Acne Posts from March 2000

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Ginger - 04/01/00 04:46:19

To Ashley & God's Pet: Amen & Amen. Good advice God's Pet, and I agree! Ashley, you tried...don't be discouraged. It's hard to be a witness on a message board. People don't care what you know, until they know that you care.

Jivado Lislek - 04/01/00 04:20:25
Age: 21
Gender: Male
Country: US

Where can I buy Roaccutance online in US? I have been looking for an online pharmacy selling acne pills but all I can find is Accutane. Please kindly tell me where I can find Roaccutance online because I need it desperately

The Rock - 04/01/00 03:58:34

Relax, just know that I, the Great One, The Rock also suffer from acne. Read and just laugh... I never forget a face But in your case I'll make an exception Don't look out of the window People will think that it's Halloween You've a face like a million dollars All green and wrinkled I've kept my youthful complexion Yes, so I see, all spotty Haven't I seen you on TV Well yes I do appear off and on, how do you like me ? Off Do you think that I'll lose my looks when I get older With luck, yes My husband always carries my photo in his pocket. It once saved his live when a mugger tried to stab him. Of course, your face would stop anything I've just come back from the beauty parlor What a pity it was closed

The Rock - 04/01/00 03:45:40

If anybody in here is interested I'm going to take pill #10 on Saturday, April 1st, 2000. Its sooooo early in my treatment I know. I'm still waiting for the reconstruction cream and amino aloe cream which should arrive on Wednesday or Thursday. Just a few more days. By the way, go to and order the reconstruction cream and amino aloe cream. You know they'll help. Just do it!!!!!!!! If you smell what the rock is cookin'.

G_d's Pet - 04/01/00 03:40:37

I agree with you Ashley in princible, but are you having the effect you desire? These people are just getting angry at you and blaspheming the L_rd, I am sure this isn't what you want at all. Personally I have found that it isn't what you have in life b t what you do with it. The afterlife isn't real to most people and this life is all there is in their minds. In ending I will add that it is sad that having a "potty-mouth" is "acceptable" freedom of speech whereas one mention of the Creator is met with violent opposition. Keep up the faith and remember the scripture.." pearls before...." well you know the rest *wink*.

SUE KENNY - 04/01/00 03:34:05
Age: 22
Gender: FEMALE


TWEETER - 04/01/00 03:06:01

HEY GUYS TWEETER IN THE HOUSE month 3 1/2 and looking pretty good. to all those just starting and expecting to be cured in 3 weeks think again. this is a slow working drug. i havent seen any difference until very recently and most people dont see improvement until they get off it. so dont disppair when you dont clear up or awhile its how the drug works...

Wendy - 04/01/00 02:50:32
Age: 22
Country: Malaysia

I've noticed that you suggested taking acidophillus to have replenish the anitbodies that mught be destroyed by roaccutane. What forms do they come in? How do I purchase them at a drugstore?

The Rock - 04/01/00 01:51:33

To the millions and millions of the rock's fans out there in acne land, here is my official email address: Email about acne problems, about accutane, which I'm on day 9, about the reconstruction cream and amino aloe cream which I FIRMLY stand behind or about how acne is affecting your life because it sure as hell is affecting my life. If you smell what the rock is cookin'.

Alethea - 04/01/00 00:11:04
Age: 25
Gender: Female
Country: USA

Took my last pill this morning!!!! I was on Accutane since mid October, and I regret that I did not do it sooner. I have had Acne since I was 13 (about half my life) and could not remember when I did not have a blemish on my face. Why now? When I turn d 25 I realized that the most important things that occur in my life will happen within the next five to ten years, and I did not want to live those years with Acne. My side effects. Honestly not many: chapped lips (especially in the corners) and dry s in. I am still wearing my contacts, but can no longer shower daily since my skin is so dry (aren't I lucky it isn't summer!!) I have been blemish free for over two months, and it is great. I look forward to this summer, and swim suits (and sunscreen of ourse.) If you are thinking about taking Accutane, please do your research, and weigh the pros and cons. For me it was well worth it. -A

Roxanne - 04/01/00 00:06:57
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Country: USA

Bec, Thanks so much for displaying the site. I am soon to be going to a Derm. Now that I have insurrance and can afford it. From the web site it does seem as if I have Rosacea From the picture it displayed. But if so Mine is a much severer case then then ne shown. I am not sure. I hope when I state talking Accutane or whatever the Derm gives me it will help alot! The Rock, Or whomever is using that Reconstruction please keep in contact with me to let me know if it's good for fading or disappearing those n sty red spots. Thanks ALOT. *~Roxanne~*

The Rock - 04/01/00 00:03:39

To UNKNOWN, I ordered the reconstruction cream and amino aloe cream about one week ago so I'll have to wait half a week to one week more for these creams. I CAN'T FREGIN' WAIT TO USE THESE CREAMS on top of taking accutane of course. C'YA If you smell what the rock is cookin'

UNKOWN - 04/01/00 00:00:54
Age: 20
Country: US


The Rock - 04/01/00 00:00:09

Listen up everybody, Go to Order the reconstruction cream and amino aloe cream. The company is in the Republic of South Africa and when you order it takes about two weeks to get to you. Don't worry, the credit card thing is completely safe!!! First of all, the reconstruction cream does what the name says. It reconstructs. Just look at the photos. If you have little red spots on your upper cheeks like me and they look somewhat indented because the red spots give your cheecks an uneven texture, hen the reconstruction cream will aid in healing this. Just use it in the mornings. You can take accutane while using this cream. Just think of it as replacing the moisturizer you use now while on accutane except now its the reconstruction cream. At night however, use the amino aloe cream. This contains 70% aloe, can this be any better for moisturizing your skin after the reconstructino cream. And you're on accutane. Please people, I can't believe how many times I have urged you to buy these two creams, they were recommended to me by John, you know that guy with the long email (, wow that's so long) and by Ginger (ginsue1@ Just buy these creams at and use accutane too. TRY IT!!!!!!!! You're skin deserves these miracle creams. Don't let this opportunity pass you buy. You have nothing to lose. These two creams cost $32.00 US together which was $50. 0 Canadian for me, I don't know where all of you live but Its DEFINATELY WORTH THE INVESTMENT. SO WHAT ARE YOU ALL STILL READING THIS FOR, GO TO WWW.AGELESS.CO.ZA AND ORDER THE RECONSTRUCTION CREAM AND AMINO ALOE CREAM. C'YA, IF YOU SMELL WHAT THE ROCK IS COOKING!

The Rock - 03/31/00 23:51:30

I know, I know, I'm on day 9 and I'M SOOOOO IMPATIENT. I WANT to know how many of you people on accutane had bad red spots and stuff on your face that accutane completely smoothed out your copmlexion's. Please reply, this is so important to me. By the way to the girl that wanted to know what cyst is, its those big ass whiteheads. DON'T squeeze. Just go on accutane. TRUST ME. If you only have whiteheads, accutane can fix that.

Unknown - 03/31/00 23:50:57
Age: 20
Country: US


Katie - 03/31/00 23:39:30

Can someone explain what Cysts are and what they look like? I have had acne for some years now and this is the first I have heard about Cysts. I Used to get often these Huge Pimples on my face that would hurt and have lots of dark green puss in them. Some of them would not have an opening to where I could pop them. So sometimes the bump would just get really huge and red and sore then I starting to using a needle to open the pimple and get all that puss out and soon after that It would go away. I normally id this after weeks would go by and the pimple would still remain. Is that a Cysts? Has anyone ever had LOTS of that Green Puss come out of pimples? Thanks post me here please.

Jules - 03/31/00 23:05:30
Age: 28
Gender: Male
Country: Uk

Ashley. I think what people are saying is that it is great that you have this faith, but it is wrong to impose it on others. There are many religions in this world. People have the right to believe in whatever they want. I was taken to church when I was y unger and sometimes pray, but I think there comes a point when you have to accept that not everyone shares your view. There may be athiests, muslims, seiks, hindus, jews etc reading your posts and although they are relevant to you they are not to everyone The one thing that joins people here is that they are suffering, or have suffered from acne. This is the link. It is no more relevant to talk about religion than it is to talk about what you did at work today.

I understand that you want to spread the ord, but this is not the way. People just see it as obsessive behaviour "bible bashing". If you really want to help people then tell them that you are going to pray for them, but don't produce all this evangelically stuff. I am sure that you are a really ood person and have much to contribute, but I think you should try to stay off the topic of religion.....and politics for that matter! Don't leave the board. Christianity works for you, but there are plenty of other forms of support/help. People help each other all the time - they don't have to believe in God.

All the best to you though!

bec - 03/31/00 22:58:31
Age: 24
Gender: female
Country: Australia

I know heaps of people always ask about scarring/redmarks/pigmentation. The URL I've noted is pretty informative for starters. I posted in the archives, I'm not on accutane but take antibiotics and supplements, I only developed acne three months ago (fab) and it is just starting clear. Anyway hope the above it is again sorry it' not a live one:-(

The Rock - 03/31/00 22:55:03

I'm just so fregin' impatient with my acne. I'm on day 9 of accutane and i'm anxiously awaiting for the reconstruction cream and amino aloe cream from to arrive to my house. By the way, I'm 20 years old so you can surely appreciate my im aturity. I just wish I didn't have acne so that I could have a life and go and make some friends outdoors, not that I don't like talking to all of you!!!!!! My regards from the CN Tower, the tallest structure in the world. Bye, Bye, Bye Bye, Bye I'm doing this tonight, you're probably going to start a fight, I know this can't be right, hey baby c'mon,... I find it so hard to watch these n'sync videos because they all look so good with their clear complexions and here I am with my retarded complexion!!!!!!!!!!! DAMN C'ya The Rock, Can you smell what i'm cooking?

The Rock - 03/31/00 22:48:27

WAIT!!!!! WAIT!!!!!!!!! WAIT!!!!!!!!!! AHSLEY, DON'T LEAVE!!!!!!!! I'M SORRY, I WAS ONLY TRYING TO HAVE FUN, YES I KNOW IT WAS ON GOD'S ACCOUNT, BUY I'M SORRY AS WELL DON'T LEAVE!!!!!! PLEASE. LETS JUST BE FRIENDS AGAIN. OKAY, LETS JUST MAKE UP IN THE CYBERSPACE SMACKDOWN HOTEL, OKAY!!!!!!! P.S. Has anybody ever had acne that they HONESTLY thought would never go away but after the accutane treatment the severe acne went away!!!!! If so, how bad was your acne?

ashley - 03/31/00 22:21:20

"ROCK" I do oppologize for the way that I acted towards you and the people that I offended. I will make everyone happy by not returning to the board any more! To those of you who gave me encouraging e-mails than you!


OKAY Ashley!!!!!, since you said sorry, its over, and so is all of the turn to God and he will save you from acne story, okay!!!! its over, i don't want to hear any more about going to god to save you from acne. If anybody wants a religious boost, they can go to your e-mai , which I believe is Okay, its over. phew!!!IF ANYBODY HAS ANY QUESTIONS ABOUT ACNE, ESPECIALLY ABOUT THE RECONSTRUCTION CREAMS AND AMINO ALOE CREAMS OR ABOUT ACCUTANE. PLEASE POST YOUR QUESTIONS HERE OKAY. I PREFER TO DEAL WITH THI GS IN THE OPEN SO EVERYBODY CAN BENEFIT, NOT THROUGH EMAIL. THANKS. IF YOU SMELL WHAT THE ROCK, IS COOKING!!!!!!!!

NO NAME - 03/31/00 22:03:10

Okay, enough all ready! Now that I am offically a bitch, I guess that makes you feel better, huh! What I said about my religion was in no way ment to offend ANYONE. Not even MY BEST FRIEND, that thinks I am a bitch! SORRY that I just pissed every one off oday. You know that was my WHOLE INTENTION! TO MR. NAME! SORRY!!!!!

OKAY, MY REAL NAME IS...IT DOESN'T MATTER WHAT MY NAME IS!!!!!!!!! - 03/31/00 21:52:51

Listen up everybody, I'm on my 9th day of accutane and I'm starting to get dry. If you've never tried accutane or are hesitant because of the side effects. Fine, just live with acne on your face and stop bitchin' why you still have it. Accutane is an EXCE LENT ACNE FIGHTING DRUG AND IN A LOT OF CASES GETS RID OF ACNE ON PEOPLES FACE. If you've taken accutane and say "well, i just finished my accutane treatment and boo-hoo I still have one pimples on my face. OH SHUT UP!!! having one or two pimples is NOTHI G. having red marks and severe acne is different than one of two pimples. JUST DON'T BE FREGIN' HESITANT AND JUST TRY ACCUTANE if you need to and don't listen to other peoples complaints. ACCUTANE REACTS DIFFERENTLY TO EVERYBODY'S BODY. The severe side ef ects are SO FREGIN RARE THAT ITS ONLY IN LESS THAN 2% OF THE PEOPLE THAT TAKE IT. RELAX AND JUST TRY ACCUTANE AND STICK TO THE WHOLE TREATMENT. ALSO, go to and PLEASE PLEASE order the reconstruction cream and amino aloe cream because the e cream help in rejuvenating your face and they are very excellently priced for the benefits they give. BELIEVE ME!!!!! These creams are not bull-shit. If you ignore this, then its your loss. use these creams and accutane together if you'd like. If you or er the creams they take about 2 weeks to get to you. By the way, Ashley, get up off of your knees and stop with all of that constant praying because guess what, there's accutane!!!!!!!! HORRAY, NO MORE KNEE BURNS FOR YOU!!!!!!!!

ashley - 03/31/00 21:42:09

You people are sooo dificult! I am sorry that you feel that way towards God, but acting like that is going to get you no where! If you want to argue with me about this, please just e-mail me, because everyone is throwing a fit, because of GOD!

ashley - 03/31/00 21:39:03

I am truly sorry, that we all on this site have to put up with acne! If I had the cure I would give it to all of you. There is a way of asking someone something NICELY and then a follish way to ask it. Many of you have asked me to stop talking about GOD, ut the question is how have you asked, RUDELY! For the people who would like to curse at me, you are very immature! The reason that GOD holds Adam and Eves sins like that is so that Jesus could die on the cross, so that we don't have to make sacrfise with dead animals. By Jesus dying on the cross we are able to go to him and ask for things, then in returne he goes to got and makes intersession for us! Thats why!!!!

MY NAME--IT DOESN'T MATTER WHAT MY NAME IS!!!!!!!!! - 03/31/00 21:38:49


My name--It doesn't matter what my name is!!! - 03/31/00 21:33:04

Dearest ignorant Ashley, You wish to talk about the world coming to an end and I better start believing in God! Who said I don't! I was baptized Orthodox! This religion is so faithful to God! The point here is that if the world is coming to an end I hope I definately go with it b cause life sucks when your face has acne and I'm sure EVERYBODY WITH ACNE agrees. I would rather die than walk down the street with my acne. You say that we are all good looking in God's eyes, but when I walk down the halls at school or downtown here wher I live I'm definately good looking in these people's eyes because they give me nasty looks because of my acne. SO ASHLEY, if you want advise on accutane, I'm on it and so are all of these people so ask away, or if you need advise on creams, ask away, but STOP WITH THE SELLING OF RELIGION. There's a church 10 minutes away from me, there's selling of religion on T.V., radio and even at school. Don't bring the selling of religion onto on acne site. GET A LIFE OR SOMETHING! ENOUGH ALREADY!

Sam - 03/31/00 21:28:16

If we are all suffering this crap & everything else that goes wrong in the world because Adam & Eve sinned surly that show what a spiteful git the god you believe in really is. And if the god you believe in is the true god (if there is such a thing) I wou d gladly go to the other place when I die rather than spend an eternity with the being that has spitefully inflected so much pain throughout history on ALL people.

ashley - 03/31/00 21:24:05

You know what it is really sad that you are acting this way! I know that boys mature SLOWER than girls so I guess that's what's wrong with you! Why don't you stop acting like you're in first grade already!

jay - 03/31/00 21:08:56
Age: 19
Gender: female
Country: us

What other medicines can interact with isotretinoin? alcohol benzoyl peroxide* tetracycline antibiotics vitamin A Tell your prescriber or health care professional about all other medicines you are taking, including non-prescription medicines, nutritional supplements, or herbal products. Also tell your prescriber or health care professional if you are a frequent user f drinks with caffeine or alcohol, if you smoke, or if you use illegal drugs. These may affect the way your medicine works. Check with your health care professional before stopping or starting any of your medicines. -------------------------------------------- i got this from And, i heard all the other (alcohol, and vitamin A)as the must avoid things for accutane... but, i never heard benzoil peroxide as things to avoid ..... does anybody know this is true?? and are they talking about tropical benzoyl peroxide? because i been using benzoyl peroxide at night, while i was on accutane...and that might be the acne's lasted so long....well, hope to hear from all of you. thanks.

To Ashley - 03/31/00 21:05:13

First of all, I DID NOT SWEAR IN MY REPLY TO YOU (OR CURSE), second of all: "the world is coming to an end" this is not a bible preaching site ITS FOR ACNE. Why are you informing us the world is going to end and you hope I don't get left behind? Thats cr zy! I hope you don't talk to everyone like this. Why don't you just go round houses and try to sell you religion, DON'T DO IT HERE. Noone wants to hear it so please just leave this board or cut the crap about religion! I think I speak for most of us.

Ashley - 03/31/00 20:35:24
Age: 18
Gender: female
Country: USA

It's REALLY SAD, the fact that you (WITH NO NAME!) "SAY" that you believe in GOD, but can't even have the GUTS to STAND UP for what you BELIEVE IN!!! That's pretty LAME! When you DIE and go to heaven ( hoping that you do go to heaven) and stand before GOD I hope that he does not DENY you, like you are him! I am sorry that I don't have the answers to all your questions on the deaths of others and the problems of the world! The reason why there is sickness and bad things on earth is because of Adam and Eve. Because they brought SIN into the world! But because God died on the cross for you, you can be saved! Many of those people chose to live their lives the way they did, by not getting an education and so forth and that's why there on the street! A lot of pe ple chose to live for christ, and die for his cause. Reguarding all the other accuzations, I have no answers, BECAUSE I AM NOT GOD! You can keep on slamming me all you want to, but reguardless of the mear words that you say, I am not effected! I choose to inform others about God so that they can become saved and go to heaven. What I say is not offensive in any way! If you choose to take it that way, fine! By curssing at me, you are only doing arm to yourself! By everyones reactions at least I know that you re reading what I wrote! And maybe on day it will all sink in! I am ashamed that "Mr/Ms no name" calls themselves a christian! The world is coming to an end very soon, I hope that you're ready. And if you happen to get left behind I hope that you go back nd think about the rude way that you acted towards me!

My name---It doesn't matter what my name is!!! (A quote from a famous writer, The Rock). - 03/31/00 19:21:56

To Ashley, I am christian myself, I was baptized as well, but don't come in here telling all of us to turn to God because he will cure your face because you have turned to God and guess what, you're in here still bitchin' about your acne. You're on accutane, blah, b ah, blah. Turn to God and he will cure your face. Well, lets see, all the Africans that are starving, all those Christian believers in Central America that are STARVING and who are homeless, all those kosovo people that were murdered and Albanians that we e murdered for being muslim, which means that they believe in God, yes, YOUR GOD. Why did they die, because they believed in YOUR GOD. You mean to tell me GOD is going to fix my complexion if I beg him long enough, which by that time the best years of my ife will have already been taken away from me. Yes I am beautiful in GOD'S eyes but when I go to school or walk down the street, its not God who's looking at me, its normal complexioned people that look at me and they think I'm ugly. GIVE ME A F*****'N br ak here, okay Ashley. If you want to preach, go somewhere else. People in here take accutane or other acne creams and we need medical care.

Justin - 03/31/00 19:12:57
Age: 18

Sorry about the bottom post. STEVE- I been lifting weights almost everyday and no problems with joint aches. It is day 4 of my treatment and still no side affects. Well maybe one. I suffer from acne on my face, back and chest. My chest for some reason leared up (never was really bad), my back is the same as baseline, but my face is breaking out a little. I am on 80mg a day and was wondering how long it will take for me to see the side effects. I am not complaining just wondering.

TO ASHLEY - 03/31/00 18:28:52

Dear Ashley: I happen to think that the Chinese Herb Lady is a wonderful person, and let me tell you she has been posting on this board a lot longer than you. You've come on this board, and sure suppored people about acne, but YOU ARE PREACHING ABOUT GOD! !! I am a religious person and go to church every week, was brought up good and respect my elders BUT FOR GODS SAKE STOP WITH THE PREACHING!!! Every time I read this board I feel like you are one of those religious people that comes banging on your door t ying to sell religion. Sure I could scroll past your post, but its rather frustrating, and I know a lot of other people in this board that think it is too. If you want to speak about acne cures, support, ect fine but you don't have to preach the word of G d!

Ashley - 03/31/00 18:21:57
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Country: USA

"CHINESE HERB LADY" You know what you're right you have no control over what I post and I am VERY GLAD! If the message of hope, and of JESUS CHRIST does not stand up to your level, then you must have a VERY LOW STANDARD! Please keep you're worldly comment to your self. You should try helping others not putting them down! Have you ever heard of RESPECT! Obviousaly you were not listening when your MOTHER TRIED to teach it to you!!! If you don't like what I post DON"T READ IT! You know I am really trying not to put my self at your level and act imature, but it just frustrates me that a woman of your age would act so CHILDISH! I don't put down your method of herbal healing, do I? NO, I don't because I have RESPECT for what other people think! PLEASE TAKE WHAT HAVE SAID AND USE IT TO YOU'RE BENIFIT! AND BY THE WAY I AM EDUCATED AND WHAT I SAY ABOUT GOD HAS NO CONSIQUENCES! THAN YOU VERY MUCH!!!!

john.allen19 - 03/31/00 18:12:34
Age: 23
Gender: male
Country: Uk

Can anyone tell me if an online pharmacy in the USA, called Pharmagroup is legitimate; and if they are good. Any help will be hugely appreciated. if i can help anyone, pleas e-mail me.

kerry - 03/31/00 18:06:51
Age: 21
Gender: female
Country: usa

it is not stupid to repost information already known. i am new to this site and if everyone took the advice of that person who is too scared to post his/her name, i probably would have lost out on some valuable information. thank you to everyone who try o support each other positively.

Ashley - 03/31/00 18:02:00
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Country: USA

JIM> I am very hurt by the way that you have reacted to my e-mail. As you know America is a FREE country. If people cussing is not bothering you, then I think a little RELIGION will help! Who do you think created YOU! I am not sorry for what I posted, all I am trying to do is help people! The only thing that I am sorry about is your IGORNANCE towards GOD! I am just trying to encourage people! HEY JIM! If you don't like the stuff about GOD then DON'T READ IT! I'm not TRYING to br rude! But you don't see me ad mouthing what other people have writen. OH and by the way if your not for GOD then your against him! TRY reading the book sometime, you know the BIBLE! Thanks to all those who act on a mature level about this, and who ignor it if they don't like it. IT S CALLED SCROOL DOWN! AND GOD BLESS!!!!

Katy - 03/31/00 16:52:44
My Email:na
Age: 24
Gender: female
Country: USA

Okay, so here's a dumb question...if you're still breaking out during your last week of treatment on Accutane, does your derm take you off it? Or just extends your time on it? Say at 20 weeks or 24 weeks...has anyone had experience with this? This boar seems awfully hostile just recently...usually it's so supportive. We need to remember that people are under alot of stress here. Thanks!

Jim - 03/31/00 15:25:39
Age: 19

CHL, I completely agree with you in that I don't like to hear rambling posts where people mindlessly throw vulgarities into the guestbook, but all I'm saying is that it can be cathartic for some people who have nowhere else to vent. And in that way it mi ht be good. But it's a moot point. Take it easy

Chinese Herb Lady - 03/31/00 15:03:27

Hi again Jim, I took a Soy-The Magic Bean class and learned that soy beans have Omega 6 in them in case a person wants to get it from food. Also the teacher said something about lenolenic acid having to do with the Omegas also. Regarding Omega 3. The ollowing foods have it. Soy is high, flaxseed, walnuts. Some benefits are decreases the following: blood clotting, stickyness of the platelets, increases memory, and for the females, regulates hormones. I know this is a repeat post but just in case it helps.

Rick - 03/31/00 14:51:21
Age: 23
Gender: male

Does anybody know if there is some info available on the net about 'Creme de la mer' from Max Huber. I can't find anything about it.

Chinese Herb Lady - 03/31/00 14:35:07
Age: 36

Hi all. Hi Jim, I suppose the same amount of people are offended by the cussing as by the Religion. Whatever, Like I said I don't think I asked people to stop, maybe just take a look at themselves. People are going to cuss and talk about their obsessio with their religion regardless of what we do. We have no control. What I do have control over is posting as an attempt to educate people about their actions and the consequences of those actions. I guess every post does not necessarily meet our standar s. Maybe someone could start up a Acne Vulagarity Forum. Take Care.

Jim - 03/31/00 13:11:43
Age: 19

Marcus, thanks for replying. I'm really glad you didn't totally leave. Alfalfa is just an herb, basically concentrated specific vegetables of the legume family that I read was good for infections and acne. I think you actually mentioned it in your long st, last post about all the supplements that were benneficial. It cost about 4 bucks for 250 tablets, taking three a day, so I decided to. And I actually had the flax seed oil from about 6 months ago when I just got off accutane and the acne was coming ack because it's very similar to evening primrose oil in concentrated linolic acids, namely omega-3 and omega-6. It's also fairly cheap and I found it in my drawer so I'm taking it to, can't hurt. If I remember correctly, could be wrong, I think it has ore omega-6 in it than the primrose oil, which has more omega-3. I'm not quite up to date on the different properties each fatty acid has. Marcus, did you have an oil problem too or was your face relatively dry all the time, and did the supplements effe t that? I think you said you actually used to see less pimples when your face was oily and more when it was dry! I have a fair amount of oil production which becomes visible about 5 hours after washing my face, and this has gone down a little bit with t e supplements but it's hard to tell. But I'm deffinately pleased on the whole and keeping my fingers crossed that it continues to work. Peace

marcus - 03/31/00 11:12:37
Age: 22

Hey, Jim I'm really happy your starting to see such good results in such a short space of time, you've really made my day!!! If it's going to work as well for you (which it seems to be) as it has me you'll find every other outbreak gets a little smaller u til hopefully your 100% all the time! My last outbreak consisted of one pinprick & one a tiny bit bigger, none on my face! Jim what’s flax seed oil & alfalfa? Are you taking them for your acne or something else? I hope you'll continue to post your results as this approach holds more weight when other people are being helped too! Sorry to everyone else as I said I wasn't going to post on this board anymore but my girlfriend still comes here & I just wanted to congratulate Jim! While I'm here if anyone wants to cheek out my web site the link is above! Please note it's still under construction, I've only managed to cover seven or eight different treatments so far! Thanks

Jim - 03/31/00 08:55:42
Age: 19

To everyone interested: I've been taking a bunch of supplements that marcus recommended and I did furhter research on them - saw palmetto, zinc, b6, b complex, potassium, c with rose hips, cod liver oil, selenium, flax seed oil, evening primrose oil, alf lfa, and echinacea. I think that's it. And I've seen a significant improvement in the 2 1/2 weeks since taking them. A couple days ago I thought it was a miracle as I was almost COMPLETELY clear, a quality which hasn't seen my face in LONG time. but oday I had a little breakout. Nothing to get worried about. In fact, I had ordered that reconstruction cream and this is when I broke out some. I'm not saying it's because of this but I'm not gonna use it anymore I don't think. For people on accutane would recomend it, but not for people not on accutane. It's moisturizing and maybe helps red marks, although I didn't see a huge improvement, but supposedly does little for underlying acne. So I'm just gonna stick with using retin-a at night and nothin in the day. And some thoughts on posting: first off, I'm not an advocate, believer, or in blatant disbelief of God. I'm neutral. But please don't make this a site for the Christian Church. Certainly God will help some people through this and that's G EAT, but it kind of sounds ridiculous for someone to type in one sentence, "pray to God, he'll answer all your prayers, anything you ask for you shall recieve". And then say, "but try this...that, and the other thing to pragmatically help"......just in c se the big guy's on a coffee break. Please don't take this the wrong way but I don't think this is an appropriate site for the advocation of any religion. And people swearing: who cares if they cuss? (Sorry, CHL) If you feel like crap all day and need place to vent, and that'll help you relieve a little stress, then by all means cuss. It's nothing I haven't heard before. Peace

SAM - 03/31/00 08:48:02
My Email:GB805690@NTU.AC.UK
Age: 21
Gender: FEMAIL
Country: ENGLAND


Juan G. - 03/31/00 08:04:59
Age: 17
Gender: male
Country: usa

Hi there again, i started my second month with accutane yesterday , 80 mg a day. for one more month. so far my skin is dry, not oily like it used to be, i still get whiteheads. i wanted to know if you should pop your whiteheads because of scarring, and wh t things or products can be done for scarring. also i just wanted to mention that i got the chickenpox 6 months ago, and after the chickenpox my acne started to get worse ? can someone tell me about that. also they doctor told me to do fasting blood test efore i go again to his office, what are those for, and what happens if i don't do then ? write to my e mail for the answers please. thank you chao a todos. gracias =)

Joe Mama - 03/31/00 06:46:01
Age: 22
Country: pencilvania

"hinease herbal lady" What kind of name is that?

? - 03/31/00 06:38:10
Age: 19

can we just talk about acne please, but in a nice tone. you hurt my fealing

dawn - 03/31/00 03:57:58
Age: 39
Gender: female
Country: us

i've had acne since i was 15. took Retin A and antibiotics and was pretty clear for about 5 years(ofcourse always had breakouts but not too bad). But then it started to get bad again and had to go on antibiotics, taken all thats out there. then at 38 m face started to get not only broken out but with big cystic pimples. Derm said i had acne rocesea. not a fun thing not only did i have bad acne but also redness on cheecks & nose that just didn't want to go away. started to look up info on the internet and came accross an article that acne rocesea was linked to a bacteria called h-polory that can cause ulcers. went and had myself tested for this bacteria and turned out that i had it. in the mean time my derm had prescribed accutane for me and i had pic ed up my 1st prescription but didn't start until i took care of the bacteria that i had. was put on a treatment called triple therapy had to take 3 antibiotics in the morning along with another pill for ulcers and the same at night. did this for 14 days, during this time my acne and redness was very bad, and the antibiotics made me so sick. anyway, after 2 weeks after finishing the treatment my face started to get better. the rocesea doesnt' get as bad as b/4 and i have a few pimples on my forhead(1 cyst c other about 3 tiny) 2 on my chin but so far not as awful as b/4. all i've been doing is using cetaphil moisturizer all over and novacet on my chin(rocesea makes the skin very dry on certain places, that you peel at times and are red and sore). my deli a is should i take accutane even though my acne i'd say is now mild? i mean i dont know how long i will be mild for, i've had to deal with acne all my life and it sure would be wonderful to wake up in the morning and not have to worry about acne! i am afr id of the side effects and of ending up with worse acne then now. when my acne was so bad i had no other choice but to take accutane, but now i just don't know. anyone taking accutane for mild acne? for those young people just starting to have to deal with this awful desease, if your acne is so bad that you just don't want to even go out, if your doctor prescribes accutane dont think about it 2x start as soon as possible, 15 yrs ago a derm wanted to ut me on it but i was afraid, i always think i could have taken it and probably would not have had to worry about acne all these years and been happy to look at myself in the mirror. back then accutane had not been around too long, but now dont worry and go for it, for what i have heard it will help, and so what if a few years later you have to take it again, then you do its worth the happiness you have in between, and with Gods help 1 time will be enough! and for those that your doctor wont prescribe accutane keep trying until you find a good one that will and in the mean time antibiotics do help and so does many topical things. I know of people who have taken minocin and has cleared them up permanently, thers like me it helped but only for a while. but there is hope out there you just have to keep trying never give up! Good luck to all!!

Chinese Herbal Lady - 03/31/00 03:24:04
Age: 36

Hi all, Well it looks as though we have some people who do not want others to post what may be considered negative issues with Accutane. Well, I hope you feel better after responding in the way that you do. In order for someone to make an informed decis on regarding RoAccutane, people should gather all the information they can. If someone is suicidal previous to taking Accutane then they should be very aware of the possibility that they should know to watch themselves closely and/or have others keep a c ose eye on them also. And if that information should slip by in their Doctor's visits and they should find that information here, so be it. I am a fan of Accutane even though it did not work for me the 2nd course. It worked perfectly the 1st course. O e little sentence like "I disagree with blah blah blah" would work just as well as all the cuss words and gee, you might even gain some respect. If you don't already know by now, you may learn some day that you do not have control over the entire world. People are going to do what they want to do. It is our reaction to what they do that is important. It can make or break us. You can have control over what you do. If you don't have enough to control find some new things that you are in control of. Yo will probably find that you stress less. Respond immaturely to this post and I will use the lovely scroll button to go right past your post. Also look at some of the people you respect, Do they cuss many times in one paragraph? If not, how would they lo k to you. Yeah, that's it let's have some of our respected positions cuss it up a bit. Judges, Teachers, get what I mean. It is possible to get a point across very well with few words as possible and in a very nice way(or you can write a book like me). Or, well, maybe continue to act the way you do and see how far up the ladder it gets you in the workplace. Sooner or later this may make sense to you. Hopefully sooner. If you need some examples just look around you. See how people ask for things and s e if they get it. Then there is always the possiblity that people may get older but they may never mature. BTW, I am not asking you to do anything, this is totally an educational opportunity. Because I know that I can't ask you to post in a way that is satifactory for me, that would be ridiculous. Well, off of my soap box and off to the exercising.

SJeff - 03/31/00 00:13:27
Age: 18
Gender: male
Country: usa

He everybody! I have been on accutane for 4 months now, 4 more weeks left, and pretty much been on 80 mg's per day for the whole thing. I am concerned cause i still get pimples, maybe like one every other day, most go away quickly but some are stubborn, is that normal? i hear about how people are totoally clear after the 4th month. Any responses would be greatly appreciated, thanks

Ashley - 03/30/00 23:44:18
My Email:ashleydaily
Age: 18
Gender: female

MARIE: thank you for the nice compliment. I know that I don't know any of you peopple but I just feel that we are like friends or a family or something! Thanks to all for the words of encourgment and the web sites for acne! Best wishes to all. Aand of cou se I'm PRAYING for YOU!

Marie - 03/30/00 23:03:57

Opps, Posted twice Sowwy!

- 03/30/00 22:58:52


Marie - 03/30/00 22:56:25
Age: 22
Gender: Female
Country: usa

I have a website that might be to some intrests to you. /guarantee2.htm Tell me what you think of the site. I found it one night while sereaching for more information from my ance problem. Also Ri nne, the website you posted marcus stacey I could not get it to work. Ashley, You are a fighter and I can see that from your words. You have to keep strong when you have a huge problem. Also John Allen, I wish I could help you but I am not sure of a site hat sells Accutane. .. I will sereach for you. Thanks to all.!

Marie - 03/30/00 22:55:50
Age: 22
Gender: Female
Country: usa

I have a website that might be to some intrests to you. /guarantee2.htm Tell me what you think of the site. I found it one night while sereaching for more information from my ance problem. Also Ri nne, the website you posted marcus stacey I could not get it to work. Ashley, You are a fighter and I can see that from your words. You have to keep strong when you have a huge problem. Also John Allen, I wish I could help you but I am not sure of a site hat sells Accutane. .. I will sereach for you. Thanks to all.!

Karen - 03/30/00 22:50:19
Age: 27
Gender: female
Country: usa

hello.. i have been on accutane for about 4 months now on 60mg and weigh 120.. it is wonderful and has helped more then anything else.. i have tried EVERYTHING, since i was 15 years old.. i mean i have been on antibiotics for years at a time, and this is he ONLY thing that has worked for me.. i do not think that accutane causes depression, and i believe that steve is right.. i was, not depressed, but not really in a 'good' mood before taking accutane.. now i'm just elated.. i love it.. my face is so nice and smooth.. i have not had any bad sid effects AT ALL.. i mean yeah, my face is dryer, but not so dry that it flakes.. my lips are not dry at all, and i even wear contacts which i have had no problem with.. i do moisturize all of the time though, and did even before going on it, so that may be why i have had little effects.. so, i think that this drug is WONDERFUL !! i mean it is so great.. i wish i could stay on it forever... if you do experience depression/suicidal thoughts while on it, steve is right.. you can always go off of it.. and think about it.. who is to say that this depression/suidcidal thoughts are not from the acne itself, and esp in the beginning of accutane whe acne really gets worse and comes out, one will get more upset and depressed and attribute it to accutane when in actuality, it's just the acne flare ups that you are seeing that are making you in these bad moods.. i'm telling you.. i know everyone is different and i am one of the lucky ones, but GO ON IT !! it is the best thing i have ever done, and the only thing i regret is not going on it sooner.. too bad i didn't know about it !!! so, take care.. karen

Karen - 03/30/00 22:50:11
Age: 27
Gender: female
Country: usa

hello.. i have been on accutane for about 4 months now on 60mg and weigh 120.. it is wonderful and has helped more then anything else.. i have tried EVERYTHING, since i was 15 years old.. i mean i have been on antibiotics for years at a time, and this is he ONLY thing that has worked for me.. i do not think that accutane causes depression, and i believe that steve is right.. i was, not depressed, but not really in a 'good' mood before taking accutane.. now i'm just elated.. i love it.. my face is so nice and smooth.. i have not had any bad sid effects AT ALL.. i mean yeah, my face is dryer, but not so dry that it flakes.. my lips are not dry at all, and i even wear contacts which i have had no problem with.. i do moisturize all of the time though, and did even before going on it, so that may be why i have had little effects.. so, i think that this drug is WONDERFUL !! i mean it is so great.. i wish i could stay on it forever... if you do experience depression/suicidal thoughts while on it, steve is right.. you can always go off of it.. and think about it.. who is to say that this depression/suidcidal thoughts are not from the acne itself, and esp in the beginning of accutane whe acne really gets worse and comes out, one will get more upset and depressed and attribute it to accutane when in actuality, it's just the acne flare ups that you are seeing that are making you in these bad moods.. i'm telling you.. i know everyone is different and i am one of the lucky ones, but GO ON IT !! it is the best thing i have ever done, and the only thing i regret is not going on it sooner.. too bad i didn't know about it !!! so, take care.. karen

Rianne - 03/30/00 21:08:30

There are 2 other very good acne sites to post on as well as Gill's site here, either for help or maybe just to have a good moan about your skin!! (For those who are asking about the saw palmetto there are lots of details in the archives which Marcus kind y wrote out for us!) Anyway, the sites are - stacey and The more we can share our experiences and help each other the better. Love to you all. Rianne.

John.allen19 - 03/30/00 21:04:21
Age: 23
Gender: male
Country: Uk

Can someone tell me if they know any online pharmacies that sell accutane. Are there any in the Uk especially. I have a private prescription but i am trying to save some money. All help will be much apprecitaed, money is tight. If i can help anyone wi h anything, please e-mail me and i will try. Thanks!

Steve - 03/30/00 20:22:56
Age: 26
Gender: male
Country: US

I researched accutane for six months before I decided to even consult my GP about it. I read reports in both the NEJM and JAMA, hit this site, Stoll's, and the Acne Message Board as well as asking those I new who had or were taking it. I first learned abo t it six years ago when my college roomate was taking it and I saw the crazy - "pregnant woman with the red stripe tab" in the trash. I was perfectly aware of and concerned about the side effects i.e. depression, suicide, birth defects, joint pain, hair l ss, seizures, premature epiphysial growth plate closure, altered skin texture, etc. I don't trust physicians or the medical community in general to provide unbiased opinions of prescription drugs. My GP is one of only a few but he contraindicates accuta e in all people under the age of 16 due to PEGPC. I knew it was powerful because its usage was limited to only the most severe of cases or else it would be commonly prescribed for all forms of acne. I believe the statement that accutane is right for all p ople with any form of acne no more than I believe the statement that accutane is bad and should be banned from the market.

ASHLEY - 03/30/00 18:59:53
Age: 18
Gender: female
Country: USA

SONIA, I tried to e-mail you, but desai is not letting me. I'm not sure if that is your right e-mail address please e-mail me with the right one, or just post it the next time your on the message boaed! Thanks!

Denny - 03/30/00 18:38:29

By the way, please dont post ALL your message in caps, no matter how important you think you are... I already have entered a full stage of dementia and seein gsomeon eyell isnt helping

Ashley - 03/30/00 18:35:56
My Email:ashleydaily
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Country: USA

This is to SONIA. Thank you for the wonderful compliment. I just have a HUGE heart and I understand where all these people are coming from. It is a VERY HARD thing to deal with! Especially ALONE! But now I feel better knowing that theres people out there hat are compassionate and caring. People that offer their experiences to better educate people(ESPECIALLY ME)! I am only 18 and have already had mental effects because of this ACNE PROBLEM. My parents had to take me to a hospital and have me commited fort e, because I tried to kill myself! That's CRAZY, RIGHT! BUT GOD has brought me a long way since then. Now I am just hoping that things go good with this accutane! The best of luck SONIA with finding a cure or at least some relife from this ACNE! If all el e fails, PRAY! TRUST IN GOD!

SONIA - 03/30/00 18:08:29
Age: 22
Country: UK

Ashley, u sound like an angel- wish everybody was like this. Anyway, guys, what's this SAW PALMETTO thing abt? I'm gonna order the RECONSTRUCTION CREAM tomorrow- those who have tried it, do u really reckon it's very effective? I visited their site, and they claim that it's a kind of miracle cream- I'm excited. But is it worth it? Please reply. Huggies..Sonia

Ashley - 03/30/00 17:38:38
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Country: USA

This comment goes to JOEY FATONE. Honey I understand how you feel. I know that your fustrated with having Acne. It is not your fault. But you don't need to get so upset. You know I really feel sorry for you that things are sooo bad. Did you know that ther 's a God in heaven who does not care about how you look, because to him you are precious! Maybe you need to talk to your heavenly father and tell him that your upset about all this. He cares for you and he understands. Don't put it past him, he is ready w lling and able to help you. There is nothing in this world that's too hard for him to help you with. Just keep the faith. PARY!!! It works! Also have you tried seeing a dermotoligist? Usually you will have to try different things untill you find the right med that works for YOU! Please don't be angry with your parents, that only makes you more stressed out and causes you to break out MORE! If you PRAY to GOD he HEARS you. BUT you have to be right with God in your heart and in your life in order for him to elp you. By cursing and acting hostile your going to make it worse. Please consider what I've said. If you need incourgment or help PLEASR e-mail me! Have you ever tried tetracycline? That is what they put me on the first time that I broke out and IT WOR ED! You just have to give the med time to adjust to your body! PLEASE DON'T GIVE UP> Andtry not to be so negitive, there are a lot of people out there(LIKE ME) who understand exactly what your going through. Best of Luck and GOD BLESS!

Jules - 03/30/00 17:19:50
Age: 28
Gender: Male
Country: UK

Hi everyone. I finish my second course of Roaccutane one week on Monday. The results have been excellent. I can't wait to go out on the piss!

