Articles on Reiki Ryoho Page 5



Healing, What is it? Who Does it?
How to increase your Energy with Reiki
Reiki, Our Best Defense
Reiki and Animals
Charging for Reiki

blue spiral Healing, What is it? Who Does it?

Published in the May 1999 issue of "The Messenger"

What is ‘healing’? Is a Reiki practitioner a ‘healer’? Who ‘heals’? Can anyone learn to ‘heal’? These are questions often asked as a person feels the inner guidance to work with energy; to offer their services in the process of healing – personally, and globally. This article will try to answer these questions – but do remember that this is still an opinion, albeit based on years of experience, using multitudes of techniques, reading hundreds of books, taking lots of classes from ‘experts’ and literally working on thousands of people in various stages of imbalance and dis-ease. This article is not intended to be a definitive answer, but rather to spark your interest to look deeper within your own knowingness for your own answers. We want each reader to begin their own search for what ‘healing’ is for them; to become more conscious and aware of changes in the processes that lead to healing… so that successful techniques can be repeated, and later taught to others.

To better understand healing, we might first look at dis-ease. We have come to know dis-ease is ‘imbalance’; too little or too much of a condition, state of being, flow of energy, etc. Our bodies are designed to function optimally in a state of balance and flow… continuous movement of energy, fluids, chemicals throughout all parts of our physiques; cleansing, purifying, balancing one part to all others. When anything gets out of balance, the body immune system is fired up to begin whatever processes are necessary to re-establish balance. This happens in stages or cycles; first is “inflammatory” or “sub-acute”; second is “acute”; third is “chronic”. Every imbalance will go through one or more of these stages, depending upon the severity of the conditions experienced, length of time the condition exists, and number of systems affected by the imbalance.

“Healing” is a conscious act of using modalities/techniques to re-establish the flow of energy to areas of the body experiencing pain (message from body’s inner intelligence) and the point of origin of imbalance (these areas of the body may be the same or different). There are multiple ways of attempting to re-establish energy flow and balance; acupuncture/pressure techniques, herbal/chemical remedies, energy transfer techniques, body manipulation, breath-work, sound/light therapies, hydrotherapy, psychotherapy, aromatherapy, homeopathy, supplement therapy, meditation/autosuggestion, and applied nutrition/diet. Since every person is different (background, education, beliefs, programming, experiences, lessons, physique, etc.), not any one treatment will work in the same way for all imbalances/dis-eases, and it is a process of finding the one or combination of techniques/modalities to bring the body into balance. No one person knows all techniques and knowledge of “healing processes” and it may take many trials and treatments to effect a positive change in one’s condition. One of the simplest methods we have found that works on many of the levels of consciousness (physical and energetic) is “REIKI”. While Reiki is not a healing technique in and of itself, it is storable/usable energy that cleans, purifies, and brings balance to all levels of one’s state of Being. Each of us, the members of humanity, are ultimately responsible for our own healing… we must take back our personal power to heal ourselves; to take an active, conscious part in the processes which lead to health and balance. We are the only ones who can do this work; it is a remembrance of who we are, and simplifying our lives to one basic task – accumulating, concentrating and focusing our energy on the lone act of ‘healing’. But, we are also to remember that we are not in this world alone, separate from all others… we are all One… and as such, we can allow others who have healed themselves to assist us in our own process. We must have passed through our own trials before we can truly assist others; we must have learned the lesson of channeling/focusing all of the energy we can muster into the process of healing… then we can help others to do the same. We must be available to others throughout their entire process, and not just when it is convenient to us. We must nurture the ability to hear our inner wisdom and direction, and learn to follow our inner knowledge… it is this alone that will be the most beneficial tool of healing. We must remove our egos from the process and allow the energy of the Creator to flow through us unimpeded. We must train the mind to see only positive images of ‘health and perfection’ in all beings. We must stop acting like ‘victims’ we must re-empower ourselves to be responsible for every detail of our lives. We must remember to be grateful for all we have; and hold our attention on the situations/circumstances we want in our lives… instead of dwelling on our miseries and the situations we dislike. We must push through the blocks/barriers/pains to affect ‘change’… it is only when we try to stop change that we begin to stagnate and die. And lastly, we must learn to enjoy our brief time on planet Earth… because it is only a proving ground for our spiritual lessons, and not our permanent home. We are Spirit having a physical experience, and we are to co-create perfection while we are temporarily in this physical body… this is our workspace – our easel… and we can paint/experience whatever we choose. What do you choose?

