Physical and Neurological Disability Services

Spinal Cord Injury, Stroke, and Paralysis Guide to Support Organizations This page contains address and contact information for organizations providing support for and education of patients with spinal injuries and their families and friends.

The National Spinal Cord Injury Association-a resource for people living with spinal cord injury.

The Spinal Cord Injury Support Network is a volunteer organization of people living with a spinal cord injury.

The Brain Injury Association of Connecticut provides information and links to other Internet sites on Brain Injury.

Brain Injury-General Information.

Cure Paralysis Now Web Site for the Advancement of the Cure for Spinal Cord Paralysis.

The Miami Project to Cure Paralysis is an international center for spinal cord research.

The Amputee Home Page provides informaton to amputees, friends and families of amputees, prosthetists, and other professionals.

Epilepsy-General Information.

The Tourette Syndrome Home Page provides information and links to other Internet sites on Tourette Syndrome.

National Ataxia Foundation is an organization with the primary mission of encouraging and supporting research into hereditary ataxia, a group of neurological disorders which are chronic and progressive conditions affecting coordination.

Visual Impairments-General Informaton.

The Blind Childrens' Center is a family-centered agency in Los Angeles which serves children with visual impairments from birth to school age.

The Central Institute for the Deaf is a private institute centered on the effects of hearing impairment. It is located on the campus of Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri.

Deaf World Web is the largest and leading multi-purpose deaf website, providing deaf-related information on all subjects from socio-cultural resources to references around the world.

Please send any comments concerning this page to Tina Bhaumik
Page last updated on May 1, 1997.