I'm gonna start taking the Saw Palmetto as a prevention for maintenance. So, a question for Marcus, if he is still around. The Saw Palmetto I got from Holland and Barret is Saw Palmetto Complex with Pygeum. Is this ok. It was £9.99 fro 120 capsules, where s the other stuff was £6ish for only about 30. Before I start taking it I want to know if it is ok to take this. Does it have any side affects. I will wait a week after Roac before starting this. Bye.

Jules - 03/30/00 17:14:26
Age: 28


kate - 03/30/00 15:45:56

Most people do not know whether or not they will have a reaction to a medication until after they take it. And yes Steve, I'am sure they would stop taking it then. And yes Steve, I'am sure that dermatologists do not tell patients about all the controvers that has surrounded accutane/roaccutane. There are over 50,000 adverse event cases in the FDA database. An adverse event is classified as life-changing or life-threatening. There were newspaper articles about the chaos it created over the approval of his drug within the FDA. There were some medical groups opposed to approval of this drug without strict regulations. We cannot see into the future as you apparently can per your response about being tired of reading "all of that crap" and "no one held a gun to your head" response to another message. If we could have seen into the future then my teen would not have taking accutane/roaccutane and his life would have remained good and typical for the teen years. "No one held a gun to our heads" but the whole story about this drug was not told--if it had been we would have not allowed our child to take it in the first place! I'am sick of people not seeing nor willing to admit that there are two sides to every issue. Everyone should have t e complete facts before making a decision on taking a drug. Dermatologists know all about this drug--everything. Just "walk in our shoes" for awhile. You would thank God that you didn't have to.

Jack Guest - 03/30/00 11:25:56
Age: 17
Country: UK

Guys... of got a feeling that once people's acne starts going, they dont come back here. I'm trying to help put that right.

I've been on 50mg Accutant for about 2 and a half months now and its done WONDERS!!!

I had moderate acne on my bac and chest which would NOT go away for the past 3 years or so even after trying lots of different treatments. Accuatane has cleared it right up though. I'm so happy. I can take my top off in public again!! It's great!

I still get the same amount o light acne on my face which proves my thinking that the ance on my face is/was different to that on my back and chest. Anyway thats not a problem! My self confidence when i take my top off is comming back, I feel good and i can put up with the in my opin on, mild effects of accutant - e.g dryness etc triedness. Have faith! =)

jason - 03/30/00 11:09:40
My Email:jason_b99
Age: 19
Gender: male

hello everyone to sophie: erm.. I was simply trying to help people out who take recreational drugs and might be worried about interactions with roaccutane. i have taken ecstasy regularly for the last 4 years and IT WAS NOT TO MAKE MY PROBLEMS GO AWAY and i know exactly what was n the pill i took the other day; ketamine, mdma, caffine, sugar. I run batch testing. I doubt you are able to give me the ingredience of any of the pharmacuiticals you take on a regular basis including accutane without lookin at the packaging. Oh and a lot more people take e's than take roaccutane.... i just want to re-ask if anyone knows of any over the counter antibacterial lotions,wipes etc which I can use on roaccutane? any help would be much appreciated.. :) thanx people.. luv jas

Marre - 03/30/00 08:31:56
Age: 24
Gender: female
Country: Norway

Hello. I read some of the comments to get some information about the side effects of using Roaccutane. Im glad to see that other people also feel like shit because of the fact that they suffer from acne. It's not only me who belive I'm going crazy...I'm s metimes very sad and suicidal. But there is always a slight feeling of hope. Someday my skin will be fine and normal again. I've sufferd for many years. I got treatened with Diane for some time and it did get better. I've been quite ok looking for some ye rs but then it just EXPLODED on the left side of my face. And it really sucks. So I went to the Dr. and I'm now on my second day of Roaccutane (after an unsuccessfull cure with antibiotics). No side effects yet but I know that I will get dry lips, nose an eyes. I read the Goodfaters warning, and got worried. I do not want to get more suicidal than I already am! I'm reading this pages just to be prepared of what I can ecspect of this treatment.

Ashley - 03/30/00 08:18:27
Age: 18
Gender: female
Country: USA

I just wanted to let every one know that I KNOW how it feels to be a suffer of acne. I've had acne since I was 12(I am now 18) I've been on every drug under the sun. Everything from over the counter to under the counter! Tomorrow I have an apt. to see my octor. He is going to put me on accutane. I've done my homework and looked up lots of info on this drug! There was a lady on this site that had writen about her experiences with acne. I think her name was Jasmine. I just wanted to let her knoe that she is not the only one who does not answer the door unless a friend is there. I don't leave my house for anything. It's really SAD! You think that people would be more understanding of our situation. It really isn't our fault. It is something that we can't help I just wantto let every one know that I'll keep you in my prayers! God is REAL! He made all of us, and none of us are ugly in his sight! He made every thing beautiful! Don't give up hope! PRAY! God says ask and you shall recieve! BELIEVE!!! I also would ike for someone to e-mail me and let me know how long that it took before you saw results. My acne is mild, but latley it has been pretty moderate! You can E-mail me at! Thanks and GOD BLESS!!

Roxanne - 03/30/00 05:00:43
Age: 19
Gender: Female

Joey, I know how you feel.. I feel like that sometimes. I hate to look at myself in mirrors first thing I notice is my severe acne problem. Also, I hate when people are talking to you they are constantly looking at your face. Or when someone with a Prefec Complextion and that has never had a pimple in thier life tries to suggest medication to help you. I mean if they were decent they would keep thier mouth shut and let you worry about the problem. It's bad enough having it on your mind 24/7. I often think that people that acne free would think of me as being a unclean person because of my acne. But I am not. I am very clean. I feel depressed at times and even hate myself or wish you were never born if you were going to be suffering before your time. Well I just wanted to let you know I am in your shoes. I think I have suffered enough. As well as everyone else has.

J - 03/30/00 04:27:54
Age: 25
Gender: Female
Country: Australia

Lois, sorry to take so long to reply. I don't read this everyday. Anyway. I am taking a specifically prescribed herbal tincture. However Blackmores do capsules of Vitex Agnus Castus and that is 660mg, which according to the lady in teh Health Food sho she said that they have done research and that is the most effective dose. So give it a go. I hope that you have success with is. I think Blackmores have a web address: might be worth a look around. Good luck J.

Keri - 03/30/00 03:21:45
Age: 19
Gender: female
Country: USA

i've been on accutane for 8 weeks at 80 mg/day and lately my face gets really warm and reddens at night. has anyone experienced this and figured out how to reduce redness? thanks!!

Rob - 03/30/00 02:21:23
Age: 20
Country: USA

Steve - quick question for you. I used to be a bodybuilder myself, and the when I switched to a very high-calorie diet and added creatine my acne worsened considerably. I'm trying to figure out if this is coincidence or there's another variable I'm not ac ounting for. Have you experienced anything similar?

aussie anon - 03/30/00 01:54:00

Way to go Steve! You're right, posts like that would intimidate some people.

Rianne - 03/30/00 00:57:55
My URL: stacey

Just a quick posting. Has anyone looked at the EXODERM site for acne scarring? The picture results look amazing and I am wondering whether to "go for it"! Take care & goodnight from olde England! Rianne.

Kevin Johnson - 03/30/00 00:41:00
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Country: USA


Wow, does accutane make your skin sensitive to the sun! Well, maybe not everybody, but it did for me. I'm on my third week and I spent ten minutes outside today and the back of my neck is pretty red. I was wondering if anybody could recommend a rea ly good, really strong sunscreen/blocker? In July I am going to Moondance Jam, a 4 day outdoor concert. I'm kind of worried about staying out of the sun. I will get a good hat, and wear a good sunblock, and stay under an awning as much as I can. I hop that will help. Any other suggestions are appreciated. Thanks everybody!

Denny - 03/30/00 00:18:57

RE ACCUTANE please no more abou tth e"harmful" effects of ACCUTANE. Well, if having great complexion is harmful than don ttake it..BTW people with acne are miserable as it is, BECAUSE THEY KNOW THAT ACNE WILL WIN

franko - 03/30/00 00:02:12
Age: 19
Country: uN

I am in the middle of week eight of my accutane treatment. Before last Monday I was taking 60mg a day. Then I was lowerd to 40mg a day. Does anyone think that will efecct my treatment.. thanks in advance

- 03/29/00 22:39:48

Very well put Steve, your definitely right about it scaring people off. I guess sometimes its so hard to word things, or you just don't think people would take it that way but they do. But like you said, YOU CAN ALWAYS STOP TAKING IT IF YOU WANT!!!

Steve - 03/29/00 22:22:37
Age: 26
Gender: male
Country: US

Sorry, but that crap enrages me because it probably scared off some people who would've benefitted greatly from taking accutane. Anyway, if you start to experience negative side-effects after beginning accutane treatment you can always stop. NO ONE IS HOL ING A GUN TO YOUR HEAD.

Steve - to Justin - 03/29/00 22:18:31
Age: 26
Gender: male
Country: US

I am an amateur bodybuilder and I have not even slowed down lifting because of accutane treatment. The key to feeling good and being able to lift while on accutane is eating enough food and drinking enough water. If you become catabolic in an attempt to ut weight you may start to experience joint pain and fatigue but otherwise you will be straight. I don't know who told you that you can't lift while taking accutane but it is not true.

- 03/29/00 22:13:11

Let's not get nasty Steve. Maybe she didn't mean that.

Rianne - 03/29/00 22:12:04
My URL: stacey

Hi! I visited Marcus's new site yesterday and it is really good. Definitely worth a visit!! Good luck everyone. Love Rianne.

Steve - BULLSHIT - 03/29/00 21:50:56
Age: 26
Gender: male
Country: US

The post below in caps is ABSOLUTE GARBAGE. To make a categorical statement about accutane is rediculous and unfounded. Just because you were depressed while on accutane does not mean that it was the cause of your feelings and then to imply, from your bul shit inference, that we are all and will be depressed too is so ...just moronic. I am sure that there are people who have experienced depression while on accutane and maybe some, as a result of it but to state that anyone who takes it in the future will b depressed is patently deceiving. I am on my fifth month taking 40mg a day and I have never felt better in my life. In fact I felt the worst I have ever felt before taking accutane because of worsening acne. Going from an individual instantiation to a uni ersal generalization is one of the worst logical fallacies that can be made.

Justin - 03/29/00 21:33:15
Age: 18

On my second day of accutane and havn't experienced any of the side effects yet. I also keep vaseline on my lips all the time now. I hear this a good way to keep the dryness from ever getting to bad. I am also washing with cetaphil liquid soap which I thi k works the best. I thought I read on this guestbook somewhere that you cannot lift weights on Accutane. I asked my derm about this and he said as long as you don't have any trouble with joint aches, lifting weights should be fine. Well after fighting a ne for so long I think I am finally going to beat it. I guess I just have to wait for those side effects to kick in before I relize how hard or how easy this may be.

lynn b - 03/29/00 19:06:16
Age: 31
Gender: female
Country: uk

This is a message to Roxanne and The Godfather,you both talk about the suicidal tendancies, but I,m sure I read somewhere I can,t think if it was on the internet or some leaflets my Dr gave me about Roaccutane but I'm sure I read that it said to try and void giving it to people in their teens. I was a teen once and even in my late teens my emotional balance was not the most stable. I'm sure too other people I seemed fine but having already been spotty for nearly ten years the self asteem had taken a bit of a battering and I think if I had take roaccutane then I make have wanted to plough a car into a brick wall The best thing is to make sure a freind or relative know your taking it so they can spot the signs for you and you can get the support you need My husband keeps asking me "Are you depressed yet", which I'm not ,my pmt may have been a bit moodier but thats it .I'm sure the majority of people who take it don't have any mental side effects at all. If you start taking the drug you can always stop if you have any major side effects. Given the amount of people who have taken Roaccutane I'm sure the percentage of people who have had major side effects is tiny probably the same percentage as to those who have a side effect or reaction to taking asperin!

will - 03/29/00 18:10:01
Age: 19
Country: uk

Hi all, Any of you who have been on more than one course of roaccutane I really need some info - did your acne respond more quickly to the second course. My first course completely cleared my skin but took 6 months (60 mg a day) - I was just wondering wh ther the initial flare up is as bad and how if it takes as long to clear up. Anyone with info please get in touch or post a reply I am getting a bit desperate here. Thanks - Will.

Roxanne - 03/29/00 18:09:33
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Country: USA

Hey, Does anyone know why Roaccutane causes Sucidal Thoughts? And I am new at this stuff about S.L.S can someone explain to me about the shampoo's and other things that has that in it? Should it be used while using Accutane or Roaccutane? What does it do Also, Who all has had Sucidal Thoughts after taking the med? How long do you have to take Accutane or Roaccutane? Is it a pill? Most of the messages that are posted say that people that are using those Meds had side effects of cracked lips, dried eyes, tc. Does that ever end? Thanks again. ~*Roxanne~*

The Godfather - 03/29/00 17:50:04
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Country: UK


lynn b - 03/29/00 15:44:56
Age: 31
Gender: female
Country: uk

I've been reading everyones messages over the past few days, and it's been really interesting finding that loads of other people all over the world are on Roaccutane too.I'm in my 7th week and although my face has got alot better I still have about 6 larg blemishes which seem to like to peel when I'm at work and can't get to a mirror.I was 11 when I started to get spots and I must have spent the last 20 years walking around not looking people in the face.It's only since I got married three years ago that 've actually done something about it. I always wanted someone to look at ME and not see my spots then I met him at work strangley enough but I digress.I have had side effects .Some nose bleeds but they've stopped,dry lips and skin especially on the backs f my hands.I also seem to get a lot of aches and pains like I keep pulling muscles ,my doctor did say I might get that but none of the side effects are too bad and they're all hopefully going away after I finish the course. The best thing that I've notice though is that my skin has stopped itching for the first time in 20 years and I can rub it without bringing up a spot afterwards .Did anyone else have that?

SONIA - 03/29/00 15:15:00
Age: 22

hey there again. Thanks a lot JUST ME - I'm gonna give the Chinese guy a call today or tomorrow- even if I have to buy it in bulk, I will, I don't care. :-). I'm also gonna go thru all the shampoos in the shops and get one without s.l.s. What I have notic d is that I only wash my cheeks and chin with tea tree oil face wash, which contains sls, and only use tea tree oil freshener(which doesn't have it) for the forehead. Maybe that exlains why although my forehead is now completely clear, I keep getting the e tiny spots on my cheeks. Oh the other thing- hair products, like hairsprays deifinitely gives me spots,and big ones too. I think we will all eventually be better acne-doctors than those dermatologists out there. Luv to u all, SONIA..

Chinese Herb Lady - 03/29/00 14:25:47
Age: 36

Hi all, Roxanne: Nutragena DEEP CLEAN facial cleanser is a good one. One thing I want to mention though. If you don't gently massage when cleaning with a wash cloth and you are only using your fingers to clean and rinse then be sure to finish up one la t clean with a (square is good) cotton pad dampened and the cleanser put on it and massage gently all over infected areas as you might notice (especially if you wear foundation) that there is quite a bit of grime, etc. left.

Al - 03/29/00 13:58:01
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Country: UK


When I first started coming to this board I suggested that people who eventually become cured continue to comment and help out others. I only discovered RoA from this message board and now feel I'm an expert after only 6 months of research. My face has fully cleared and at the moment I have one small spot that is hardly noticeable with some moderate scarring that can be treated later. I used to come to this board everyday absorbing the info. / comments and ask lots of questions. Now I come (not in search, but with interest) - RoA is amazing and it's hard to believe all the years of misery can be halted so quickly. I'm on week 6 at the moment and can't really complain. I will promise to keep updating and even once I've finished help others. Any questions just ask!


Roxanne - 03/29/00 05:38:00
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Country: USA

Hello all, I have had acne for about 5 years now. For the last two months my acne has gotten very severe. Redness covered my face, and some acne. Later it became very very Sore and it could not be touched without me sheddin tears. After that it started to peel badly . I then once again went to the doctor he gave me a lotion of some kind and I began using it. As well as Pure Vitamin E Oil. Since then my redness has faded alot! But I still have the redness not all was faded. Anyways I used to have very bad s cidal thoughts but it is rarely now.When I was 16y.o I went to a Derm and he gave me antibotics and retin A cream, which those didn't seem to work they just made my face oily. I am going to another Derm in about a week or so. I hope they give me somethin that will really take care of this problem. I used to cry at night and was stressed and constantly depressed. Can anyone suggest a good facial soap or wash? Something I can use a couple times a day. I hope to be on Roaccutane, or Accutane soon!! Seems li e some of you have had good things happen to you with those. I am hoping one is right for me. Also does anyone know what has or will cure the redness? It also hurts me when I go to a public place and someone with CLEAR and PERFECT skin tries to suggests t ings for me to try. I have tried Just about EVERYTHING! Some people think of you as an infected person and doesn't want you near them. Someone got suggestions or answers please contact me. THanks. ~*Roxanne~*

Kevin Johnson - 03/29/00 05:32:26
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Country: USA

Taking accutane yourself without being monitored is a very risky business, and I wouldn't recommend it. While it seems to work well for a lot of people, there are enough problems associated with it that taking it without a doctors supervision seems somew at dangerous. If you absolutely insist on taking it, (which I definitely don't recommend), you should read through all the posts on this board, including the archives. You need to take your blood pressure frequently, have monthly blood tests to watch yo r triglyceride levels, and the actual dermatologist appointments don't cost that much compared to the actual accutane, so I'm not sure why you would do it without a prescription anyway. They will also help to watch for rare side effects, like depression, headaches, rashes, etc. If it is a case where the dermatologist feels that you shouldn't be on accutane, then consider that maybe they are right. If you are absolutely determined to be on it, then find another derm who is more willing to work with you. Just my two cents.

Chinese Herb Lady - 03/29/00 05:18:44
Age: 36

Hi All. Rianne: Thank you for thanking me. I am not quite sure how the info helped you but I am always happy to help. SP: You are very smart for being a stress bunny when it comes to pregnancy. Better to have that margin in there. Oh, and just told my Mom yesterday how well I am and have been doing. She can tell the difference in me because she has known me forever (of course). Anyway, I was saying to her that way back before I started the Chinese Herbs and for all the years I had acne (at least s nce 1992 when I finished my first Accutane treatment which worked by the way), I maybe had one full day (actually it was probably a few hours in that day)out of the whole month that I felt good meaning upbeat, happy, etc. I was telling her that since sta ting the Chinese Herbs in Nov 98, I have good days every single day all day long. I know that I don't have a lot of information other than my testimonial and offering the telephone number, etc. for my Herbalist because she said another herbalist could ca l her for information if needed, but I cannot say enough good things about the affects the Chinese Herbs have had. Also skin type seems normal rather than oily. And believe me, I know what oily is, I had it before Accutane and it returned within a week nd a half of finishing the last course (The Doc told me it would return). And I know that I have been taking the Chinese HErbs for over a year. To most people that is an extraordinary amount of time. But I had not other choice and Thank goodness it work d because Accutane was my last resort (so I thought) and the last course did not work for me. I stay here because I want to let others know that the Chinese Herbs could be an option for them. That Accutane is not the last resort. That is why I post from time to time in case anyone is wondering why I am still here if I am cured with the exception of a few whiteheads which I never got before. I only had cystic acne. I think the process has been reversed and I got rid of the big stuff and soon I will be r d of the small stuff. I expect to take the Chinese Herbs throughout this year. That will be two full years. It may be sooner. I shall wait and see. Take care.

Brian - 03/29/00 04:01:25
Age: 22
Country: usa

Im going to start Accutane next month without a doctors prescription. I know this is somewhat risky but its my only option. Can someone tell me exactly what tests i need to get done before and during the course of Accutane.. Thanks Everyone for the help!! !!!

Jen - 03/29/00 00:52:32
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Country: USA

Hey everyone- Just wanted to say that I've been on Roacc for about a month and a half, and it's already been a miracle! My face is looking much better, despite the redness and occasional flakes. However, my face was never that bad in the first place... it was mainly y back. My back right now is flaring up pretty bad, but I guess that's what is expected? It's fine with me though, because I just never wear tank tops etc... Just wanted everyone to know that Accutane is working somewhat for me and that you shouldn't gi e up hope. The side effects haven't been too bad for me, just a couple of headaches at first and an occasional rash now and then. Good luck to all.

SP - 03/29/00 00:01:48

Comments: may well be spot on...and yes the product information does say we only need to wait 1 month before donating blood...

I'm such a 'stress-bunny' though...I couldn't take wondering all the time if my actions had endangered my I'll be l aving a very wide margin for error...

Liz - 03/28/00 23:26:06

Message board is now working!

Rianne - 03/28/00 21:53:47

I left a message on the other site for CHL, but I don't think you visit that site now. It was just to thank you CHL for the information you gave me on here with reference to orthodox medication & herbs (telling me that it is the herbs only that are helpi g you & not other medication). I also mentioned Marcus and Liz - particularly regarding the research that Marcus was doing with acne and the "blocking DHT" approach. I feel optimistic about this because it would tackle the acne at source. You probably d dn't get my message but thanks for all your help! Love Rianne.

Kara - 03/28/00 21:48:03
Age: 25
Gender: female
Country: usa

Week 18 for me...was better last week, now the flare ups are starting again, when will it end?! It seems the more I work out and sweat, the worse the flare ups are, but I do believe that sweating is the body's way of cleansing the pores. Not much I can o about it I guess...I'm just really impatient for good skin right now. I would trade this for my almost perfect complexion that I had before I started the Accutane treatment. I go back to the derm in a week, so hopefully he can tell me something about hat's going on! thanks for all the support here and good advice!

Sophie - 03/28/00 21:42:23
Age: 32
Gender: Female
Country: Belgium

Hello to all of you especially the teenagers! I have been suffering of acne since the age of twelve and now with 32 I can say that this problem is finished for me (finally!!)Here is some of my experience: AGE: Age is of great importance. DO NOT WAIT to treat your acne. Go to a doctor ASAP (before it gets worse and you get scars)I waited too long (everybody told me it would go over with age:this is not true!!) On the other hand if you are young and you start a treatment there are more chances that the acne will come back because you are not fully grown up (in the physical sense of course!!) So do not get discouraged and do a second treatment if acne comes back. RO-ACCUTANE: For me it was a MIRACLE! It is the only medecine which really stopped my acne. Sometimes acne came back and then I took ro-accutane again during one month (but under dermatologistdoctor's precription and monitoring - ALWAYS!) Anyway each relapse that came back was less and less severe. SIDE-EFFECTS OF RO-ACCUTANE: For me they were not proportionate to my acne suffering so I went along very well with (dryer skin, eyes, lips..). I even really liked having a more dryer skin (my pores were much smaller and the skin looked thiner)for girls: TAKE THE PILL EVEN IF YOU DO NOT HAVE A BOYFRIEND! (those things are coming faster than expected!) There is a too big danger of having a malformation of the baby if not.DO NOT GIVE YOUR BLOOD! These effects last up to two months. I know a girl who has become pregnant after having sto ped ro-A two months before and the baby is perfect.AVOID SUN! Big risks of having pigementation problems. Do not believe the other side effects like those effects on mental health or what so ever. This is bullshit. At the beginning of the ro-accutane cure it is possible that acne gets worse, but than the medecine makes its effects, don't worry and be patient. SPOTS:SQUEEZE OR NOT SQUEEZE? Only squeeze them when you see the white of the spot(pus). if you squeeze untils it bleeds you might well have a scar! STRESS: Is a factor that favours acne SOAP: No incidence DIET: No incidence but of course it is better not to eat too fatty things (for me for exemple whipped cream, sweets, industrial jam give me inevitably a spot!But chocolate not thanks God!) SCARS: I just did a dermabrasion two weeks ago and the result is fabulous! BUT CHOOSE THE BEST DOCTOR OF YOU COUNTRY! This is a very delicate operation that needs a perfect monitoring. For exemple ro-accutane should be stopped at least two months before. Antibio ica should be taken before and after the operation. Dermabrasion is the only way to get rid of big acne scars. (it takes a least one month to recover a new normal skin after a dermabrasion) DRUGS: I just read the mail of one 19 years old guy of said that after 3 weeks of ro-accutane his acne came back with an even more severe appearance and that to forget that horrible event he swallowed an ecxtasy. This is crazy!!!! Those drugs contain chem cal substances with totally uncontrolled and unknown origine. There can be substances that maybe cause a chainreaction with ro-accutane. Anyway it is crazy to take exctasy in general but while following a medical treatment it is pure suicide!! DO NOT SWAL OW OR TAKE DRUGS IN ANY WAY DURING YOUR TREATMENT (and even after and before of course but this is not the issue here) CONCLUSION: For acne and especially severe acne I advise ro-accutane, prescribed by a serious doctor (ask around your friends, parents and teachers). Do not worry acne ends one day and for those who don't have a girl/boyfriend I can tell you acne doesn't hinder of fi ding somebody really nice (and without acne!!) GOOD LUCK TO ALL OF YOU!!!!!!

J.L. - 03/28/00 21:16:42
Age: 18

Damn, it has been a long time coming. I went to the derm today and got perscribed Accutane! I can't belive it. Right now I am a little excited yet a little nervous. Can someone some inform me what to expect over the first week and first month and any ot er advice will help. Thanx J.L.

Lisa - 03/28/00 21:16:12
Age: 35
Gender: female
Country: USA

Here I am at 35 years of age and still battling acne. You name it, I have tried it, including being on Accutane 3 times. The Accutane did help, but I still have some very bad cysts that form on my cheeks and chin. Since I am trying to get pregnant, my erm told me no oral antibiotics and no Retin-A. I had been getting some Kenalog injections for some of the large cysts, but unfortunately, a few of them have left an indented scar. The derm tells me to be patient that the scar should gradually become fl t and not indented, but it may not since the injections can thin the skin. Needless to say, I was upset because I was not told that before the injections. It's been about 3 months, and I still have scarring from the injections. Has anyone experienced t is from the injections and if so, have your scars become flat? I'm debating on whether to see a plastic surgeon for another opinion or another dermatologist.

Lois - 03/28/00 20:39:00

According to my esthetician, Sodium Laureth (laurel, whatever) Sulfate is BAD, Ammonium Laureth (laurel) Sulfate is OK. To the person who is wondering if the Accutane is still in her system a couple of months after treatment--some of the effects of Accut ne are probably meant to be permanent, such as drier skin, etc. This might be due to the damage done to the sebaceous glands rather than the drug coursing through one's system. To the person who is wondering how long it could take to clear up--my dermo aid it could take up to five months, and it might be related to how much you take and for how long...the amateur's opinion!

Kevin Johnson - 03/28/00 19:47:44
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Country: USA

I've read a lot of comments about the sodium laureth sulfate thing- both that it can be bad not only for your skin, but your hair too. If you read the ingredients on the shampoo bottles, there is also sodium lauryl sulfate, ammonium lauryl sulfate, and ammonium laureth sulfate! I don't want to compound our problems, but are these bad too? If you have read any definite data, point us to it please? Thanks. Also, Sonia, I use the lotion because it's vitam n E mainly, it does have vitamin a but only very little, it is one of the last ingredients. I've been using it for several weeks with no problems. I know you can't take vit a supplements because it will increase toxicity, but I don't think a little in a opical lotion will hurt unless your face is incredibly dry. Thanks for the warning though- if the side effects get a lot worse I will stop using it.

Rene - 03/28/00 19:40:40
Age: 28
Gender: Female
Country: California, USA

Hello Everyone, I took my last accutane pill the week before Christmas. I just wanted to let everyone know after 3 months I am still acne free. Its wonderful to wake up in the morning and not think about my face. I use the neutrogena deep clean daily c eanser. Apricot Facial Scrub every other day and a daily moisturizer with SPF. During my menstral cycle I do get a pimple or two but they come and go away within 24-48 hours and nothing cystic like before. I wanted to give everyone hope. When I was on accutane I wanted to know I was going to be okay afterwards. GOOD LUCK to everyone. ~ Rene

Just Me - 03/28/00 19:31:22
Age: 35
Gender: Female
Country: UK

Hi Sonia - Rianne nudged me that you had posed a question for me :-) ... Re Vitamin E High Potency Cream by HealthAid - the only place I have seen it at is Greenlands Healthfood Shop in Greenwich Market. I bought some again this weekend - it's just u der a fiver for a 50g jar which last weeks. Greenlands do a mail order (though I'm not sure if it's for single customers or for bulk order ie for shops etc). You can call them on 0208 293 9176. Really nice Chinese guy who runs the shop - very helpful. I usually buy 2 at a time so that if I run out, I have one on standby. This weekend I also bought the Evening Primrose Oil Cream which says is also for scars adn Vitamin A High Potency - all just under £4 or £5 and last weeks! Good luck sweetie! :) JM p/s if you live anywhere near Greenwich, the address is 3a Greenwich Market - it's right next to the Cutty Sark and in Greenwich Market itself. Oh, and no, its non condogenic (spelling?) (grins) and non oily - ie when you put it on it just disappears i to your skin and at times it feels like it seems to make the skin matt looking which is great - I really enjoy using it - prior to using the Vitamin E cream I had never used moisturiser on my face cos it's so oily and didn't think I needed any. I'm glad 'm using it now cos it really helps the scars disappear! Good luck!

Ginger - 03/28/00 19:14:06
Age: 39
Gender: Female
Country: Usa

Sonia: look at this site: have a Q&A page that answers a lot of stuff--one of them being about the Sodium Laureth Sulfate you are concerned about. I personally have knowledge of this company. They are reputable--carry products a my favorite local health store. OK? Hope this helps...

Sonia - 03/28/00 18:25:44
Age: 22
Country: uk

Hey all- am I the only one getting paranoid abt this sodium laureth sulphate thingy? This stuff is everywhere- even in the teatree oil cleanser that I use everyday, and my Head and shoulders shampoo too. Now what am I suppose to use? To JOHN ALLEN- I find Neutrogena spot-control moisturiser pretty good. To JUST ME, I couldn't find the helath aid high potency vit E cream- anyway, does the cream contain any oily or comedogenic stuff? To KEVIN JOHNSON, if u're on roacc, u shouldn't be us ng any cream containing vit A. I can't believe I'm already in my 14th week! 3 more to go, and that's it. SO far, I keep getting really tiny reddish spots here and there. Nevermind, I'm sure they'll all go. Take care, SONIA..

john.allen - 03/28/00 18:12:13
Age: 23
Gender: male
Country: Uk

Thanks you for the advice Lois. Does anyone in the UK know whether we can get retin-A micro either on the NHs or privatley? Cheers

will - 03/28/00 18:03:41
Age: 19
Country: uk

Hi all - just need some info. I've just been put back on Minocin as my acne has started to come back after a year of finishing roaccutane. I was wondering whether it was possible to take roaccutane whilst on Minocin - as I have some roaccutane left afte my course - and was wanting to take a regular low dose to help in the longer term than the minocin. I don't think I could handle a full on course of Roaccutane again as I suffered quite bad side effects. If anyone has any information or has been on thi combination before please could you get in touch. Many thanks and best wishes to all.

Chinese Herb Lady - 03/28/00 14:23:28
Age: 36

Hi all, Well, to those that are saying that Accutane stays in your system beyond 1-2 months. IN MY OPINION( So we can agree to disagree on this one) it does not stay beyond 1 or 2 months. Two reasons I have come to this conclusion. Many Doctors will/ha e said you can get pregnant after this time and also you can give blood after the 1 or 2 months. You may continue to get the side affects but it does not stay in the system. They do not allow you to give blood up to one month after Accutane. They actual y have Accutane on the questionnaire. TO CURLOUS: I have posted previously(probably in the archives- although some months were lost) information from a book I have and it has possible affects from Marijuana usage in it. POSSIBLE INTERACTION WITH OTHER UBSTANCES. Marijuana: Increased chance of toxicity of isotretinoin. Avoid

alex - 03/28/00 12:12:53
Age: 19
Country: U.K.

I have been on a course of roaccutane since December '99 and my skin has barely cleared up- it seems as if it has got worse without getting better yet. I only had moderate acne to begin with and now it is much more severe. I have many side effects but th worst is my self-confidence being in ruins. can someone tell me if theirs took a long time to clear up? when my dermatologist started me on it she said i should be clear within 3 months. this has obviously not happend and i am getting ever more desperat and impatient for it to work- please someone send some reassurance!

SP - 03/28/00 12:03:45

RE: PREGNANCY...just my personal opinion O.K.?

...after taking RoA. for around 13 months @ 20mg/day...I can definitely feel it is still in my system even after around 2-3 mths off the drug...still got dry skin EVERYWHERE...feel quite dehydrated a lot o the time...still burn easily in the sun...and am still clear!!!

although I remember reading about a young woman here who became pregnant (I think around 1 month after stopping treatment...) and her baby was fine...personally I wouldn't dream of taking he risk...

even if the baby was born without birth defects...can you imagine spending an entire pregnancy worrying about it???

I plan to talk to my doc and my derm about this soon...(within the next month or so) I'll post their opinions/recommen ations too...

hope eveyone is well...

Sara - 03/28/00 10:45:35
Country: Australia

Hi Claire Maybe give Roche Products a call regarding pregnancy as all clinical research on this product which is 15 years old states that "pregancy is prohibited for the duration of treatment and for one month after"

claire marlen - 03/28/00 10:36:30
Age: 21
Gender: female
Country: england

I have just read some of the comments. Minocin: I took this for 2 years. I got very ill after taking this. I have met other people who had the same experience I had. Pregancy: I have been told that I should not get pregant for 6 months to a year after roaccutane. The doctor told me that roacc. gets stored in your bodies fatty acids and it gets released slowly and over time. It takes more than 1-2 months to go out of your system I know from the side effects I have now (one if which a near constant feeling of dehydration) that roaccutane, 6 months later is not yet out of my sytem. For those out there who like me have got scared frommm all the relapse stories, I have 3 friends that went on it and now it's 2-4 years later and none have had relapses. I didn't take any form of vitamin supplement or meidication while on roaccutane. I was too scared. I suffered no serious side effects. I wouldn't do anything about scarring while taking roaccutane and for a few months after. Your skin is too thin.

Sally - 03/28/00 10:24:54
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Country: Australia

Hi All For everyone down under, there is a 1800 number that I ring to ask any questions about Roaccutane. I havent got the number near me but my dermatologist gave it to me when I started on Roaccutane. My sister was on it and her skin is flawless.

Natasha - 03/28/00 10:21:49
Country: Australia

Annette ( - what you are experiencing is called a flare up which is a good sign that the drug is working. Just be good with applying your moisturisers and lip balms and ride it through. It will get better.

Natasha - 03/28/00 10:19:18
Country: Australia

Kennedy USA - Your diet will actually be good with Accutane apart from excessive cheese. Doctors recommend a low cholestrol diet whilst on the drug.

Natasha - 03/28/00 10:11:01
Country: Australia

Michelle USA 22yrs - You cannot get pregnant for one month prior to taking Accutane and one month after you have ceased medication. Accutane will not cause future defects after one month. It will have no effect on your ability to have a baby (both male an female). Accutane has been around for 17 years.

jason - 03/28/00 06:23:00
Age: 19
Gender: male
Country: australia

:) hellooooo people.. I am in week 3 of my 40mg a day for 9mnths roaccutane treatment (actually oratane - same thing different name) and i am covered in acne all of a sudden!!! Wondering what I can do to stop this episode from scaring!!!! can anyone suggest any oral or topic l treatements..?? dietry even? I am petrified of perminent damage. I have been hiding in my room. Too ugly to go out. Been lying to my girlfriend.. makin excuses for not goin to see her.. (hehehe i'm pathetic I know) and onthe weekend, end of week 2 that would be, i took ecstasy and everything is OK.. I suggest puttng in eyedrops before hand however. How long till the outbreaks stop!!!! please I need to tell my girlfriend when I can see her.. :)ps. for tmy first persription to sent to the pharmaci t with $300 prepared for some crazy price.. $19 for a months supply!!!!! woohooo and I don't have any insurance!! i was sppending $60 a month on benzac peroxide!!! :) hope u all get better asap.. *mwa* please email me... thanx

curIous - 03/28/00 05:57:45
Age: 22
Gender: Female

I was wondering if anyone had had any experience with smoking pot whilst taking accutane? I very rarely smoke, however, I have roommates that smoke and I'm around it a lot it seems. (Please don't tell me I should get away or tell them to quit, I often t o.) On the occasion that I do, I just want to know if there are any known adverse effects from the two. I couldn't find anything on the internet, except one page that said that since marijuana is termed a depressant and accutane has resulted in reports f depression, you shouldn't mix the two. However, I have never experienced depression on either. I would appreciate hearing any feedback on whether people feel the two will have a harmful mix or not. Thanks.

Steve - to Aussie Anon - 03/28/00 05:36:47
Age: 26
Gender: male
Country: US

I hope that you have fully recovered from your rock-climbing injury and I will still keep my promise :).

Lois - 03/28/00 02:03:39

To John--a good moisturizer and cleanser that is ABSOLUTELY OIL FREE can be found at The products are great. To I forgot who, but whoever was wondering about pregnancy--Apparently, the effects of Accutane are terategenic, or tetra or something like that--which means that Accutane effects the development of a fetus, not the dna of either the ovum or the mother. Thus, when the Accutane is out of your system, so is the danger. At least that what the docs say.

Denny - 03/28/00 00:58:47

HI ALL, UPDATE{{ NOw using Retin-A Micro daily after wash. ALso have started MINOCIN treatment with 200mg dose. Hold on let me take one-there we go. WELL, my Dr. dais "minocin will help the red spots." I FIGURE it works for me sometimes, and bacteria is bacteria. ... -DENNY

- 03/27/00 22:06:23
My Email:Oslo
Country: Norway

Dale, I is a member of roaccutane actin group in Norway and our group is in touch daily for the past years with others roaccutane action groups in other countries. we record all the web sites like these ones and you should make contact with the main group in Dublin who is the web site that you find.they have already taken actions to find out why canada warnings was not change and they is in toch with a largest number of peoples in canada who has depression side effects. contact them. they store copies of nfo posted to web sited like this and I will speaks to them. can you post your email addres?.it is very should contact them by email which is i had sams side effects so i kno what you go thro.

canada - 03/27/00 21:46:15
Age: 17
Gender: female
Country: Canada

I started a four month course of accutane last december. It was prescribed by hospital dermatologist. I developed lots of side effects and the worst was depression and amnesia, I just could not remember anything and thought I was going insane.I had to sto the drug. My mum and dad re read the side effects listed in package and all it said was possible change in mood.My dad looked up the internet and found that england, america and other countries had label warnings for accutane stating depression, psychosi , suicide, suicide attempt, amnesia and a whole load of these kind of problems. I could not believe it, why are these warnings not in canada?????????I went to pharmacist and they said that the makers of the drug hoffman roch had not yet brought the warnin s into canada.Then my dad found roaccutane action group site The site shows label warnings and suicide warning was introduced in France in march 1997 for accutane and a few months later in most other countries. Tonight i came across this site and saw a lot of messages posted from canada. how can there be these terr ble warnings in other countries and canada warnings just say... change in mood.... am i going insane or am i missing something. would those who posted messages from canada please reply as we should get together and see why canada does not have the new war ings.the makers must be crazy not to give same label warnings in canada as in other can this be allowed, Dale

Liz - 03/27/00 21:31:05

Rianne, Jasmine & anyone else interested! As promised Marcus’ link is above unfortunately at the moment no one can post or fill in the survey, Marcus wasn’t planning on running it this soon! There is some information at present regarding some acne treatme ts with will soon increase to cover every possible acne & scar treatment! Expect to see the site completed within the week! If someone could e-mail me to let me no whether the C.G..I. is working & the music! It will be greatly appreciated! Any suggestions as to how the site could be improved would be grate too!!! I know it’s early days but I think you can get a general idea of how the site will be! Thank you!! B.T.W cheek out the penguin on the entry page!

Yianni - 03/27/00 21:20:30
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Country: Canada

Dear everyone, I have these red marks on my cheecks that are somewhat small and seem to be indented somewhat. They are not full pledged scars. I was wondering if anyone on accutane or anyone who completed accutane has noticed that they went away after the treatement or during it. I'm not even done my first week and I am very impatient. thanks

Yianni - 03/27/00 21:20:21
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Country: Canada

Dear everyone, I have these red marks on my cheecks that are somewhat small and seem to be indented somewhat. They are not full pledged scars. I was wondering if anyone on accutane or anyone who completed accutane has noticed that they went away after the treatement or during it. I'm not even done my first week and I am very impatient. thanks

Yianni - 03/27/00 21:20:12
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Country: Canada

Dear everyone, I have these red marks on my cheecks that are somewhat small and seem to be indented somewhat. They are not full pledged scars. I was wondering if anyone on accutane or anyone who completed accutane has noticed that they went away after the treatement or during it. I'm not even done my first week and I am very impatient. thanks

ToANNA from AMY - 03/27/00 20:26:53
Age: 25
Country: USA

Hi ANNA- I will check the inserts in my packages of Azelex and Klaron Lotion to see if they both say that a side-effect may be freckling/skin pigmentation...I remember at least one of them did. Could very well be that they had opposite effects on us OR th t we took them at different times of the year where the sun was shining strong in my location and not yours :>

Chinese Herb Lady - 03/27/00 20:24:05
Age: 36

Hi all, To Jasmine: There is actually controversy about how much protein we need to take. Body Builders alot of times will consume above 100 grams of protein in a day. My herbalist said I should probably look towards 50 to 70 grams a day. I have not c ecked it for exact numbers but I bet I am towards the lower. Funny thing is I bet I barely had any before. My protein drink is 25 grams per scoop of powder. That gives me a basic start for the day. I usually have one bagel a day during the week. The p rticular bagels I eat have 8 grams of protein per bagel. Then soy milk has grams as well as other foods. Forgive me but I don't know what soya is. Please let me know. Are you a vegan or (I forget the name of dairy eating vegetarians) which I am one of those. I think is starts out with Octo...... Anyway, back to the protein. We don't really know how much we assimilate of what we consume so it is difficult to say how much an individual needs but I think we are just like plants in the sense that some p ants that thrive on much sunlight can actually stay alive (or maintain) but do not thrive unless they have the amount of light they need to flourish. I think that we can indeed and DO survive but we do not flourish without the proper amount of protein. oes this make sense to anyone but me? Take care. I still have to email Marcus with info if he still wants it. I was extra busy this weekend. Hopefully I can free up some time to email.

Yianni - 03/27/00 19:54:07
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Country: Canada

Dear everyone, I have these red marks on my cheecks that are somewhat small and seem to be indented somewhat. They are not full pledged scars. I was wondering if anyone on accutane or anyone who completed accutane has noticed that they went away after the treatement or uring it. I'm not even done my first week and I am very impatient. thanks

Michelle - 03/27/00 19:29:59
Age: 22
Gender: Female
Country: USA

I was wondering if anyone knows about pregnancy after accutane. Accutane seems is so harmful to fetuses while on Accutane what about after the treatment is completed? Is there still any risks of birth defects down the road?