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blue spiral How to increase your Energy with Reiki

Published in the May 1998 issue of "The Messenger"

Energy? Did you say you wanted/needed more energy? Well, we suggest you take a Reiki class, become attuned to the "chi/ki" of Source/God, and learn how to call upon the 'unlimited' supply that is found everywhere and in everything. This takes focus of mind, a trained consciousness, and awareness beyond our everyday 'survival' mode. Here are some ways that we all can use Reiki to empower our surroundings and ourselves. All you need to do is to practice these techniques to see that they work.

The most important method for increasing our personal energy levels is to place the Reiki energy into everything that we take into our bodies..... food and drink. When you sit down to every meal, take a few seconds to a couple of minutes to place your hands over or around your plate of food. Intend and feel the energy flowing into the processed, over-cooked, and preserved food that you are about to eat. Today's production and processing methods of foods eliminate most, if not all, of the energy contained in them. Since energy is accumulative, and it can be stored in objects for a brief time, it is important to energize the food before it is eaten. One item on the table can be empowered to represent all the food that will be taken into your body. You would draw (small, with the fingertip) or visualize the symbols being placed into a food item, then mentally say, "By the Law of Correspondence, this food is stored with unlimited Reiki treatments". Repeat the symbols for a second time, and mentally say, "By the Law of Correspondence, this food represents all food that will be taken into my body during this meal". Hold your hands over/around the food, and intend to feel the flow of Reiki being absorbed by the food. We also suggest that you take a few moments more to give thanks for all that is laid before you; for the abundance that you enjoy, without the personal effort of growing, processing, storing, delivering, preparation of each item. Then we add an intent that the benefits of the food to our bodies also benefit all the hungry people around the globe. We then strongly suggest that you remain conscious of the energy being absorbed into your body from the food. This is not the energy of digestion/assimilation, but rather the energy of Reiki that has been placed into the food with the symbols. In spiritual teachings, we learn that where we place our consciousness, there is our experience; we are only learning to be aware of the energy that is in food, as it is transferred to your system.

A very good way to increase our energy level is by empowering/attuning our loved ones that share our space and energy fields with. This is for the animal/human/plant kingdoms alike. The empowerment is similar to the instructions for food (see above paragraph). Scientists/physicists now know that we share (give off and receive) molecules with all that we come into contact with, and if we spend a lot of time with our favorite lifeforms, then it is natural to desire that they be highly charged with lifeforce so they can be active participants in the energy exchanges that happen in our daily encounters. If a practitioner knows the healing attunement that is often taught in some Reiki branches, or they are able to do initiatory attunements (master level technique), then permanently attuning animals, plants and loved ones to Reiki can benefit them and you just by proximity. An alternate to this would be to hang around other Reiki people; who hasn't been in the presence of other practitioners and felt the exhilarated 'high' that comes through association?

And another sure-fire method for increasing your energy level is to empower the furnishings that are in your home; your favorite chair, bed, room, etc. We suggest that Reiki be permanently placed in your favorite music (tapes or CD's), so that they continuously put off Reiki treatments as you listen to them. Or, if you are a television buff, empower your t.v. that it gives off Reiki treatments as you watch your favorite shows. You may empower your computer (monitor/keyboard/mouse) so that you receive continuous treatments whilst you do your work. By permanently empowering your favorite haunts, and daily re-enforcing them with additional power symbols, you will definitely feel the energy radiating as you spend time there. The procedure for this empowerment would be to place the symbols into each of your favorite items (furnishings/rooms/objects where you spend a great deal of time) and mentally or verbally say to yourself, "By the Law of Correspondence, this (name of item) is permanently stored with unlimited Reiki treatments". Then you would repeat the procedure for a second time, and say, "By the Law of Correspondence, I receive a continuous Reiki treatment each time I come into contact with this (name of item/object) ". Then you will want to place power symbols into every empowered item everyday, to keep the items fully charged and to keep the intent in place and working.

