are synergistic - this means that they work well together.
Selenium aids in keeping elasticity in tissues. Alleviates hot flashes and menopause distress. Helps in treatment of dandruff. Deficiency of selenium causes premature stamina loss. Food processing techniques destroy it!


Antioxidants prevent aging and hardening of the tissues through oxidation. They neutralize carcinogens and provide protection from some cancers.
Natural foods supply sufficient amounts when eaten regularly!