Amanda - 03/27/00 18:44:02
Age: 25
Gender: female
Country: USA

This is for Anonymous in the Netherlands- I took a hit of ecstasy on Saturday night and am on 40 mg of accutane for about the last 2 months or so. I was fine and am fine. I didn't do it in a club or anything because I am still pretty self-conscious abo t my skin. But I did have the best sex ever with my boyfriend for about 5 hours. it kept my mind off things for awhile.

Valerie - 03/27/00 18:40:28
Age: 25
Gender: female
Country: USA

TO ANNA: The same thing is happening to me with the transparent skin and seeing my veins. I see them on my forehead and chest. It is disgusting. i am on my second month at 40mg a day. I hope this goes away at the end of treatment.

Kaitlin - 03/27/00 18:24:22
Age: 20
Gender: female
Country: canada

John.allen: you should try either moisturel or glaxal base. My doctor recommended them both whilst on accutane. Good luck!

john.allen19 - 03/27/00 18:10:37
Age: 23
Gender: male
Country: Uk

Question: can anyone recommend a non-oily, comodegenic moisture cream/lotion? And ppl who are on accuatne, do any of you feel lethargic? If anyone wants to ask me any questions, please feel free to mail me.

Jasmine - 03/27/00 17:27:22

Posting roughly at the same time again Rianne!!

Jasmine - 03/27/00 17:26:09

Hi LIZ.Yeh that's a good idea.Look forward to seeing it.It will be a waste of all his hard work if he doesn't carry on with it.ANNA.I was using Skinoren which is the same as azelaic acid.Skinoren is just the brand name and it turned my face a strange oran e colour.I am very pale and I know it is used for taking away dark marks(pigment)which would include freckles but for some reason with me it had the opposite effect and I also found it very irritating on my skin,really itchy.It's weird how different treat ents affect us differently.It's probably not advisable to use while on Roaccutane as it is drying to the skin.CHL.Hi I think I've asked you this before but how much protein are you supposed to have a day as I too am veggie but I do eat a lot of soya?RIANN .How is your acne?I know what you mean about this site being more stressful than a help recently.I'm sure things will calm down.I rang the acne support nurse today and she said it will take about 6-8 weeks before the antibiotics will start to work.I can't bear it.I've looked so terrible since about the end of Nov and the red marks,scars and spots look horrendous.I can hardly bear to look in the mirror.I ordered some ginger and acidiphilus tablets today.Thanks for the tip.Nothing serious on the thrush yet b t just doesn't feel quite right.This might seem a daft question but the acidophilus tablets doesn't stop the antibiotics working does it?I hope your'e not thinking of leaving me in my hours,days,weeks of waiting and looking hideous while the antibiotics h pefully kick in.You know I'm here whenever you want to let off steam about your acne too.The whole point of the board eh!I've ordered a face wash called acnisal but haven't got it yet.It has salicyclic(sp)acid in it and is meant to help get rid of the bla kheads and make the skin feel slightly less greasy.If you ring up the acne support group they have got some free samples to send out so if you fancied trying it.For anyone else you have to be a member of the British acne support group to get it but I know you are Rianne.Anyway me going on again.Speak soon love Jasminexx

Rianne - 03/27/00 17:07:46

Someone was around and I had to scoot!! Still have to actually!!!!!

Rianne - 03/27/00 17:06:14

Thanks Liz!!!!!!

Liz - 03/27/00 16:39:02

Rianne, Jasmine & everyone, I’m putting Marcus’ page up later! I have to write this in secrecy as he expressed his view on this earlier, I don’t want to see his hard work go to waist! I’ll tell him what I’ve done tomorrow and that way if I know him he won t pull the plug especially if people are visiting, and will have to finish it, that’s the plan anyway I just hope it works! I’ll post the U.R.L as soon as I can, thanks

Anna - 03/27/00 15:58:46
Age: 24
Gender: female
Country: US

Oh! the other thing I forgot to ask you guys was whether anyone has felt like their skin (on their face) has become more "transparent." What I mean is that not only am I getting more freckles but (this is going to seem gross, but it's true) I can see th blue veins underneath my skin. It's not horrible or anything, but it just seems like my skin is really fragile and thin or something. Accutane has just COMPLETELY changed everything about my skin--some for the better (I only have one spot and two small cysts on my cheek) and some for the worst (the "freckled ghost effect" & the extreme dryness/flaking).

Anna - 03/27/00 15:52:21
Age: 24
Gender: female
Country: US

To Amy: you mentioned that Azelex gave you freckles? Is that correct? I am now on Accutane (6 weeks, 80 mg/day)but used to use Azelex b/c I found it to be the only non-irritating topical acne medication. (BTW, I think Azelex may be the same as Skinore ??? but i'm not sure) Anyway, I was told that Azelex is also prescribed for people who are losing their hair (?!) and for people w/ uneven pigmentation on their face. I am very pale and still have some freckles, but not many. When I was on Azelex, I elt like they were fading away! Now that I'm on Accutane, I feel like I'm "breaking out" in freckles. Isn't that strange? I use SPF 15 sunscreen everyday, too. Doesn't make much sense to me. Has anyone else w/ pale skin gotten more freckles while on ccutane & using sunblock everday???? It's sort of driving me crazy & I want to use a fade cream but I'm afraid of irritating my skin. Is anyone using-or has anyone used a fade cream while on Accutane?? Thanks in advance for any info!

Chinese Herb Lady - 03/27/00 14:56:19
Age: 36

Hi all, To Rianne: I have not taken any medication for ACNE since finishing my second course of Accutane in October of 98. Just so happens I did not start to clear until after a year of Chinese Herbs. I say that because many say they Accutane continues to work after stopping it, however, it is also known to be out of the system 1 to 2 months (I forget which) after finishingI still had cysts after the Acctuane treatment. I don't think that the Chinese Herbs are really considered medication as they are na ural, however, I do say that they are "prescribed" to me. ANyway just thought I would share. I also added a daily protein shake to my diet as I am a vegetarian and I wasn't a very good one until about February meaning that I did not get enough protein. y Herbalist told me that our skin is made up of protein and the protein that we do take in and actually assimilate (we don't know how much we actually assimilate) that some goes here and there and wherever else it is needed and then the last place it goes is to the skin. As I am typing this I am thinking that some might think that I am promoting a high protein diet. That however, is not the case. I do not believe in High Protein diets. I do however believe in a balanced diet. Also back when I was applyi g things to my face I used a product with 2% Salicylic Acit called Claryfing Treatment which seemed to help. I'm not sure how many products there are out there with this in it or how much is in the products. I had purchased this from the Serious Skin Ca e company as one product of many of theirs. Anyway, Rianne I know you have heard most of this before, but I wanted to share again.

Claire Marlen - 03/27/00 14:55:24
Age: 21
Gender: female
Country: england

The key to coping with roaccutane is to drink a lot of water. To amount of moisturiser will help your skin or lips as much as drinking excessive amounts of water. I also think that water might keep some side-effects at bay. I have not suffered from very many. Scars: I am trying a fruit peeling system by neo strata. My skin looks great at the moment. Antibiotic cures: I had terrible experiences. My immune system was shot. For the next 2 years I had the flu for 2 weeks out of every month. It is very important to combat the effects antiobiotics will have on the bacteria in your gut. I have read tha they are a cause of both acne and thrush. The pill: I am not going to go on the pill again. I was on it for 2 years. After I came off I got a terrible attack of acne. Worse than in my teens. Topical solutions: they calmed it down but I was became immune. Diet: I was never strong enough to cope without chocolate.

Joanne - 03/27/00 14:15:31
Age: 21
Gender: Female
Country: England

I took a course of Roaccutane in 1996,and only suffered very mild side-effects. However, about 18 months later I started to suffer with acne again. I went back to my G.P. who put me on Dianette (contraceptive pill) which did work, but had even worse side- ffects than Roaccutane! It gave me terrible headaches and made me vomit, to such an extent that I was having to miss lectures at university; so the Dianette had to be stopped. I was then put on Isotrex after hearing a doctor talking about it on TV. At the moment it seems to have had a very slight effect, so I am going back to my G.P. to ask for a stronger dose (it is applied to the skin)Howvever, if this does not work I dont know what Im going to do! I will be graduating in the summer, and really, really d not want to go to job interviews with spots - they completely crush my confidence; vain as this will sound, its true.

Rianne - 03/27/00 14:07:10

To clarify - the medication I refer to - 3rd line from the bottom of my posting is Accutane and NOT Minocin.

Rianne - 03/27/00 13:57:18

As usual a comma is missed - after hormonal.

Jasmine - 03/27/00 12:29:42

Hi MARCUS,I just read your post after posting mine.Please stay(you said not to ask sorry).I was looking forward to seeing your new site.The site has had friction on it on and off anyway.You haven't caused anything.Anyway if you don't come back take care a d hope your skin stays clear.I'm sure you will be missed.Love Jasminexx

Jasmine - 03/27/00 12:23:27
Age: 33
Country: U.K.

Hi everyone.I see another lot of friction has gone on but on this board instead of the other one.MARCUS.As I said earlier I didn't want to get involved with the bad feeling between you and Just Me as I get on well with both of you but I do think you have een treated unfairly from Bubble Boy.I have re-read the posts and as far as I can see you did not write anything rude to get the reaction that you did.How many times and ways can you say YES I AM ON MINOCIN!!I don't really think it is an excuse that peopl are stressed out because of their acne to become rude.I am covered in acne and also suffer greatly from an illness and I am not rude to anyone.It all just becomes petty and is really not important in life in general.Now don't start giving me grief Bubble Boy because I have nothing against you either.Perhaps you and Marcus can just put things behind you and start again.As people say you have both been very helpful sharing your theories with supplements and acne tips.I think things just got a bit out of han .Hi to GINGER,FISH,RIANNE,JULES,KAITLIN and all.Hope to see your new site soon Marcus.Good luck.Rianne are you there?or are you waiting for it all to die down.Hope you are O.K.That's it for now love Jasminexx

marcus - 03/27/00 12:13:31
My URL:What else can I do!
Age: 22
Country: U.K

To all members of the board, I would like to express my deepest sincere apologies for the turmoil last night! I apologise unreservedly for any & all messages taken out of context!!! I bare no animosity toward anyone not even the Bubble boy, after all life too short (at least for some!) The last time I left the board (not the time out I took some time out!) was due to an abusive message over my regimen via e-mail against my better judgment I came back to the board in the hope of carrying on where I’d left ff! Beside the fact that I would have saved £100 pounds on my phone bill due to the research I’ve carried out trying to find an explanation as to why the regimen works so well for me, I can’t help thinking how I would have also saved myself & others a lot of stress, which lets face it isn’t going to help our skin at all!!! I will miss everyone who partakes in the fight against this underrated & at times emotional crippling disease! I am giving up my work on the new site because lets face it before I came t is was always a very good, friendly site, I hope the board can return to normality once I am gone! I will instead focus my effects into the children’s writing I have been doing in recent years, hopefully one day I’ll be able to get published (although it s a very difficult area to break into!) Rianne, Jasmine, Ginger, C.H.L I shall miss hearing from all of you as you all come off as extremely nice, caring people, & no matter how you feel or what people might tell you, you’ll always be beautiful to me! Onc again sorry to EVERYONE on the site for any (albeit unintended!) and all nastiness, abuse, ect, on my part! I hope each & every one finds an answer to their skin (including Bubble boy,) because I can’t think of a group of people who deserve it more!!! Ji , I apologise for leaving you in the lurch, however if at any time you have a question about this course of treatment please feel free to e-mail me as I won’t be coming back to even read peoples replies to this message! P.S please no one ask me to stay this time as I feel it would prove unfair on myself & everyone else involved! And I also know that on the whole my work has been very appreciated by you very kind people!!!!

Al - 03/27/00 09:10:21
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Country: UK

Feel I need to comment -

Jules - I'd agree with the sun/sea combo. being good for acne; my belief is that the sea salt has healing properties / inhibits oil production by drying the skin. However, ingesting salt prevents collagen formation so don't know if this exposure would be a good long-term.

John - I think shaving whilst on RoA is good, providing your skin is smooth enough to prevent further damage. I've been shaving once daily on an evening and believe this exfoliates my skin and prevents infection. When not shaving sometimes the hair foll cle can be infected and I reckon because your skin will be drying (and you should be applying a moisturiser not only to moisturise but to help healing and protect against sun) that shaving reasonably regularly is best.

Regards to all, Al.

Kevin Johnson - 03/27/00 08:24:42
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Country: USA

I've tried out a few different moisturizers in the first few weeks since I started on accutane. The best one I've used so far is Fruit of the Earth Vitamin E Lotion. It has vitamin e(obviously), aloe vera, sunflower seed oil, wheat germ, and vitamin a. It doesn't say on the bottle whether it is non-comedogenic, but I contacted the company ( and they assured me that it is. I've been u ing it for a week now, and it works great. It is prety affordable too.

- 03/27/00 08:13:35


amy (again) - 03/27/00 05:08:20
Age: 25
Country: usa

HI- YES, tried Proactiv last week. This is my second week using it. It's main ingredient is 2% Benzoyl Peroxide, it is really drying out my face- it's flaking-that's why I asked the Benzoyl Peroxide question. Proactiv is basically just a facial cleanser w th BP and little granules in it (like St. Ives Apricot scrub) to exfoliate, a toner to dry out your face, and then 2%benzoyl peroxide gel. If you have really oily skin and know that BP doesn't irritate you too much it is worth a try since there is a money back guarantee- but if you ask for rushed shipping it adds about $15 to the $40 start up package price. BTW, Proactiv manual says that if you are an individual who turns out to be sensitive to BP to use it for two weeks (and less often) and and maybe the irritation will go away.Hope this helps.

Chinese Herb Lady - 03/27/00 05:02:29
Age: 36

Hi all, To Max: Proactive Solution did not work for me, however, the nice thing about it is that there is a money back guarantee. I think it is 60 days or maybe its 30. If it is 60 days then that is even better. You do still have to pay for the postage to and from if you return it but near 2 months is a great trial time. Darn if only I was the forum owner and could delete all those posts that don't conform to my standards. To CAT: I read that someone responded to you regarding something like don't gi e up. Well, I must say that if you are in the middle of a course of Accutane you may as well finish it because you just don't know until you go through the entire course, if it will work or not. And if you quit in the middle of a course you may never kn w if it would have helped and after going through all the side affects....

Max - 03/27/00 03:47:55
Age: 27
Gender: male
Country: USA

Hi all! I've been wanting to try the "Proactiv Solution" that I've seen on TV. Has anyone had any expierence with it?

amy - 03/27/00 03:34:59
Age: 25
Country: usa

To Genny (and others), You said Benzoyl Peroxide "ruins" your skin, is this true? Anyone know how, if so? Azelaic acid and Klaron have worked great for me, not as drying as BP, but they do cause some freckling (in me, not all) and am thinking of switching to BP. Thanks

- 03/27/00 03:20:37

point time I'll stay out of it...(SP...wishing to hell she'd kept her damn mouth shut...)

Hey Liz: - 03/27/00 03:12:12

Be our mommy please. Maybe in your sleep you will awake refreshed and calmed down.

The Bubble Boy: - 03/27/00 03:01:22

To mn, I checked those Eucerin products. The cleanser I use is Eucerin Hydrating Cleanser, and they have a moisturizing cream I use but only on my hands. They also have an SPF 15 that I use on my nose for precaution. Now back to my nice BIG meal. Best o you, The Bubble Boy

kennedy - 03/27/00 02:59:59
Age: 20
Country: usa

hello. i desperately need answers. i've tried almost every prescription drug out there except accutane and am seriosly thinking of taking it. before i approach my dermi, i need to know some basic things. i weigh about 140 lbs and am a vegetarian. how ver, i eat cheese. how many mgs is normal for my weight? i don't want to take too much and ruin the insides of my body or too little to be ineffective. will this diet affect the efficacy of the meds? i'm so desperate that i probably would eat an uncoo ed cows eyeballs if that would make my skin normal. j/k. thanks.

Lois - 03/27/00 02:57:35

To J in Australia-- I've recently purchased Frontier's Vitex--how much are you taking per day?

Mike - 03/27/00 02:38:19
Age: 16
Gender: male
Country: US

is acutane less effective if taken without food? throughout the course of my treatment i haven't really taken it with food very often. im on my last month and my face is clear and fairly dry, but not so much that i have to even use moisturizers. could thi be because i havent taken it with food and its less effective? i hope not. i really really REALLY want this to last, my summer plans revolve around me being able to LOOK good. :)

aussie anon - 03/27/00 02:29:04

To Jules: Yes I am still around, watching the board. I don't post so often, I have become like Steve and don't really comment on my progress. I am only half way through my course, my derm gave me 60 mg/kg per day, but I only take 40 mg as I only weigh 117llb. I have no idea why I got soooo much, my acne was only mild and I always found it hard to get doctors to treat it. As for GW, I think he may have fallen off the face of the earth, or maybe he has gone quiet as his footy team is being thrashed by he victorian teams :-) ......... Steve: good to see you are up again. Guess that means you won't be camera shy now ....... :-) Cheers!

Colin - 03/27/00 02:24:14
My URL:Obtain US$20,000 for a 1 time fee of US$5. This is open WORLDWIDE, not just to US cit zens. Less than 5,000 applicants before the program closes.

If you had the opportunity to obtain an education fund of up to $200,000 for each of your children, would you take it? If you and your spouse (under age 50) had the opportunity to obtain $40,000 or more to pay off debts or put away for retirement, would you take that opportunity, as well? What if the money NEVER had to be repaid? Would you be willing to look at a program of a kind that never has been tried before, and that has been developed by good people of faith who are trying to give a helping hand to working class people who may be living from paycheck to paycheck? Would you be willing to learn everything possible about this program, to form your OWN opinions about its worth, and not to take the "opinions" of others about the program as "truth? If so, email me at Please indicate that you're from Gill's page when you email me so I'll know. Thanks for your time.

aussieanon - 03/27/00 02:15:30

To Bubble Boy and Marcus, I am no way taking sides in this debate, however all I can say is that it is very easy to misinterpret someones posts. Without hearing ones tone of voice, it is easy to miread what they are tryng to say. Many peoples posts can e misjudged, including my own sometimes. You know, as I re-read my last post (about the naproxen), I feel that it could have been easily be misread. It could be read as if I was being patronising, however I never had those intentions. It is quite possi le that you both initially misinterpreted the posts, but now it seems to be snowballing. You are are intelligent people, and do a lot to help others on this board. We all appreciate all that you have done, but when things get nasty it is no fun for the est of us. Cheers! aussie anon

Liz - 03/27/00 02:09:07

Bubble boy, I won't be drawn into such a petty argument! I'm going to bed now so won't be able to reply again! The offer is still there should you decide to take it! B.T.W Why do you feel you need to post such criptic messages all the time, have you some ort of inferiority complex where you feel you need to dazzle everyone with your intelect! Good night, I hope by the morning you've calmed down & have had chance to reflect on your behaviour!

The Bubble Boy to mrn - 03/27/00 02:05:41

mrn, great success I pray in your course with Accutane. I found that for myself, straight petroleum jelly (except when out of doors, I like Vaseline Lip Therapy SPF 8, or ChapStik Lip Balm with SPF15), is good on the lips, which, as testified by most Acc tane users, drying can be excessive. For moisurizer, I currently like the Eucerin Products. Best to you. The Bubble Boy

Hi Liz - 03/27/00 01:58:30

Hey Liz, if you think I'm excited, I suggest you try studying the discipline offered by most accredited institutions called, psychology.

mrn - 03/27/00 01:49:21
Age: 20
Gender: Female
Country: USA

Hello all! I am about to start Accutane and in anticipation, I just wanted to know what you think are the best moisturizers to use while on it. Also - are there any good herbal suppliments that help with side effects? How do you know they are safe?

Liz - 03/27/00 01:47:10

Bubble boy you need help! This is not intended in a sarcastic manner! Please calm down, for your own sake! Marcus' offer stands in regards to me helping you! I can't make head nor tail out of your posts which inpies a deep problem! I implore you get in to ch!

The Bubble Boy: - 03/27/00 01:37:47

Marcus, did you read the Vitex post? Your doing a great job of dropping this. Now who needs the psych? The Bubble Boy.

The Bubble Boy - 03/27/00 01:33:27

The Bubble Boy : - 03/27/00 01:08:00 Comments: There's a difference in a sincere answer, and attempting to frame a question as masking back-biting. I'm not interested, and know the difference. "The Low Stooping ", "The Anti-Chilled One", "Mad", "Sarcastic", "SP Disappt", "Low Stooped", "Needings A. M at Tenderizer" "Isolate" Bubble Boy. (I apologize for any repeated information, should there be any. "The Low Stooping ", "The Anti-Chilled One", "Mad", "Sarcastic", "SP Disappt", "Low Stooped", "Needings A. Meat Tenderizer" "Isolate" Bubble Boy.)

J - 03/27/00 01:32:55
Age: 25
Gender: Female
Country: Australia

An quick update. The Vitex Agnus Castus and Dong Quai is really working. I feel so much happier and the spots are just going. I think it is also cleansing out the system because the odd spot I get is a big one but the rest of the skin is looking really good. I am also sticking very strongly to the Eat Right Diet by Peter D'Aramo. It suggests that depending on what blood group you are determines what you should eat. The weather here is quite humid too and normally my skin goes mad in the humidity and it appe rs to be fine. Book into a herbalist those of you who want to go down the avenue of Natural therapy. Best wishes J.

Ginger - 03/27/00 01:09:42

Bubble Boy: Perhaps the tenderness is missing from your post. YES, I think there is still some major sarcasm goin' on here. WHY? Are you that mad right now? This isn't the way to help that. Isolation is going to make you feel worse.

Jim - 03/27/00 00:41:52

All I can say is don't go Marcus. I completely understood the Minacin thing the first time you posted it. You two both seem like intelligent guys and have been a big help to this board in your research and tips.

marcus - 03/27/00 00:20:17

To you Bubble boy: For the fourth time YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

marcus - 03/27/00 00:17:05

Ginger, thanks for your support over this issue too!!!! I'm beginning to wonder why I bother coming to any acne site as all I seem to get recently is abuse! I'll post the link on this board in the next week as the sites taking on a life of it's own!(expec to see somthing pretty unique!) Did you also find my post rude or did you feel it was him who seems to be coming off this way? I need everyones view on this as I'd like to apologise if this is the case! Hope to talk to you soon!

The Bubble Boy: Still waiting - 03/27/00 00:08:45

I'm still waiting for a simple "yes" or "no" answer.

Ginger - 03/26/00 23:58:32

MARCUS: Amen and AMEN!!!!! You go..bro--where is this site of your going to be???I eagerly anticipate that--it's MUCH needed-- Bubble Boy: Marcus answered your question, as he said--three times. What is your problem? If it's just stress, chill out brother. Let's try to be mature here--

marcus: I'm beginning to think it's me! - 03/26/00 23:47:58
Age: 22

Bubble Boy what part of yes don’t you understand? Why is my post rude, I was very careful to ask you a question using the exact wording you used to ask me a question! (which I felt was extremely rude!) I .e The Bubble Boy: To Marcus - 03/25/00 23:55:59 Comments: First Marcus, your post on this site dated 3-21-2000/ state..."you found the info in the archives then! I know its early days but have you seen any improvement yet? I also take Minacin, which is one of the vital components in my regimen!!!! " My question is, was the typing suppose to have read "Minocin", not "Minacin"?? If this is the case, I would question the efficacy of ANY supplement, while concurrently taking an antibiotic. Best to you, The Bubble Boy. My question to you read! Your pos on this site da ed 03/26/00 00:09:55, you state: ”Day 7/8. If you have been reviewing my recent VITEX 300mg post, this regimen continues, and is the most successful I have ever had. This is day 7-8 from baseline, and I am finding this a little hard to be ieve.” My question is does day 7/8 refer to the ime past since you last took Isotretinoin (accutane) ?? If this is the case, I would question the efficiency of ANY supplement, or measures you have or are taking! If you think this is rude it has come from our own hand my friend! (and proves your own rudeness!) Furthermore I have answered your question 3 times now! I.e - 03/26/00 01:04:15 ! Bubble Boy, I apologise for my spelling error, I do take Minocin & although they worked for a few months in the begi ning the effects soon wore off completely! Around six months later I began to take the different supplements I’ve mentioned & my skin cleared up again! As I’m sure you can imagine I’m terrified to stop taking anything while I’m getting along so well. It i my own belief that the Minocin must have some effect! This is of course only my view & could be completely wrong but I felt I needed to inform people of all precautions & pills I am taking! I hope this answers your question! 2nd answer marcus - 03/26/00 09:46:02 Comments: Bubble boy, sorry I thought I'd made it clear! In answer to your question, yes!! 3rd answer: marcus - 03/26/00 12:08:23 !! Although I presently take Minocin I feel it only addresses (& no longer very well) the bacterial side of acne not the underlying problem! Now surly I’ve made this clear! One more time just for you YES, YES ,YES, I take minocin! If anyone else thinks I’ve been unclear on this matter please let me know & I won’t hesitate to apologise!!!! You tell me what “base line” i you wrote it for gods sake!!! I redirect your question to you did YOU bother to read my posts because I can’t help felling we wouldn’t be having this repetitive conversation if you had! I am hugely disappointed to see you have lowered yourself to name ca ling! Now let's have a straight answer from you, have you or have you not taken a course of accutane in the last few months! I’m sorry you have taken this out of context as it was never intended to! I have always had the deepest respect for you!!!!! Gin er, I think theres somthing in the water! Please hang around my board will be up in a few days!

miss manners (SP) - 03/26/00 23:23:05

what can I say BB...except I was disappointed by your recent posts to Marcus...

Ginger - 03/26/00 23:21:10

Apparently this board isn't going to be any different than the arguing on the other board--I guess I'll go somewhere else--this is ridiculous

JJ - 03/26/00 23:16:56
Age: 24
Gender: Female
Country: UK

To Cat: Don't give up! I think maybe your first course at 20mg daily was not enough to stop the acne. I don't know how long you took it for but the usual course is for about 5 months at a dose of 0.5 - 1mg per kilo of bodyweight. e.g. someone weighing 60 kg should have between 30 - 60mg daily. I had 40mg daily for 5 months and I weigh 60kg, it has cleared up my acne completely. In the leaflet that comes with the roaccutane, it says that your acne may get worse in the first couple of weeks, this is because the roaccutane works by shrinking your sebaceous glands, a bit like squeezing them from the inside, so anything in them is go ng to be pushed out to the surface of your skin, therefore: spots. This honestly does get better. My dermatologist actually prescribed me 20mg for the first month plus an antibiotic for the first 6 weeks to minimise this breakout, I switched to 40mg aft r a month, and my breakout wasn't bad at all (although I think I'm resistant to antibios, I tried them all). You should start to see a difference after about 6-8 weeks, but your dermatologist should keep an eye on your dose and adjust it accordingly. I poke to a US dermatologist who recommends taking the maximum dose for your bodyweight if you can tolerate it, as this means you are less likely to have a relapse, which makes me wonder if my dose was high enough, but it seems to have worked so far!

The Bubble Boy to: James - 03/26/00 17:06:34 - 03/26/00 22:53:21

RE: Vitex. I purchased mine at a grocery market store (as opposed to a "health food" store/market) They have a health-vitamin department (large store). The brand again I am trying is, Vitex by Frontier Natural Products Co-Op. Best to you, The Bubble Boy

And furthermore to marcus - 03/26/00 22:28:29

Let's have a straight answer marcus. Are you, yes or no, on minocin at this time? Just a plain yes or no, if you can.

The Bubble Boy to a VERY RUDE MARCUS - 03/26/00 22:24:34

Your post shows your absolute failure and hypocrisy regarding thorough reading of peoples complete post. What is a baseline? Did you even read this? If you had, your post is absolutely irrelevant. The Bubble Boy to an egotistical marcus

Ginger - 03/26/00 21:42:04
Gender: FEMALE
Country: USA

FOR THOSE THAT NEED MORE INFORMATION ABOUT ACCUTANE--Here's a site that will answer ALL your ?'s !!! info.

Arlen - 03/26/00 21:08:32
Age: 16
Gender: male
Country: America

I found this page randomally and thank god I did. it seems like im the only guy (not true, it just feels like it) with bad acne in my school, and it sucks. Im on my second month of treatment on Accutane, on 100 mg (thats how bad it is) and it is only lo king minimally better. I just want to say that everyone dont give up it will go away, at least thats what all the docters say. to At109, 26 female, it will work, just stay with it. moving to another city doesnt affect acne, water helps a bit but not muc . just myths.

James Coates-Halton - 03/26/00 21:05:25
Age: 35
Gender: Male
Country: UK

I had Acne since the age of 14 but had a sympathetic GP who perscibed antibiotics,which I took for 7 years(various kinds) The dermatologist I saw was not brilliant ( you"ll grow out of it) At the age of 21 I stopped taking medication as I had built up a resistance and I fed up basically as i wanted to see what it was like without drugs! I then lived on Sun Beds for the next few years which kept my skin under control. however I had to have 2 benign lumps removed at 30 and 31 ( half Irish (PALE SKIN) does not help. I then joined the ACNE SUPPORT GROUP( ASG) when i was 33 heard about Roaccutane but was not sure as how to proceed.I could write a thesis on it now! I took notice of all the possible side effects and thought about it for 18 months.I had to wait 4 months after I had seen my GP I saw another derm Armed with all my info it threw him. He perscibed Roaccutane immediately(on the NHS) 60mg a day,I did have a blood testfirst and my liver was fine.It was also tested at 8 weeks. I noticed the effects within the first week. Being pale i took on a " glow" work colleagues thought i had been on holiday(this was February 1999) My skin became dry also my lips nose membranes and guys it got dry down below as well!!! Having a female friend(who is a make up artist at the BBC) i used Boots No 7 OIL free moisturiser for my face and Elizabeth Arden 8 hour cream for my lips which was wonderful. The spots stopped. However for the first 2 weeks i did have mood swings but they stopped. I was on Roaccutane for 16 weeks finishing in June 1999 just before i went to the Loire valley and had lots to drink( i had stopped drinking alcohol) It worked for me.My hair did not fall out and I didn't feel suicidal.In fact I feel much better about myself.My skin is still dry in places.I still use moisturiser but its not so dry as it used to be. So go for it.Please feel free to E mail me as you are not alone! James

J.L. - 03/26/00 20:46:22
Age: 18
Country: USA

How long should a person stay on one particular antibiotic? I have been on minocycline for a year now. That seems a little to long if you ask me. I go to the derm on tuesday and I think I am gonna try and get some accutane. Any advice will help. Thanx

Annette - 03/26/00 19:09:14
Age: 26
Gender: Female
Country: USA

HELP! I just started Accutane 7 days ago (alternating 40 and 60 mg everyday). My entire face has exploded, especially my chin. It seems that every pore has decided to break out. My derm said my acne would worsen at first, but is this normal? and how l ng will it last? I have struggled with acne since 13 yrs. old...I tried a course of Accutane in HS but quit after a few weeks (my face broke out then too.) Since HS it was fairly stable with antibiotics until I moved to a new town. Does anyone think there could be somet ing in the water here to make my complexion worse? Has anyone found that different cities with different water make acne better or worse. I've tried everything and am at the end of my rope...thus my willingness to try Accutane again. I just hope I can tick with it this time! Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

VAL - 03/26/00 19:07:08
Age: 21
Gender: male
Country: us

John: yeah you can buy accutane online. but like i said, some places will want to sell you 100 or more pills at a time. others will only sell you regular 30 day supplies but only if they have enough people to buy their whole order. buying online is che per i know this because i asked them for prices. but look if you are interested in my idea send me an email: send me info on what your dosage is. mg/day Anyone else interested do the same. take care

Chinese Herb Lady - 03/26/00 17:19:46
Age: 36

Hi all, Cat: Please let me know if I am not understanding your post correctly. It sounds like your first course of Accutane did not work for you. Then you started your second course and did not have any cysts until after your started the course??? So di you have acne other than cysts when starting the course? Also Did you ever have cysts before like during the first course or before your first course of Accutane? Just curious. My second course of Accutane did not work. I would have been devistated ( p?) but I had one more hope. I started Chinese Herbs within 2 weeks after Accutane and (NO, Accutane did not continue to work after I finished taking it) I continued to get cysts for up to a year, all the while taking Chinese Herbs. The spots did get be ter as time went by. MARCUS, I will email you when I have a bigger block of time. I have to go exercise, weed eat, eat food, go get a Hepatitis B shot (for an immunization), run errands, etc. Oh, and Happy Sunday to all.

James - 03/26/00 17:06:34
Country: USA

To the *Bubble Boy* -- You have caught my interest in the vitex issue. I was wondering where to buy this herb ? - As I want to give it a try myself. Thanks. James

John - 03/26/00 16:56:39
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Country: Toronto, Canada

Dear VAL, I did not know that you could buy accutane online? What's the site? Do they only sell them in 100 bottles. How do you know that its really accutane? I thought you neeeded a doctors prescription for accutane? What's the site, anyways? Thanks a lot and I really like your idea!!

Jules - 03/26/00 16:47:43
Age: 28
Gender: Male
Country: UK

Humidity is not good for spots, but hot dry heat is very good. Go to the mediteranean in the summer and it will do you the world of good. Go to the equator and you will have trouble!

The sun and the sea are excellent healers of acne.

I agree with M rcus on with reference to diet directly post roaccutane. You can eat and drink what you like and it won't make a blind bit of difference, you should remain clear for some time. I am speaking from experience.

Cat - 03/26/00 14:47:22
Age: 20
Gender: Female
Country: UK

I am currently on a 40mg daily of Roaccutane and it is already my second course. Last time I had 20mg and it was an absolute failure. I had cysts (nonstop coming out)throughout the whole course. And it has been my third week of my second course of RoA. For the first two weeks, absolutely nothing except dry lips and nose bleed. No cysts on my face at all. And then for this week, I have two large cysts on my cheeks again! I am really worried that this time Roaccutane might fail to work again. Has any ody had this experience? When will your face start to clear after taking the Roaccutane? I am going to see my derm in two weeks time and I do really hope my face will clear up soon. To John Allen: Yes spots have absolutely got worsen when they are in hot environment. I ususally have really bad spots on my cheeks when I get back to Hong Kong in the summer for holiday when it is normally 30 something degrees Celsius everyday. My derm told me that t e humid and hot environment may trigger more spots cuz germs really grow well in this environment. I think sunshine will also trigger more spots.

marcus - 03/26/00 12:08:23

Bubble boy: As we seem to have broken the ice & are communicating with one another I was wondering if you would be gracious enough to answer a question for me that I’ve had for a long time but never found the right moment to ask! Your post on this site da ed 03/26/00 00:09:55, you state: ”Day 7/8. If you have been reviewing my recent VITEX 300mg post, this regimen continues, and is the most successful I have ever had. This is day 7-8 from baseline, and I am finding this a little hard to believe.” My question is does day 7/8 refer to the ime past since you last took Isotretinoin (accutane) ?? If this is the case, I would question the efficiency of ANY supplement, or measures you have or are taking! Also (please correct me if I’m wrong!) if I’m not mistaken within the last few months you c mpleted a full course of Isotretinoin (accutane) In which case from my own experience & understanding (which could be wrong) you would remain clear anyway! My own experience was that when I’d come off accutane for at least a few months I was able to push ll boundaries without any comeback (in other words I was able to eat/drink & do all things that would normally cause huge outbreaks!) I have also taken 20mg Isotretinoin for ten consecutive days with similar results! It is my own opinion that people shoul be enjoying this respite to the best of their ability & not worry about supplements/ measures! Unfortunately the chance slips by all to quickly! Enjoy being able to do the things you normally wouldn’t while you still have the chance!! Although I presen ly take Minocin I feel it only addresses (& no longer very well) the bacterial side of acne not the underlying problem! The supplements I take are to lowers the levels of DHT in the body by Blocking 5 alpha-reductase. Potent 5 alpha reductase inhibitors i theory should be useful in the treatment of disorders related to DHT such as benign prostratic hyperplasma, acne ect! I’m glad you feel comfortable to question me over this matter as your points are just as valid (unlike other sites!) After all if we don’t question we don’t learn right! Thanks for your time!

marcus - 03/26/00 09:46:02

Bubble boy, sorry I thought I'd made it clear! In answer to your question, yes!!

johna.allen - 03/26/00 08:36:37
Age: 23
Gender: male
Country: Uk

RETINOVA can anyone tell me how you can get retin-a at 0.05% strenght (retinova 0.05%) within the UK. Its not available on the NHS is it? How much does it cost on private health?

john.allen - 03/26/00 08:25:09
Age: 23
Gender: male
Country: Uk

Hello All Can anyone tel me if they have noticed if their spots worsen when they are in a hot environment or pursue activties which induce hot and sweaty activities, eg working-out?

VAL - 03/26/00 08:08:11
Age: 21
Gender: male
Country: us

to whoever was wondering about lifting weights: I do lift weights and im on week 11 of accutane. accutane dries everything! even your joints thats why your doctor advised not to do it. if you are already having joint pain then its a good idea to stay away from lifting. but either way drink tons of w ter... it helps. i don't have joint pain that's why im still lifting. but if i ever get it i'll stop. joints are really sensitive and can mess you up for life. take care.

VAL - 03/26/00 08:06:54
Age: 21
Gender: male
Country: us

I have an IDEA for all of us who feel ACCUTANE OR ROACCUTANE is way too expensive and don't have insurance or insurance doesn't help much. I've noticed that some pharmacies don't have accutane and won't order it for you if they don't have many clients ta ing it. this is because they can only order large quantities and therefore will be stuck with some very expensive medicine that will probably expire before they can sell it all. my idea is this... Why don't a few of us contact a pharmacy and basically et all of our accutane from them and they should be able to order large quantities and the price should go down. Have you noticed that some times the price changes?? that's because they don't have many people to buy the medicine. so if a bunch of us ord r from one single pharmacy we'll do them a favor and they should be able to drop the price down easily. What do you guys think? Currently im buying my medicine from this regular grocery store pharmacy and is expensive as hell!! i tried ordering from some online pharmacies but they told me i could only buy bottles of 100 pills!!! the other pharmacy said "i don't have people taking accutane so i can't help you" Let me know what you guys think. i'll check on the board everyday a d maybe we can get a plan going.

The Bubble Boy: RE: Vitex - 03/26/00 02:55:56

Vitex, a combination botanical. Chaste berries, with Dong quai. Capsule form, from Frontier. Actually a cycle regulator, but males, why not? Best to the request. The Bubble Boy

The Bubble Boy: marcus clarify please - 03/26/00 02:51:12

Marcus, you stated in this recent post...." I do take Minocin & although they worked for a few months in the beginning the effects soon wore off completely! Around six months later I began to take the different supplements I’ve mentioned & my skin cleared up again! As I’m sure you can i agine I’m terrified to stop taking anything while I’m getting along so well. It is my own belief that the Minocin must have some effect! This is of course only my view & could be completely wrong but I felt I needed to info m people of all precautions & p lls I am taking! I hope this answers your question!" So my question remains, are you taking Minocin currently? Thanks. The Bubble boy

marcus - 03/26/00 01:52:01
Age: 22

Jim, sorry I accidentally posted your question along with my reply, Ginger, I tried sending you an e-mail but it wouldn't send! I'll try again later!

marcus - 03/26/00 01:04:15
Age: 22
Country: uk

Marcus, little question. If you're about 99.5% clear from taking the supplements, why are you wondering about the Chinese herbs. Just setting up a section of the board maybe. But I need a role model in this supplement situation so I'm hoping you're sti l lear. Jim, don’t worry I’m still clear at least for now (I say for now because I really don’t want to temp the fates as they have a tendency to turn around and bite your bum!) I need some info on Chinese herbs because I’m setting up a board & info site that cov rs all acne treatments, from accutane, to Clearasil! As a matter of fact I just saw an advert for the stuff & according to the advert Clearasil is all you need to help beat spots! The answer to acne was right there under our noses all the time! And here e are like suckers trying to clear our spots with every thing but! (Joke) I have to laugh though the advert says 9 out of 10 users rated its effectiveness at clearing spots as good or very good! Where do they get their statistics from, in reality we all k ow it’s more like 9 out of 10 users rated it’s effectiveness as crap or very crap! Anyhow went a bit off track there! The point is I want to cover all acne treatments not just the ones that work for me, this way people can make informed decisions as to ap ropriate treatments! And besides it should give you a safety net in the sense that if these supplements don’t work (which I’m sure at the very least should help) for you you’ll have other treatments to try! I can understand your concerns though! B.T.W How s your skin today! C.H.L if you could e-mail me with all the info possible on the herbs you take it will be greatly appreciated, I could look up the info on the net but it would be soooo much better coming from someone who has/is taking the stuff & been h lped so much!!!!!! And I know you don’t care about credit but it’s tough, okay? If you supply me with the info you’ll be credited whether you like it or not!!!! I’d like very much for the site I’m developing to be for everyone and all comments, criticisms, comments on how I can improve it will be most appreciated! As I just told Ginger I’ve whacked in a little music & its working fine, I’m also developing a surve for anyone who has taken a course of accutane before! When finished it should show an accurate report on how well accutane has worked for people (this should help all those planning on taking the drug & give them an accurate idea of what to expect!) The ost important thing is that it’s hopefully going to be a pretty laid back site & will allow everyone freedom of speech, within reason of course!! I’m hoping it will be up and running in around a week! And if it turns out half as good as this one I’ll be v ry happy!!!! I’d like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who has given me their support over the recent tensions with the other site & can perfectly understand the other people who don’t want to get involved! Bubble Boy, I apologise for my spe ling error, I do take Minocin & although they worked for a few months in the beginning the effects soon wore off completely! Around six months later I began to take the different supplements I’ve mentioned & my skin cleared up again! As I’m sure you can i agine I’m terrified to stop taking anything while I’m getting along so well. It is my own belief that the Minocin must have some effect! This is of course only my view & could be completely wrong but I felt I needed to inform people of all precautions & p lls I am taking! I hope this answers your question!

Mike - 03/26/00 00:49:43
Age: 16
Gender: male
Country: USA

hey all. after 4 1/2 months of acutane i'm all clear, cept for those little red spots acne leaves behind. my face was INCREDIBLY oily/shiny before the acutane (we're talkin like, i'd wash my face, and then in 2 hours it'd be shiny again) but since i've ta en the 'tane it's perfect. i rarely even have to use moisturizer, and when i do, just a bit. the only real bad side affect ive suffered is raelly sore legs that caused me to miss most of highschool soccer this year. anyway, lately ive been working out a b t, lifting some weights - nothign really heavy, just toning mostly. but i remember the doctor told me not to lift weights on acutane. anyone know the reason? anyone lift weights on acutane? appreciate some info..thanks.

- 03/26/00 00:28:56

TWEETER HERE PEOPLE week 12.5 and looking good now i think becasue i have been tanning for the last week. tanning and sun in gneral definately improves my skin when i do it. by this point i really dont give a crap about the side effects if it works casus this acne has all bu killed me already. but now im happy and actaully anxious to go back to school (not in a long time)...well, ill keep posted

To Bubble Boy - 03/26/00 00:14:49

What is Vitex?