These techniques are secondary to giving yourself a daily full-body treatment. After practice of these techniques, you will definitely begin to feel the increased level of energy flowing around and through your body, as well as an improved sense of 'well-being'. And others will also notice the energy that you and your space will exude, and they will eventually desire the same benefits for themselves. Reiki will improve all areas of your life, and all that you touch, but you must first become conscious of it in your own personal experiments before you begin to see the potential that exists for you to co-create every aspect of your being.

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blue spiral Reiki, Our Best Defense

We all know quite a lot about 'Reiki'; what it is, where it comes from, where and how to learn it, how to use it, etc...... but is it really our first reaction to every adversity that seems to challenge our peace/centeredness? We have heard so many practitioners talk about Reiki as a 'healing' or 'energy' technique. Instructors often teach that Reiki should be used whenever someone is sick or in pain. But time and again, we have talked to students/practitioners who are experiencing some difficulty other than bodily dysfunction, and they are unsure of what they can do to change the situation, or at least their reaction to it. We have only one answer.....Reiki, Reiki, Reiki.

Here is a real story that we actually were witness too, so this is not imagination for the sake of the lesson. I will not use the person's name and exact details, as we do not have her permission to publish this story. We will call her Sue, who lives in a state that we used to visit often when we were traveling. Sue worked for the 'State' and was in a stressful job that often brought wrathful threats against the authority of her and her colleagues. While visiting her city, she called us one day after work, asking us to see her. When she arrived, she was noticeably distraught and shared that she was going to have quit her job, even though she liked it. Listen further, she explained that elements of her job were becoming increasingly more stressful.... that day her office had received a 'bomb threat' requiring all workers to leave the building while it was thoroughly inspected by authorities. She explained that she was in fear for her life, and that she could only imagine leaving the job. We asked her what she had felt during her time out of the office.... and said she was frightened, in despair, and so nervous that she could not think in a logical manner. We asked her if she had done Reiki on herself during this time, and she responded that she could not imagine what that would do.... that it wasn't her problem, but more the person that called in the threat. We told her that if it every happened again, to do Reiki immediately on herself. She went away perplexed, not having received the compassion she was seeking, and feeling that we placed "responsibility" for action onto her. Several days later, the same scenario repeated itself, and upon calling us, we asked if she had remembered to do Reiki..... and as before, she said that she could see what good that would do, and hung up the phone. When it happened again a few days later, she called with a completely different attitude and response. She recalled immediately to begin treating herself with Reiki.... and almost immediately she felt a sense of calmness come over her. She sensitively intuited that there was no bomb on premises, and while the authorities searched the building, she wandered around the lawn, placing her hands on her co-workers, and helped them to find balance in the middle of the situation. She then called us, thanking us for insisting that she do Reiki on herself whenever there was any situation that caused an unsettled reaction.

Reiki works for any and all situations, circumstances; past, present, or future. It works for traumas, memories, programming, attachments, implants, etc. It works for anything that is composed of vibrations.... and what isn't? All matter is composed of fast moving molecules, vibrating at a rate that gives it appearance of solidity. So Reiki can even work on mechanical instruments, all forms of life, on objects thought to be inanimate..... on everything. And what is stored with a high amount of energy, can help to balance those physical objects that we judge as having a lesser amount of available energy. Reiki is accessible, storable, and transferable; it cleanses, purifies, balances and extends the life and vitality of everything that is composed of matter. And Reiki should be the first reaction to all that appears to be chaotic and unsettling. When in doubt the best course of action in any situation.... remember - Reiki, Reiki, Reiki.