The Bubble Boy: Palms at Surface Tension - 03/26/00 00:09:55

Day 7/8. If you have been reviewing my recent VITEX 300mg post, this regimen continues, and is the most successful I have ever had. This is day 7-8 from baseline, and I am finding this a little hard to believe.

So "palms pressed to the sides" I shal float and hover above this world for times time. "Once in every man's (one's) life, he shall glimpse eternity"- The Lost Horizon, Best to all, The Bubble Boy

The Bubble Boy: The Voice of Experience, Supplements Supplements Supplements - 03/26/00 00:02:14

I have seen another posting(s) regarding acidophilis. Comment: This is another supplement which had absolutely NO benefit whatsoever for my skin, and I experimented with many brands and delivery methods/regimens. Best to all. The Bubble Boy

The Bubble Boy: To Marcus - 03/25/00 23:55:59

First Marcus, your post on this site dated 3-21-2000/ state..."you found the info in the archives then! I know its early days but have you seen any improvement yet? I also take Minacin, which is one of the vital components in my regimen!!!! " My question is, was the typing suppose to have read "Minocin", not "Minacin"?? If this is the case, I would question the efficacy of ANY supplement, while concurrently taking an antibiotic. Best to you, The Bubble Boy

Alessaan - 03/25/00 23:20:39
Age: 26
Gender: female
Country: USA

Hi All, I posted earlier that I'd been on accutane for 3 months, but I added it all up and it'll be 10 weeks on the 27th. This is my face: Forehead: pretty smooth w/ a couple small pimples Nose: clear Chin: semi-clear w/ one small pimple, and two small cyst Cheeks:LOTS of cysts in every size imaginable. Most are painful. Then surrounding the cysts are bumps small enough to fit on a needle head. In certain light its hidious. Still feel like a monster... This is, like I've posted before, my second go on accutane at 40mg per day. I wanted to see if anyone on their second time around was having the same problems as I have. My doc told me I wasn't a "normal" accutane patient which scares the *$%# out of me. t makes me think this stuff isn't going to take this time or something. Thanks to everyone who has already e-mailed me with words of encouragement and advice. Knowing that we're in this together makes it easier somehow. Talk to you all later!

Laura - 03/25/00 23:12:16
Age: 34
Gender: Female
Country: US

My daughter, who is 12, has had acne for 3 years. Have treated with topical clindamycin, oral tetracycline, minodox, benzamyacin cream and azelex. Now on minocycline, differin and azalex. The derm is talking about accutane in a year- she's not menstr ating yet. He gave me all the literature and it's scared the beejeezus out of me. I just started her on Vitamin A to see if that would help. Any other suggestions so we might possible avoid the accutane or is it too early to be thinking about this? Th nks

Jim - 03/25/00 22:58:10
Age: 19

Marcus, little question. If you're about 99.5% clear from taking the supplements, why are you wondering about the Chinese herbs. Just setting up a section of the board maybe. But I need a role model in this supplement situation so I'm hoping you're sti l clear.

Chinese Herb Lady - 03/25/00 22:47:28
Age: 36

Hi all, Liz (sweetie), I have to admit that the first post you wrote I had only read about the first few sentences and then I hurridly scrolled right up to post as a supporter. Then I read the rest of your post and thought that "wow, she (you Liz) said i all very well" You have a very good way with words. You explained things so very well. And I must say that I feel much better because I had thought that I was the only one being FLAMED at by her oh so suttle way and I felt as though I was an outcast. I think it may be because I was the oldest there (grins). I really feel so much better now that I Know that the FLAMING is coming from within that person. It doesn't matter who, someone will get FLAMED at by her. Time does tell. Now I do believe that asmine and Rianne are genuinely nice people. AND if Marcus is able to use any info from me, you can be sure that it is not important that I be in the limelight. It is not important to me that I get credit. Sometimes it feels nice to get credit for things ut it is not a necessity. ANd I have went through the supplements scene several years ago and it made me feel sick to my stomach. I forget who commented on the other site about the FACT that we should get most of our nutrients from food and I believe th t to be very true. YOu can spend very much money in a month on supplements and then you are supposed to eat also. My goodness, who has time to eat mega supplements and eat regular food also. I can barely fit regular food into a day as it is. I can't i agine trying to suck down 4 5 or 6 or more supplements with water. Thanks again Liz for your posts. I feel so much better knowing what I know now. And I also know (even though I haven't taken any psychology classes) that people will continue to be the ame, if we can't stand them the way they are then let them go out of our life. It is just a drag that sometimes we have to get to know people just to find out they don't gel with us. I guess it is just like choosing what information that can help you gr w and let the rest go, the same goes for people.

Liz - 03/25/00 22:22:08
Age: 24
Country: uk

C.H.L & the five people (who shall remain anonymous) who have e-mailed me giving similar impressions of the other site! C.H.L I agree totally with everything you have said! It would seem that although Marcus was the first to voice certain concerns about t e site he was by no means the only one! C.H.L I’ve read your posts many times & have to say with the full agreement of Marcus you’re a great asset to this board & worth 50 Just me’s! Thank god this board isn’t manipulated like the other & we can voice our concerns, questions, & observations freely without having them removed if they don’t conform to the owners views! Marcus is planning to post to you later or tomorrow to ask for some helpful info on the Chinese herbs you take, if that’s o.k, so he can use t in his alternative treatment part of the board he’s constructing! Plus you’ll get full credit for the info you provide, unlike other sites! I see someone cut and pasted my last message on the other board but then it was quickly removed! More manipulation on her part, it seems more like a dictatorship than a message board, quite sad really!! P.s the “sweetie” thing right too it doesn’t hold any weight! Lets give it a try though: Davie “sweetie” I also think you need to get off your high horse as your more suited to a Shetland pony “sweetie” And what’s up with you needing to plug the fact that you weight lift into every conversations! We know “sweetie” & we’re all very impressed really! Now even with three count them three sweetie’s it still seems to come off really bitchy, oh well never mind! B.T.W for anyone who doesn’t know Davie also came off as being funny to Marcus on the other board so I thought I’ level the score on that one too!

Janie - 03/25/00 21:34:12
Age: 27
Gender: Female
Country: UK

I've been on roaccutane for about 5 weeks now, to treat relatively mild acne and it seems to be working a treat. My skin and lips did become quite dry though and for my lips I began to use Vaseline but soon discovered that Vaseline was also fantastic for he rest of my face. I know it sounds a bit yuk but I'd recommend it, my skin just doesn't feel dry at all now.

- 03/25/00 20:36:35
Age: 19

To whomever asked about it, I've heard stories of people taking xtc on accutane and had no adverse effects, never heard of a bad story. That's not advice to take the stuff, just what I've come across.

Rianne - 03/25/00 20:28:14

Jasmine, I've just posted a message for you on the board above. Oh, I hope things settle down soon.... Love to everyone & hope we can all be friends again... Rianne. p.s. I wish I knew what had caused this rift in the first place!

Jasmine - 03/25/00 19:55:04
Age: 33

To MATT.I have just read your post and I've never tried it but I have read that Differin does cause a worsening(outbreak) of the acne before it starts helping.You would have thought that after 6 weeks you would have seen some improvement though.Saying tha when I was on Benzamycin gel I was just about to give up on week 7 and it just started working.I have just been taken off a cream called Skinoren because it was making my face turn orange!I know it was working really well for Rob who was posting here.It s so trial and error and I too am absolutly covered at the moment and hiding out.I don't think anyone can really give you advice on whether to take Accutane as for the people that it has worked for it is a miracle drug and unfortunatly for me it just made me ill.Anyway Matt sorry to hear it is so miserable for you at the moment.We can only hope one day for clear skin.Take care Jasmine.Hi to JULES,FISH,CHL and everyone.

Jasmine - 03/25/00 19:41:22
Age: 33
Country: U.K.

Hi everyone.Just wanted to say that it will be good MARCUS for you to get a site up and running.You can never have too many sites to chat about acne!As I've said before I don't particularly want to get involved with all the friction etc as I get on with e eryone but it would be a shame to not speak with you anymore Marcus as you are obviously a very kind and caring person.Not many people would bother to keep coming to the board with info and handy tips once their acne has cleared up.Hope to see your new si e soon.Is there anyone out there that can tell me how long before any improvement is seen on antibiotics.I'm fed up with hiding out from everyone.Take care all.Love Jasminexx

Matt - 03/25/00 19:28:25
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Country: USA

Although I haven't been placed on Accutane yet, I think that's where my current derm is headed. A history of me and our wonderful friend, acne: had moderate acne on face and back in high school, put on Retin-A (old style, 0.025), worked relatively well, nly non-Rx topicals in college and only on face. One year after college, used only soap and water, only occasional blemish and last summer, count them folks, zero acne! Then in November '99, within a week developed acne all over my back, shoulders, upper rms, chest, face. At the time, severe stress load, relationships, home, work, finances, you name it. Derm put me on tetracycline and Retin-A Micro. Worked relatively well, except the Retin-A took away my acne and then started to take away my skin. Painful scaly, redness everywhere. Couldn't use it often but acne was less, especially on body. After three months, I could never use it and the acne started to return, went back to derm, she prescribed monocycline and differin. I have no idea whether it was the differin or my own worsening condition, but my acne exploded, especially on the face. It didn't irritate like Retin-A, but it was a mess. After six weeks, changed to erythromycin, triaz, and metrocreme. Can anyone tell me why I was put on rosacea medicati n (metrocreme)? New treatment worked great for the first week, removed a lot of the mess from the differin experiment. The second week, however, I began to form severe nodular acne all over my face. The doctor's response has been to put me on cepheloxin a d retain the triaz\metrocreme treatment. So that's my nice long case history, sorry for the length but there's a reason for it. I'm so frustrated and confused, I've decided to get a second opinion. My doctor seems nice but I think she has more experience with skin cancer than acne. Also I'm afra d that there will be no antibiotic left that I don't have a resistance to when I have non-related infections in the future. I've stopped using the triaz\metrocreme and am using over-the-counters again along with the antibiotic. I might be going in the wro g direction, but I'm afraid of the prescription medications. I would love to sue Galderma for what happened to me on Differin. I know that I'm getting to the point where Accutane may be the only solution left but I'm so afraid of it. But I have to do some hing, acne has taken so much away from me. I used to be considered attractive, had a very active social life and very successful in my young career. Since November, become a hermit, lost friendships, cancelled all perspective dates, cancelled vacations to see old friends and found even going to work every day a chore. This disease has robbed me of so much but I don't know if I can take any more side effects. I seem to be very susceptible to them, and I've read the horror stories. Please advise.

bibi - 03/25/00 19:12:27
My Email:bibi_roaccutane
Age: 22
Gender: female
Country: holland

Hi all, I have been on Accutane now for five weeks and things are going great. Week 3 and 4 were the worst. I broke out terrible, but strange enough it cleared up within a couple of days. At this moment my skin looks better than the last 8 years. All the blackhea s around and on my nose have dissapeard. I only have a little bit of dry skin and lips. Nothing serious. I hope it stays this way... greetings Bibi.

bibi - 03/25/00 18:55:03
My Email:bibi_roaccutane
Age: 22
Country: The Netherlands

Hello! I have started a new website in Dutch about acne en (Ro)Accutane. So all you Dutchies... please visit my site!

Anonymous - 03/25/00 18:42:19
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Country: The Netherlands

Hi, Could somebody please tell me if it's ok to use xtc while on roaccutane (40 mg / day)? Or wouldn't it be a problem when I stopped using roaccutane a few days before? And is is true you can skip roaccutane for a few days without any problem, because it's just the total dosage during all the months together that's doing the trick? Can somebody please help me out? I'll check this amazing board out daily!! Thanks a lot :) Kind Regards, Anonymous

Ginger - 03/25/00 18:37:42
Age: 39
Gender: Female
Country: USA

Lois: Hi--I saw your post regarding ordering Reconstruction creme--I'm still corresponding with this company, almost daily about the ingredients of this product--they are really kind to work with! I'm told that next week, he is meeting with the lady tha developed the product, and the attorney working on the current pending patent. He says that he agrees with me (and others) that we need to know what we are putting on our skin! I've told him that here in the USA, we don't hide the ingredients of our pr ducts. While I'm sure that this company realizes what an awesome product this is, that just can't keep them from sharing this info. They probably just want it patented, before giving it out. It is in deed, a rare product--as I've been using it for thre weeks now, and seen results! C'ya.

Chinese Herb Lady - 03/25/00 18:16:09
Age: 36

Hi Liz, so happy that you posted your experiences on the other board. You see, Just Me does not like to be questioned about certain things. She responded in a nasty way to me because I questioned one of her comments to ask for a little more detail. So e people like to feel like they are in control of what everyone else is thinking and the way that they do it is sometimes not so nice. See some think that they must control what everyone one else says as they don't want anyone to believe something that t ey feel may not be accurate information. What they don't know is that anyone who believes everything they read on these boards is not too bright anyway. It is not what you say but how you say it and saying "sweetie" is nice but when you follow it with cr p it cancels the sweetie out. So Liz, It was a pretty good board except you cannot question JustMe but SHE can and will get nasty if what you write is not accurate for her. She wants to have her say and control what you say also and you must sit there an be controlled in order to make it there. I see she is having trouble in her personal life. She probably handles it the same way she does the board. It is called free speech. That is free not nasty. Hey Liz, if you want to discuss information you can do it here?

John - 03/25/00 16:25:51
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Country: Toronto, Canada

Dear Ginger, Your email,, does not work. This is the second time I have sent you a message and it has returned undeliverable. Why don't you go to and sign up for a hotmail account there, it takes about 3 minutes to complete. Thanks. By t e way, you asked about my skin condition. My skin condition is like this, my forehead and upper cheecks have these red spots on them that will hopefully break out on accutane and eventually dry up and disappear. My cheeks though have this layer of dead dried dead skin on them that just seems to be on my entire cheek. I want this dried up layer to peel off. That is why I'm consi ering after accutane to do Glycolic Peels. I know you said wait and we'll see what happens with accutane, right. I have a question. If accutane supposedly clears my face after the 4 month course and I like the results, I know you have to wait 6-8 weeks be ore restarting another course, but lets again suppose that my skin is clear then but I want to go on accutane again because I liked the results I got can my dermatologist still put me on it again. Well, its another Friday night gone and wasted just like the past 5 years. I'm 20 now and I always look forward to the day th t my face clears and I can go and make friends and go to clubs and start having a clear complexion social life. What's your condition like. How long have you had acne. What do you currently use. Has accutane helped you and how so. Hope to hear from you so n and by the way, thanks because my creams are on the way. Should I use the reconstruction cream in the morining and the aloe at night, after I cleanse of course, or in what order should I use them. If you reapply the creams 4-5 a day, isn't that too greasy. Isn't once enough. Hope to hear from you really soon. Thanks again.

Sarah - 03/25/00 15:14:10
Age: 29
Gender: Female
Country: UK

I'm sure there are many women with acne who have been told by their doctor that it may clear up after they've had a baby (as if it's inevitable they'll have one) - I am one of them. Maybe they think that it will save the NHS lots of money if they can avoi prescribing Roaccutane to anyone, since it's an expensive drug. But surely this is flawed reasoning. I've seen it estimated that a 6 month course of Roaccutane may cost £1500. How much would it cost to care for a women throughout pregnancy, during the bi th and after pregnancy? Then there would be the the cost to the Government of child benefit or family credit or whatever, not to mention at least 12 years of education. I suspect this would come to rather more than £1500. Roaccutane is obviously the cheap r option. I'm due to see a dermatologist in three weeks and I'm working out my arguments as to why I should be prescribed Roaccutane. My acne is only mild but it covers all of my face and is persistant (19 years) and my skin is scarred and disgustingly oily. Needle s to say it makes me unhappy. From what others who have had Roacutane have written on this site, it seems that severe acne can be cured and those people have ended up with skin that they are happy with. Surely it is this potential end point which should b reason enough for prescribing it. Why should I be denied this, just because the starting point isn't as severe as it is for others? I don't know what will happen when I do see the dermatologist; I just hope they are reasonably sympathetic.

Liz - 03/25/00 14:55:41
Age: 24
Gender: female
Country: u.k


sarah - 03/25/00 14:52:45
Age: 21
Gender: female
Country: England

hello, it's soooo nice to hear about others who look like shit for a few months so i'm not the only one!!!!!! does anyone know if roaccutane makes eczema worse as i've got that too as well as tonnes of spots on my cheeks (which is, of course, fantastic!). i'm in my fourth week of roaccutane and the best moisturiser is called Diprobase, it's an emollient cream that you get from the chemist ( sorry, pharmacist!) and it is pretty greasy but it's better than peeling off the skin on your forehead everyday. oh a so i daren't go to the dentist because ny nose is really scabby inside, anyone else with this problem???? ok , bye, cheers for the page, it mademe feel a lot better.

Liz - 03/25/00 14:50:13
Age: 24
Gender: female
Country: u.k

The soap opera continues! To everyone else I apologise for the following message but I strongly believe Marcus has been treated unfairly on the other board & can sit back no longer! Just me (grins) I was prepared to leave this matter but it seems Just me cannot & is still having a dig on the other site. Marcus first said that you both should agree to disagree over the zinc dosage issue, Of course you couldn’t have this & still carrie on! Next he stated that he wouldn’t post anymore, still this wasn’t enough you carried on!! I posted the same message twice (un abusive) asking for an end, you erased this message twice! I then decided to leave it then until I read your board again this ourning only to see your having a dig again! The following is my professional opium (BTW I studied psychology for three years & am a community nurse!!!) You are a classic textbook case attention seeker; this is why you created your message board in the fi st place not to help others with acne but to inflate your ego! As soon as anyone has something to say that doesn’t conform to your way of thinking you go off the rails! Perhaps Marcus was right when he suggested you put a warning on your site telling peop e that all comments & suggestions were welcome as long as they conform to the board’s owner! While you are there you should also state that anyone who has a points and is younger than you are also void, after all it was you who implied by your own hand th t being older means your points are more valid! I predicted this response when Marcus first disagreed with you I then predicted you would threaten to close down the site to generate a response in your favour & against Marcus! I also predicted you would er se the message below (as I said classic text book case) so I took the liberty to copy it & have posted it below for people to read it so called abusive content & judge for themselves! My opinion is you took a dislike to Marcus & tried to desecrate him d e to the fact he was being praised by some people, you deeply disliked this as it was hogging some of your limelight! No doubt you will be threatening to close done your site again! You don’t need to though Marcus & I left the other day & won’t be posting again, you can dictate on it all you like!!!! (Even I’m shocked how unbelievably text book you are!) Hello, I'm having to re-write my message again on this site because it seems to have been removed from the other site (as well as the other messages posted by either Marcus or myself the other day!) I have to say Just me that if you feel you cannot take a little constructive criticism then maybe being a site owner is not for you. I cannot believe that you thought that the posts we wrote were abusive, (you must lead a very sheltered life!) & now you have removed them you’ve put the ideas into people’s heads that they were abusive without being able to judge for themselves (very cleaver on your part!) God knows what people are going to have thought we've written. Being older and worldlier as you implied on your site, you should know that there is more than o e side to life and you need to take the rough with the smooth. You cannot expect to get some ones back up and then expect them to be happy about it. After all you obviously expected Marcus to be upset about your posts because you told him not to freak o t. Maybe it might be an idea to take your own advice. I felt I needed to post this message because all Marcus has done is try to help people running up huge phone bill just to help others (he has cured himself through his own research & now tries to help ther people with, he doesn’t have to you know, he could use the money he spends on the phone bill on himself) I get very defensive when someone hearts his feelings. It would be a shame if you shut down the board but you need to lighten up a little. Peopl have the right to express their views & observations (within reason obviously) and you need to expect things to get heated occasionally, it is a stressful subject at the end of the day. Liz Rianne & Jasmine if Just me does throw a paddy & takes her board off line Marcus has been working flat out for two weeks on a board which is going to cover every acne treatment available both medical & alternative! Further more he’s going to take a back s at once it’s up and running without judging or dictating to any one!

Genie - 03/25/00 11:36:33
Age: 17
Country: Australia

Hey everyone! I think this site is absolutely EXCELLENT!!..i'm 17, 18 this year and have had acne since i was 12, so basically it's been there all through high school, which are those all 'important years'. I have been from doctor to doctor. Some of my differnt trips have seen me go to- a hebalist, naturapath (spelling of which I'm not sure of), chinese medicine doctor, and the normal dermatologist. I've trieds EVERYTHING!..last year i was on roacutane for 6months and had amazing results-it all disappeared, but now.. months later it is begining to reappear. It is not all that noticible now, but if it gets any worse i may have to e-visit the dermatologist and be put back on another course of roacutane...i was wondering if anyone else has had to go back on roacutane, a d have the results been any better the second time around?..again..congrats on the excellent site!!..and i hope to hear anyones responses.

noam mastboim - 03/25/00 11:25:27
Age: 22
Gender: female

Hi all , this is such a great sight!! i first saw it when i just started to take Roacuutane and it was very helpful. so , im off the drug for 2 weeks now , after taking 70 mg (a bit too much , i know..) for 6 months. the improvment is incredible!! no zits , and most days i feel pretty damm good!! but - my skin is still abit red, after i work out at the gym a look like a tomato , and im afraid i have a few scars . so does anyone know if the my redness , will stop to exist ? and if so - when??!!! thank you - and to all of you on the beginning of the journey with Roaccutane - hang in there , it well worth it. and if anyone needs some mentel support , im here!!

Jules - 03/25/00 10:26:59
Age: 28
Gender: Male
Country: UK

GW, Aussie anon and Fish. Are you still there? You haven't posted for ages. I am nearly done now. Almost tempted to stop now as I only have two weeks to go and keep the rest for maintenance, but I think I'm gonna stick with it.

This time I think there will be no acne returning. I have only had three spots in three months and none in the last month!

All the best!

- 03/25/00 09:37:03

a blonde what??? (gyrl/boy/ferret perhaps???)...sp...toying with you BB...cuz you're SO much fun to toy with!!!

- 03/25/00 09:36:51

a blonde what??? (gyrl/boy/ferret perhaps???)...sp...toying with you BB...cuz you're SO much fun to toy with!!! - 03/25/00 08:57:47
Age: 23
Country: UK


Jon - 03/25/00 08:36:31
Age: 17
Country: US

Hi, I am 17 and I have had acne or about 3 years. Last week I had to go in for a physical, and my new doctor told my parents they had to get my medication for my acne. So he prescribed Minocyclin(hope I spelled that right). I read most of the documenta ion on it. I wanted to know if any of you have tried Minocyclin and if it works. Also you guys mentioned that you should use a sun screen and a moisterizer, which would you recommend? How come in all those old photographs everyone has perfect skin? Its not fair :(

Maddy - 03/25/00 07:41:53
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Country: Australia

Thankyou very much for writing this site it has very useful and really assuring that roaccutane will help despite the cracked lips and everything else, i have had cystic acne since I was 10, so the effects on self confidence have proberly been worse than he effect on my skin, but now I have finally found help 7 years later! i have been on roaccutane for 1 month and i feel like a dried up old prune! again thankyou, Maddy

Yangas - 03/25/00 07:12:40
Age: 17
Country: australia

Hey all Anyone with info about healing scarrs or glyirc peels or ppl who done laser resurfacing, plz email me .

John - 03/25/00 04:43:10
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Country: Toronto, Canada

I was wondering if not shaving while on accutane, and by not shaving I mean once a month or month and a half, will this affect accutane on my cheeks or will accutane work under my facial hair, which isn't a lot to begin with. More like a collection of pea h fuzz. But the point still stands. Thanks a lot.

Kharnak - 03/25/00 04:14:49
Age: 16.8
Gender: male
Country: United States

im gonna be using Accutane in a couple months. I'm taking 4 things rihgt now to help my body get ready for it. I'm somewhat concerned about some of the symptoms such as visual difficulties and not being able to paticipate in vigorous activity. I would ike to know whether it increases eyeball pressure, because there's a spot on my retina that might be affected by that. Is it a huge molecule? what's the chemical formula?

Lois - 03/25/00 02:33:28

Julie--this is completely normal to be breaking out this badly--it might happen for a few more months. Some people experience break outs for the entire run, usually five months. Some people never break out, but that seems rare, especially on this board. My derm said no topical acne treatments, but if your skin isn't too dry, they can't hurt. I'm not sure how much they'll help though--the Accutane is so're probably just better off letting it do its thing. Wash twice a day with OIL FREE clea ser and moisturize with OIL FREE lotion/sunscreen. Make sure to drink TONS of water. Other than that, just wait it out. The stuff works. It just takes a while. Good luck!

Julie - 03/25/00 01:39:18
Age: 20
Gender: female
Country: USA

HEY ALL, I just wanted to tell you that this web page is amazing. I have a few questions... I am on acutane (40 once a day) and just recently completed my one month of a 5 month cycle. My face looks terrible, especially on the cheeks. Is that common t have worse skin then I did starting out with. Should i use any topical acne creams while i am on it? I try to cover my acne but it doesnt work, i really am starting to feel like there isnt hope for me... Please give me the best advise with daily washin , make up tips and creames...Thank YOU !!!!!!!JULIE

Lois - 03/25/00 01:38:48
Age: 26
Gender: Female
Country: USA

Bubble Boy--how'd you know my last name was Lane? I have a question I don't even want the answer to--I've experienced headaches for the last four or so days--not excrutiating, but persistant. I'm on week four of a 40 mg x 2 dosage (120 lbs.)...wondering if it's a sinus infection or this pseudotumor thin I'm hearing about? Anybody have any experience? Still breaking out, look like ^&^#!, but my face isn't too dry, so we'll see... To the person who asked about Sodium Laureth Sulfate and effect on facial skin, etc. Any shampoo is going to get all over your face--as well as your body, if you have acne on your back &/or chest--SLS is a bad ingredient for any cosmetic product. And to he person who hesitates to put any kind of oil on his/her face--I agree. Unless it's been researched THOROUGHLY, don't do it. But who do you trust to research if even Retin-A can clog pores? I sometimes wonder about doctors and scientists... If anyone could give me some input on the headache situation, I'd appreciate it...and Ginger--bite my tongue about oil--I ordered the Tea Tree stuff from South Africa, hoping to use it as a more effective spot treatment. Thanks for the tip.

DENNY TO BUBBLE BOY - 03/24/00 20:14:24

HI! When I was on ACCUTANE, that was the dosage prescribed by my dr. according to my wieght, 40mg daily was the best dosage said him...Getting that baseline is essential and for me only happens in the summer. Thankfully, this summer I will be on Accutane, and will horde some packats for further use...YES I remeber him saying that the scar improvement was a result of collagen synthesis by isotretinoin..Im going to ask him again next month.. everything sucks! -DENNY

John - 03/24/00 19:03:38
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Country: Toronto, Canada

Dear Al (or any guy), I was wondering, I'm on my second day of accutane, and I feel nothing yet, OBVIOUSLY, its only my second day, right? But I was wondering because I am trying to grow this small beard that will suit me well, will not shaving have any effect on accutane on m cheecks. Thanks a lot By the way Ginger, I got the confirmation and my creams will be here in 15 days, perhaps even earlier. Thanks a lot. Keep you posted. I was wondering Ginger, how much longer before accutane kicks in. I know its only been 2 days but I'm sooooo impatient. I know, be patient. Thanks.

John19 - 03/24/00 18:29:22
Age: 23
Gender: male
Country: Uk

Hello All A question: ppl say that vitamin-e cream is benefical for the skin and for scars. however, does anyone know of a non-comodegenic vitamin-e cream?? Many Thanks - if anyone wants to ask me anything, mail me.

Steven - 03/24/00 18:11:14
Age: 18
Gender: Male

Hi everyone. I have two weeks left on roaccutan, I have no pimples but my face in kinda red and pink. Has anyone else noticed this when on roaccutan and has it faded away after quitting roaccutan?

Jasmine - 03/24/00 17:09:38

Hi Rianne and Just Me.No I can get on to the board but when I press to post the message it won't let me.Just says I don't have access.I'm sure it will get sorted.Speak soon love Jasminexx

Rianne - 03/24/00 16:22:47

Jasmine, the site was down earlier on but now it's okay again. Good luck & speak to you later. Lots of love to everyone!! Rianne.

Jasmine - 03/24/00 16:18:47
Age: 33
Gender: female
Country: U.K.

HI all.Just a quick one for Just Me.I tried to post a message on your board earlier and it just says we're sorry you do not have access to the forum.I was gutted as I just spent ages typing a message.Have you banned me by mistake or something or has your heque bounced!(only joking).Seriously though why can't I post.If you read this first Rianne can you ask Just Me because I noticed you posted earlier so you must be able to get through.Anyway hope to post again soon.Hope everyone is O.K.Love Jasminexx

Steve - 03/24/00 15:47:46
Age: 26
Gender: male
Country: US

The other day I was talking with a co-worker during lunch who has pretty bad cystic acne and he hesitantly asked me why I don't seem to have anymore spots. I hate talking about it much for fear jinxing myself but I told him that I had been taking accutan for the last 4 months. His next question shocked the hell out of me, "What is accutane?" I almost about shit my pants, excuse my french. I told him as much about it that I could remember at that time and he seemed to hang on my every word. He said subseq ently that he had acne for about 10 years since he was fifteen and pretty much had given up trying to treat it. Now he has an appointment with my GP to discuss accutane treatment. What I am trying to say here is that some people in the world with acne don t even have hope for the future. At least, if anything, accutane has given us all hope. For me personally this is the only feeling that has allowed me to continue on from day to day without blowing my brains out.

Al - 03/24/00 15:35:33
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Country: UK

Roaccutane therapy at 80mg / day – male weighing 84 kg

Progress report: First few days skin appeared as normal then from days 3-7 my face was much redder than usual and felt warm and glowing. Difficult at first trying to sleep with such an itchy, irritable face – possibly exacerbated by the liberal use of E 5 emolient cream. My skin has changed texture since this first week and remained the same – i.e. less oil, slightly redder/pinker than usual but not overly so, lips chapped but not unbearable (possibly not helped by my constant biting of my lips where th skin is rough) and best of all pretty much spot-free. I had moderate / severe acne before starting and now, barring any scarring, you would’nt think I had a problem. I’ve had perhaps half-a-dozen new spots since starting, but these have been small and one quickly. Only other side-effects have been a few break-outs on my back since I had stopped using Erythromycin which I found effective for my back – seems to have cleared now. I’ve had a rash on the back of one hand that has been reddish and peeling not too bad and I’ve used cortisone cream to help with that. On a night I shave (usually every night, but sometimes two day gap) and use sensitive shaving gel with Mach3 razor. I then clean as per morning and apply Neutrogena Face moisturiser – this is mild and will soothe my skin post-shave. Lips again treated with Vaseline before bed.

From week two I have maintained a regime that I will now describe and I’m now in week 6 day 2 – next dermatologist appointment in ~ 3 weeks. I wash my face in the morning with Simple soap (Dove very similar) then fully cleanse with clean fresh water. I ry to splash cooler water on when cleaned to close my pores and cool my skin down. I then pad my face dry with a clean dry soft towel. I use Ralph Lauren Face Fitness SPF15 AHA formular cream/lotion (in fairness this is only because I want to use it up nd it has SPF in) to moisturise and I apply this gently trying not to irritate my skin. I’ve tried a number of lipbalms but in my mind nothing beats Vaseline for it’s smooth application. When your lips become chapped, I found the sticks just clog in the sore parts of your lips. I have used both mild and more harsh scrubs a couple of times and would’nt recommend it – they took duller skin away but made me look lobster-like for a few hours – probably a bad idea and best left till after RoA treatment. I t ke my RoA at breakfast in one dose with either a glass of milk or cereal/milk. All in all, so far well worth it – if people slag RoA off then they obviously are not too concerned about their acne or are unfortunate enough to suffer from some of the rarer side-effects or know someone who does. Drug-strength / side-effects are comparative to degree of suffering and in my mind RoA is a wonderful drug and gives us all hope.

Sorry for rattling on but there’s always new people looking at this site and many of the same questions appear – this may help answer a few of them.

Regards, Al.

Heather - 03/24/00 14:44:42
Age: 39
Gender: Female
Country: USA

This is about my 15 year old son. He has completed 4 months of a 6 month course of accutane and his hair is really falling out and thinning. We knew this could happen and he still says the clear face is worth not having thick hair, but he was wondering f the hair would grow back. We've searched lots of message boards and come up with many different answers. If you were/are on accutane and this was one of your side effects of accutane, could you please let us know how it worked out for you? Thanks alo

Margaret - 03/24/00 14:20:16
Age: 30
Gender: female
Country: usa

Hi there - This message is for Allesaan - Bactrim is a pretty strong antibiotic. I was given bactrim in college for a severe urinary tract infection. I'm not sure but I think that there is sulfur in it. You should ask your derm to be sure. About jojob oil, I have a problem with putting anything that has oil in it on my face. I just do not see how that could help. The whole tea tree oil, rosemary oil thing has me a bit skeptical. In my opinion, I would not put anything with oil in it on my face. I forget the persons name right now but thank you for the info on the sodium laureth sulfate. I'll be looking through my stuff to see if is in anything. Thank you!

Ginger - 03/24/00 14:17:33
Age: 39
Gender: Female
Country: USA

Hi Lois--I'm right with you on the accutane and breaking out--mine are really small spots, but many, confined to the T-zone, minus my forehead. I'm on day 22, 40mg. once per day (130lb.) I was on accutane in 6-96 for worse acne, and getting an occasional cyst. I was clear for a couple of years. NEVER got another cyst, NEVER have had oily skin again--but have had mild-moderate acne for a year and a half again. My doc says that we needed to shrink my sebaceous glands ONE MORE TIME, UGH! That is why the l wer dosage this time. I'm not having any side effects accept the dry far. I'm really thankful for that, as I know what you are going through with the eyes and sore joints. It is a bummer--I'm sorry for you :( Drink as much water as you can hoke down--it helps big time. 8,8-oz glasses should be MINIMUM. That's just 8 cups of water per day. And remember, the first signs of dehydration in a person, is fatigue. Most don't realize that, consequently many accutane sufferers are really experie cing dehydration in its first stages when they are fatigued (another precious symptom of this stuff!). Hang in there Lois--and we can compare notes as we go through this, huh? John--I've got zero experience/knowledge with chemical peels--but DO know that your skin will be in a "fragile" state for 6 mos. to a year after accutane. I know that is NOT what you want to hear bud, sorry. You don't want to push it on this, as you can definitely end up with worse scarring, due to the weakened condition of your skin post-accutane. Hey--glad to hear that you ordered the Reconstruction Creme and the Amino Aloe Lotion--there really great as an aid in the healing process. They sure don't ure acne, but my skin doesn't heal nearly as quickly without them! To Anyone on the board: Who can tell me how using products, i.e., shower gels, shampoos, etc. with this Sodium Laureth Sulfate affects the facial area? I'm ignorant on this subject. Can anyone enlighten me? Thanks. Rianne: I'm excited for you--it's wonderful to hear that skin is not giving you fits. Encouraging--huh? HAL--LE--LU--JAH!!!

John - 03/24/00 11:17:30
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Country: Toronto, Canada

Dear Ginger and Lois, First of all Ginger I have put through the order for the reconstruction creme and aloe creme at and I have received the confirmation email from Michael Meyer saying that my shipment will be leaving later on today!! That fast, eh? Thank y u so very much for this recommendation. Hope they work well. I cannot wait for these products. To Lois, thanks for your support and remember that although your face is breaking out, I just took my first pill and am waiting until lunch time today to take m second pill, that although your face broke out this is a good thing I hear because accutane is bringing out /surfacing all of the dirt and pimples from your face. Just PLEASE BE PATIENT AND DON'T FORGET TO MOISTURIZE. I suggest going to and ordering the reconstruction and aloe creme suggested by Ginger. If not, then I am currently using this Ombrelle SPF 30 lotion and cetaphil complex 15 moisturizer until the two creams I ordered come through, I'm assuming in about a week because they ar coming from South Africa I believe. Both cost only $32 after taxes. I used to spend $45 on a stupid little bottle from a spa downtown before I got on accutane, and these 100ml each two creams which sound promising only cost $32 after taxes! Wow! Here is nother concern of mine. After accutane, there is this Forest Hill Institute of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery near my area that gives chemical peels: I believe they are 30% glycolic acid peels and 50% salycilic peels (forgive the wrong spelling, if its wrong) nd they have these very excellent products there as well. After accutane I hope to do a few peels and use these products for about 6 months only and then just go back to cleansing and using the reconstruction creme and aloe cream from above which are made for problem skin. My question to Ginger or anyone I guess would be is it a good idea to do the chemical peels and if yes, then how long should I wait after accutane, I was thinking about 3 weeks. The aesthetician that gives them at the Instititute seemed ice and she even wanted to sit down with me after my accutane treatment and talk about my needs. To the 17 year old that was talking about the scars here is my question. In order to give your some answer I need to know how deep are your scars. Are you tal ing about full deep-pitted scars like on Tommy Lee Jones, I really do not mean ANY offence here? I'm sorry if it sounds rude. Also, did you get scars from the laser procedure? Did you even do the laser treatment? To Lois, again remember that accutane is d ing its job in bringing your pimples/dirt to the top and that you still have a couple of more months to go. Just remember to moisturize. I've learned from posts on this web that if you don't moisturize EVERYDAY your face becomes too dry on accutane and th s will irritate your face. THANKS TO EVERYONE!!! Talk to you all soon!!!

Rianne - 03/24/00 09:49:16

Hi there! I've just quickly read through the postings (not properly because I have to dash! Not a good moment to post at present!! But I'm hooked on these boards as you know!!)...thanks Margaret for your "history" & it's great to have your input....I'll rite more later Margaret! I posted a bit on the ASG board last night but didn't really have time to do it properly again....I'd just got back from having acupuncture and was soaked through (UK weather!!) and very tired! (the board is down now this mornin when I was going to post a quick message!! Grrr!) The homeopathic stuff seems to be helping....BUT I doubt if it's just that!! I've been taking the other supplements (only missed the saw palmetto for a couple of days Marcus!!! The rest I took vigilantly ! Are you proud of me??? Hee!!) so I think they have kicked in now!! Daren't go off the antibiotics though...the last time was torture. Indescribable skin without the antibiotics..I even drove to work and wouldn't get out of the car and drove back home again. Yes, THAT bad!!!! Someone has just come in....argh..MUST go!!! love, luck & thanks. Rianne.

Yangas - 03/24/00 08:12:25
Age: 17
Country: Australia

Hey all I have finshed roac like 2 months ago , i worked well but not without leaving scarrs! My derm put me on some lotion for like 6 months and she said that if this dose'nt work laser resurfacing is an option. This sacred me at first but i found out that its not that of a bigger deal. Plz anyone with any info about scarrs or roac email me at i need answers plz and is glyrioc peel any useful email me plz thankz! god bless

The Bubble Boy: Something Added, Something Needed, Many Supplemented, Something Supplemented - 03/24/00 06:44:14

Vitex, 370mg. 3x daily (4-5 for myself), concurrent with 1 x 80mg. Saw Pametto. This regiment together with a BASIC diet "no'subracto", at day 5/6. Skin soft, completely clear.

Diet: Tuna, tuna salad, with fresh head lettuce, mixed with sweet relish nd Light Miracle Whip, one pickle from polysorbate 80 taken with this meal 3 times daily the above Vitex. (Meal 3 times daily on competition days), further 1 x cream of wheat with raisins (in the cereal). Three Hershey Bars smothered with no salt peanuts in between meals, twice daily. (39 peanuts per serving = >6% zinc, but I take much more) Before sleep, hershey bar with peanuts and one Vitex. All meals accompanied by 25-75% ras-grape water mix, including the hershey-peanut feasts.

Cleansing reg. sing Eucerin Hydrating Cleanser twice daily, and before going out Oil of Olay moisturizing lotion SPF 15. Eucerin AHA with SPF 15 on nose.

Result: Soft, and clear, and another blonde at the airport Wednesday wanted me. I am not on accutane (isotretin in), at this time. My routine is (answer to Denny too), trial by: 1. Establish a BASELINE of CLEAR WITH ACCUTANE (usually 3 days of 40mgx2, of same followed by 5 days 40mgx1 gives me absolute clear baseline), followed by NO accutane concurrent with suppl ment. This is day 5/6 post baseline, and not only clear, but the state of my complextion has improved (I realize this is subjective to a degree), with the above intakes. Best to all, and Lois "Lane", The Super Bubble Bubble Boy.

Jim - 03/24/00 06:43:36
Age: 19

Marcus, in the article about zinc it said that a topical form of zinc could be beneficial. Does anyone know what the topical form of zinc is or where you can get it. Also, could someone please tell me a little something about Isotrex and what it is, wha it does. Thanks.

Lois to John in Canada - 03/24/00 05:08:10

I hope the Accutane starts working for you soon! Remember that it can take a few months...but it will get better!

Lois - 03/24/00 05:02:44
Age: 26
Gender: Female
Country: USA

A horrible morning today, so I thought I'd post. The Accutane (week 4, 40 mgs. twice daily, 120 lbs.) is starting to make me REALLY break out--I look atrocious--didn't even want to go to work...anyway, my joints are beginning to hurt and my eyes feel lik I've been in a dust storm. I was hoping to avoid this sort of thing, but I can handle it if it does what it should. To the person who posted about Sodium Laureth Sulfate--I was given a list of common ingredients in cosmetics, lotions, shampoos, etc. by an esthetician (did I spell that right?), and SLS is right at the top--an awful pore clogger. Retin-A is terribly bad for the skin as well. Probably why it doesn't work for a lot of people. I've done soem research over the years on what to use and what not to use, and what it boils down to, I think, is to use as little as possible. No make up if you can avoid it, shampo s/conditioners (Neutrogena's good) without SLS (Ammonium Laureth Sulfate is OK), only 100% OIL FREE moisturizers. I think Sal. acid and Benzoyl peroxide work, but it takes a lot of time...contrary to popular opinion, it probably takes more than four mont s for a pimple to form, or at least rear its ugly head, so to speak. Sorry for the rambling, probably just putting off going to the mirror...!

Chinese Herb Lady - 03/24/00 04:10:51
Age: 36

Hi again. If any of my information seems incorrect to you please post your opinion. No need for anyone to get nasty about anything. Take it, leave it, correct it but just be nice. The vitamins in Soy: E, Niacin, Pyridoxin, and Folocine (I didn't know these were vitamins). I am green at this nutritional thing. Brown Rice has a bit more nutritional value than White Rice. Brown has two times the iron, two times the phosphorus, six times the calcium, and eight times B-1 as white rice. This is what I ge from MY notes from my class regarding Phytochemicals: Has antioxidants to prevent cancer and arthritis, Vitamins A, C, and E for the attention span, Has Isflavin to inhibit plaques, Increases bone density and REGULATES ESTROGEN. My teacher said that she didn't thing there was any other single food that provides so many benefits. Of course she is for a balanced diet. She likes the book "Proof Positive" by Neil Nedley, M.D. Well, I am off to exercise.

Chinese Herb Lady - 03/24/00 03:59:36
Age: 36

Hi all, Marcus, I noticed you spoke about phytochemicals and lenolenic acid. I want to share information I picked up at a 2 hour class I went to early this week. The class was called "Soy - The Magic Bean" This is just tid bits of notes that I took. I am sure that someone will correct me if it is wrong information. Basically Soy is a very good source for many benefits. The Best source of Soy is from the Soy bean but other sources are good too. It is my understanding that lenolenic acid is a fatty aci ? which is in Omega 3's. Omega 3's is supposed to be able to decrease blood clotting, decrease stickyness of the platelets, increase memory, regulate hormones, it is a stimula, equalizes blood pressure. Soyfats: lowers saturated fats, less hypertension, tc. Supposedly there is NO CHOLESTEROL in the plant kingdom. Soy has Phytochemicals, Fiber, Minerals, Vitamins, Protein, and Fats: monosaturated, poly saturated. The Protein in Soy is supposed to lower cholesterol and Triglycerides, lowers Blood pressure lowers weight, lowers heart disease, increases immunity. Soy is an excellent source of calcium. We absorb the calcium better. The Fiber in Soy is supposed to Increase the High Density (Lipo_____) Cholesterol, Control Blood Sugar, lowers saturated fats, and decrease kidney deterioration. The following minerals are in Soy: Calcium, Copper, Magnesium, Zinc, Iron. I am going to post this and continue so I don't lose the information. I will post again a little more info.

J.L. - 03/24/00 03:35:21
Age: 18
Country: USA

Thank you for your help KAITLIN! I go to the derm on tuesday. I will see if I get accutane or just some more hopeless products. J.L.

Val - 03/24/00 02:19:09
Age: male
Gender: 21
Country: usa

update: week 11 of accutane 60mg/day 140lbs. Since about last week I definately realised my skin had improved quite a bit. even people noticed. no pimples really. just some marks from cystic ones along jaw line, but even the marks are fading. I def nately feel better about the whole thing. And im just hoping that from now to the end of the treatment I see nothing but more improvement. skin is not really that dry, but i live in florida (very humid so i'm not peeling, but i still use AVEENO moistur zer about once or twice a day just to make sure) i do have to keep applying lip balm. NATURAL ICE it does the job for me. and it smells good. my contacts do get bothersome if i have them on for very long time or if i go to a place where people are smo ing alot. besides those side effects, im pretty much side-effect-free. no pain, no rashes, no mood swings etc. At first i thought that in a month I would see improvement then when i didn't i was pissed and said... 2 months for sure i'll see some impro ement but i guess it was 2 and half months. so those of you with more than 2 months under your belt that aren't seeing results yet.... just stick with it. it will come. NOTE: even under alot of stress my skin got better because i just had a horrible week of midterms that killed me. for 2 days i lept 5 hours. this would have destroyed my face if it wasn't for accutane i think.

Alessaan - 03/24/00 01:05:42
Age: 26
Gender: female
Country: USA

Hi all, I am on month three of my second course of accutane and my face looks and feels horrible. I have had so many cortisone shots they don't even bother me anymore. I've been on prednisone for about two months just to keep them slightly under control, and two ays ago my doc put me on an antibiotic called bactrim. I have never taken this before and was wondering if anyone here has and what their results were. She also took some blood to do hormone tests on me but I haven't got the results back yet. How this wil help I really don't know, but hopefully she'll find something useful. Also, has anyone ever heard of putting Jojoba oil on their acne? I've been reading up on everything I can, and I recently purchased some over the internet. I've only used it for two da s now so we'll see how that works. Three months and nothing but worse............I hate waking up and crying. It took three tries for me just to put my makeup on today, and I still felt horrible. I'm going back to the doc tomorrow to get more shots...yay. .Well, if anyone has any info on the Bactrim or the Jojoba oil I would greatly appreciate it. Good luck to everyone, one day it'll happen we just don't know when.

marcus - 03/24/00 00:01:39

Jim, Glad to hear your starting to see an improvement(albeit it's only a small one!)Out of that list I'm going to pick up some green tea, maybe I'll add even more soon I don't know yet! As Jasmin once said it's good to have something up our sleeves! Are y u taking any other measures apart from the supplements. ie. avoiding certain foods, drinks, etc? Margaret, thanks for informing us on your zinc intake, I perfectly understand you not wanting to get involved in this matter (for anyone who doesn't know there's been a very heated debate on the other board regarding safe limits for zinc)

Margaret - 03/23/00 23:20:52
Age: 30
Gender: female
Country: usa

Hi all - Rianne - was trying to post this on the other sight but it won't let me right now. Hope you get to read this! Rianne I am (sigh) 30 years old. Not that it is a bad thing but I just turned 30 in Feb. and am still mourning the passing of my 20's! My breakouts began at around age 19 or 20. They occured after a pregnancy when I was in college. It was pretty mild a first and mostly located on the forehead. I went to a derm who gave me tetracycline,benzoyl peroxide and retin-a and it cleared up immediately. From then on I mostly just continued through college using that stuff and switching at some point to minocin and then by my senior year in college to just using doxycycline and benzoyl peroxide. My skin was great junior and senior year. After graduation I was getting breakouts on my cheeks but they did not scar and I just got increased doses of the meds and it went away to my satisfaction until at about 25 I started getting cysts. I credit this change to me being a moron and going out in the sun too much( I had basically stayed out of the sun most of my life and at about 21 and 22 I decided to go to the beach nd tanning a couple of times which clogged the hell out of my skin). Also I was under alot of stress with a new job in NYC, a new appartment with a roomate I wound up hating and a boyfriend that was making me nuts!!! So off to the derm again (and this o e was a bastard) who gave me minocine, retin-a, and benzomyocin and who picked at my face. This is when the scarring started and I freaked out. I switched derms two more times after him and finally found one that I love. He gave me all the other antibio ics and azelex and cleocin t-gel etc, etc. Finally in 1997 I took my first course of accutane(40mg for 5 months). My skin cleared immediatley with that and then after about 6 months it started breaking out again. I had been under so much stress and a b d breakup and it was all building up under my skin. What I did then was really kind of stupid beacause I had had extra accutane from the last course and started taking it on my own thinking it would make things better but I broke out horribly right away. I think my derm knew that I did this but did not say anything. He put me on another course but only ever gave me exactly enough til next visit!! So 6 months on 80mgs and now 9 months after I'm finished I am a grease pit again and my skin is breaking out in these small puss filled spots. I have an appointment on Monday so I'll see what he thinks. I really want a couple of light peels followed by a maintenance dose until my wedding. He is reluctant about the maintenance thing because of the whole pregnan y issue. How do I put it in a nice way that there is no way in hell that I would become pregnant because in my eyes that's what got me into this mess! I hope he agrees. Sorry Rianne and everyone else that this was so long but that is my story. Just to add(I know it's a sore spot right now) - I have zinc that is 50mgs and I have been taking it for a while. One per day. I have to take it with tons of food in my stomache or else I am nauseous as hell. Also too add - my boss has really dry skin an still breaks out. Still if I do have to continue having acne, I would rather have the dry skin. The oil is gross. Thanks to all for listening! If anyone has had similar experiences, feel free to email me. Talk to you soon! Margaret

Jim - 03/23/00 23:01:04
Age: 19

Marcus, thanks for all the info. It's really appreciated. I'm taking the saw palmetto extract and thinking of adding alfalfa to my also-expanding routine. After a week and a couple days I gotta say I do see a slight improvement. Are you gonna take all those herbs and supplements you mentioned or keep your routine the way it is?

John - 03/23/00 22:54:47
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Country: Toronto, Canada

I'm visting the site as we speak Ginger and I'm going to order the reconstruction creme and Aloe creme that you suggested. Thanks a whole lot and I will definately keep in touch with you since this is only my first day/pill on accutane. Thanks a lot and lets keep our fingers crossed for everybody in this site. THANKS

marcus - 03/23/00 22:46:31

Jim, Rianne & anyone else following this approach! Zinc Zinc is a vitamin that is used in other disorders related to excess dihydrotestosterone, such as acne and prostratic disease. One may be likely to assume that as it is of benefit in treating these types of androgen dependent conditions then it may be of s me benefit in the treatment of androgenetic alopecia. Saw Palmetto / Serenoa Repens Studies have shown that saw palmetto is an effective anti-androgen. It acts in a similar way that propecia does. Firstly it lowers levels of DHT in the body by Blocking 5 alpha-reductase. Secondly Saw Palmetto block receptor sites on cell membranes requir d for cells to absorb DHT. Gamma Linolenic Acid Studies carried out in 1992 suggested that unsaturated fatty acids such as Gamma Linolenic Acid play an important role in regulating androgen action in target cells. Studies carried out in 1994 show that certain unsaturated fatty acids such as Gamma li olenic acid are potent 5 alpha reductase inhibitors and may be usefull in the treatment of disorders related to DHT such as benign prostratic hyperplasma, acne, androgenetic alopecia and female hirsuitism. Green Tea Green Tea has been well documented for its therapeutic effects, and it is known to contain powerful antioxidants called polyphenols which scavenge free radicals. Other components of Green Tea include caretenoids which are another group of natural antioxid nts. Recently there has been some suggestion that Green Tea has an anti-androgenic effect on the body similar to that of Saw Palmetto. There are also Shampoos available that contain Green Tea Extract because of its beneficial effects on hair and skin. The polyphenols in Green Tea are powerful anti-oxidants which scavenge for free radicals. And in some studies the Green Tea extract has been shown to inhibit male hormones Vitamin B6 It has been shown in studies that zinc combined with vitamin b6 was able to inhibit the conversion of testosterone to DHT in the skin. From this one may make the assumption that both zinc and vitamin b6 may have some benefit in the treatment of androngen related disorders such as acne Emu Oil Research has shown that emu oil contains a high level of linolenic acid which further researchhas shown to be an efficient antiandrogen. Linolenic acid is a potent 5 alpha reductase inhibitor and may be usefull in the treatment of disorders related to the hormone Dihydrotestosterone. Linolenic Acid has been suggested to be of use in the disorders such as benign prostratic hyperplasma, acne androgenetic alopecia and hirsuitism. Ketoconazole (Nizoral) Ketoconazole is currently used as an antifungal agent in the treatment of fungal infections. Ketaconazole is also known to have anti androgenic effects and Ketoconozole can cause a reduction in the production of testosterone and other androgens by the adr nal gland and by the male and female reproductive organs. Nizoral shampoo contains 2% Ketoconazole Herbs Herbs can be one of your best natural acne treatments. Do not look for over night results though. Herbs work gently and build up in your system over time. Allow 3-4 weeks consistent usage before examining effectiveness of treatment. Take prescribed doses s detailed on your bottle. Herbal supplements to include in the diet to balance the hormones are saw palmetto berry extract for boys and chaste tree berry extract for girls. Echinacea can be used to boost the immune system to fight against acne-causing ba teria. Some other herbs that may help include: alfalfa, burdock root, cayenne, chaparral, dandelion root, the herbal combinations AKN and BFC, red clover, and yellow dock root. Green tea extract pills have also shown varied results in some individuals. Th recommended dosage is generally 900 mg a day. Rianne, you can buy Nizoral from most chemists over the counter! Make sure you purchase the 2% strength! Tess, I still can’t get my e-mail to post! Get back in touch and confirm your e-mail address! Jim are you taking the saw palmetto extract or powder? Bubble boy, thanks for your response, appreciate it!!!

Ginger - 03/23/00 22:25:36
Age: 39
Country: USA

John: Whoops! Forgot you asked about sunscreen--yes, I would put on the one you mentioned. That is needed!

Ginger - 03/23/00 22:22:59
Age: 39
Country: USA

John: Hey--First of all, your welcome--glad to help if I can--John, you need to understand that moisturizing is NOT going to mess up your treatment, AT ALL! It doesn't work like that. The drying needs to occur from within. Not from without. Don't worry about moisturing 5 times a day if that's what it takes to keep your face from being flaky! Scroll down and see my post regarding "accuracy on accutane" I posted earlier today. Yes, you can use both of the products as much as you like--I do. I continue o love them both. Yes, I did use credit card to order. I've had no problem with that. It did take a week and a half to receive them though. Hope this helps. C'ya! P.S. Feel free to ask if there are other questions--I don't mind at all!

Ginger - 03/23/00 22:16:14
Age: 39
Country: USA

Hey Paul--Are you putting vaseline on your face? Or lips? The Reconstruction creme seems to act as a moisturizer too--although their other lotion I purchased is called Amino Aloe Lotion--BOTH are excellent, and extremely helpful in healing MY skin quick y. I'm amazed. Once again, the web there and check it out! Both products together, with S & H is about $32.00. Hope this helps!

Kaitlin - 03/23/00 22:03:35

John: When you are on accutane YES your skin will get dry, but you NEED TO MOISTURIZE!!! I know it sounds dumb, but when your skin gets really dry, it actually blocks your pores, which in turn can cause more acne! People think if they had dry skin instead of oily, there acne would go away but its not that easy. So basically you need to find a balance. Just make sure you are using a moisturizer with no extra smelly things/ingredients ect. I have found moisturel and glaxal base to be really good. Hope this m kes sense.

paul - 03/23/00 21:39:30
Age: 25

i have a question for Ginger. Since the accutane is making my skin extremly dry i need to use an ointment every day. My derm gave me some kind of vaseline which feels kind of greesy. I read your post about the reconstruction cream and it sounds prommesing Can you tell me if it also moisturize your skin. Since i only wear lotions at night it needs to be a bit more greesy than normal. I would really appreciate your advice.

John - 03/23/00 21:34:51
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Country: Toronto, Ontario

Dear Ginger, Sorry I didn't email but hotmail just send me back an error so I decided to post my question here instead. I was wondering about a few things before I order those 2 creams you recommed. First off, thanks for recommeding them. Its really good to get good help from people who suffer from the same thing. I'm somewhat sceptical to order with my credit card over the internet, but I guess if you did then its okay. Did you by any chance order with your credit card. If I go in the sun should I use the reco. cream and/or aloe cream or just use my Ombrelle SPF 30. Next, my face is supposed to be dry during accutane isn't it, so by using these 2 creams aren't I just going to screw up the dryness which is supposed to do me good. Do you alternate days using these creams. If you use these creams everyday then won't your face be oily and screw up accutane's drying process. I know its a lot of questions. I'm sorry I just HATE ACNE to death. I live here in Toronto and I was wondering how long before I receive these creams. Most important questions though. 1)Is it safe to order with my credit card? 2)Accutane is supposed to dry your face a lot, that's its purpose, so should I use these 2 creams you recommeneded 2 times a week so my face is dry most of the time or use them 3-4 a day like you? I'm just mainly thinking that my face should be dry MOST of the time to help my face peel. It sounds like these 2 creams are worth it. Here from you soon. Thanks a lot. Take care and I guess we must be patient. Bye, John

Rianne - 03/23/00 20:47:34
Age: 35
Gender: female
Country: UK

Thanks for those tips Genny!! I'll follow those up! I'm gathering some great information lately and it's really appreciated!! Thanks again!! Love Rianne.

Genny - 03/23/00 20:25:25
Age: 22
Country: uk

Just a few points - SODIUM LAURETH SULFATE is a detergent ie/ it allows oil to dissolve in water and is therefore likely to be found in shower gels, shampoos, face washes etc even washing up liquid. It is unlikely to be comedogenic. To Rianne: Have you ever tried Doxycycline? I was on Minocin for years and it was complete rubbish. (oh and for the person asking about trimethoprim - that was rubbish too). Recommended dose of Doxy. is 50mg/day, I'm prescribed 200mg/day and my skin s the best it's been in 11 years. Everyone: I also recommend Buf Puf exfoliating sponge (gentle) with your own cleanser - have you tried acnisal? Don't use Benzoyl Peroxide unless in a wash-off cleanser as it ruins skin surface and doesn't really help stubborn acne (these Clearasil and Oxy blue liquids all contain it) I find the best foundation (non-comedogenic and good but non-caked coverage) is "Almay: Skin stays clean." Also I don't have any proof - but my experience with Retin A is that it may block the pores. I love Isotrexin though!! I don't understand the Nizoral thing - isn't that for dandruff?

Genny - 03/23/00 20:04:37
Age: 22
Country: uk


K - 03/23/00 19:38:44
Age: 31
Gender: female
Country: U.S.A.

Hi! What a great site, I felt like i was reading about my treatment while on Accutane. I have been on it since November 99, it is now March 00, I have two more weeks to go then I am finished, I hope. I too am acontact lens wearer, my eyes have been extre ly dry, especially when I wake up in the morning. My skin on my face has clearedup, it isnt dry but I have no more of those gross spots! My lips on the other hand are so dry, the vaseline helps, a lot, I have to apply often. My skin on my legs and arms ne ds moisturizer daily, my nose bleeds a bit, every once in a while but as long as I have no long terms effects, I will be very happy. Few headaches, sensitive to sunlight

Kaitlin - 03/23/00 19:25:06
Age: 20
Gender: female
Country: canada

J.L.: the initial breakout is different for everyone, so is the time it last for. Mine happened at about week 2, and then after that one cleared up, I only had a few minor breakouts. I'm finishing month 3 now, and my face has been clear for about 2 weeks. But remember, its different for everyone, hope this helps. John: I don't think your face is dry from the pills already, its probably just because you haven't used any moisturizer. If it was a week, then yes your skin could be dry, but 3 hours is too soon. Best to you.

John - 03/23/00 19:15:24
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Country: Toronto, Canada

Am I supposed to start feeling the dry skin from day one because my skin does feel dry. Could this be because its the first time ever that after cleansing I did not apply any cream or facial gel that I have been doing in the past, or could it be that afte 3 hours of my first pill my face is already starting to feel dry?

J.L. - 03/23/00 19:04:29
My Email:beanbel20@hotmail
Age: 18
Country: USA

What is the average time the intial breakout for Accutane last and how long does it take to see results. Please help

Jackie - 03/23/00 17:37:41
Age: 20
Gender: Female
Country: USA

I was very happy to see that someone else was going through the same thing that I was--not only severe acne, but using accutane to treat it. I've almost completed my 6 months on the medication, and my skin is completely clear. I've never felt so good ab ut myself! I'm 20 years old now, and I've been battling acne since I was 12. For once, it's finally good to wake up in the morning, look in the mirror, and look at my clear skin. :)

Lisa - 03/23/00 17:33:51
Age: 16
Country: Canada

Hi, I'm a 16 year old girl doing a project on Accutane. I need to find information on the chemical production. I have been searching everywhere to find this information, but keep coming up empty handed. If anyone has any information on the chemistry of Accutane, please email me back. Thank you so much Lisa

Denny - 03/23/00 17:01:14

TO BUUBLE BOY: I find your maintaneance therapy' RE: ACCUTANE interesting. Im going to strat course #2 in a couple of months..what dosage do you find beneficial for maintenance??? I eat lots of sunflower seeds everything sucks! -DENNY

John - 03/23/00 16:39:29
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Country: Toronto, Canada

Dear Ginger, regarding this reconstruction creme, I just started accutane on Thursday 23rd march and I also use a cleanser, an SPF 30 sun screen and complex 15 moisturizer. Should I bother ordering the reconstruction creme and if yes then how often should I use it sin e I am on accutane and my skin should be dry most of the time so it peels. Should I just wait until accutane is over in a few months and use the reconsturtoin creme then. Anyways, feel free to email. One more thing, if I live in Toronto, Canada, will the econstruction creme be mailed to me here. Does it really help cure pimples, dried out dead skin on my cheecks and red spots? Look forward to your reply. Thanks.

John - 03/23/00 16:39:17
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Country: Toronto, Canada

Dear Ginger, regarding this reconstruction creme, I just started accutane on Thursday 23rd march and I also use a cleanser, an SPF 30 sun screen and complex 15 moisturizer. Should I bother ordering the reconstruction creme and if yes then how often should I use it sin e I am on accutane and my skin should be dry most of the time so it peels. Should I just wait until accutane is over in a few months and use the reconsturtoin creme then. Anyways, feel free to email. One more thing, if I live in Toronto, Canada, will the econstruction creme be mailed to me here. Does it really help cure pimples, dried out dead skin on my cheecks and red spots? Look forward to your reply. Thanks.

Ginger - 03/23/00 16:06:57
Age: 39
Gender: Female
Country: USA

Accuracy about Accutane I think that there's a lot of inaccurate info. floating around about accutane. I wanted to go over some things in an attempt to clear up some misconceptions. I happen to have a very patient doctor--and his nurse, that take lots of time to answer any and all my ?'s. 1. In the USA--we have what we call the FDA-that regulates what drugs are considered safe, and what is ever going to make it to the consumer. It takes 10 yr. MINIMUM--for any drug to be tested....period! 2. Accutane has been on the market here, for 20 years--well long enough time to be able to document long term effects. There hasn't been any. 3. My doctor's office has NEVER seen ONE SINGLE CASE of liver problems of patients on accutane. 4. Accutane is a vitamin A derivative, but that DOES NOT MEAN THAT YOU ARE OVERDOSING ON IT!!! That is why a good doc is going to closely monitor (monthly) your liver, and with that of course, your cholesterol & triglyceride levels is what they are looking for. If your doctor is not doing this....THEN BE CONCERNED!!! 5. Accutane works by shrinking the size of your sebaceous glands, thus diminishing the production of oil. That oil goes into your liver, thus the concern for watching your liver and cholesterol, triglycerides. 6. Regarding depression- there's nothing been proven to be connected to accutane. The highest percentage of people on accutane is teenagers. Let's face it, there is more depression with that age group, social peer pressure, identity pressures, hormone changes, etc. Can we pin hat on accutane? And the bottom line is that as acne sufferers, isnt' there a lot of depression that just goes along with this dreaded stuff?!?! I sincerely hope that this clears up some misconceptions about accutane for some. We need to be careful what kind of info. we give out. Many are making choices that depend on it.

Ginger - 03/23/00 14:07:01
Age: 39
Gender: Female
Country: USA

RIANNE!!!!! I'm just happy for you--to hear that your skin is better!!!! I hope that continues to be the case. Mine is looking better today too. Although in the last week or so, I've found that w/ the accutane, things change quickly! I was sorry to see the other boa d down this a.m. I had written a lengthy post last night on it. I'm curious about the time difference between me and you. It's 8:00 a.m. as I'm writing this. When you read this, tell me what time it is there. Sonia: Hi, and welcome to this board! Regarding the Reconstruction Creme--I bought it over the Internet. You can too! It's I HIGHLY recommend the Amino Aloe Lotion too--I think it is equally awesome, and extremely healing! I'm not ure which is better actually! Hope this helps. To those who are interested in Reconstruction Creme. Some of you are aware that I have contacted the company regarding a list of ingredients in it, as they only list two of them at website, tea tree oil and centella. They replied, telling me that they h ve a patent pending, and could not tell me the rest of ingredients. I didn't give up. I told them that it's hard to recommend to others, given the lack of info. That got their attention! I got an email back the same day! I was told that they are "parti ularly" careful not to give any info. on this product, as they realize what a truly unique product it is--but that I could be assured that he would personally contact their patent attorney and consult him--and get back to me. We'll see..... One thing's f r sure--they are very personable to deal with! Quite frankly, I'm amazed how so. Just want to stress again, GREAT topical solutions for an aid to healing the stuff that plagues us all!

aussieanon - 03/23/00 13:23:08

Bubble boy: You made me laugh this time! I needed the naproxen for an injury I sustained while rock climbing this week. It is used as a slow release anti-inflamatory for muscular injuries and I guess it is ok to take this stuff whilst on accutane as have had no adverse reactions so far. To SP Good luck with that belly ring. I am not sure if they told you this, but belly rings are slow to heal and can take up to 6-12 months to be completely healed. However if you get sick of waiting, you can ge it cauterized with silver nitrate sticks. I had that done about 12 weeks after mine was pierced.

anita - 03/23/00 13:19:47
Age: 27
Gender: female
Country: UK

John from Toronto, I know where you are coming from. Mine was at its worse at your age and I had exactly the same feelings and barriers as you do. I've seen my Derm today after a 4 month wait and I am now taking Roaccutane for the 4th time (can anyone lse top that)? It basically has saved me from going out of my mind and leading a 'normal' life so go for it and wait to see the changes it will make! I know i've had relapses but each one has been less than the previous and I pray that this is the last ecuase I really had to work hard to get this course, my derm was very reluctant but realised how much it would affect me otherwise. Anyway, good luck and look forward!

SOnia - 03/23/00 12:51:03
Age: 22
Country: uk

Hi all. Week 12. I know I shouldn't be complaining, but I've just recently started getting one or two tiny reddish zits on my cheek- how annoying, coz they never go without leaving the marks. And everything was going so fine- maybe it's coz of the super-o ly Indian takeaway I just had 3 days ago?! Last week I had a zit on my jawline- (don't mind getting there- not that obvious) and I tried "synergie express patch", and the next day, the zit was gone. So I'm gonna buy more of it. Hearing abt the "RECONSTRUC ION CREAM", how I wish they sold it in Uk as well- I have an impression we're so backward here. They still haven't got the OIL OF OLAY CREAM with VITE, something I've been looking for for months! Useless country.I'm so annoyed. But then, I might go to the Health Aid Shop to get the High potency Vit E cream. THANK you,"JUST ME", for the advice. One last thing- BUBBLE BOY u said that shampoos as well contain comedogenic stuff, do u know of any that is anti-dandruff as well as non-comedogenic, please? Maybe hat explains why I always felt that leaving my hair open would give me a new spot. I wish things were simple and straightforward in life! SONIA

julia heng - 03/23/00 12:49:37
Age: 19
Gender: female
Country: singapore

my doctor gave me an absolute guarantee that roaccutane taken at a 7.5mg dose a day for six months would effectively prevent the occurance of acne forever. what do you think? I tried taking it for four months but once I stopped, the acne came back again. o should I continue with another six month course?

Rianne - 03/23/00 11:11:03

Marcus, it looks like Just Me's site is down this morning. The Nizoral, where did you buy it? My skin is improving! (I won't hold my breath though because this has happened to me before!!) Next time you're in the health food shop Marcus I would recomme d getting the homeopathic remedies I mentioned earlier. Maybe you don't really need anything else though at the moment if your skin is doing well. Thanks again for your help! Good luck everyone! Love Rianne.

Sue - 03/23/00 10:59:06
Age: 30
Gender: Female
Country: Australia

G'Day all. Just a message of encouragement for all those sufferers out there who are feeling a little discouraged about the disfiguring disease called acne. This is my second course of Accutane and I know it is working - all be it slower than the first ime. However KNOW THIS Acne is cureable - unlike other diseases listed in some post-its. Sure the initial few weeks / couple of months your acne may seem to be getting worse than it ever had and you feel like giving up. But rejoice as this is the main si n that Accutane is working - be more concerned if your acne doesn't get worse before getting better. Most people on this site are long time sufferers of acne so consider this - what is another 16-20 weeks in the whole scheme of your life - when you know hat you will come out of it at the end with renewed cofidence and you can look people in the eye as they stare back - not at your pimples, but because they are jealous of your new clear complexion. Last treatment I had, that many people - who I thought h d beautiful skin, commented that they wanted skin like mine (only I could really see the pit marks - which reduced with the help of a series of glycolic peels AFTER TREATMENT). Just be PATIENT and be kind to yourself. You may suffer a few side affects, y u may have to reduce your dose - but PERSEVERE it's worth it. I'm in my 12th week and am only 1/2 way there, but hey I'm not the only one suffering. Thanks to everyone for their support!!!

- 03/23/00 06:32:44

I have found that if you take accutane for 1 or 2 months and you stop taking it for a few days that it seems to clear my ance up faster

Dmitry - 03/23/00 06:07:59

Are the side effects for Accutane the same for 80mgs as 20mgs a day??? Thanks everyone....

The Bubble Boy: naproxen - 03/23/00 04:21:02

Sorry, you need to refer to your practitioner here. I'm assuming this may relate to your menstrual situation. Best to you.

Barbara - 03/23/00 04:19:22
Age: 29
Gender: female
Country: USA

To Mary in Greece; I don't know if it's available in Greece but Ortho-Tricyclin is a birth control pill that's widely used in the states to help with acne - I've tried it and it does make an improvement (although it doesn't completely clear up the acne) I hope it works for you.

Bubble Boy on Daily Zinc - 03/23/00 04:08:32

This is a repeat of one of my previous posts, and my last regarding this matter. I have taken Spring Valley Zinc supplements 100mg. tablets. THEY HAVE HAD NO POSITIVE BENEFIT, for myself. I am not even concerned with the matter, as I notice no effect of inc SUPPLEMENTS on the skin. Instead of zinc supplements, seeds and peanuts contain zinc, which I use as a more natural delivery "system". With the exception of malabsorption a.enteropathica, and several other rare deficiency conditions, I reject zinc s pplementation for acne. Best to all, The Bubble Boy

John - 03/23/00 03:31:29
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Country: Toronto,Canada

Well, I just received my first accutane pack ever and as of 12noon on thursday 23rd, March I'm going to take my first pill to hopefully a clear complexion. I hate acne, its ruined my social life since 15. I have no friends or life. I sit at home on weeken s and I fear going in public. I run away from people. At university I sit in the back corner in class. I hope accutane helps me to get a social life by clearing up my face. I would like to have friends and be able to talk to people in the face and eyes in tead of not talking to ANYONE, NOT EVEN MY PARENTS OR DYING GRADNMOTHER IN THE HOSPITAL. How SAD. I truly believe that life is not worth living if you have acne/shit on your face. Everyday, every second, every minute since age 15 all I ever think about is acne and how I wish it went away. I would rather have cancer, AIDS, liver disease, lung cancer all at the same time than have acne. All I want in life is a clean and clear complexion. Even in my dreams, believe it or not I have dreams that a beautiful gir wants to talk to me but I run away because I am embarrased of my acne. How sad. Anyways, I know of all of the side effects. Don't give a shit I am going to complete a whole treatment, 16-20 weeks depending. I hear afterwards if you have red spots on your face that glycolic acid peels 30% or so are a good way to help. Also, vitamin E is good. But lets do accutane first. For those of you that say accutane sucks, you should realize that accutane has different effects on different people. It reacts totally di ferent to peoples body. You just have to try it for yourself. My dermatologist also told me to try cetaphil complex 15 moisturizer and use ombrelle sun screen SPF 30. I also use this cleanser that's imported from France. Anyways, I'll keep everybody poste on my results. P.S. looking forward to the dry skin and lips. NOT!!! :)

marcus - 03/23/00 03:12:29

Sorry again Jim, my skins a little better since taking it, I'm now 100% clear 85% of the time & 98% clear the rest!!!

marcus - 03/23/00 03:09:15

Sorry I forgot to post the link (in my defence it is very late)

marcus - 03/23/00 03:07:14
Age: 22

Jim, there a link above to a site that has documented it working on acne along with other physical complaints! Saw palmetto works by blocking androgens, snippet from a web site I recently visited Androgens and Acne Feeling stressed? That’s exactly the time your body will start to release androgens. These in turn activate oil-producing glands in the skin and the result is a new outbreak of acne! So in theory blocking androgen should help in the fight against acne!! If you have any other questions or doubts get in touch!

Rob - 03/23/00 02:43:35
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Country: New Zealand

Hi, since I started high school I have mild acne, but never really cared too much. But for the past year or two (I'm now 2nd year university) it seems to have gotten somewhat worse, and moved from face to chin and neck, and turning into those large cysts. Two weeks ago I started on Roaccutane, with a dose of 20mg, and was told to make it 30mg in a week (I am 60kg). The 20mg was fine, but now with 30mg my skin is a real mess. I was warned about this however, but would like to get an idea of how long it will be before it clears up, and starts to heal. Can anyone tell me? I'm getting tired of flaking skin (I'm also a compulsive picker, which doesn't help!) I have the stuff that came with the Roaccutane (sunscreen, lip-balm, moisturiser and eye drops), and it s ems to work OK, are there any other recommendations? I have also had some nose-bleeds, are these common? Thanks.

Jim - 03/23/00 02:04:55
Age: 19

Marcus, it seems to me from a little research on the net that saw palmetto gives the male hormones a boost. Isn't this exactly what we don't want for acne? Don't we want something that slows down or inhibits hormones so the oil production goes down? An are you a hundred percent clear since taking the palmetto? Thanks

marcus - 03/23/00 00:53:25

To Bubble Boy: There seems to be some ongoing controversy on the other site regarding daily zinc limits. Could you please give any insight into this as you seem to be the brains of the board and have alot of experience on taking supplements

aussie anon - 03/23/00 00:37:06

To Bubble boy: Do you think accutane is likely to react with naproxen? There are no contraindications listed in the pamphlet that I got with my meds, and I need to take some anti-inflammatories at the moment. Cheers!

The Bubble Boy to ANNA (of "Green Gables) - 03/22/00 23:59:01

THANKS Anna for the Eucerin info. I am trying the Hydrating Wash for third day now, and I like it so far. The moisturizing one though, I have AHA by Eucerin is called for Dry Skin Plus. Do you find this makes your skin appear oily/shiney though?

"E ery day is a new day, with no mistakes in it" Anne of Green Gables (Ann Shirley). Best to you. The Bubble Boy

Anna - 03/22/00 23:28:13
Age: 24
Gender: female
Country: US

To Bubble Boy-- I've been using Eucerin products since I started Accutane 6 weeks ago. I use the cleanser you mentioned and the AHA night cream. I love both products--have had no problems whatsoever. In fact, the moisturizer is the only one that I do l ke. Perhaps the shampoo you mentioned which has the same 1st 3 ingredients as the Eucerin cleanser has those ingredients in different amounts and/or the additional ingredients in both products make one tolerable for sensitive skin on the face & the other not, etc. etc.

Steve - 03/22/00 22:36:26
Age: 26
Gender: male
Country: US

It seems like I post this same message over and over again but I don't care as long as one person realizes what they are doing. Isotretinoin causes your hair/skin to become very dry and fragile. The weakest point is where the two meet, at your folicle. Ag ravating something that is already vulnerable will only produce negative effects. What aggravates your hair the most are chemical and heat related treatment products. Bleach is the same, stripping your hair of every single vitamin and drop of moisture. Ye again, if anyone has any doubts feel free to chemically straighten or bleach your hair. Just be sure to post as to the results.

irene - 03/22/00 22:27:04
Age: 35
Gender: female
Country: uk

hello. im a 35yr old female and my acne has never been very severe but bad enough to have gone through the teenage years with enough pizza face jokes to last a lifetime. as a teenager i was quite tolerant about my spots as its fairly common and the doctor never took my problem very seriously as it was'nt too bad! as i got into my twenties and i did'nt seem to be growing out of the spots it became a bigger problem, after many topical products that all did relatively little, i was prescribed DIANETTE which really worked for me. BRILLIANT. but after 3 years i began o deveiop some side effects ie. migrane,nausea,shortness of breath, so ihad to stop taking it. my doctor at the time said not to worry they'd probably clear up when i get pregnant (asshole) i thought this to be a rather extreme cure for my spots. I tried DIANETTE again a few years later and had to stop for the same reason. in my thirtees igot pregnant twice and yes the spots did clear up. but not for long. i tried DIANNETTE again but ive just had to stop again for same reasons. so thats why im on the net like you lot looking for that magic solution! so good luck to everyone bye irene

Steve - 03/22/00 22:25:52
Age: 26
Gender: male
Country: US

I will never take antibiotics again to treat acne. I don't want resistant bacteria to develop in my body which will force me to take some industrial strength antibiotic like Zithromax when I actually have something wrong with me. If anyone thinks that I am exaggerating in any way then they should take it upon themselves to read the research. It is in the JAMA under "prolonged use of antibiotics".

John.allen - 03/22/00 22:24:37
Age: 23
Gender: male
Country: Uk - london


marcus - 03/22/00 22:13:57
Age: 22
Country: uk

Regarding the recent controversy over zinc, I was just flicking through a home shopping leaflet (Kleeneze) & in its supplement section it has 100mg zinc tabs! Surely a reputable company wouldn’t be even be able to sell it in this high dose if it was as da gerous & toxic as some sites would have us believe???? On top of that it’s pure, not even formulated with copper!! I know there are conflicting reports on this issue (as this site has shown) but surely if it isn’t safe to take this higher dose the company wouldn’t be licensed to manufacture it? Personally I haven’t cut down on my intake, I was thinking about it but decided against it, besides I’ve been taking it for almost a year now & have suffered no ill effect! I was very loathed to bring this subject p again as so many people had expressed concern, but after reading the leaflet decided it might be worth a mention as I’m sure other people could benefit from it too!!!! One thing’s for sure, it’s very confusing!!! Rianne, It’s good to be back! I read that you’ve been getting lax in taking your supplements (tut,tut) although I know how disconcerting (I must be on one tonight, coming out with all the big words) it can be when you don’t see results right away! Any how, the recent research I‘ve been doing should help all the impatient people out there, Rianne (joke) The D.H.T theory was always going to be a long slog while we waited for the herbs to get round our systems & work their mojo! So I thought there mus be something we can put on topically that can reduce D.H.T! After a little research I came across Nizoral shampoo, which is used by people at the hair site to reduce D.H.T around their follicles!! Also it is recommended by doctors on numerous sites for a condition called folliculitus (not sure that’s spelt right), which is extremely similar to acne! I think it would be worth washing your face with this once a day! Very important, buy Nizoral & not Nizorelle, the latter is a weaker solution! Tess, I added a .net to your e-mail address and it wasn’t returned so I hope you got it!! Rianne, I was going to suggest warm milk with honey for your insomnia but then I remembered that you’re probably trying to avoid milk like me!

Laurel - 03/22/00 22:05:24
Gender: Female
Country: USA

TYPH . . . . Anything you find out about the micro-dermabrasion, please let me know! I'm going to see my derm on the 31st and I'll ask him too. I've heard various time frames post accutane, but I'm going to see what he says. I'll let you know. Laurel< r>
Mary Farsari - 03/22/00 20:55:15
Age: 24
Gender: Female
Country: Greece

Help! I'm from the U.K. but now I live in Greece (Crete). My doctor in the U.K. prescribed Dianette for me as I wanted a contraceptive pill and had previously been taking antibiotics for my skin. It seemed that I had become immune to the antibiotics anywa so I decided to give it a go. The problem now is that I can't find Dianette anywhere (you don't need a prescription in Greece for the pill, you just go to a pharmacy) and I don't even know if it exists here. I can't find any information as to if it goes y a different name in Greece than in the U.K. Does anyone have any information that can help me? Can someone recommend a similar contraceptive pill that might be available in Greece? Last time I was in England and visited my G.P. she gave me another 6 mon hs prescription of Dianette but was too pressed for time (as always!) to help me with any of my inquiries. Everyone on this page seems really supportive and I'm sure you can all understand my worries about what may happen to my skin if I change to another brand of pill. My skin is by no means clear but if it started getting worse than it is now then that would be really depressing. Please e-mail me if you can help at all. Thanx

Rianne - 03/22/00 19:54:14
Age: 35
Gender: female
Country: UK

Margaret, thanks for your help with regard to the Minocin. Yes, I think I am getting immune to it. I had penicillin for a throat infection a while back, it was quite a high dose though, and my skin looked soooo good!!! No oil, no acne, bliss!!! When I mentioned this to my GP he said that he couldn't prescribe that for a long time or on a maintenance doseage. I suppose that was in case I became immune to ALL antibiotics - which would be a big problem if I was ill or something. I did switch back to tet acylcine a long while back but my skin went absolutely mad. (it was when there was a big scare about Minocin in the newspapers over here) I hate having to take ANYTHING really - I know they just mask the problem and don't solve it. The herpanacine Marga et, is that a herb or vitamin? I'm willing to try most things because my acne is terrible. I'm taking homeopathic remedies too now and they seem to be helping. (I've posted about them on which is where I found them in the natural remedies section) Anyway, thanks Margaret, it's really appreciated. (I have just touched my forehead and the oil there is unbelievable. In fact my whole face is covered in grease - oh sooooo glamorous!!! Where does it come from???!!! If I could stop his oil then my acne would go!) I'm rambling as always.... Love to all, luck and thanks. Rianne.

Margaret - 03/22/00 19:15:02
Age: 30
Gender: Female
Country: USA

Rianne - Have you been taking the minocin for a long time? You may have become resistant to it. I took tetracycline, minocycline and then doxycycline(sp) but I was on the minocine for the longest time and I am sure that my acne became resistant to it. Maybe you should ask for a different antibiotic. That may help to calm things down for a while. Sometimes even an antibiotc that you may think will be less effective will help. When I was sick a couple of months ago I was put on I think it was ampicill n and I noticed that the little bumps I was getting went away and it helped with the oiliness in a way. Sometimes when my skin gets really oily I can smell the oil(gross!) and when I was on the ampicillin I didn't at all. Also there is a herbal suppleme t for the skin called herpanacine(I think that is how it is spelled) that my future sister in law told me about. She is going to school for Chinese herbal medicine or something like that. She also recomended the primrose oil too. I am going to make an ppointment with my derm soon because I am not too happy with my skin at the moment. It is not horrible but my pores seem to be clogged under the surface with these little bumps and it is too oily. I want to demand(who do I think I am :)!) a maintenance ose of the accutane just until I get married. Or maybe he can start doing some peeling like he said he would and that may help. Anyway Rianne - see if you could switch antibiotics to help calm things down. Maybe that will give some of the herbs and topical stuff a better chance to work. Hope all goes well. Love - Margaret

marcus - 03/22/00 18:54:26
Age: 22
Country: uk

Jim, It’s hard to say how long it was before my acne improved, I wasn’t taking everything to begin with I built up slowly adding things & taking away until I found the right combination for me! I’d give it at least two months for everything to get around our system, try not to lose hope it’s still early days!! Are you or have you taken accutane? P.S I'm about to add burdock to my regamin! (Just me's suggestion)It looks very promising!

Typh - 03/22/00 17:45:43
Gender: Female
Country: USA

Thanks, Shelley for your response to my question. I was told by my estetician that I should wait 4-6 months after finishing, but I was reading in here that you should wait a year. I also thought Retin-A would help, but I'm not sure. Maybe I'm being too hard on myself now that I have not one zit. But I guess now that there are none, it leaves room for the other imperfections, ya know. Anyway, if anyone HAS had micro-dermabrasion, I would appreciate it if you could post your experience. Thanks!

Kara - 03/22/00 16:21:34
Age: 25
Gender: female
Country: usa

To the woman asking about hair color...last weekend I got my blond highlights put in for the summer, and my hairdresser basically uses a hi-lift bleach. It's been a little dryer than normal, but I just super-condition everyday and seems to be fine, not a great as it was before Accutane...(I'm on week 17) and I blow dry ever day, which is probably pretty hard on it. I want my beautiful, thick, soft hair back to the way it was, but I really can't complain too much. Do you think it returns to normal (less dry) after Accutane? Hope that helps!