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blue spiral Reiki and Animals

Published in the June 1998 issue of "The Messenger"

We have been asked recently by a practitioner new to Reiki, if Reiki can be used on animals. This tells me that there are some teachers out there either just attuning people to the Reiki energy or not teaching enough information. Reiki is safe to use for any living life-form. This includes all species.....plants, animals, and humans. Since everything is composed of energy molecules, and the joining of molecules make up all levels of matter, then simply stated, Reiki is the energy that animates all living things. When all life-forms are first "created", they have a maximum amount of life-sustaining energy; but as they begin to age, there is a cycle of deterioration that begins. The body is de-stablizing as an object and there is an on-going loss of vital energy. So all of life is a "temporary" experience in a solid, form-body; and as this cycle plays itself out, all objects begin to loose their stability.... their ability to hold a full charge of life-sustaining energy. By giving any object a Reiki treatment(s), that object is filled with the maximum quantity of energy that it is capable of holding, at its present stage/cycle of reverting back to an energy-state. So you see that anything that is in solid form can use a shot of energy; a Reiki treatment. Depending on the state of balance of any object (i.e., loss of life-giving energy), some objects can use more energy than other objects. This is why some life-forms (plants, animals, humans) may receive more energy than other similar life-forms. And this is why some life-forms require more energy one treatment time than another.

Back to animals, because of the size of their bodies, small animals do not need as much energy as do larger animals; and animals that are imbalanced, need more than healthy animals (regardless of size). So if you have a small animal (i.e., newborn, miniature, rodent, bird, etc.) they can most often be held in the palm of one hand, and the other hand held "loosely" above its body, and treatment time will usually be short - less that 15 minutes. For moderate-sized animals (i.e., most dogs, domestic cats, fowl, rodents, etc.), you would only place your hands over most of their body. This may take more than one hand placement, but it would not take too much to cover the entire body; treatment usually lasts for 15 minutes to 1/2 hour. And for large domesticated animals (large breed dogs, ponies, big-cats, monkeys, etc.) you would place your hands over each area of their bodies; similar to hands position of humans, but more closely related to their organs and/or areas of malaise. Treatment may last from 15 minutes to one hour or more. Lastly, for the very "large" animals (i.e., tame zoo animals, livestock, work animals, etc.), you would want to gather several of your Reiki friends to come over and place their hands wherever they can, for as long as they can. Treatment usually lasts for 15 minutes to an hour. For all other animals, mostly of wild species, we only recommend "distance/absentee" treatments. For un-tamed birds in a cage, fish in a tank, poisonous animals in aquariums, etc., it is recommended to place the hands on either side (or top and bottom) of their container/home; Reiki will just go through the material and be received by the animals. One more point, animals are usually much more sensitive than humans, and as such, they may shy away from the energy at first. But they will grow accustomed to the feeling of the Reiki, realizing that it is good for them, and they will eventually allow much longer times of treatment, as time goes on. It is perfectly fine and useful to attune your animals to Reiki (teacher level technique), although it may be a bit of challenge to get then to sit in a chair while you move around them waving your hands in all manners of expression. So when they are lying down, sleeping/resting, you might be lucky enough to complete the attunement that way, or you could always do an "absentee attunement". It is our experience with our own cat, and with our student's animals, that as we do the initiatory attunements on their owners, many animals will come around the attuning chair, sometimes sitting in the lap of the attunee, or sitting under the chair. When the attunement is over, we very often see the animal get up and walk away; they seem to sense the energy and know when the energy has ceased to flow. Even when you are doing treatments, on yourself or others, animals may climb up and sit in the receiver's lap, or on the solar plexus, or somewhere nearby, in the auric field. Here is an interesting experience that we and other students/friends have had: when we/they are feeling "out-of-sorts", animals will sometimes sense that something is wrong, and want to be nearby, until the crisis is over. With Reiki-attuned animals, there are many reports of animals, especially dogs and cats, that will lie down with their "imbalanced" owners, and their paws will actually become warm, as Reiki flows through their bodies.

Reiki creates a deeper bonding between all species of life, when it is given freely, and without any expectations. Happy 'Reiki'ing.