Vdoooooo - 03/22/00 14:53:21
Age: 16
Gender: Male

I myself have got bad acne but I don't feel down, for those who do should consider going to see a therapist or something. I haven't done it myself but I know that from being down it will only get worse. Bye _Hope I could help!_

the moral to the story??? (Aesop's and all that) - 03/22/00 13:01:31

honesty is way more important than the way we look!!!

marcus - 03/22/00 12:59:34

Hi Tess, Sorry I've had to post you a reply on the board as the e-mail I've sent you isn't working for some reason, try e-mailing me again & confirm your e-mail address! I'm Sorry to read you've been having such a struggle with acne! Unfortunately I can totall relate to the scarring you have! My back and neck are quite bad, luckily (I'm not sure lucky is the right word!!!!) my chest & face aren't scarred! Scarring is definately the worst part of acne! I always said if it wasn't for the fact that I was scarring I could have handled it alot better! I know exactly what you mean about not wanting to look in the mirror & turning the light off! When I had acne on my face I went for ages without looking in the minor, always having the curtains drawn, living in the dar ! (I was beginning to feel like a vamp, always in the dark & never seeing myself in the mirror!) How's your acne now? You mentioned about your scars but didn't say whether or not you still have acne? Have you tried any treatments yet? Anyhow I've gone on ong enough! Don't worry about bothering me you, can e-mail me as much as you like, it's better to get things off our chests rather than bottle them up! Marcus

SP - 03/22/00 12:58:35

navel piercing is going O.K. 2 months post/Roaccutane...(6 days since the deed was done...)

I use triclosan...and saline solution...also taking excessive amounts of Vit. C...(bags and bags of oranges)...tabs...etc. etc.

think Denny's got it sussed re: romance...(particularly when it involves ex-Roaccutane patients with perfect skin)

may sound like an ungrateful bitch...but life is just as difficult with clear it was before...

question to the boys...5 DAYS without a phone-call...(posssibl because I dumped his stuff on his front lawn...)well...I WAS cranky!!!...should I let him in the front door EVER again???

SP - 03/22/00 12:12:48

bugger!!! I'm expecting a refund on the ticket you know!!!

Al - 03/22/00 12:07:52
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Country: UK

Cat - I started RoA about 5 weeks ago and talked to my derm. about scarring (minor/moderate to my cheeks). She said that cost depends on severity and although some treatments are available on the NHS that I should allow approx. £1000 for this if I intend to go ahead. She also said that it would be about a year after RoA which I will discuss when I see her in 3 weeks - I really want to try and do it around Christmas when I can be off work for 3 or more weeks (the theory of returning to a sensible degree o normality). She did'nt suggest any particular treatment as I guess it all depends on the type of scarring and the individual. Hope this helps.

Regards, Al.

Cat - 03/22/00 10:30:15
Age: 20
Gender: Female
Country: UK

For those of you in United Kingdom: Does anyone know if laser resurfacing for the treatment of acne scars covered by the NHS? If it is not, do you have an idea of how much it will cost? I would be grateful if anyone could answer me this question.

Sue - 03/22/00 09:38:32
Age: 30
Gender: Female
Country: Australia

G'Day everyone. I was wondering if there are any hairdressers out there who can help me. I use to have bleached blonde hair (I'm a natural dark blonde) So I asked my hairdresser for a semipermanent brown colour. She thought it would suit me if she did /2 chestnut and 1/2 mahogany - my hair went pinky red - BLAH!!! So I went back the next week and she put a straight chestnut semi through. Now my hair is this weird red/brown colour - BLAH!!! Anyway that was 4 weeks ago. I've decided to go to my old ha rdresser - who is more experienced. I spoke to her the other day and she suggested putting blonde streaks through my hair to lighten it up. However I know that you shouldn't put peroxide in your hair whilst on Accutane. I really want a golden brown col ur and I have a very special event coming up and want to look good. What would anyone out there suggest?? What is the least drying technique to make my hair lighter??? Should I ask her to use a toner on my hair or what - I really don't know enough about all this and I certainly don't want my hair to dry out and break off (as what happened once with bleaching a small strand of hair 2 months ago). I would appreciate ANYONE'S advice. Thanks everyone!!!

The Bubble Boy: ATTENTION: - 03/22/00 07:51:31

Due to the recent rash of Australian naval piercings, we have decided to cancel my upcoming concert tour to that country. The Bubble Boy, ltd.

Rapunzel...only with copper hair! (SP) - 03/22/00 06:03:22

laughing myself silly...(thank-you I SO NEEDED that!!!)

Rapunzel...only with copper hair! (SP) - 03/22/00 06:02:48

laughing myself silly...(thank-you I SO NEEDED that!!!

Cal - 03/22/00 05:47:03
Age: 17
Gender: male
Country: US

I was on accutane and ended up having seizures. I was healthy before and never had seizures or anything like it. Nobody in my family/relatives had ever had seizures. My mom got the last two years of adverse events from the FDA and numerous seizures cases are listed. Mostly in teen males from 15 to 19. It has changed my life. Now there are a lot of restrictions and my parents worry about me all of the time. I think my mom gets panic attacks everytime she hears an ambulance and knows I'am out with my friends. She pages me it seems like all the time. I have had some other side effects from having the seizures I think. short term memory problems, anxiety attacks, etc. You think you have it bad with acne but this is alot worse and I still have acne! Talk about screwing myself! Hope all of this will eventually go away. My doctor told me that they don't know how long or if ever the accutane gets out of the brain. He definitely believes accutane caused it because he has seen it before and he knows all about 13 cis-retinoic acid and the by-products it produces in your body. Gotta go. Sorry my story isn't the kind you like to hear.

The Bubble Boy: AD 2000 At this moment - 03/22/00 05:27:02

At this very moment (for real) I am partaking of the Chaste (Vitex) berry capsule, with the yam root included. On the bottle it states "Do not take during pregnancy or menstruation". I will heed this warning carefully. May the 9 muses grant me favor. ow back to my spaghetti. The Bubble Boy

Lois to The Bubble Boy - 03/22/00 05:06:58

Alrighty then!

Gloria - 03/22/00 03:39:05
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Country: Mexico


The Bubble Boy to LOIS "let down your golden hair" - 03/22/00 03:26:53

That's my whole point!!!!!! Sodium L. sulfate is in shampoos, HOWEVER, Eucerin is marketing EUCERIN GENTLE HYDRATING CLEANSER, with these ingredients, as a "skin cleanser" for "sensitive skin". The manufacturer further claims, "soap free", fragrance free and won't clog pores"...(see the bottle). If you read my previous posts, I am requesting input from those that may have or are concurrently using this product. MY POINT IS, THIS IS NOT BEING MARKETED AS A SHAMPOO!!!!!! best to you The Bubble Boy

Shelley - 03/22/00 01:30:54
Age: 26
Gender: Female
Country: USA

Responding to Typh-- I have been off Accutane for 6 weeks now, and have been using Purpose moisturizer with the AHA's in it. I use it morning (under makeup) and night, and had used it throughout the majority of my Accutane treatment. It really helped w th the dryness and my derm was very pleased to note that the mild scarring I had on one cheek was almost gone. I had used Retin A in the past, even in my "oily" days, and feel that this is much more gentle and still very effective. My skin has remained ice and smooth,with no pimples and continual fading of my scars... crossing my fingers that this lasts! Best wishes to you...

Ginger - 03/22/00 00:43:17
Age: 39
Gender: Female
Country: USA

Rianne--Hi--Here is the site for ordering Reconstruction Creme: company is in the Republic of South Africa--I don't think it matters where you live, they'll ship it to you. And like I posted earlier today--they just reduced their prices since I ordered (that figures, ha) I don't know about scarring, they don't make any claims on it specifically--but they do say that it is for 3rd degree burns, and very major open wounds--so hey! Sounds to me like it could help with it. Probably ight also depend on if they are old scars. A little dab will do you with this stuff--it is quite moisturizing as well. I'm on accutane, so really need that! Jasmine, hope that answers your question regarding moisturizing. Yes, it's very much so! I jus wish the company would hurry up and respond to my inquiry regarding other ingredients. The centella in it, or better known as Indian pennywort--is known for wound healing. That may be one reason that this company's claims for miraculous healing can be s bstantiated--Take care both of you--keep your focus on clear skin ahead!

Jim - 03/22/00 00:31:56
Age: 19

Marcus, no real improvement yet. Oiliness seems to be the big problem for me now, and it's funny(?) because I don't remember having a lot of oil in my pre-accutane days. When it came back it first came on my nose. Then I had hundreds of little pimples ll over my forehead that went away miraculously with retin-a, but then the oil moved to the rest of my face while my forehead is almost completely clear and my nose has virtually no oil. Maybe the face oil will pass but I never get a break with this dise se so it won't. Now I'm using retin-a on the rest of my face in the hopes it will do the same as it did to my forehead, but to no avail so far. Marcus, how long before you saw an improvement in all the supplements?

marcus - 03/21/00 23:49:54
Age: 22
Country: uk

Where do I begin! Well I’m just about finished moping around and feeling sorry for myself (just about!) Thought I’d drop by and see how my chums are doing!!! Rianne, how you doing? Not too good judging from your recent posts! Sorry to have abandoned you in your moment of need! My un-acne related problems are panning out now sort of!!!! Life is hard enough without having acne on top of everything else!!!!! !! (I’m sure no one on this site will disagree with that!) Rianne, as I’ve said before you’re sooooo very, very brave! (And that goes for Jasmine too!) You manage to find the courage to go out even though your faces are scared! The last time I managed to o out I was so paranoid about the scars on the back of my neck! I can’t emphasise enough the huge admiration I have for you! Rianne I know what you mean about bright lights etc! I used to avoid light at all costs, I think the only time I went out in the aytime last year was on the eclipse, but hey that was a great two minutes! Maybe instead of trying to cure our acne we should all put our heads together & conspire to destroy the sun therefore plunging the world into eternal darkness & never have to worry about people seeing our skin again! (Maybe we should keep that one as our last resort, just for now!) Anyhow hope to talk to you soon! Btw I’m researching something just for you that seems quite promising! Just me, I’m going to pick up some burdock in the next few days along with a few other herbs I’m researching, thanks for the info on it! P.S what dosage do you take! Davie S how you doing? About a week ago I bought a multi gym & have had three workouts since, as of yet it hasn’t caused any outbreaks! Jim, you found the info in the archives then! I know its early days but have you seen any improvement yet? I also take Minacin, which is one of the vital components in my regimen!!!!! Btw this message is posted on both sites because I didn’t want to miss anyone!!!!

Aaron - 03/21/00 23:27:52
Age: 20
Gender: male
Country: england

Been off Roacutane since last friday. Its been okay I guess until yesturday, 2 spots on my cheak started forming , and today they appeared. I just hope i don't have a really bad outbreak. Also the drying on my lips is really really bad, its so sore.

I know it should take 2 weeks to get out my system, so maybe its still acting like I have still got Rooactunte in my body?

maybe it will be a little different after 2 weeks?


Just Me - 03/21/00 22:30:54
Age: 35
Gender: Female
Country: UK

Hi all :) ...

Rianne, Jasmine, Kaitlin, Ginger and all ... :) - yes the Board was down for a few hours from late this afternoon (the new system that they have in place since Saturday must be causing the odd hiccup and I guess they keep doing some maintenance etc on the spot). Yes, Rianne, :) as you spotted it's back up now again ! Link is at the top for those who've lost it :) ... and there was me hoping for an early nite (grins). Going there now to post some before I call it a nite .... Jasmine, Rianne, Kaitlin et will reply to you there ....

Rianne - 03/21/00 22:23:43

Me again! The other site is back up now too! Cheers! Rianne.

Rianne - 03/21/00 22:20:21

Ginger, would you tell me where I can get the Reconstruction Cream you are talking about? Is it available in England? My skin is terrible at the moment (I know - I keep repeating myself - sorry!!) - would the Reconstruction cream get rid of the acne & h lp the scarring? It sounds very effective. Good luck Jasmine! If you're taking antibiotics try to take Acidophilus too - they help a lot. I'll talk to you later anyway Jasmine. (I've left some messages for you on the other site!) As always, wishing veryone lots of luck, love and thanks. Rianne.

jasmine - 03/21/00 22:17:09
Country: U.K.

Hi.Short term memory loss or what.The reason I was posting as well was to say JUST ME your cheque has definitly gone in the post today.Give me a shout when you get it.Cheers again love Jasminexx

jasmine - 03/21/00 22:14:03
Age: 33
Country: U.K.

Hi everyone.EA yes I'm afraid I have already tried Dianette and it didn't work at all for me.It's funny how some treatments work for some and not at all for others.One day we will all have a cure.Hopefully!I was on Dianette for about 6-7months and nothing Thanks for thinking of me anyway.GINGER.Sorry I didn't remember it was you about the Reconstruction cream.Can you use it like a moisteriser or is it too greasy for that?I'm at a bit of a loss really with my skin regime at the moment as everything I have g t is for skin whilst using topical solutions and now when I start the antibiotics I am not going to be using anything topical on my face which will feel weird as I've put things on my face since about the age of 17.Anyway so now I don't know what wash,ton r,moisteriser to use especially for acne.Any suggestions anyone?That's about it for now.Take care love Jasminexx

Ginger - 03/21/00 22:00:10
Age: 39
Gender: Female
Country: USA

To Jim and Jasmine: I think you're going to like that Reconstruction Creme--I still think it's most impressive. I also noticed that the company just recently reduced prices. The prices don't any longer include a $5.00 S&H fee for each item purchased! hat's an added bonus! Hope you both were able to get in on that....Jim, you asked about what exactly the reconstruction creme does. It is NOT drying, at all! It is very moisturizing actually. It just seems to speed the healing of any sore. I would ven ure to say that it cuts the healing time down by several days for ME, on red areas as well as eruptions. Now mind you, I don't get large cysts anymore...but still a lot of med. sized breakouts. I wouldn't be at all surprised if this creme would work on ny size sore though. My twelve-yr. old son thinks it is a miracle. I didn't even realize that it could help black heads until I put it on him! I don't usually have too many blackheads myself. I don't understand how it works, but know it does! I'm stil waiting to hear back from the company on what else is in this product besides tea tree oil and centella. I'm VERY CURIOUS!!! I'll keep everyone posted... The Amino Aloe Lotion they sell is pretty awesome too. It has Primrose oil, Vitamin E, Chamomile n it. Very soothing to my face, even when broken out.

Denny - 03/21/00 21:46:39

HI!< UPDATE: Still using Retin-A .025 %. YES I was on ACCUTANE but its not a permanent result...There still is needed maintenance, as many of you know. RE Retin-A helping with scars. Persoonally, it depends on the scar type. Retin A helps for mine because thie not too deep. BUT agin, its subtle and takes not overapply! (though I did place "blobs" of Retin A on a mole for aprrox. 5 months and it went away! BUBBLE BOY: I use Eucierin on occasion! Facial lotion (Octyl Methoxycinnamate, Octyl Salicylate, Titanium Dioxide) with all my moisturizers, I keep the tubes in my fridge! TO THE PERSON WHO CALLED ME "twisted"..well tell me what happens in five years, Romeo. you and your relationship belong on another board. RE TANNING ON ACCUTANE: Dont do it! You get enough sun exposure every day as it is... -DENNY

Jim - 03/21/00 21:09:16
Age: 19

Ginger, I ordered the reconstruction cream too. thanks for mentioning it. What exactly does it do, just make marks fade a lot quicker? Or does it also dry ones up and prevent new ones? And for anyone's who's interested, I started taking all the supple ents that Marcus was talking about and it's been a week: saw palmetto, evening primrose oil, zinc, b6, codliver oil, potassium, selenium, and one called echinacea which is supposed to be good for colds but it has anti-inflamatory and infection properties. I'll let you know how things work out. I'm so tired of all this. Peace

EA - 03/21/00 20:54:39
Age: 30
Gender: Female
Country: UK

Jasmine, I am quite new to this website so you've probably heard it all before, but have you tried Dianette (the pill with an anti-androgen)? I took it for 3 years and it worked wonders - I had quite bad cystic acne and it cleared it up and stopped it sc rring. I still got the odd spot but there was a really big difference. I'm sorry you have bad health - I don't know if you can take the pill, but I thought it would be worth posting this just in case.

Lois - 03/21/00 20:45:04
Age: 26
Gender: Female
Country: USA

Bubble Boy--I'm not sure why you're researching Eucerin (don't even know what it cream?,and you may already know this, but Sodium Laureth Sulfate is AWFUL for skin--it is terribly comedegenic. Lots of shampoos contain it, so I only use Neutroge a anti-residue--it's nearly the only one without it. Why are you looking into Eucerin, if I may ask?

Jasmine - 03/21/00 20:28:08
Age: 33
Gender: female
Country: U.K.

Hi all.Hope everyone is o.k.I went to the Derm today as the Skinoren cream that I was given made my face have orange patches on it.Well he said my skin was quite inflamed and he couldn't see a topical cream doing the job.He has prescribed me trimethoprim 00mg twice a day.Has anyone had this antibiotic and had any luck with it?Any input would be appreciated.I didn't really want to take anything internally as I suffer with ill health including having a dodgy stomach with nausea a lot.Well these tablets can ause nausea so I just hope I can take them.At least with tablets rather than creams it might clear up the acne that has appeared on my body.I also had blood tests to check my testosterone and something else,for signs of Polycystic ovaries.I have had these tests before and everything was o.k but as my acne is worse than it has ever been he is doing the tests to see if anything has changed.I went to the shops after the Derm and of course no make up.Being paranoid you can see people look at you and then do a ouble take and look again.I will now start using the No-No gadget that Just Me so kindly got me as I'm not putting any creams on and keep you updated as to whether it makes the inflammation go down quicker.I also ordered the reconstruction cream that some ne mentioned(sorry can't remember who)and when I get it I'll keep you all posted on that.Well that is about it for now.Hi RIANNE,JULES,KAITLIN,JUST ME,MARCUS and all.Take care and speak soon love Jasminexx

Rianne - 03/21/00 20:04:57

Kaitlin, I posted a message earlier today and it seemed okay - but now it just won't work!!! I guess we'll have to be patient!! Groan!

Kevin Johnson - 03/21/00 19:54:26
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Country: USA

Well, it's now week three, and my lips have been incredibly dry for the last 2 weeks. I have been constantly applying the aquaphor my derm gave me, which helps a little. Drinking tons of water too. I have been reading a ton of accutane info on the inte net, especially about how to deal with the dry lips, since this is the most common side effect. One thing I read was where a patient had severely dry lips, and his derm gave him a hydrocortisone ointment. After I read this I thought, hmmm, I'll try that Before I went to bed, I put on a very thin layer of cortaid (hydrocortisone 1%, be careful not to ingest ANY) and then a thicker layer of aquaphor over that. Boy did that make a difference! My lips were almost totally back to normal by morning if you an believe it. I was very suprised it worked so well. Also, I found this product called Dr. Dan's Lip Balm ( It is made Specifically for people on accutane. It's $10 for a tube, but I went ahead and ordered one to see how it works. I'll keep everyone posted on that.

Typh - 03/21/00 19:38:39
Gender: Female
Country: USA

Hey all, I just finished up a 3 month Accutane course and was just curious how many of you had had success in using Retin-A to smooth out any minor scarring. There's a smal amount of scarring, but I don't feel really comfortable with the whole idea of mi ro-dermabrasion and wondered if the Retin-A might provide some impovement. All responses would be greatly appreciated!

Kaitlin - 03/21/00 19:36:41

Rianne, I posted a message this morning on Just Me's board, and now it seems to be down again. Bummer!

LeeLee - 03/21/00 19:35:59
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Country: U.S.

I have been taking accutane since the first of January and I have had really good results but I still have scars under the skin on my face. Other than the scars though my face is very clear and very smooth. I was just wondering if any of you have had this sitution, and if the scars will probably go away. I'm hoping they will, please let me know if you've had this situation too. Thanks!

Rianne - 03/21/00 19:21:56

Just Me - is your board out of action? Can't seem to get through! Love Rianne.

Dmitry G. - 03/21/00 18:49:04
Age: 23

My derm wants to prescibe me 80 mgs a day of Accutane and i weigh 165 lbs. My acne is mild. Is it better to go on a lower dose because of my mild acne or are the side effects the same.??? He said it doesnt matter but relapse is less often with 80. thanks veryone....

Jules - 03/21/00 18:11:29

Sorry for turning it all bold, looks like it decided to ignore the / character!

Jules - 03/21/00 18:10:17
Age: 28
Gender: Male
Country: England

Al - Excellent that things are going well for you. Haven't found out much out scar treatment. The Roaccutane seems to help with this, the longer you are on it. I have a derm appointment in July, so I intend to ask about this then, but the sun and s a really is the best for me! All the best.

Kara - I have noticed eye twitching - only sometimes, but when it starts it stays for a few minutes.

Will - Don't bother with the minocin, just get the Accutane again. I delayed getting a second course in the hope that it was just a minor relapse, but it soon became apparent that although it was milder, it was there to stay. Don't be afraid to ask for another course. My derm was quite happy to give me another course even though it was half as bad as the first time.


Rianne - 03/21/00 17:30:49

Kit, I only began taking the homeopathic remedies yesterday so it's early days! I'll certainly keep posting as to how I get along. I'm still taking Minocin MR though and daren't stop taking it because my skin goes crazy if I do. There are some alternat ve methods of controlling acne on (the acne support group site by a lady called Just Me). It's certainly worth a look Kit. Good luck, love and thanks to all. Rianne.

Kit - 03/21/00 17:13:39
Age: 17
Country: Scotland

Sorry, e-mail address wasn't in before. It is now. RIANNE-just read your post about homeopathic remedies. Have you taken them in the past, and did they help? You see I have no way of telling if they work, because I am taking Minocin, Dianette and Retin-A s well.

Kit - 03/21/00 17:07:56
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Country: Scotland

DEE - I don't know if someone has already answered your question about Dianette. I know the Scottish health system is different from yours, but I am on Dianette right now and had to get it on prescription. My point is that it is a version of the Pill, and unless it is legal to sell the Pill over the counter in Canada, you will need to go to your derm or doctor. Also, it is a treatment specifically geared to treating hormonally triggered acne. You see it raises oestrogen levels to equal androgen levels and you just CAN'T afford to get pregnant when taking it, or it will feminise a male baby. That is why it has been produced in contraceptive form. But it is not a first choice contraceptive, because as such it isn't as reliable as other brands.So, beware. Als , it has various side effects, most of them associated with the regular Pill - high blood pressure etc. If you smoke they might not let you take it, and while using it, drinking alcohol is a bad idea. How long you will be on it for depends very much on th state of your skin, and usually you will see the effects after about a month. But having detailed all the nitty gritty about Dianette, I can tell you that it is doing wonders for my skin. It isn't just that it makes my spots recede, but it also removes oiliness and makes my skin really nice and smooth. However I have yet to see if he effects are permanent. KENNEDY - What can I say? I know how you feel about your family, mine have been like that the whole time I've had acne. "What's all the fuss about? Shut up and get on with your life like the rest of us." They just don't get it do they? But really, it'll a l be over some day. I know you don't believe me but it's true. ***TO ALL*** - Anyone ever taken, or thought of taking homeopathic treatment for acne? It's a method of treatment which works very slowly, and requires great patience, but the effects are meant to be permanent with no possibility of relapse. The best thi g about it is the complete absence of side-effects. But the down side is that it requires almost saint-like commitment. I'm on a homeopathic treatment right now, alongside conventional treatment. I am hoping this will allow me to come off the conventional treatment sooner rather than later. Anyone to whom this is a new idea can e-mail me if they're interested.

Rachel - 03/21/00 16:26:00
Age: 28
Gender: Female
Country: Singapore

I happened to look at this web site It contains all the serious side effects of Ro-accutane such as depression, insomnia and suicide attempts. Have you anyone of you on the drug experienced this? I do not know if its just me but I get tired easily nowadays, also, I tend to wake up at a particular time nowadays and I was very emotional lately. can anyone of you share any similar experience with me. My dermatolgist did not inform me of these side effects and I am very worried now. Please advise Thanks

Rianne - 03/21/00 15:53:08

A quick hello and thanks to Lois who posted earlier. Any help and suggestions are really appreciated Lois! Thanks also to Bubble Boy (our professor! You're amazing!) I am now taking yet something else! Homeopathic remedies: Sulphur 6C, Hepar Sulph 6C Pulsatilla 6C and Silicea 6C. I'll keep posting as to how I get along (if I do "get along" that is. The words brick and wall seem to be featuring yet again! Ah well... I can only try!!) As always lots of love, luck and thanks. Rianne.

Kara - 03/21/00 14:55:54
Age: 25
Gender: female
Country: usa

Hey..has anyone else had experience with eye twitches while they were on Accutane? It's driving me crazy and it's been happening every day, several times a day lately. Thanks!

will - 03/21/00 12:07:02
Age: 19
Country: england

I've been of roaccutane for a year now and after a pretty much spot free year over the last month they have started to come back again - it has been quite a stressful month, but they are starting to get worse. I am thinking about going back to the doctor and get put on minocin or something similar but still live in hope that they willl clear on their own as they have done at points over the last year (although they have never got this bad in that time). Has anyone had a similar experience? If anyone ca offer any advice please email me at Many thanks - and good luck to everyone.

Al - 03/21/00 11:00:47
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Country: UK


Jules - glad to hear you are still progressing well; I remember when you started back in December and told me to try and get an urgent referal (I did and I'm in week 9). Did you obtain any more information on scar treatment (AHAs, peels, collagen etc.) ? - I'd be interested and also when this can be done post RoA.

Pretty much all clear and have been since the start (~1mg/day). There's been the inevitable recovery from pre-RoA break-outs, but even that is healing. My back had a break-out a few weeks back, recovered, then I got another mini-one a few days ago. I h pe this gets under control and a bit of mild-sunbathing in a few weeks with SPF30 may help. I'll let you all know how my sunbathing goes when I return.

The Bubble Boy - I am in awe of you commentry and theories; sometimes you seem pretty human and relateable, other times you lose me; this is not a criticism just one of disbelief - you must spend a considerable amount of time researching, but no doubt you are too shrewd to tell us all what it is you do (work/sport/etc.), so we'll all just keep wondering.

Cheers, Al.

me - 03/21/00 07:38:02
Age: 19
Gender: male


The Bubble Boy: Eucerin Gentle Hydrating Cleanser revealed - 03/21/00 06:02:55

Eucerin Gentle Hydrating Cleanser first three listed ingredients: A. 1. Water 2. Sodium Laureth Sulfate 3. Cocamidopropyl Betaine...... B. Total Hair Fitness For Men Shampoo and Conditioner first three ingredients....THE SAME AS EUCERIN ABOVE. Shampoo for the face now???? A Bubble Boy investigation.......

Bubble Boy to Steve: - 03/21/00 05:55:10

You can pick it up (Sixth Edition) at your practitioners. I have it right here, if you need to know info from it. Best. The Bubble Boy

Steve - 03/21/00 05:50:24
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Country: U S of A

hey bubble boy ... are you gonna share where you got that sixth edition or not? Maybe i just need to come and burst your bubble! Love, Steve = )

The Bubble Boy - 03/21/00 05:46:11

Nice testimony E.V. 17.

The Bubble Boy to Rianne - 03/21/00 05:41:54

The Kava I found I really don't need. I find the best way to sleep, is by plenty of athletic/sports/ even game, activity during the day. Also, by reviewing alot of heavy research reading material just before I intend to sleep, also helps....then... slee comes natural. However, I don't do the sport just before sleep. Having said this, I actually hate to sleep anyway. Best to you. The Bubble Boy

J.L. - 03/21/00 05:27:31
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Country: U.S.A

I have suffered from acne for about five years. Currently I am taken Differn, Minocycline and Benzamycin. I think I have developed a rash from the Benzamycin and think it may be time to change treatments. My derm. said that if the Benzamycin didn't she w uld put me on Accutane. Is it worth it? How long before you see results? Can you still exercise? I still have alot more questions but I don't have the time to ask them all. Any advice will help. Oh yea, my acne was mild to moderate before the benzamyc n so this means that you don't need to have severe acne to be given accutane just stubborn acne. Thanx for your time. J.L.

SP - 03/21/00 05:23:21
Age: 33
Country: Australia

TWEETER...please DON'T do it...

Prior to Roaccutane I was a dedicated sun-worshipper...and I can tell you that since taking the skin is HYPERSENSITIVE to the past I had always tanned rather than burned...but now...I burn VERY eas ly...sorry about all the caps...but I ended up with blisters and scarring on my shoulders simply from hanging out the washing in summer...and I would hate to see this happen to anyone else...

E.V. - 03/21/00 04:44:43
Age: 17
Gender: girl
Country: New Zealand

I LOVE ROACCUTANE!!!!!!!!!! It really does work! I know it sounds cliche but it does. If your skin isn't clearing up I beg you to please try it. Oh my gosh it really does work. I've been on it for 2 months on Saturday. I don't even have any actual pimples and I only wake up wit 1 tiny one instead of great big pus filled monsters. (I know it's gross but it's the truth and I'm not afraid to speak the truth now that the problem is disappearing rapidly)

E.V. - 03/21/00 04:43:54
Age: 17
Gender: girl
Country: New Zealand

I LOVE ROACCUTANE!!!!!!!!!! It really does work! I know it sounds cliche but it does. If your skin isn't clearing up I beg you to please try it. Oh my gosh it really does work. I've been on it for 2 months on Saturday. I don't even have any actual pimples and I only wake up wit 1 tiny one instead of great big pus filled monsters. (I know it's gross but it's the truth and I'm not afraid to speak the truth now that the problem is disappearing rapidly)

TWEETER - 03/21/00 02:36:14

hey guys haveany of you had any experience with tanning while on acutane? i know its bad, but my doctor said that the connection between the sun and accutane just isnt there. im gonna go for only 5-6 minutes and work my way up from my ghastly pale state. this is t e palest ive ever been and it just makes me feel worse. well, good luck and any comments are greatly appreciated.

Bubble Boy to Jules - 03/21/00 00:49:07

I've been that route, and three years is not long enough, and means something's missing. Furthermore, there are numerous testimonies (including this board in the last several days), of relapsing. Until I find either a permanent solution, or better long erm, I will have reserves. In the mean time,

Day 1/2, no accutane, trying pickles with Polysorbate 80 and soon Vitrex, as mentioned on this board. Best to all. The Bubble Boy

Jules - 03/20/00 20:23:01
Age: 28
Gender: Male
Country: UK

Only 21 days to go! Started Roaccutane on 13th December. My skin is still clear! Just the odd little pimple, but nothing to get upset about. Side effects minimal. They do improve the longer you are taking the drug.

Can't wait to finish the course. I r ally miss red wine! I have only had a couple of nights out when I have been drinking and even then it has been minimal.

PIG - How did you manage to have "reserves" of Accutane? Did you not finish a course? My experience of Roaccutane is that if you co plete the course (my acne cleared up after the first month), you will remain acne free for longer. My first course left me clear for nearly three years. Stopping the treatment after it appears to have cleared your skin may lead to the acne returning more uickly. Maybe you have completed the course, in which case ignore this!

To the person droaning on about Accutane not being for mild/moderate acne - you are talking b******s! You haven't got a clue. Acne can last for years and surely it is up to the individual to make an informed choice. YES, we are informed. There is so much iterature about it. Give us some credit.

All the best.


Kara - 03/20/00 20:03:42
Age: 25
Gender: female
Country: USA

To the person asking about red eyes...I've had pink eye ever since week 9 or 10 and I am told that it will last until the end of my treatment. It's a less common side effect of Accutane. I got some perscription eyedrops- antibiotics- and use just regular eye drops throughout the day to hydrate, since it really dries them out. Looks like I've been crying or smoking pot all day and people will ask me what's wrong with my eyes. Even sitting in flourescent lights at work for 8 hours a day really bother them Hope that helps you out. Ah, the many lovely side effects of Accutane. PS- I'm just starting week 17, and it seems as if my skin improves slightly for a couple of days but then just breaks out again. Anyone have this same experience this late in the game? I'm supposed to be done (and clear) by 20 weeks. Can't really see th t happening right now. Quite discouraging.

Squid - 03/20/00 19:33:20
Age: 28
Gender: male
Country: uk

Hey Denny, there speaks a bitter and twisted individual. And Bubble Boy, that was a bad thing you said about the eyebrows.

Steve - 03/20/00 19:01:45
Age: 26
Gender: male
Country: US

Isotretinoin makes your skin/hair very fragile and dry. It is unwise to do anything that would irritate something that is already vulnerable. This includes chemical peels. I guarantee that you will regret doing anything like this while you are taking accu ane.

- 03/20/00 18:16:57
Gender: Male
Country: England

Hi, I talked to my derm and she says maybe I can have a chemical peel - but it would cost money (not available on NHS I pressume). But how much would it cost? Any ideas? Thanks!!

Denny - 03/20/00 18:03:22

To BUBBLE BOY: Interesting you are using the ACCUTANE for maintanence..Personally, I felt it helped my scars, better than Retin A. ON COLLAGEN: i remmebr some Dr awhile back told me that isotertinoin prevents the breakdown of collagen in our system!..To B YFRIEND: the side effects will dinish with time. PLUS I m so sick of hearing about relationships. Most dont work out anyway. "My girlfriend" "My boyfriend" blah blah you and your insignificant relations that will not work out in the long run, you will be issapointed.. -DENNY

- 03/20/00 16:03:49
Age: 18
Gender: female
Country: Ireland

Hi to all!I've just discovered this site and it's terrific to read about fellow sufferers experiences.My acne was always light to moderate until i started college last september!When my condition worsened i knew that immediate attention was necessary.Pres ntly,i am on ro-accutane for 4 weeks and the results are extraordinary!My acne was very sore to the touch during my pre-roaccutane period.Presently,there are no spots on my face which are sore to the touch.I realise that i am fortunate in that i did not e perience a flair up.From the start of my second week on ro-accutane a definite improvement was visible.Going on ro-accutane is the best thing that all acne sufferers could do!Best of luck to all my fellow sufferers!

Valerie - 03/20/00 15:46:24
Age: 25
Gender: female
Country: USA

I am on my 6th week of accutance. My lips are very dry, but today I woke up and my eyes are extremely blood shot. Is this normal- has anyone else experienced the same effect? Also tonight I am going to my dermatologist- I was going to get a light chemi al peel to take away some of these red marks. He said it is Ok to get a light one while on accutance, but I read a post that some slight scarring can occur. Has anyone ever had a peel while on accutance and what was your experience?

Anna - 03/20/00 14:52:47
Age: 19
Country: USA

Ok, I'm into my second month on accutane and all of the zits are gone - now all i get is the occasional small one that clears in a day or so - I have those really annoying red marks left over - anyone have any advice on something I could get that would he p reduce these? Email me at the above address (in case it doesnt come through its Thanks!!!

A boyfriend - 03/20/00 14:43:59
Age: 29
Country: UK

Thank you Janeta.

Rachel - 03/20/00 13:53:38
Age: 28
Gender: Female
Country: Singapore

Its never so comforting than to read that so many people are going through the same experience as me, to know that I am not the only one suffering from the acne problem. I have been on Ro-accutane for 42 days now and tonight I just got another 30 days do e. I am only 102lbs and am taking 20mg per day. The acne got worst after 1 week and big cysts appear, even now I have big ones filled with pus especially around the jaw line. Does anyone have this experience. What I worry the most is a possible relaps after the whole 9 month course. Also, will it affect my LIVER eventually? I need to go for a blood test after a month. I am also getting depressed easily lately. Is it really due to Ro-accutane or its just me? I get so emotional and feel like crying most of the time. Gosh!

Janeta - 03/20/00 11:50:48

To Boyfriend in UK You may be in for a weird roller coaster ride if your girlfriend suffers some of the more irritating side effects. Some of which include extreme dryness of the skin - you name it it get's dry ! The worst dryness was not just on the body but the eyes, this was harder to manage and on one occasion produced a painful eye infection. Dryness tends to lead to itchiness and pain. You may have to restrain her often or lovingly apply moisturising cream to the harder to access places!! Make sure she drinks lot of water, at least two litres daily as well as water rich food such as watermelon and lettuce. Other effects can be mood swings, particularly when skin starts to flake and is red - she may feel self consious, anxious and depressed.. Sore limbs may mean that she is more tired and may gain weight. This can impact on her self image too. Sensitivity to the sun means that she will need to apply sunscreen at least once per day and may not be able to spend a lot of time exposed to the suns ray. I had to have monthly blood tests so this could be stressful if she does not like these. Every one experiences different effects and there are some lucky people that have a really smooth run. Although I had a bad run I had a very supportive partner (like you seem to be) which helped a lot. Be interested in how she is feeling, ask open questions and emphasise. Good luck, for most it is worth remembering the "no pain, no gain" motto. It can produce miraculous results but it can take up to four months until you see positive results. It is hard to keep going at times so just tell her to give it time and to keep her stress levels down as much as possible because this will inhibit the he ling process. All the best, hope it works out.

The Bubble Boy - 03/20/00 11:33:40

Yes, kiss her eyebrows, it makes em crazy with libido, and forget she's on accutane. Best to you. The Bubble Boy

The Bubble Boy - 03/20/00 11:29:33

You state.."Now the same oiliness has returned along with blackheads and whiteheads"....are these not pimples too?? And the Neutrogena wash, but your having blackheads and whiteheads?

I would suggest something of a change. And perhaps accutane maint. therapy. Neutogena products, and I've used plenty of them, have never helped me in any way. I can relate to your return of the oiliness, and cannot accept the unacceptable. I have several safety packs of accutane as I wander, search, research, and floa for the answer. Best to you. The Bubble Boy

A boyfriend - 03/20/00 08:30:35
Age: 29
Country: UK

My new girlfriend (who is amazing) is taking roaccutane. I've read the pages of this web site to aim to understand the physical discomforts she may be experiencing and to establish as many of the self-esteem issues she might have to be coping with. It may be she has been coping with this problem for some time (maybe years) but I am not certain about that. She has a strong character so she doesn't need my help. However I would be grateful if contributors to this site might explain to me some of the issues she might be having to cope with. Who knows, I might be able to do something small in the future and I ould be very happy to appreciate more greatly her strength of character.

Janeta - 03/20/00 08:24:47
Age: 22
Country: Aust

Hi all ! It's over (touch wood). After six months I am free from Roacc. Halleluja ! I feel more like myself and not so dehydrated, depressed and arthritic. I can even eat a good sized meal (could regret saying that) rather than trying to force it down. I hope it helps you all too. This web-site has been a great support network, it made me feel better about the treatment - less alone. It was a lifeline so thank you to everyone that contributed their wisdom and hope. All the best, take care.

lisa - 03/20/00 06:51:45
Age: 20
Country: us

I have been off accutane for about 4 months now. My skin is a whole lot better than it used to be. However, I didn't have very much cystic acne, only a few. The majority of my acne was just average pimples but they were quite numerous. Now the same oiline s has returned along with blackheads and whiteheads. I also have small zits forming again but no real cysts or pimples. Has anyone had this experience with acne returning but in a much milder form? I also want to recommend to everyone not to get a chemica peel while on accutane because I did and it left a little scarring. I also want to recommend this facial wash by Neutrogena that is formulated especially for those who use retin-a, accutane, peels etc. it's called Neutrogena Cleansing Wash. You have to r ad the fine print to see that it's recommended for people like us.

J - 03/20/00 03:37:48
Age: 25
Gender: female
Country: Australia

I had tried everything, antibiotics, cutting out sugar, yeast, lots of water- which is good, face products, Goat's milk cleanser, the lot. Recently I went to Bryon Bay and say a herbalist and she put me on Vitex agnus castus or chaste tree as it is somet mes called. It is also available from Blackmores. I took the tincture and a week later, my skin is clearing up dramatically and I feel so much happier. The herb is a hormone balancer, very good for menopausal women but also balances any hormones out of balance. I suggest anyone that has "tried everything" give this a go. It is really incredible.

The Bubble Boy spelling correction: "compromised"..obviously. thanks - 03/20/00 02:42:01


The Bubble Boy: Test, Eucerin Gentle Hydrating Cleanser, Zinc results, Herbs continued - 03/20/00 02:36:40

Any feedback on this "cleanser" please post. Test: Comporomised barrier theory: I am trying this Eucerin product, but to be on the safe side, I have taken 80mg of oral isotretinoin (Accutane), and now for seven days will not, and attempt to use this prod ct as a cleanser, instead of my regular Dove White Unscented.

Zinc alone treatment NOT (unsuccessful) effective. I abstained from accutane for 7 days, and varied doses of Zinc, regardless of diet, resulted in leftsided jawline and chin inflamation. urthermore and critical, the general "wellness" and observation of the skin showed NOTHING. The combination of Zinc and Calcium (CA), was even worse. Furthermore, these were persistant. All "removed" though with the resumption of 48hrs of isotretinoin herapy "safety net".

Herb test, Saw Palmetto and Bilberry with meals beginning today without accutane, for the next seven days. Because oral "anything" is assimilated so rapidly (self observation) I am observating results within a seven day duration, as most would want these results to begin. Furthermore, for those prone to scarring, waiting for longer time increments no good.

Polysorbate 80, will be taken concurrently (hair theory) with the above diet in the form of Sweet Pickles (see most label ) for seven days. No one reponded to my fish query, so I am including these in tuna salads, heavy on the lettuce roughage side. So at this moment, I am beginning with a baseline for the next seven days. Best to all HG The Bubble Boy

Lois - 03/20/00 02:33:27
Age: 26
Gender: Female
Country: USA

This message is really for's probably just old news, something you've tried (like everyone else on this board) and hasn't worked...but have you ever gone to and consulted with Pamela Swartz? I've talked about her before, and she's really worth a try. According to her theory, topicals don't work very well because they still contain comedogenic "stuff." Her products don't, 'cause she researched the !@#!@ out of it. BTW--Retin A even has pore-clogging ingredients... Anyhow, just thought you might at least benefit from her insight; she can be a comfort when you feel really down. I used her stuff and it worked quite well for some time, but last year was extremely stressful, and I needed something more Accutane it is. After the treatment is over, I'm going right back on it, however. And I still use her cleansers, sun creen and makeup. Good luck Rianne, and everybody else. My heart goes out to you.

- 03/20/00 02:15:42

Comments:'re absolutely right...SP

RoXy - 03/20/00 02:03:01

I don't know if anyone remembers me but I finished accutane about a month ago and my face is clear and the red marks are fading away....hang in there and i never really got to say thank you to everybody that helped me out...thanks

Ginger - 03/20/00 01:56:12
Age: 39
Gender: Female
Country: USA

Rianne, Just Me--Just wanted to say hi--and am hoping that you are coping better Rianne--I know how sad this dreadful disease can make you feel--how depressing it is! Oh how I wish I could blink some Reconstruction creme to you like*#~! Just so you could try it and see if it was as quick to heal spots like it has on me. My twelve-yr. old son came to me, wanting advice for about four small pimples, and some blackheads on either side of his nose. I put some of it on him. By the next morning, his pimples re almost completely healed, and the blackheads are almost gone! He's impressed too, like mom! I know one thing, I'll have to watch the bottle--he's a believer in the stuff too! :) I know if you're like me, you think: how much can I keep spending o stuff? What if it doesn't work? I'm still waiting to hear from the company regarding a list of what else is in this product. As you could see if you've looked at the site, they recommend this for major burn victims, open wounds, etc. I thought as I lo ked at the pictures wounds/burns they provided, "Oh yeah right, these pictures are probably phoney!" But I had a feeling from the Lord that I should try this stuff--that it's claims were true. God gives good wisdom on this stuff!! :) To all: Everyone is so helpful and understanding and compassionate--I think that's so neat! How could I ever know that I'd find compassion and understanding on a message board?!?!? God bless all of you--praying for every one of you! Ginger

- 03/19/00 23:18:17

there may be a case for people with severe cystic acne taking the drug, everyone on the drug should be properly monitored, why is there no monitoring. there is no case for people with mild acne taking accutane. more than 80% of sales of accutane are to p ople with mild acne, that is what the marketing for accutane is geared for, it is not legal to sell accutane to people with mild or moderate acne, why is this allowed?.these tv adverts in the states sponsored by Hoffman Roch saying that acne causes depr ssion and accutane will sort out depression are frightening. it is all about profits for hoffman and medical fees by dermatologists who are supposed to be the rag bags of the medical profession. many leading dermatologists are failed doctors that are mon ybags who could not and would not detect side effect if it hit them in the face, unless they could see money from detecting side effects. Offer dermos a few bucks for detecting side effects and there would be an avalanche of side effects reports, there is more money for dermatologists in staying silent, at least until they change the rules and offer money incentive to encourage them to do something about side efects.There is only a loss of money if they detect side effects, mention depression as a side ef ect to a dermatologist and see them scurry. Depression, I am a dermatologist and know nothing about depression so get lost and go to a psychiatrist. Dermatologists should not be trusted with people's lives and wellbeing.People in Norway in 1990 were plead ng to be heard by the press about the depression caused by accutane. cries for help fell on deaf ears. since the suicide warnings for accutane was introduced in March 1998 patients cannot claim compensation because of the statute of limitations. They fou ht a losing battle because dermos shot them down and they did not have a chance then, but time has proved them right. It is hard to believe the extent of the cover up about the side effects of this drug. Give dermatologists a money incentive to report si e effects of accutane. who will pay them. Hoffman pay dermos to keep quiet. we need legislation to pay dermos to report side effects to counter balance the money incentives offered by hoffman.its a great sight.

Rianne - 03/19/00 23:10:04

For Debs (24) who wrote on the 16th - thanks for your lovely message! I hope that you see some really good progress with your Roaccutane treatment - you deserve it. Good luck Debs! Kaitlin, sorry for taking so long to answer the question about the zinc It was when Marcus posted about potassium and he was taking so much - the pharmacist here told me that to take mega doses of POTASSIUM could cause heart problems. Hope that clears that up for you Kaitlin. Kennedy, sorry you are so down about your skin - I know how you feel, mine is lousy too at the moment! I hope things improve for you soon Kennedy! OH BUBBLE BOY - thank goodness you've returned!!! Thanks for the information regarding the zinc. What do you think about the saw palmetto? Also have y u taken the kava - what do you think about that? I need something to keep my act together at the moment, so, in the interim, the kava is probably a good idea. My skin is so terrible at the moment I'm at my wit's end. I'm weary with the battle - I'm los ng badly! Marcus, are you there? Are you okay? Hope that your skin is still doing real well and thanks again for your help! I'm sure you'll return if you know Bubble Boy (HGPig...sorry BB!!) is back!! Hi to Just Me, Jasmine, Ginger and all my friends out there! Lots of love, luck and thanks. Rianne.

The Bubble Boy - 03/19/00 22:49:35

....because of all the real hard work, that goes on behind the scenes, to reach that point. Best to you know who...The Bubble Boy

jane - 03/19/00 22:24:56
Age: 36
Gender: female
Country: usa

I would like to know if anyone has used the antibiotic docycycline for acne and if so did you have any results/side effects and how long did it take for you to notice any results from the antibiotic?

Jonathon - 03/19/00 21:41:45
Age: 17
Gender: male
Country: UK

Hi! i have been on roaccutane for two days now and my face has started to break out with lots of zits. is this something to do with the roaccutane or is it too early? i have only been on them for two days at 3x20mg each day. thanks Jonathon

JJ - 03/19/00 20:36:14
Age: 17
Gender: male
Country: usa

Hello there people,well i been taking accutane, for over 3 weeeks now. i have a couple of questions, first, the doctor just send me 60 capsules, 2 each day, so that means for one month. i only have 10 left for the next days, and i have to go back to the d ctor, i haven't seen much improvement, just side effects as drie lips, skin and worsening of acne. can you guys tell me what comes after this first month, i have to go back but i don't know what am going to do next, maybe blood test i think and how long a i gonna be on accutane before i see any results. thank you , write me to my e mail to tell me the answers thank you =) ...

dee - 03/19/00 20:25:14
Age: 38
Gender: female
Country: Canada

I'm wondering where you would purchase Dianette or Diane 35? I've never heard of it before. Do you need a perscription for it or do you get it at at health food store?

kennedy - 03/19/00 20:09:38

this really sux. i woke up with a painful spot on my nose and a few cysts on my jaw line. worse, is the red spots and scars that remind me that i had even more acne. and then i find out that i might have cancer. i wish i could go on accutane really ba ly but i can't even afford it. i've gotten so used to avoiding people that i know that i will have a panic attack even attempting to get my blood taken. sorry for complaining. i'm sick of feeling this way and complaining. my family don't seem to even are and tell me that i will grow out of it. they can't comprehend how sad i am. they tell me that i am only trying to get attention but in reality i wish i was invisible. the quality of my life is negative zero. so whats the point in living?

Melly - 03/19/00 19:33:44
Age: 23
Gender: Female
Country: USA

Has anyone been successfully cleared with a second course of ACCUTANE? I relapsed after my first course and am currently on my 2nd course of ACCUTANE with immediate (knock on wood) great results. I was clear for 1 year....Please email me and tell me abo t your experiences after your SECOND or THIRD course on ACCUTANE...I am really really worried that my relapse will occur again....ALSO please please please let me know if anyone has used the birth Control ORTHO-TRICYCLIN....Does it really work???? THANK OU SO MUCH FOR HELPING ME OUT....I PRACTICALLY AM WORRYING MY SELF TO DEATH!!!!

A Girl - 03/19/00 17:06:58
Age: 17
Gender: female
Country: England

I , like you have suffered with acne for about 5 years and ive just about had enough . I am fairly confident about going ahead with the roac but im worried about how those four months will be,how do you get through each day looking worse than you normally do?

RUTH - 03/19/00 15:27:16
Age: 32
Country: ISRAEL


DAVID BRADLEY - 03/19/00 15:20:09
Age: 28
Gender: male
Country: ENGLAND

Hi I have taken one course of roaccutane about a year ago. I took it for a total of 5 months none stop on a dose of 60mg a day, and can i say it was wonderful. My acne of 13 years cleared up great. the only trouble I had whist on the drug was dry lips but petroleum jelly worked great, no problem. My dermatologist was great and outlined all the possible side efects and left me to think about it. Once i started the treatment i never looked back. However my acne is starting to return but only mildly, so i will probably start another course of treatment, watch this

Ginger - 03/19/00 13:56:43
Age: 39
Gender: Female
Country: USA

PRODUCT DEFINATELY WORTH CHECKING OUT I've tried probably close to 100 products now, and am usually disappointed. Especially in the ones that promote acne healing. Here's one that actually does what it says!!!! If you can afford $15.00--which includes the S&H, try this one! Here's the webs te: have a product called Reconstruction Creme that I'm thinking is nearly miraculous. They only list tea tree oil and centella (herb) as ingredients--I have emailed them, and asked for further listing of what exactly is in this s uff!!! I'll keep you all posted. Yesterday, while on week three of accutane, I had a pretty bad breakout, on nose. I put the Reconstruction Creme on in the morning--twelve hours later ALL the sores were flat and had shrunk down to almost nothing! I'm t tally amazed!! WOW! I also purchased one of their moisturizers called Amino Aloe Lotion--it has vitamin E and evening primrose in it, and Aloe. Very light, non greasy and my skin seems to love this too! Both products are recommended for acne skin. This company is out of the Republc of South Africa. Took 10 days or so to receive them to USA. It cost me 37.00 with the S&H for both of them. THEY ARE WORTH EVERY PENNY!! Just wanted to share this with all of you that need an aid in helping your acne to he l externally ( I realize that it doesn't help with what is causing the acne, but definately helps heal externally!)

- 03/19/00 09:19:11

and why exactly are you so reluctant 'to put any professional on the spot'??? (SP...who adores you madly...but is in a particularly disenchanted mood)...

Bubble Boy to Denny - 03/19/00 09:11:23

AHAs and tretinoin. Perhaps if one is attempting to modify uneven tone. What concerns me here is where/why are these needed if one's Accutane treatment was successful? The reasoning here is with inflamed acne, spot topical treatment, will not prevent sc rring, whereas oral isotretinoin may/can. If I resolve that no matter who I am, and that all persons including post accutane/rocc. patients will relapse to greater or lesser degree, I will choose ORAL isotretinoin MAINTENACE therapy. This leads into my p tent-pricing monopoly problem I have with this analog, which I have sited before. I believe (know) this vitamin A analog can be self regulated (the dangers of alcohol, and aspirin, and many other products, are just as real) I would be interested to see s ould another counter oral A acid come to market, how quickly vitamin A acid at extremely low dosage ratio either goes OTC, or is a near universal 15$/per 100 capsule prescription. Best to you, The Bubble Boy.

Bubble Boy to Josh... - 03/19/00 08:45:07

My suggestion is to show him/her where you are scarring or beginning to. An accutane refusal on this basis can put him/her, and the insurance carrier in big trouble if denied, and your condition is documented and on record, (self-photos, or secondary wit ess if available help). And scars indicate oral therapy. You have to "stand up and be counted", I hate to put any professional on the spot, but it's your LIFE here were talking about!!!!!!!!!! Best to you HGBubble Boy

Josh W - 03/19/00 06:39:41
Age: 25
Country: usa

im going to the derm monday and i am worried he wont prescibe me accutane. my acne isnt too severe but its bad enough for me. ANY advice on how to convince the derm. thank you

SP - 03/19/00 06:07:42

where are my manners??? BB...thanks for your response re: are indeed a prince and a scholar...

Lori Weaver - 03/19/00 05:45:26
My Email:lowee95
Age: 41
Country: USA

I have teenage son suffering from acne - what is todays most updated and best treatment. What do you know about ACUTANE?

SP - 03/19/00 05:22:35

DENNY...thanks for the info re: Green Tea...and you're right...the caffeine is negligible compared to what I used to drink!!!

Here's the routine I used during RoA treatment...and still use today...Retin-A gel .025% applied ONCE a week to clean dry skin first thing in the morning...leave for 1-3 hours ONLY (while I'm online!)...then...apply a clay mask...leave to dry...rinse the whole lot off in the shower using a MILD facial scrub...and apply 10% glycolic lotion...(personally I use Neostrata and will be moving up to the 15% gel now that I'm off RoA...)

I SWEAR by this routine for myself...but it might be completely unsuitable for others...particularly those on higher doses of RoA...or those with a lot of inflammation...or just because you're you...and I'm me...

On a daily basis I keep it really simple...mild cleanser (Loreal Gentle BHA Cleanser cuz it's fantastic at removing make-up...and doesn't 'strip' my skin)...followed by oil-free SPF...

The principle here is this: most acne treatments are pot ntially irritating...(whether it's RoA...Retin-A...glycolic acid...or whatever)...rather than cease their use altogether...I 'drop it down' to a level I can handle...with was 20mg/day...with's once a week...etc. etc.

If anyone is aving excessive irritation from acne products...I would recommend this approach...rather than discontinuing treatment worked for me...

jill - 03/19/00 04:26:27
Age: 20
Country: usa

hi. I took accutane about a year ago and have had a relpase. My dermi put me on a birth control pill called ortho-tricyclen,,,the one that fights acne. Anyone ever heard of it? So far, it's actually working! Someone give me some input please. Jill

Denny - 03/19/00 03:31:38

UPDATE: Still using Retin-A .025% every other night.. BUBLE BOY : what about using AHA's and tretinoin, maybe the effect sthen will not be so subtle? GREEN TEA: allegedly has some antioxidant properties. Im not sure if will help clear your face, though. It has some caffeien (depend son the type) but certainly doesnt substitute for the coffee buzz! ACCUTANE : to that med student, any warnings about ACCUTANE will likely not be heeded here. People on this page (God Bless them) have either tried ACCUTANE or are seriously considering it. It saved my skin, and to this day, even after the literature and m DR's words of wisdom, I still dont know how it did it...thanks ISOTRETINOIN. Now find a faster acting retinoic acid! -DENNY

SB - 03/19/00 02:20:31
Age: 32
Gender: Female
Country: US

Well, this is my second course of Accutane. I am currently in my 3rd week @ 60mg/day. I am having the dreaded worsening of acne and also a rash on the back of my hands. I can't wait for the magic to begin! I will keep everyone posted. Lets all keep th faith because this drug works! :-)

SP - 03/19/00 02:06:30

Comments: thoughts exactly!

SP - 03/19/00 02:04:46

O.K. I admit it...I'm too lazy to search through the I was wondering if some kind generous soul would help me out...

I've just given up coffee and started drinking green tea I know some of you have raved about this stuff befo e...but I was a die-hard coffee drinker back I probably didn't pay quite as much attention as I should have...

If some kind green tea drinker could help me out with some would be much appreciated!!!

UPDATE: probably around 2 months since I stopped taking Roaccutane and although yesterday I got a miniscule zit on my forehead...TODAY it's GONE!!! Considering that I'm 'due' in 2 days...and my face is clear...I can only say that in my own experience...Roaccutane has had a truly miraculo s effect on my so-called 'hormonal' acne...

Still too early to tell how the navel piercing's healing up...but no obvious problems so far...

love and luck to you all...

Steve - 03/19/00 02:00:40
Age: 26
Gender: male
Country: US

Sorry about the poor grammar, I am pissed off.

Steve - 03/19/00 01:58:10
Age: 26
Gender: male
Country: US

What dumb-ass fifth year medical student boy doesn't realize is that most of us in this forum have made calculated, well-informed decisions to take this isotretinoin. Think about this, if you would rather die than go on living with this hellish affliction isn't the risks associated with treatment worth taking? Most of the people here DO NOT have mild acne rather they have progressive recalcitrant nodulocystic acne. I am sure that if you woke up every morning with a face full of throbbing and painful disfig ring acne the decision to take accutane would be a no brainer. Is life worth living if the quality of it is straight in the toilet? Give us some credit, please.

Melanie - 03/19/00 01:50:18
Gender: fem
Country: USA

Hi everyone. I haven't posted in a really, really long time. I'm on my 11th of 20 weeks. More than half done! I'm just dropping by to wish everyone the best of luck. It sounds cheesy and all, I know, but it's nice to know that someone is cheering for you. Bye

Brooks - 03/19/00 01:22:51
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Country: Canada

To ROB- Your moisture in your face and your lips should come back in about one month or so. Depending on what the dosage of your treatement was. My mom took accutane about 8 years ago and she's never had the same moisture in her lips but hardly had any to start with. It's a good ideal always to keep a lip balm with you, as there's nothing worse then having dry lips and being caught without something! I hope I helped a little but I'm no doctor! Good luck and hang in there! Brooks :)

Brooks - 03/19/00 01:19:39
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Country: Canada


some girl - 03/19/00 01:11:34
Age: 17
Gender: female
Country: Canada

I had "acne" for about, oh, 7 years (I matured early, lucky me). It was not fun- I got a lot of teasing in elementary school, though high school was better. There are no words to adequately describe the loss of self esteem that comes w/ being unable to lo k at yourself in the mirror, and for someone who cares about what other people think when they see her (even though she knows she shouldn't..), it's rough. This past August I went on Accutane, after being on tetracyclene for 4 yrs. The first month was rea ly bad- it got worse, my face like peeled off, it was so dry, the dandruff was unbelievable, it was enough to make someone cry (but I didn't! Go stoicism!) But despite driving Vaseline's & Head & Shoulder's stocks sky high, 8 months later and I would do a ything for the makers of Accutane (well, not anything). It can't do anything about the scars, but that was my own stupid fault, & I got 3 (3!) pimples by my "time of the month", but it's been like a miracle. Now, I get obsessive if my nose gets a bit oily b/c the last thing I ever want to do is go back to how I was. But I think this is permanent (thank G-d). So if you're on Accutane, wait it out, you will be so happy. (I should write 'I know I am' here, but I just can't bring myself to.) Good luck to ever one out there- please feel free to write to me about questions or just for some empathy. I'm good at that. :-) Take care. G-d bless.

nic - 03/18/00 22:41:40
Age: 24
Gender: female
Country: england

i have just started using tea tree oil it actually works

nic - 03/18/00 22:40:17


le - 03/18/00 22:28:34
Age: 24
Country: usa

i would like to thank everyone who shared there own battle with acne. i know first hand, the pain of living with acne. i'm in the process of getting my M.D in dermatology (4 yrs left), and hope to open my own clinc in the near future. i am also making y own webpage at: and hope u would visit, and feel free to post any questions or answers u might have on acne. i also have a diary of my day 2 day battle with acne. u can also post any storys or tips u might have. thanks and god bless

Chris - 03/18/00 22:27:34
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Country: United States

Hi my name is Chris and I have had acne for almost 3 years now. At first I only had very little. No body really thought anything of it, and honestly it didn't bother me. Then when I turned 14 it got really bad. I flipped out and went into total depression I tried everything from topical creams to oral medication. Nothing really worked. Then the doctor suggested accutane. Here are my weekly updates. Week 1: Started with 10mg a day... Nothing really happened. Redness occured and dry lips. But the oilyness disappeared which was great Week 2: Same stuff. Redness is not as bad but is still there. Week 3: Getting gradually better but still not where I want it. Have chapped lips under control with regular chapstick. Week 4: First month is done and it looks better. Not great but better. Week 5: (20mg) The first week was great as I saw a big change when the amount was upped by 20 mg. Week 6: Unfortunately nothing much happened since week 5. But it's ok. Week 7: Looking better. But definately not gone. Week 8: Week 8 just ended it looks the same as week 7. Maybe a little worse for some reason but not much. I still have faith and I hope by the end of week 20 its gone. I'll keep you updated.

Chinese Herb Lady - 03/18/00 17:38:43
Age: 36

Hi all. I wish I knew how to make a web page because I would have a page with many of the links on it related to the spots subject. Anyway for those interested (and probably that qualify) you might try

Nick - 03/18/00 17:25:16
Age: 19
Gender: MALE
Country: ENGLAND

I was taking antibiotics for nearly two years and if anything the acne worsened. I was finally sent to a skin specialist who diagnosed Nodular Cystic Acne. He started me on Roaccutane and within a couple of weeks the skin had already started to clear. The dose was upped to maximum though and although the side effects I suffered was the lips would bleed sometimes and also I suffered from nose bleeds...I consider it worth it because within 4 months the acne had completely disappeared. It took a ittle while for the scars to fade, and I still have some on my back and chest although I am not worried about them. For me roaccutane was a miracle cure and I really wished I had gone to the specialist two years before!!

Anna - 03/18/00 15:44:46
Age: 24
Gender: female
Country: US

Laura--I'm on my 2nd course of Accutane. I originally wanted to go on a .5/mg/kg dose after reading some studies in the British Journal of Dermatology. My derm convinced me that that was not a high enough dose and that closer to 2/mg/kg per day is the m st effective in the *long run*, if you can tolerate the side effects. So, I weigh 140 lbs & I'm on 80 mg per day. My skin is very dry & flaky (except when I was in Florida!!!) as are my lips. Other than that, I've experienced no other side effects. I on't know if my derm is right or not, but he really seemed to think that a higher dose makes a big difference in reducing the rate of relapse over time. I'll check on Medline & see if that's correct. Alex--I've had the exact same experience as you re: acne moving site. I NEVER get acne on my back anymore (since age 17) and now, like I said before, it's on my neck, chin, and jawline!

Jules - 03/18/00 09:28:54
Age: 28
Country: UK

Gwen and the person that posted a 1.54. You are surely not that naieve? If you look a most medicines you will find a list of possible side effects. It doesn't mean its going to happen. In fact the majority are very rare, like about 0.02 percent. If you do 't want to take it then thats your choice, but you may end up suffering years of acne.

Personally, I am nearing the end of my second course. I have only suffered from dry lips and a bit of mustle ache, dry eyes. A small price to pay for totally clear skin! If it wasn't for Roaccutane, I would probably be scarred, but as it is I now have qui e good skin.

Kevin - 03/18/00 07:46:23
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Country: US

Hi, I read the comments about how drinking too much water will reduce the distribution of accutane to your body by washing it out of the liver. This isn't true. The accutane goes into your body, and whatever is left over, residual stuff, will go into your l ver. That is why it can become toxic, if you take too much and it builds up and accumulates in your liver, that is bad. Drinking lots of water Does help to wash out the liver, but all it washes out is the bad toxic stuff that you don't need anymore. My dermatologist explained all this to me very carefully, she couldn't stress enough that I should drink Lots and Lots of water, as much as I could. *** Also for those of you who have been mailing about how I got free accutane, here is the explanation: I don't have insurance. I called my derm and they said Roche, the company that distributes accutane, will give you a free supply if you don't have in urance. It's a tax writeoff for them. I don't have any more explanation, so don't write asking. Just call up your derm and ask if they have that program.

Laura - 03/18/00 05:18:20
Age: 18
Gender: female
Country: USA

Hey! I just finished my first round of Accutane less than a week ago. I am 142 lbs., and on 40 mg the first two months, than 60 mg. I was on accutane for a total of SEVEN months, and nothing has happened. My skin looked a little better for about the last eek and a half, and now it is bad again, if not worse. My derm told me to wait for 2 months and if it does not improve, I'll go on another round of it. I'm just wondering if this is the right way to go. My 125 lb. friend was on one round of accutane that as 80 mg. 2 years ago and still has perfect flawless skin to this day. I'm just wondering what types of dosages for weight everyone is on. If you could take the time to email me and tell me the dosage and your results with accutane, it will be greatly app eciated. I'm off to college this september and will be thrilled to go to class and see friends SECURELY not wearing makeup and not being embarassed. My skin never dried up too badly, but I did get chapped lips. Thank you for you time. Laura

The Bubble Boy to Denny RE - 03/18/00 04:24:06

I'm in total agreement with your statement.... ".....subtle and there is a tolerance effect on our skin? Personally, I noticed that my scars subsided while on ACCUTANE"....Best to you. HG Bubble Boy

Tom - 03/18/00 04:02:50
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Country: Ka-Na-Da

I'M REALLY SORRY FOR THE DOUBLE IN A ROW POST okay...I feel I should share some things of what you should and should not do while taking accutane... 1. It might be worse but hey, the doctor said it'll go away, so with that mentality try to lead as normal life as possible...cuz if not, well stress is ACNEs drinking buddy so if they get together, KABOOM! 2. So you figure, "Hey, if I'm taking one pill a day, I'll take two and it'll quicken the process". Alrighty, I CAN NOT STRESS THIS ENOUGH, do NOT do this!...I snapped...I tried, and ohhhhhhh did my face get a kick in the teeth...not only did I feel int rnally bad (both stomach and such and mind) but my acne got really really basically, PLEASE follow your dose. 3. While taking ACCUTANE, myself, I found that easing a bit on the usual 20L/day of water helped. Water, if taken alot during one day cleans out your system (filters your liver<--this is where ACCUTANCE goes to be processed and distributed). so to make his short, if you drink to much you might end up also washing your daily dose of the medication out of your system, which isn't to good. I found that replacing water with orange juice (TROPICANA...not stuff from concentrate...yuk) helps and it makes you eel better and more lively...currently I drink ½/½ of OJ/Water about 10 glasses a day and its okay... 4. again... don't exceed the doseage... 5. well thats about it...oh yes, get plently of fresh air and excersise, it keeps the joints from hurting if their still for a couple of days...okay, bye for now...

Tom - 03/18/00 03:47:11
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Country: Ka-Na-Da

Hello...first time visiting the web page, and I can only say THANK YOU, and GOOD WORK! ^__^ I'm on my third box of ACCUTANE and I feel like literally killing myself (I won't, dun worry anybody) why? well here it is, I started taking the stuff (40mg/day) a d just like my doc told me it started getting worse. So I was like 'okay, a few more pimples won't hurt' to the the farm I already had. After awhile I started getting happy cuz I saw the the oiliness I had before was completely gone and my face was dry s a monkey and I figured that soon the treatment would start doing its job and make my acne better not worse. well I was wrong, very wrong. I don't really get pimples anymore on my face, whats left is just red 'irritated' looking skin, bumpy in some plac s, and dry...very dry. What has replaced the pimples and induced even more (not only physical) but mental pain is that I seem to be developing infections on the inside of my skin (I think its a cyst or something, I dunno probably wrong...*shrugs*). What t is is basically a infection under the skin and the only evidence of it being there is a soft bump. I snapped one day and put a red hot needle through one of these suckers and lone and behold a surprise came out, the same sh*t thats in a whitehead only bout 5x the amount, and it hurt like a coconut, and the blood oh the blood...uhm, sorry, getting a bit out of hand there. So yeah, I should really go see my doctor about this (I'm behind 1½ months on my monthly blood test) but I would like to know if any ody is still reading this, if anybody else is experiencing or has experienced the same things (the infections under the skin...aside from the normal mad chapped lips...and stress stress stress...which by the way, if gotten treated, helps the acne go away bit...) so yes, I'M REALLY SORRY for making this so long and all but I hope that everyone that is suffering as much as me get rid of this hellish problem...bye for now BTW: that "F*ck it I don't care" attitude, oh! HOW only I wish I could do that...but when you can't even go out with your friends cuz its day light outside, then its kinda hard...its probably jus me...

- 03/18/00 01:54:25

Is this site real. I canot imagine anyone going through these risks.Read this page by accident. I then looked at the typed stuff in the package and just cannot believe that anyone could be allowed sell anything with so many side effects. I bought this shi from Atlantis on the internet, my parents paid $350 for one box delivered today. and did not get prescription. I telephoned my doctor tonight to say I got order and when I read side effects I went on internet and now do not know what kind of shit this is where I could be sent a delivery from atlantis in south africa via internet for acne medicine . because I read label side effects I looked up internet and see that I have been conned. I have to get back to work now. How can someone have a site promoting t is shit that can cause birth defects, amnesia, liver failure, permanent hair loss, amnesia, liver failure, growth impairment, multtiple psychiartic disorders or suicide. I dont know what IU can do for nicholls ron. As a student I can tell you that I woul not put this shit in my mouth, I will get a refund from those murderous bastartds at Atlantis. How about adding Atlantis to the hit list of Roce personnel. I am o0n shift and have to go now, but I will get back to you and I agree with last message but IU cannot believe that I got onto this site before I taking this shit which i have pushed down the toilet. who is selling shit to teenagers that can cause this many side effects . I am fifth yEAR MEDICAL STUDENT with a few pimples who was recommended roacc tane which i ordered and received via internet. What i received is potentially lethal and i blame roche, will contact nicholls ron and will get refund/.

gwen - 03/18/00 01:12:17
My Email:gwen98@
Age: 20
Gender: female
Country: sth africa

its hevy stuff on this site... got tablets and read WARNINGS....THE PHYSICAK SIDE EFFECTS LISTED ARE ENDLESS, DO NOT WANT TO PUT THIS INTO MY SYSTEM, actually ONLY .

Zoe - 03/18/00 00:50:01
Age: 29
Gender: female
Country: Wales, UK

I've had very bad acne since I was about 13/14 years old. Lotions and potions didn't cure it, antibiotics haven't cured it, some chemical burnt the skin on my chin, the Pill didn't help, somebody said it would go with age - what age would that be?!, some ody else said it would go when I had a child - I'm not even trying that one!!! I tried Roaccutane a few years ago, it seriously dried my skin out, it gave me nose bleeds, I couldn't wear perfume and I couldn't go out in the sun (not that we see that much of it in Wales anyway!). The acne did go after 2 3-month courses, but it came ack. To be honest, I don't fancy the side-effects of trying it again. I have used sun beds in the past, but now I don't want to risk skin cancer. A person once gave me a natural remedy. If I remember it was tea tree oil, lavender oil, and some other oil, which was kept in an alcoholic base, ie, vodka, and this was applied twice a day with cotton wool. I've never had such huge boils in my life!!! It was cleansing me of something! But it didn't cure the acne. I've tried cleansing with soap. I've tried the "cleanser, toner, moisturiser" routine. Nothing seems to work with me. And it's worse just before my 'monthly'. I feel like going out with an inch of consealer on my skin just to feel 'normal' - but then I think why should I clog my skin up with that muck? I go to the gym, swimming, sauna and steam room - to no effect to the spots. My grandfather had really bad skin, so did my father. Maybe it's in my genes and it's never going to go. I get acne on my face, chest, shoulders and back. Sometimes they're really bad boils and very, very sore. But then I think that otherwise I'm heal hy, happy, and that there are people out there with life-threatening diseases and I think sometimes how lucky I am just to have acne. You do really have to put it into perspective. By the way, hairdresser is on his fourth course of Roaccutane, and his skin is looking very well. So, to all you out there, best of luck with everything, life is too short to hide away and feel bad about yourself. Bye for now.

Laurel - 03/18/00 00:38:44
Country: USA

Lois, You are exactly right. Accutane shrinks the oil glands. But from what I've been told, most people experience a worse before better phase.

Emily - 03/18/00 00:27:20
Age: 31
Gender: Female

Hi everyone, I'm just about to finish my course of Roaccutane. I've had excellent results, with only a few side effects, dryness, and slightly painful but very crunchy knees (Ack!). I forgot to ask my dermatologist the other day but does anyone know how long I will have to wait until I can wear contact lenses again? I know some people wear theirs throughout their treatment but I was advised not to. Also, how long did people have to wait before the side effects went away? I actually really like the dry ess part (having been gruesomely oily just 6 months ago) but I can do without the creaky knees. Thank you for this website, good luck everyone.

Denny to Bubble Boy - 03/18/00 00:23:43

Thank Ye! So in other words sit seem sas though the collagen production (or cell differentiation as you called it) is subtle and there is a tolerance effect on our skin? Personally, I noticed that my scars subsided while on ACCUTANE. Right now I'm experimenting (yo r methods rubbed off on me!) and trying to get rid of various scars w/ aggressive tretinoin/AHA therapy. Nothing to report yet...Anyawy, do you think certain AHA's will increase the exfoliation properties of tretinoin..just wondering.. -DENNY (who has stayed in his snowed-in apartment for days..eating only fresh turkey subs and megadosing on Vitamin C)

Laurel - 03/18/00 00:22:27
Gender: Femal
Country: USA

Anna, I live in Florida and have been on Accutane for 6 weeks now. I keep reading about all these people whose skin is extremely dried out, but mine is just oil free. Not flakey or anything. Maybe there is some truth to what you are thinking.

ron - 03/18/00 00:15:40
Gender: male
Country: Norway

Dr. Chu or Professor Chu, as he would prefer to be called, is a so called founder menber of Uk acne group and ( in the words of a dermatologist) "is in the pay of Roche", the manufacturers of Roaccutane. It is sad to think that someone who financially pro its so much from sale of Roaccutane /Accutane, can have a waiting list where patients have to wait 3 or 4 months for treatment of Roaccutane, when they can order Roaccutane on the net without a presciption, without a blood test, without certified birth c ntrol, without having any advice on the side effects of the drug, without knowing whether the level of lipids can definitely, 100% chance, cause liver failure, birth defects, suicidal thoughts and actions. Sale of Roaccutane by placing order on internet s arted and has increased since introduction of label warnings for Roaccutane / Accutane featuring suicide and suicide ideation. If there are any genuine readers of this site, can you understand how desperate for profits are Roche who would supply internet harmaceutical companies with Roaccutane who distribute the drug on the internet without even a prescription, without even a note on the name of the family doctor. Dr. Chu and Professor Cunliffe are bosom buddies with regard to how much they have financial y profited from the sale and promotion of Roaccutane. Thousands, tens of thousands or millions...sometimes when one sells poisen, they sell it cheap, a few good meals and more money than they could earn honestly.Chu and Cunliffe are bosom friends, as are the promoters of this site ie Roche, the manufactirers of Roaccutane, they are good script writers, pity they would not engage different authors of the scam letters posted to the site. They shall face criminal prosecution, just like the promoters of this ite( ie Roche executives and employees who on individual basis shall not escape prosecution), for manslaughter.Not for what they know or from their profit or professional fees from Roche, but for the extent of their cover ups. How could Chu infiltrate the Acne group in the Uk....only with the direct intervention of could Cunliffe get away with manslaughter, only by the billion pounds profits of Roche... see how much cash held by Roche and see the exhorbitant salaries paid to Roche executives (Roche pay more than three times normal salary for which they own your body and soul, main criteria is that you must be a pathological liar when it comes to informing people on side effects of drugs produced by Roche) and the so called consultants such a Chu and is cheap....whats a few more lives.... a few more patients of Roaccutane confined to mental institutions....nothing, when you are that much into the quadmire. Look forward to the day when Chu and Cunliffe are in the dock faced w th charges of manslaughter, and the promoters of this site and all the other Roche pawns. Call it murder or manslaughter....psychological devastation. Talk to the group in Norway ,who Cunliffe tried to silence in 1996/1997 , but then the new warnings feat ring suicude related to Roaccutane in 1998, confirmed and strengthened the resolve of those brave people in Norway....Roche sends Cunliffe to the main hospital in Oslo to quelsh the mob and Cunliffe dismisses the side effects and goes so far as to publish scientific article to emphasise how stupid and rediculeaous people who complain that Roaccutane can cause severe psychiatric disorders are would you feel if in 1996 you suffered severe psychiatric side effects from Roaccutane , which Ro h denied could be a possibility...then you were faced with paid Roche so called independent experts like Chu and Cunliffe...who said Roaccutane could not cause depression and then in 1998, all countries brought in a warning that Roaccutane can not just ca se depression, but also suicidall thoughts and suicidal actions..... Chu and Cunliffe are diving for cover, but there is and there will not be any place of cover for people, like the Roche promoters of this site, who knowingly perpetrate havoc and destr ction on young lives by the use of Roaccutane without psychiatric assessment.. Have a look at how often the same crap artists appear on this site, how often the same phrases are used, sooooooo often.... it is getting close....what would be the appropriate sentence for people who knowingly and willfully wrote pseudo letters to themseleves to their sit....its extraordorinary how people can feel secure thinking that because they work for a company making six billion profits can feel immune... how wrong can yo be and how close are you to your exposure.... temmpted to publish the home address of those who write the phantom letters to this web site. keep posted for more news

The Bubble Boy to Denny: - 03/17/00 23:35:19

I believe the effects are the same, but even more so, since the oral form is systemic. (look at the arms for example). Since all these (including the oral form), are vitamin A analogs, yes I view these to produce cell differentiation, collagen formation o be a natural outcome (although not fully direct). This would explain patients testimonies that isotretinoin seems to "shrink" scarred localized. However, just like Renova, the process may stop on succession. The theory is "collagen up, collagen down" DURING therapy. Best to you. The Bubble Boy

Squid - 03/17/00 23:17:12
Age: 28
Gender: Male
Country: UK

To TWEETER: I too have subscribed to the F*ck It theory for about 15 years. I think it's probably easier for men than women for all kinds of reasons and easier for me as my worst acne is on my back and not visible to the general public. But last November went to the doc with what I thought was a huge (plum sized) cyst on my tailbone and found myself is a surgical bed so fast my head was spinning. This was a pilonidal sinus and whether or not this condiiton is related to my acne it beats me if I can find positive answer from anywhere. Anyway, the whole 'being in hospital' thing really took a lot out of me (hospitals are no places for control freaks) I was very depressed about the experience for weeks afterward. The doc diagnosed the sinus, acne vulgaris n my back and the relatively recent appearence of sebrhoeic eczema. The sinus has gone with the surgery, the eczema comes and goes with 'stress' and, on Monday, I have my bloods done to see if I can start on Accutane. I think the point I'm making is the F*ck It theory works up to a point, no-one should make themselves out asts over acne, there are enough of us here to start our own society if the regular one won't have us, but, on the other hand if you think you have a problem then getting a treament for it sooner rather than later might avoid future complcations. Squid

Greg - 03/17/00 21:16:11
Age: 28
Gender: All Man
Country: USA

Well I am into my 8th week of taking Accutane and all is great. My face hasnt look this good since I first started getting acne(12 yrs ago). I started out on 40mg's a day and my acne responded so well that my Dr. decided to keep me on the same dosage. He old me that the more conventional methods of taking accutane are at low dose(40 mg's are low for me because I weigh 185) for an extende period of time(16-20 weeks) Which is fine by me because it seems to be working excellent with very little side effects. Has anyone taken it like that? Besides the initial horrible breakout in the 3rd week my acne has almost entirely disappered. I still have 1 or 2 little pimples but my skin is nowhere near as oily and so much more easy to maintain. My lips are a little dry but I just keep putting either carmex or aquaphor on them if they need it. Also my face is a little red(flushed looking)sometimes, but I tell people I was out in the sun before they even ask. I'll just pass on a tips for all to use if they need to. I wash my face with Neutrogena cream cleanser at night to really clean my face, and in the morning I use cetaphil, followed by some Eucerin Light moisturizer in the dry spots. I only was my face 2 times a day. My hair has also become a little dry so I use Pantie pro v shampoo every other time I wash it to replace some moisture. Another very important things is to not use super hot water when showering or washing. I used to love super hot showers, but the hot water strips your skin of all the moisture and really ry out your whole body,not to mention your face. Now I only take cool to luke- warm water showers and it has helped alot(but its very cold when you get out). so thats about all the advice I can give for now beings as I am still pretty new with accutane my elf, but without question I am definatley glad I decided to start taking it. Good luck to everyone and hang in there, this stuff works. One last thing, USE A SUNBLOCK WHEN GOING IN THE SUN!! L'Oreal makes a good one called Ombrelle.

Margaret - 03/17/00 21:14:59
Age: 30
Gender: female
Country: USA

Hello all. I have not been here for quite some time now and just wanted to give a post accutane update. I have been off of my second course of accutane (80mg/day for 6 months) since June 22, 1999. The oiliness is back though I do not think it is as sev re as it was before. There have not been any (knock on wood) really major breakouts since but I do keep getting tiny red pus filled spots. I'll get them for a week or two and then nothing for a while. However these past two weeks have seen quite a few. I think my poors got very clogged. May have been a moisturizer that I used which had mineral oil in it. I don't know what the hell I was thinking when I was using it. Anyway now I think that all the crap that was clogging them is coming out. It doesn' look bad but it was getting me a little nervous. I need to stay clear at least until after my wedding in November!! My derm should start doing some peels in the Spring and I do hope those help with the scaring. By the way I mentioned a long while ago hat I was using retin-a microgel and had started using some products from I stopped using the skin bio stuff for the past month (out of laziness) but have started to use it again. It has helped with some of the more minor scars. Actually w en I do use it I feel that my skin looks even better. You know how sometimes the retin-a makes your skin peel and sometimes it can make the dry skin feel a little hard? Well the skinbio stuff makes it easier to peel off. I mean I do not think it has don too much for the deeper scars but it has for the more shallow ones and I'll take any little bit I can get!!! For Rianne - I really hope that things get better for you. I am sending you some positive energy and I just really wish that you find something that will help you. I don't know how many doctors you have been to but are you positive that you cannot take he accutane? I mean so many doctors have different little rules and regulations about prescribing it. I am not trying to push it on you or anything and hope that you are not taking offense to this. I just know from the experience of going to so many dif erent derms that some doctors are more willing to prescribe it than others. I am not saying that you should risk your life or your health in any way but I just really wish that you could use something that may help you. Why anyoe should have to suffer w th this pointless disease is beyond me. They say that adversity makes us stronger but I do not believe that something that makes a person feel so badly about themselves can make a person stronger. Even after being cyst free for almost a year I still liv with the fear of waking up and feeling that pain on your cheek or chin or above your eye or wherever. Plus it makes me even more nervous that I have a fiance that has the most beautiful skin ever. He gets one tiny bump once in a blue moon. I just hope that if my skin ever gets bad again that he will not be grossed out by it. When I had my big breakout on the accutane I did not let him see me the entire time. I don't know what I will do once we are married if anything happens. I don't think running ho e to mom is a possibility!!! That's all for now. Sorry for rambling on! Hang in there everyone and I do wish you all clear skin soon!

Aaron - 03/17/00 20:50:19
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Country: England

Hi All, I went to the derm today and have finished my course (16 weeks) of Roacutane. I just hope it doesnt come back. I still have spots on my back, and a few on my face but she said i should come of it and see how it goes. I really hope it starts gettin rid of the red marks. However , if it does start coming back she said goto my GP and then i can get some Gel (it started in L i think) and basically this is Roacutane in Gel form? Anyone know about this?

Jonathon - 03/17/00 19:13:23
Age: 17
Gender: male
Country: UK

hi, i would just like to thank the people who emailed me the otherday. THANK YOU! today i got the results from my blood test and its ok to take roaccutane. i got my first box and im going to start tomorrow. is anyone else about to start on this treatment r have just started? if so i would love to hear from you and maybe we could keep in touch over the period of treatment and like help eachother through it. please email me at

Kaitlin - 03/17/00 18:40:20
Age: 20
Gender: female
Country: canada

To Week Three: My lips had the same annoying problem with the blisters. They were really itchy too. Anyhow I use Blistex Lip medex on them, and the blisters only lasted afew weeks, now they are just really dry. If it doesn't go away though, speak to your derm. And if you are referring to the pill being birth control then YES you should be on it (unless ofcourse your not sexually active) Even then though, its usually required in order for you to take accutane. Go to roches web site, and you can find out ab ut what will happen if you become pregnant while on accutane. And ask your doctor about it, that is one thing that they definitely should of speaken to you about. Good luck!

Denny to Bubble Boy - 03/17/00 17:01:11

Interesting theory about your view on ACCUTANE and collagen? (Im wondering because a while back you said tretinoin produces collagen).. thank ye

WEEK 3 - 03/17/00 14:28:37

me again..heeh what i meant was i've tried finding lubriderm moisturiser in australia but to no avail...any alternatives??

WEEK 3 - 03/17/00 14:23:02

can anyone help me? i'm on week 3 of takng accutane and i've started gettting litle blister type bumps on my lips. its sooooo annoying. then they peel and the skin underneth shows. UGH!! is this normal? i take 20mg capsules twice a day... and is safe to use sorbolene on ur face? or is it too oily? i'v e treid finding it here in australia but i think its only sold in USA. it ok to take teh pill at teh same time as acc tane?

Bubble Boy: Missing letters, Just Me your right - 03/17/00 11:21:54

Hygiene, hopefully the "i" will stay. The Bubble Boy

Bubble Boy to AL - 03/17/00 11:06:20

The only AHA I use is Eucerin with SPF 15, and as I said in a previous post, only on my nose (a little above my chin too) And I only use it with the purpose of moisture RETENTION and sunblock of course. IT IS RETENTION, because only the skin moisturizes itself! I like the drink water posts here (but mine is 50-50 with juices) The purpose of moisturizer is to seal.