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blue spiral Charging for Reiki

This is a hotly debated topic to charge or not to charge for Reiki services/classes. Here is an explanation of how we view money and Reiki.

Money is only green energy, a form of exchange for energy expended/given by another. If we didn't have money we would barter goods or services. There is no difference. Energy given fits the following categories: working a job (9 to 5 or other), any kind of labor or services offered, counseling, energy work, any time/energy given to another who has asked for your service(s). So when you expend your energy/time for another, money is the most common form of exchange.

We can also choose to give our energy as a gift, remembering that whenever energy is expended it must be replenished in some way. If someone has asked you for your energy/time and you gift it, without any exchange a debt of sorts can occur. This debt (if giver begins feeling lack in anyway from the gifts they give) must be repaid by the receiver at a later date. If you gift your energy anonymously the Universe/Creator knows this and will replenish it and there will be no debt.

Here is a statement about living and exchange of energy:

Because of the nature of living in a corporeal body on the planet Earth, in the year 1998 at least three basics come into play:

  1. The corporeal body has needs (food, shelter, clothing, transportation, etc.)
  2. Some form of exchange is required to fill these needs (unless someone has chosen to provide these things for someone else). The most common and acceptable form of exchange is money (or green energy).
  3. Some kind of service or energy must be given to get the green energy to exchange for the needs of the body.

Questions to ponder:

How do you live in this world? Who fills the needs of your corporeal body? Where does the green energy that you utilize to fill your needs/desires come from? How great are those needs/desires? Do you own things (home, cars, boat, tv, stereo, dishes, clothing, shoes, etc.)? If so how did you obtain all of them? If you give of your time, essence and energy to a 9 to 5 job will you be compensated for it? Do you feel worthy to receive that compensation? Or do you just expect it for services rendered? If you don't work a 9 to 5 job, are not on welfare/disability or drawing a pension of some kind or have someone else providing for you; where does your green energy come from? How simple/complicated is your life because of your needs/desires? Have you chosen to dedicate your entire life to a path like Reiki? Or perhaps another Spiritual pathwork of some kind (and because of this you do not work in the traditional/most accepted sense) if so, where does your green energy come from? If you do not work a traditional job, have dedicated your life to a Spiritual pathwork, and have made the choice to give all of your services as gifts without "expectation of exchange of any kind" is the Universe providing for you? Or is this just talk? Are you walking your talk?

Some people believe money is evil

Money is not evil. It is our desires (or love of) which blocks the flow. The love of money has become stronger then the love of God/Creator/Source for some. Those who need or want more, focusing all their time and energy to accumulate or to make ends meet, fit in this category. Either way a lot of energy is spent in the direction of need/lack. It is how much of ourselves, our energy and emotions we focus on fulfilling our desires (or loving something to death) which is evil. When we spend more time/energy lusting after our desires then we do communing with Creator/God/Goddess; that is truly evil. Evil is live backwards - we cannot truly Live and flow abundantly if we have a backward perception of things/energy.

Is it not the Universe we owe an exchange?

When we do a Reiki (Universal Energy) treatment on another it is true that we receive Reiki in return. We receive it when we place our hands upon ourselves as well. Every time we do Reiki it is brought into the planet permanently to benefit all sentient beings. By doing Reiki we are in effect helping to bring about Creator's Divine Plan. So what is at issue, is not with the Universe, rather it comes back to an individual basis. It is helping us to understand the flow of energy (all energy including the green kind) and how our thoughts/desires effect that energy; whether we perceive those thoughts to be from good intent or otherwise.

Dr. Usui's Understanding

Another thing to consider, which comes from the History of Reiki as told by Mrs. Takata; Dr. Usui, after working in the beggar village for 7 years said, " Reiki away makes beggars of people." Or when you give something to someone without some form of energy exchange, they expect and beg for more, and no longer value what is given; "'s easier to be a beggar". In fostering this attitude the lessons will continue at a much slower vibration or basal level and debts are incurred. A change in thinking/action can change ones life and the impact they have on others.



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