I know the theory of AH creams/lotions, however the skin will and should exfoliate automatically every 25-28 days or so. The best cleans r is water (i.e. the best solvent). The only "soap" I use is Dove White UNSCENTED, and now as little as possible. You may find should your dose of oral isotretinoin increase, that this is all the cleanser you can tolerate. One further note, I do not be ieve this condition is from the old school "hygene" theory at all, however when one shampoos, the shampoo in reality only loosens the dirt/oil, thus rinsing with enough water is key. Complete water rinsing followed by a Daily Conditioner (seal). I use an like Pantene Daily Conditioner for normal hair. I never have a frizz day with this Pantene. Best to you. The Bubble Boy

Ursula - 03/17/00 10:52:53
Age: 27
Country: SA

Deborah. I have been on Roacc for 6 weeks I have also been experiencing mood swings. I am short tempered, sad,depressed and have no energy since the past 2weeks, I just want to sleep! I also get pains below my ribs exactly like you are. I hope this doen't carry on for much longer, I don't have that type of personality it is driving me nuts. Has anybody experienced loss of libido? - I have definately Some advise would be welcome

Bubble Boy: To Super Dave and Zinc - 03/17/00 10:46:27

My understanding is 100-150mg per day "toxicity" is more accurate (Merck). Although "long term"? however one defines it. Also, some conditions (hepatic e.g.) decrease zinc assimilation. The Bubble Boy

Alex - 03/17/00 10:42:26
Age: 28
Gender: Female
Country: UK

To Anna in the US - your question about acne "moving site", I had exactly the same experience, suddenly developing cystic acne for the first time on my chin, neck and chest in my mid-20's. Apparently this is a typical place for adult female acne. I had eenage acne but it wasn't that bad and was mostly concentrated on my back and the T zone on my face. It disappeared off my back when I was about 16 and never returned, despite hideous breakouts elsewhere. Thank goodness for Roaccutane, is all I can say. I've actually just been to Southern Florida too (all the way from the UK), but I found the airconditioning made me drier, although the humidity outside did compensate, and I was drinking lots of water. By the way, Key West was such a laugh (and my liver is still working OK)!!!:)

Issac - 03/17/00 10:32:47
Age: 16
Country: Hong Kong

Hi everyone!! Please help! I'm now on my second treatment of roaccutane. I got nothing wrong and everything went very fine in my first time. However, right now, though I'm taking roaccutane again, ance breakout very very seriously! It seems that my face i worse than before i started talking it once again! It's the 3rd week of talking roaccutane, what I want to ask is that whether it is a normal reaction of this drug? Pleaes help! thank u all a lot a lot!! Issac

Al - 03/17/00 10:27:05
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Country: UK

To all - (The Bubble Boy - I'd appreciate your views on this matter)

Tolerance of AHAs and exfoliating/abrasive scrubs whilst undergoing RoA therapy - +/-?

Personally, I have used an AHA mosituriser since week two with no excessive irritation or redness; the only negative aspect being a mild burning sensation just after application.

I used an abrasive scrub under the name of Brasivol a few weeks after starting treatment (having noticed dry and flaky skin emerging). The result was a reddened face for perhaps half a day then a return to normal state. Milder scrubs may be more tolerate and sensible but I feel if irritation is minimal then 'why not', it can only improve the condition of your skin - can't it ?


Bubble Boy: triclosan - 03/17/00 10:26:59

Bacterialstatic, widely used, unfortunately I could not tolerate the soap (some time ago), due too the powerful odor (may have been the brand). Other than this, I have no personal experience. It is sodium floride, and is also used in toothpaste. Best to you. The Bubbble Boy

Davie S - 03/17/00 08:56:02
Gender: Male
Country: UK

Safe Vitamin supplement limits: - Just a quickie to those of you who are supplementing with zinc. The upper safe limit for zinc supplementation LONG TERM in the UK is 15mg. As zinc affects the absorption of copper it is also recommended that approx 1mg of copper is taken with each 10mg f zinc. Good natural sources of zinc include oysters, clams, crabmeat,red meat, poultry, fish, beans cheese and eggs. Please note that the 15mg is an upper limit and not an RDA(recommended daily allowance). To put RDA and upper limits into perpective: the safe long term daily upper limit for vit C is 2000mg, to obtain this amount of vit C naturally you would require to consume 8 cartons of orange juice daily which is clearly excessive. Where by approx 3 100ml servings of orange juice would give you our RDA plus a little extra. I see from some of the postings of recent that some people are taking 300mg+ of zinc daily, this could toxify your system, well now you have been informed!! Supplementation and acne is currently very topical(excuse the pun) at Best regards to all

Adam - 03/17/00 06:56:03
Age: 19
Gender: Dude
Country: USA

I am on accutane and I have been on it since January 10th. I'm taking 40mg twice a day. I didn't get any side effects for like 2 weeks then i got dry lips and flaky skin but now i have dry skin,( not very dry though) and my lips are pretty dry but it is n t bad at all. Is this normal? I thought the side effects were supposed to be really bad. It doesn't seam too bad at all I just hope its working. It seams to be helping a little. How long does it take for your face to clear up completly?

S.P. to BUBBLE BOY (again) - 03/17/00 06:44:55

...your opinion on triclosan for post wound care???this was the freebie they gave me...

S.P. to BUBBLEBOY - 03/17/00 06:38:55

too late...did the deed today...

HG Bubble Boy to Steve: Pamphlet alert - 03/17/00 06:14:45

I have the Sixth Edition right here in front of me. The Bubble Boy

The Bubble Boy to Chinese Herb Lady - 03/17/00 06:09:19

The Deep Clean, I tried some time ago, correct me if I am wrong, is this the product that comes with salyclic acid and come in a soft tube? If so, I made sure to throw it away as it inflamed my skin, and did nothing in reality for acne control. Or is it he Neutrogena product that cleans with AHA and comes in a soft "bottle" and has a characteristic fragrance? I threw that one away too. I have also tried (and have a second box unopened right in front of me right now, while I type this) Neutrogena Healthy Skin Face Lotion. The listed claims on the front of the box did nothing for me. I believe these (if they are the same), promote dilation of the blood vessels, and in reality can aggravate. (My opinion) I have just purchased Neutrogena UVA/UVB Sunblock SP 45 with Parsol 1789, does anyone have an opinion of this product???

One product I do like is Eucerin face Renewal AHL SPF 15 on my nose (but not on my face). I use Oil of Olay Complete UV (broad spectrum UVA/UVB) Protective Moisture Cream which also contains vitamin E and best of all also contains Sheer Zinc Oxide, if applied correctly I do not have that digusting "greasy sunblock" look, which I totally abhor. Best to you. HG Bubble Boy

Steve - 03/17/00 05:54:02
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Country: U S of A

has anyone seen the pamphlet put out concerning ACCUTANE? i saw it lying around once but never saw it again ... i think it said something on it like '3rd edition' or something like that. anyone know what im talking about?

The Bubble Boy to Del: Subject Calcium CA - 03/17/00 05:39:52

I agree. I tried initially to take Spring Valley Calcium 600 combined with Zinc (both in the same tablet). However, with clear skin, I noticed one (one whitehead) appear the next day. For me UNACCEPTABLE!! I stopped for several days and restricted myse f to Zinc only, and no new lesions. However, just to test, I tried the Calcium again intermittently, and the same pattern again repeated itself. So I am stopping any Calcium supplement, relying on perhaps cheese. I now take the Zinc alone. Best to you The Bubble Boy.

arroyo - 03/17/00 05:23:59
Age: 21
Country: Azerbaijan

Is it possible to purchase Roaccutane over the Internet? Could someone tell me how to get it and the price, because we don't have it here. Thank you...

Del - Calcium & Acne - 03/17/00 04:58:03

I've read on alt.skincare.acne that calcium aggravates acne. Can anyone confirm this or is this an individual thing? I'm a bit concerned because I've just started taking calcium supplements.

TONY you've made the first step and should stick with. Remember that this is a 6-month treatment on average. I'm on my 6th week. My face was a lot worse in week 2,3, and 4 than before I began. It is getting a bit better now.

KENNEDY, hang in there. I know how you feel.

Well, it looks like JUSTME has finally made a post without leaving a trail of destruction behind :)

Chinese Herb Lady - 03/17/00 04:01:52
Age: 36

I recall something and I want to mention it in case it helps someone. If you are using Benzoyl Peroxide and your condition is not improving, you might consider not using the BP for 2 or 3 weeks to see if it is actually making your face sore or sorer than if you did not use it. Also, The Nuetrogena DEEP CLEAN Facial Cleanser may work well and be mild to your skin. Also trying to many drying products could possibly make your breakouts worse. Also, I mentioned this once before, but I will say it again. I you are washing your face and rinsing it without using a wash cloth to gently massage all foundation/dirt off of your face then there could be a possibility that you are not getting all the stuff off your face. I am not saying that dirt/foundation cause the problem, just to be sure and do a good job cleaning. One good way that I found to be sure is to wet a square cotton pad and add the Neutragena DEEP CLEAN to it and gently massage area. If the cotton ball is anything but white you know that you have done the final cleaning. I'm not sure that massaging and rinsing with fingers will do the job. To the person asking if there are any special foods that you can eat while on Accutane? I am sure that there are many of us that can make recommendations. If you want to list the types of foods you eat then I will have a foundation to work from with your eating lifestyle and YES drinking water is good. Do you drink some already? Need some background from you regarding your nutritional lifestyle.

Nic - 03/17/00 03:09:53
Age: 18
Country: Aust.

Hey everyone, Thought I'd write in with some positive stuff, it tends to get pretty negative sometimes on this site because of people writing in about problems etc. I've nearly finished a 7 month course of Roaccutane, and my skin is nearly perfect. I had severe cystic cne on my face and back, and I even got it in wierd places sometimes like legs. I have so much more confidence in myself now, it is amazing the difference it makes. I no longer have to worry about my skin every minute of every day. The side effects have b en easy to deal with, apart from a nose bleed and sweating a lot more, and of course the dryness, there has been nothing major. Anything you go through anyway is worth it once you get the results. So all those people just starting out or thinking about it give it a go and hang in there, because it will fix you up.

anna - 03/17/00 01:44:24
Age: 24
Gender: Female
Country: US

This site is so fantastic. I can't even begin to explain how helpful everyone's comments are for me. I am finishing my 5th week of Accutane and things are going fine. This is my second course. I took my first course when I was 17 and I had beautiful, lear skin for 2.5 years until I started getting the birth control shot, Depo Provera. One of the side effects of Depo is acne and weight gain. Nice, huh? Too bad I didn't know that before I started taking it. I gained 10 lbs and my skin started breaki g out again pretty bad. It took me 2 years to realize that Depo might have been playing a role in my renewed acne. I went off the shot & on the pill (one simliar to ortho tri-cyclen & dianette--by the way, there are many kinds of birth control pills tha alleviate acne--ortho & dianette aren't the only two, they're just the most advertised, promoted, researched, etc.). My skin improved quite a bit, but w/ the start of grad school this past fall, the stress caused my skin to look as bad as it did when I as 16. So here I am on my 5th week of Accutane & I have a few questions for everyone. First, I've been getting acne in areas I almost never had acne (my neck & jawline) and am not getting acne in the areas I usually break out in (forehead & chin). Has a yone else had this experience? Is this normal? Second, I just spent spring break in southern Florida where it is extremely humid. I leave in the northeast and all winter long am in *super* dry, radiator-heated environments. While in Florida, my skin b came soft, supple and all the dryness & flakes went away. I was thinking that I should buy humidifier to get the same effects. Has anyone done this? Does it work? Thanks everyone!!!

kennedy - 03/17/00 00:26:16

aiyah. my face is driving me insane. acne is so evil. just when i thought my skin was looking ok and healing, i wake up to 5 cysts on my cheeks. the doctors always say not to touch the affected area but at this point, it's hard not to. when's this ightmare going to end? sorry for complaining. i'm just so frustrated because i was offered a great job but cancelled my appointment because of my horrible skin.

Bubble Boy to Denny - 03/16/00 23:59:51

Run your fingers along the baseboards and the front off your "off" television screen. Check the filter element of your blow dryer. I have had an air purifier for years also, portable enough for frat rooms too.

Look at seemingly innocent areas, the SI ES of the refrigerator (not just the top), the sides of all furniture. Counter tops. And of course the carpet(s) where adhesion is near invisible. The theory (my theory, and still only a theory), is enclosed areas and buildings where mice or rodent hab tats may be albiet "invisible". I believe these carriers have been estimate to harbor over 300 virus, and a pair of mice can leave thousands of droppings in a short period of time. I am not saying a dwelling may contain the habitat currently, however, v ruses may remain "shelled" dormant. This would explain why the general consensus is that acne remission increases when summer is near, and persons activity moves outdoors. Yet saying this, the outdoors, naturally may still harbor carriers.

That is m secondary theory of the moment, as the hypothesis must be heuristic. My first theory is still of the "compromised barrier", where the main component is vasculitis. Best to you. The Bubble Boy

Marian - 03/16/00 23:41:22
Age: 36
Gender: female
Country: canada

I have been taking accutane (40mg twice a day)for 1 and 1/2 months. This is my first time on accutane. In the past I have tried both topical and oral antibiotics with retin A. Todate, my only side effects have been dryness of the nose, lips,and skin, but ot excessively. I drink a fair amount of water and use a lot of moisterizer. I started with 40mg twice a day and will be on it for a total of 4 months. So far so good. My skin looks great. Only 2 and 1/2 months to go.

Bubble Boy to S.P. Dont' Do It!! I like um natural - 03/16/00 23:39:05


sp - 03/16/00 23:06:47
Age: 33

tis my b'day today...(St Patricks Day here in Oz)...and to celebrate I'm getting my navel pierced...(yes I KNOW I should wait because I've only been off Roaccutane around 1-2 months)...but I'm getting it done anyway...will report back on how the healing p ocess goes...much love to you all...

Bubble Boy to Deb the "shamrock girl" - 03/16/00 22:57:50

Deb......remember one, JUST ONE, "cherry" on Snow White's face may your words "diabolical". However, your improving! No one, NO ONE, is immune. Best to you. The Bubble Boy

Just Me - 03/16/00 22:03:23

Hello ... Kaitlin - I'm pretty miffed about the Voy Forum being down 4 times in a row this week! I think it has something to do with someone trying to advertise their porn (yes, porn) sites on ALL the voy forums sites, and putting in some codes that auto atically switches people who visit any Voy Board to the porn sites .. and it's causing the server etc to crash ... that's just my gestimate cos everytime it crashes it's cos one of these porn things have been put on. I just delete them from the Board and block them and yet they still kept coming back .... Voy Forums is now notified of the offenders and hopefully have done something about it.

Well the Board is up and running now though not being able to go on it all day has been a real bummer for me as I wanted to share some this afternoon and couldn't so it's all still at work ...

Anyway, it's up and running again .. I can only apologise on Voy Forum's behalf for the Boards' crashing this week.

Debs - 03/16/00 21:54:10
Age: 24
Gender: female
Country: N. Ireland

Hi everyone! I'm having such a rough time with Roacc and I know I'm not the only one. I've been on it for 18 weeks now and altho my face has improved it still looks absolutely diabolical and I'm badly scarred. My derm appointment isn't for another 4 weeks and I'm just so scared that he'll have me on it for another 2 months or so or that I'll have to take a second course. My mood-swings drive me crazy - I'm so angry and frustrated all the time and basically I'm just sad. I've lost so much confidence in myse f. I also get muscle soreness in my back - well the bottom of my ribcage and it's sore when I take a deep breath in - anybody else get this? To those who are about to start roacc or have just started it - don't let me put you off - you've got to try it and for most people it works miracles and the side effects aren't too bad. Just use plenty of moisturiser for the dryness and Vaseline for the ips and nose. Nat don't worry too much about what you eat whilst on roacc - as long as you take the tabs with a meal and it's always healthy for the skin to drink plenty of water. To Rianne I think you are sooo brave - keep on fighting girl! In fact every ody on this board and everybody with acne is so brave. Keep fighting! Thanks for reading this message and understanding - nobody else does.

Kaitlin - 03/16/00 21:17:33

Just Me: I see the whole site is down again. Whats with that????? What a pain in the butt. Hope its up again soon. I bought some zinc yesterday (50mg) and then I remembered someone said (I think Jasmine or Rianne??) that taking more than 25mg/day can be bad for your heart??? Its was a while ago so I can't really remember. If anyone else know, please let me know!!!! thanks.

Tony - 03/16/00 20:34:16
Age: 18
Gender: male
Country: UK

I'm on my 8th day of 20mg of roaccutane. I feel awful, I woke this morning, looked in the mirror and havn't been able to face anybody all day. My skin has become worse now than it's been in months, my chin is clustered with unsightly spots and is extremel painful to touch, talk or eat. My entire face has become flakey and red. I know that these are some of the side effects of the drug and that things are supposed to improve with time, but I feel worse now than ever before and i'm seriously thinking about uitting the treatment. Can somebody please tell me when these side-effects will end, or how I can treat them. Please, I'm getting desperate.

Denny to Bubble BOY - 03/16/00 17:46:38

HI!, great to see you back! RE: DUST. I dont understand how youcan say the outside air is better. Inside I have the air regulated (electric heat, humidifier that is fcleaned daily, Ozium, pot smoke, no sunlight) Outside=UVA-UVB rays, particles, microbes, crticism, stress. Say...what do you know about Accutane and collagen (the relationship..if any between the two) thank ye

Mike - 03/16/00 16:58:44
Age: 19
Gender: Male

Do the red areas on my cheeks fade away after quitting roaccutan (1 month left)? Has your skin been well long after roaccutan? This is a great site, keep up the good work!

Melissa - 03/16/00 16:02:56
Age: 19
Country: US

I started Accutane five months ago and today I am totally clear, something I thought I would never be saying. I had a hard time. Nothing seemed to work and I was hesitant to try another treatment. The only advise a can give is "Try it!" It can't hurt nd if the side effects are too harsh, you can always stop treatment. If you have any questions or want to hear my unedited experience, feel free to e-mail me!

Steve - 03/16/00 15:26:34
Age: 26
Gender: male
Country: US

To anyone wondering about the potency or efficacy of accutane ...Blue Cross/Blue Shield considers it to be one of the five most powerful drugs on the planet.

Vinay - 03/16/00 14:50:32
Country: us

This is probably the weirdest question on here but ive tried everything to clear my acne and am going to derm monday for accutane. now my face is clearing is there anything i can do to make it worse for that day. i am afraid he wont prescribe it because i isnt too bad this week. thanks all...

McCarty - 03/16/00 14:23:24
Age: 33
Gender: Female
Country: US

Jonathon - Don't give up. I waited and suffered until I was 33. I am on my fourth month of accutane and I can't tell you what a difference it has made. My skin is 100% better. I hope you know that you are not alone. There are so many people who feel xactly the same as you do. I know it's hard, but you can do it.

Jonathon - 03/16/00 11:59:12
Age: 17
Gender: male
Country: UK

Hi everyone. i dont really know what im looking for. maybe support...idont know. i just feel so so depressed cause of acne. i feel depressed all of the time and most days i dont want to go outside. i miss so many days from college and also from school whe i was there. when my friends plan to do things i more or less turn them down all of the time cause i dont want no one to see me. most of my time is spent inside and it does not feel worth living this life anymore. i have had acne for about 5 years now(i 17) and its not getting any better or any easier to deal with. last week i went to see my dermatologist and he told me about Roaccutane. i have had to take a blood test first for somereason but i should start on these tablets as soon as possible if the b ood test is ok. can anyone tell me if Roaccutane really works? is it worth me living to try Roccutane? i need help and i dont know where to get it from. why does it have to be me? WHY ME? all my friends have clear faces-not a spot between them and then i ave enough to go around the whole town. WHY? if anyone wants to contact me or tak please email me and i will be happy to hear from you. bye

The Bubble Boy - 03/16/00 10:41:18

The reason why Saw Palmetto research is limited, is because, thankfully, no pharmaceutical company can patent it, and thus control monopoly right and thus pricing. The epidermal atrophy effects of the prostrate with Saw Palmetto are fairly well "document d" though. (urinary pressure relief.) Whether it's combined effect may target other areas remains "open".

Rianne: I have taken Kava (and still have capsules, and unopened bottles) along with almost every kind of herb (Echinacea, Ginko, Bilberry, alf lfa, safflower, golden seal, burdock, black walnut, garlic, kelp, dandelion, etc.,). I take Saw Palmetto (two EMPTIED capsules) as a spaghetti topping on top of the sauce. I currently take zinc Spring Valley 100mg tablet, saw palmetto Sundown Herbal 900 g caps, every meal. Calcium-Zinc tablet every other day, and B6 every other day. I HATE drinking straight water (makes me gag), instead I go 50-50. 50 percent mix of water and Welsh's White Grape Raspberry Juice.

My goal is INTEGRITY OF THE EPIDERMA BARRIER. My hypothesis is blood vessel inflamation etiology, through either viral invasion (hence DNA alteration), and/or external barrier compromise (history) This, combined with my previous post, provides a possible explanation as to patients improvin in summer months (outdoors vs. inhaled indoor viral "antigen"), and familial.

I'm here, I watch, I search and shall find. I may not post, but I am here. The Bubble Boy

SP - 03/16/00 10:11:57

Hi Tome...I used an oil-free sunscreen each morning rather than a moisturiser as such...for me this helped to counteract the dryness...but even more PROTECTS my skin...which became ULTRA sensitive to sunlight during treatment with Roaccut ne...

Just Me - 03/16/00 09:27:39


Just Me - 03/16/00 09:27:01
Age: 35
Gender: Female
Country: UK

H all - Hi Rianne sweetie ... oh how I feel for you as I've been there so many many times and as said, not so long ago. I feel a little 'guilty' for being acne free now... ! But I know that I am where I am cos of my healthy eating habits, and my supplem nts, and my skin routine etc... Rianne sweetie, this is a quickie ... as I have to get to work ... I've listed my whole list of what I've been doing at my Acne Support Group in Cyberspace board @< a>! People have been leaving messages there for you as well :o) ... I have been so busy posting on that board and one other that I have (non acne) and responding to emails that I haven't had time to cover this Board as well ... ie only the basics here .. .

If you'd like to take a peek there in the meantime to get a feel for what I've been taking ... I know it'd help you out a lot. The subject lately is supplements though there are links there for a variety of subjects.

Eventually, when I have the time, I'll put everything in a neat package and post it on my main page ie at the Acne Support Group ie so that it's easier to read - for the time being, all the information in snippets is on the Board at the Acne Support Group in Cyberspace ....

The power is within you Rianne, ie to take the steps that you need to ... ie what you decide today and tomorrow will decide your next day and so forth ... and it takes consistence and persistence. If I can do it, you can too sweetie, and remember, only C ristmas I was still suffering from acne and had been for a long time remember, ie 22 years (only breaks were when I was taking Minocin, Tetracycline and Dianette etc) though the acne came back when I stopped.

I have to rush to work now ... we're all here with the main aim of helping each other find a personal cure to acne and sharing what works and what doesn't ... good luck everyone in your own search for the right 'version' for you! JM

Andy - 03/16/00 08:42:39
Age: 37
Gender: male
Country: germany

My problems started when I was 19 years old and I could finally solve them 5 years ago. Yesterday I found this website for the first time and think it is a great idea. I wish I had this chance to communicate with other suffers during my peak problemperiod. During my worst period of acne (from 22 to 32) I had huge whiteheads, especially on my nose and around my mouth. This may sound a simple and not serious story compared to the things I read here, but it nearly drove me crazy, because the whiteheads either openend themselves or I simple had to open them as they looked really ugly. Of course when opened the infection spreaded all over my chin and nose. Sometimes, in the morning, I stood in front of my mirror,pressing whiteheads for at least 30Minutes. A normal day meant around 10 to 15 new whiteheads for me.My doctors at this time just told me that will disappear sooner or later and just be happy that you don't have the serious acne conclobata. After changing the doctors serveral times, with no improvement at all and after an theraphy with Tetrazyclin tablets,I really had enough. At the age of 32, thinking of acne every minute of my time, I decided to fight back. I took it as a personal challenge and tried to learn everthing about my enemy and my body. After 6 months of investigation and talking with pharma companies, not doctors, I found a medicine(liquid roller)called BASOCIN with contains Clindamycin. After just 2 weeks it simply worked!!! I went back to my doctor and asked him why he did not try thi on my before. His answer was that this medication is used very seldom without big success.What a shit!! Pls. learn from this and never,ever give up. There is a solution for everybody. Just be flexible and try everything what might work. Although most doctors told me that there is no relationship between food and acne, I realized that serveral things really worsened my skin, after approx.3 days of eating or drinking them. The worst thing for me was any kind of coffee,hot tea and beer. On the other hand oysters(because of the high Zinc Contain) have a positive on my skin so I eat them as often as possible. Of course I skip all kind of sweets and fastfood. As shaving is always a problem with acne skin, I did also a lot of testing here. For me wet shaving is much better and I can only recommend the new Gillette Mach3 razor,that does not irriate the skin so much. Great invention!! After being problem free now for 5 years my whole life changed to the positive. I found a nice wife last year, we have a small boy together and I was promoted to a directorposition of a big international company. My confidence has risen and I know after solving my biggest problem, I can now solve everything. I have the highest respect for all acne-suffers and wish them to defended their enemy. I know it is tough,but never give up!!!! Good Luck

kate Lynn - 03/16/00 08:43:03
My Email:
Age: 20
Country: australia

Hi!! I used to take Roaccutane for 6 mths and my skin was really getting better. However, 6 mths later it's kinda getting worse, it seems like pimple's coming back. Do u think that's possible? I'm so afraid that pimple will come back, I had a really bad time when I started having pimple last year and I don't want to be in that situation again. Everetime when I started wearing make up, I was always worried that I might have pimple tomorrow!! something like that. some people said make up doesn't cause pimp e but i don't think so, on the other hand I guess it's probably because I just can't wear make up. Anyway I got to get ready for class...I guess your web site is really cool!! at least I know that i'm not the only one who has problem with this thing. Than you for reading my messages. And i'm looking forward to hearing from you soon. Bye for now. Kate

Matt - 03/16/00 06:32:30
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Country: USA

Dear Lois Believe me when I say it will get better. In most cases, and definitely in mine, the inflamation gets worse in the early going. But by month 5 or 6 your skin will be much improved. Will it be completely clear is another story. Accutane works so differ ntly with each person. Some claim it to be a miracle worker while others only can complain about it's side effects. Either way, just hang in there and hope for the best :o) I have yet to beat this depressing thing called acne. After antibiotics, Retin-A, and Accutane, I still get minor(meaning small in size and infrequent in time) pimples. At age 23 I never thought I'd still have acne. But then again none of us ever thoug t we would. I always thought it was an adolesent thing that would just go away. And even though I only get these small marks, it still RULES MY LIFE. My days usually revolve around what my face looks like. Well, anyway, I had to get that out and by go ly it felt good. SO keep in there Lois, and remember that for some odd reason, everything happens for a reason.

CHinese Herb Lady - 03/16/00 05:57:23
Age: 36

Hats off to those people who drink 2 to 3 gallons of water a day. I thought I was doing good to drink a quart and then my teas and 1 soda a day. Only have a few minutes. I will have to read down further tomorrow.

SP - 03/16/00 05:56:32

bubble this a flying visit...merely to taunt and tantalise us all...or will we be seeing more of your delightful posts in the future??? I for one will be tuned in...breathless with anticipation...

The Bubble Boy - 03/16/00 03:43:54

...And the Saw Palmetto I take comes in capsules, BUT I open them and spread them on the spaghetti sauce, for example. I belive the herbs are actually the true nutrient of the meal. The Bubble Boy

Altered States: "Denny's" "dust", : "Saw Palmetto Atrophy" " I have always been here"

HGPig taking the new name of "The BUBBLE BOY" (because Pam got a new name too) - 03/16/00 03:12:37

I have declined daily entry, due to energy reserves in regards to all the Q&A. But I have been here watching. I will attempt to respond to as much as possible strictly from memory. (First Rianne...."abscond"....I liked that one, and read it the first da you posted it :). made me laugh....:) :) :) )

First I am leaning toward a theory of "altered state" where the process we see manifested (large "cysts", inflamed pustles etc.,) are manifestations of diapedesis. I will define this as in reality a form f "vasculitis", under my definition..but will site others below.

I believe the source MAY (and I am still investigating.....HAVING SAID THIS UNDERSTAND THAT ACCUTANE WORKS FOR ME..........BUT...BUT...EVEN THOUGH I HAVE A SUPPLY AT MY FINGER TIPS AS A AFETY NET....I AM NOT TAKING IT, TO TEST MY HYPOTHESIS'.) I believe the sources (and here's where Denny's "dust" may come in, BUT IN REVERSE...INDOORS NOT OUTDOORS) may be viral, etiology..rodent "dust" OR strict "barrier compromise". My hypothesis is b sed upon familial constants (within family), degree...i.e. another family member manifests acne but to a greater or lesser degree, proportional to how early toxic invasion occurred, and how proximal to the viral-rodent source is and or was. This would ex lain why changing location (eg going away to school/college, change by moving etc.,) might effect the degree of manifestations.

My second theory is more simplistic, and is strict barrier compromise. Unnatural to use "hot" possibly even "warm" "water" the body/skin is under duress...INFLAMATION OF THE BLOOD VESSELS occurs. What am I doing to test these hypothesis? 1. Removing all known sources of (or avoiding) indoor especially "dust". If this hypothesis is true, it may explain why my "diet" worked, as the virus has no source of "fuel" 2. Second, absolute protection of the epidermal barrier. Cool water, gradually incremented to "cooler" as "natural bathing". IMPORTANT: THE SKIN ITSELF MOISTURIZES NOT a "moisturizer", we use the moisturizer so the s in RETAINS WATER AND IT'S NUTIENTS". Well that's enough for now...the rest that follows is just reference material available elsewhere......"The Bubble Boy" Definition Vasculitis is inflammation of the blood vessels, especially in the skin. What is going on in the body? Blood vessels in the skin can become inflamed for many reasons. Inflammation may occur in response to medication, allergies or infections, toxic chemicals entering the body, or underlying diseases such as connective tissue disorders. There are different t pes of vasculitis based on the size and type of blood vessel involved, and the pattern of inflammation found under a microscope. What are the signs and symptoms of the condition? tender red or purple bumps ulcerations depression fatigue What are the causes and risks of the disease? The causes depend on the type of vasculitis. In most cases, immune complexes are involved. Immune complexes are bodies in the blood that consist of antigens, or foreign bodies, bound to antibodies, which are proteins formed in response to the antigens. Im une complexes are usually destroyed by certain white blood cells, called phagocytes. However, they sometimes settle in the vessel walls, causing inflammation. Vasculitis usually leads to narrowing and blockage of the lining of vessels. This reduces blood flow to body tissue. These tissues then become damaged or destroyed. There are no known preventions. How is the condition diagnosed? Clinical history, physical exam, laboratory studies and biopsy are needed to diagnose and categorize the type of vasculitis. What are the long-term effects? Problems occur when other organ systems are involved. Most long-term problems are related to the areas that are involved, such as the kidneys. There are no risks to others. What are the treatments? The underlying problem that causes vasculitis needs to be treated first. Oral corticosteroids, such as prednisone, and immunosuppresant medications, such as cyclophosphamide, may be needed. What are the side effects of the treatments? Side effects will vary depending on the type of medication chosen for the specific type of vasculitis. What happens after treatment? Depending upon the cause of the vasculitis, it may completely clear or it may become a chronic problem needing long-term treatment. How is the condition monitored? Some side effects from certain medication or possible damage from the vasculitis to other organ systems may occur. Author: Lynn West, MD Date Written: 10/29/99 Date Reviewed: 02/26/00 Potential conflict of interest information for reviewers available on request

Skin Quick Facts The skin is not only the largest organ in the human body, taking up 16% of human body mass, but it is also the fastest growing. The purpose of this outer covering for the body is to: protect against injury and infection protect the body from heat and light regulate body temperature store water, fat, and vitamins The skin is made up of two layers the dermis the epidermis The human skin layer is new every 4 weeks. The skin of an average adult: weighs 8-10 pounds. averages an area of about 22 square feet.

The epidermis is the outer layer of the skin made up of five sublayers. In 4 weeks, the skin created in the bottom layer reaches and replaces the top layer. The sublayers are: 1. Basal Layer (stratum basale or stratum germinativum) This layer is 3-5 cells thick and is the deepest sublayer of the epidermis. Cell mitosis, or cell reproduction, occurs mostly here and melanin, a skin pigmentation, is produced here. 2. Spiny Layer (stratum spinosum) This layer is 8-10 cells thick and is made up of flattened cells with spiny projections. Less mitosis than in the basal layer occurs here. 3. Grainy Layer (stratum granulosum) This layer is 3-5 cells thick and is the place where keratin, a water-proof protein of the skin, is produced. 4. Clear Layer (stratum lucidum) This is a compact, thin layer that is 3-4 cells thick. The clear layer is thickest on the palms and soles of the feet, which are points of heavy wear on the skin, because keratin accumulates there. 5. Horny Layer (stratum corneum) This is the thickest layer, 25-30 cells, but all of the skin cells in this layer are dead. It is the outer layer of the skin, where every 2 weeks the entire layer sloughs off to reveal new skin.

It is estimate that 15 feet of blood vessels may encompa s 1 square in. of skin.

Lois - 03/16/00 02:27:51
Age: 26
Gender: female
Country: USA

I come to this board almost every day, but post's really nice to read about other people's experiences. This can be hell. Does anybody know about HOW Accutane works? Does existing acne get "pushed" out, or does it dry up? I'm starting eek three, and things look slightly worse, and from what's underneath the skin, I can't imagine it getting better within a month or two. Any thoughts please? Thanks so much...

Rianne - 03/16/00 01:38:23

I know it's late to post but when I got home after the meeting, had something to eat (not much appetite at the moment at all anyway) and went to bed I just could not sleep because of thinking about my skin. Anyone got any "acne worry induced" non-sleepin tips? I'm a bad sleeper at the best of times but this is just making it worse. I need something to calm myself down and make myself relaxed enough to get a decent night's sleep. I also have a health problem which causes me pain and last night the pain kept waking me up all the time. Soooo, I'm back to feeling like a zombie! Yesterday I ordered some expensive cream from Harrods which I hope may help my skin. I won't hold my breathe...but I need to keep searching. This skin of mine costs me a fortune. but you wouldn't know to look at it! Groan. The cream is called Creme de la Mere and was developed by a NASA aerospace physicist who suffered disfiguring burns from a rocket fuel explosion. I thought it just may help my scars....I'm not sure about the cne. (thanks to my good friend SP for your message and lovely "hugs" by the way!) Just Me, would you go through the things that you use for your acne...just for me? Please, I'd love to see if any of them may help me (and others too!). I'll find out if hey have the Health Aid Vitamin E High Potency cream in our health shop. Jules, the Clarins clay mask, I will get that. I have been using the ordinary mud masks from Superdrug but the Clarins ones may be more effective. The sun lamp used to help too bu I think I over-used it too much. Like Jasmine, if I'd known at 11 that I was going to still have acne (and all this scarring) at 35 I'm not sure how I would have gotten through. My GP said that it such a stubborn form of acne to last this long. I en ed up late for the meeting - which makes things worse when you walk into an already filled room. I could hardly concentrate because I knew my face was really bad and I could "feel" it too. Also I was greasy looking within 1/2 hour of setting out to the eeting. So I'm sat there, a face covered in oil, spots and scars. Wonderful for confidence? NOT!!! This skin is breaking my heart and any little self-esteem I have. Yes, Jasmine, over the years I've had to endure lots of "helpful" and "oh so easy" cure for acne too. For people with perfect skin the answer seems soooo easy...."just" follow THEIR routine and you'll be flawless. They THINK!! Its now 1.35 a.m. so I must stop here and TRY to sleep. I doubt I'm making much sense at this late hour. Mega th nks to everyone who has offered encouragement, comfort and support. You're the best! Lots of love, luck and thanks. Sweet dreams! Rianne.

Dan - 03/16/00 01:05:22
Age: 24
Gender: Female
Country: Australia

Hi everyone, I've been on Roaccutane for 4-5 week , at first my face seemed to be really clear and now it's about the same. The worst though has always been my back, which seems to have really broken out, I hope this means it's working. My lips and skin are dry. The strange thing is that on my face the worst part has always been my chin - around my mouth - ironically this has been the dryest area - in fact the rest of my face is not too dry at all. Perhaps it has targeted this "dangerous area." I couldn't stand the dryness though and I started to use a heavy moisturiser - only at night - to stop my skin from peeling, it seems to work. But does this really make treatment less effective????? I only use oil-free under make-up during the day I was upgraded to taking 60mg from 40mg after two weeks is this normal?? I feel as though I could cope happily with 80mg. Anyway the worst side effect has been slightly blurry eye sight of things in a distance. Admittedly the fisrt time this happened was he day after I had been out drinking I also had really dry eyes which my flatemate suggested could be from hyper-dehydration, it went away after 4 days though. I guess my experience has been that moderate drinking is sort of ok but no drinking is better. thought drinking one glass of water per glass of alcohol would "water it down" so to speak, but it obviously didn't. Everyone's messages are so encouraging - except the poor people who are experiencing really bad side effects - I would go off it as soon s anything really bad happened and go back to your derm.

Nat - 03/16/00 00:26:14
Age: 17
Gender: female
Country: U.S.

Hey everyone-- I wrote a couple weeks ago, twice actually, and no one ever answered my questions! :( I really like the website, but it was a little disappointing seeing as others got responses right away. Anyways, I'm on my 2nd week of Accutane. Taking 40 mg a day using Cetaphil cleanser & moisturizer,& LOTS of aquaphor lip balm!! I saw my sister 3 days ago(who is away at college) and she commented that my skin already look smoother (where there aren't bumps of course). I have only noticed dry skin, lips and scal but that's it. I had a headache the first few days. My skin doesn't look too much better, but it feels a little better (when its not hurting or itching!). I had some questions I hope people could answer, and you can just mail me at was wondering if anyone knows if I should eat any special foods or drink more water or something, because my doctor did not suggest anything for me. I'm so afraid my skin is going to get a lot worse! I am already really self-conscious and I feel like I lways have to wear makeup! I am going to college in August so I am hoping to have clear skin by then and have a fresh start there. Please write me if you have any suggestions for me. THanks!

Coweyes - 03/16/00 00:04:55
Age: 26
Gender: Female
Country: US

Dear Acne Victims, I put off trying accutane for a long time, because I was scared of the side effects. I finally started using it 3 months ago, and it has changed my life. I never realized how beautiful my face was underneath all of those nasty pimples. Try it! I did my research and I read all of the horror stories, and I finally realized that acne has made my life a living hell for fourteen years, it takes your self esteem, your hapiness and it consumes your life with grief. The side effects I have suffered wi h Accutane are dry lips (which I can control), dry skin(""), and stiff joints, but its a small price to pay, because my face looks great. Dermasil is an excellent moisteriser, you can wet your lips put some on and then put on some lip balm like carmex. I started taking vitamin E and drinking lots of water, and it also helps with the dryness. If you never try it (accutane) you will always w nder.. I finally got the courage to try it, and now I'm sorry I waited so long. I have tried the Retin A (yuk), the antibiotics the injections and they all failed. There is a good product out there that you may want to try its called Differn (adapalene gel) it is much better than Retin A. I use alpha hydroxy acid 8% gel (Paula's Ch ice Cosmetic Brand) during the day and it ended the flaky dry skin that I used to have plus it helped me clear up faster. My skin is as clear and smooth as a babies bottom and I haven't even finished my 5 month accutane therapy yet! I am not a doctor and I can't really give medical advice but I think the people that have problems with the accutane probably don't drink enough water to help flush the drug out of their system. From the postings that I've seen and the people I talk to th ones that drink alot of water 2-3 gallons a day, they seem to have no or just minimal side effects from the drug, and you have to stay away from the alcohol. I also drink lemon water (fresh lemon) I take alfalfa herbal supplements also to cleanse my sys em. This works for me but everyone is different. I know this is alot of information but do your research and find out what works for other people who have sucessfully used this drug. Then think about how good it will feel to walk into work or school and not wonder if everyone is looking at your pimples. Envision yourself with clear blemish free maintenence free skin, the kind of skin you deserve and you really should have.. I would not wish acne on my worst enemy. People never see the real you when you have acne they just look at your face and wonder w y you don't use the creams they see on tv. One lady actually asked me why I did not use those pimple pads and creams she saw on TV (what a laugh). Only you can decide what is right for you. Take care of yourself. Coweyes

Ryan - 03/15/00 23:41:05
Age: 18
Country: Aussie

Life so far on roaccutane has been hell. All of the symptoms I was told about have come, the worst ones are a loss of memory, major depression and extreme tiredness. As I go to university it is hard for me to stay awake in lectures,and by the end of the ay I can't study because I am exhusted. My depression comes from the fact that I cant do any sport, my muscles ache and I feel sick. People have their own ways of relieving stress, mine is sport,without it depression sets in. I just hope that roaccutan works for me. I have beeen on it for 6 weeks with no major improvment. Does anyone else get swollen figure tips and bleeding around the nails??? Thanks and Good Luck

Tome - 03/15/00 23:29:01
Age: 21
Gender: female
Country: US

Hi there. I just started accutane about 3 weeks ago and right now dryness is my biggest problem. My derm said not to use moisturizer because it would slow the drug's effects, but everything else I've been reading seems to say that moisturizing is a good idea. Could anyone give me some advice?

SP - 03/15/00 23:13:27

Rianne honey I'm so sorry you're having such a hard time right now (((RIANNE)))

saba - 03/15/00 21:52:47
Age: 17

hey you all, i'm a 17 year old girl who is suffering from acne.i have tried did help but the effect was only derm just recently prescribed me,i've heard all about its bad side effects so i'm a bit reluctant to go ahead a d try it.can any of you guys please tell me whether i should go ahead and give it a try or not.i really want a permanent you really think that all this drynes and aching of joints is worth it?i'm really sick of my acne and want to get rid of it as soon as you think accuatane is the answer?you can mail me on!

Lana - 03/15/00 21:29:28
Age: 17
Gender: female
Country: uk

I had terrible depression bouts on second month of treatment, could not concentrate on study, had nightmares and morbid thoughts and had memory failure similar to Ryan. was told by derm that it was my imagination and could not be roaccutane.continued on r acc and things was terrible, constantly crying, stressed, world closing in on me, did not want to see my family and friends, thought i was going insane, dropped my study, just stayed in my room staring at books but could not concentrate, it was so scary. n third month my mother insisted i go to fmily doctor as she was worried about me. broke down completely and told doctor how i felt. i was sure that i would be put in luney bin and all i wanted to do was to go away anywhere and die. my acne was mild and i never thought that a drug for acne could cause problems , particularly depression as i am the most balanced and happy person with great family and friends. was sent for scans and sent to psychatrist who immediately took me off roaccutane. within days i fe t myself getting better and eventually my sanity returned. the psychatrist and my family and family doctor and my friends now tell me i am back to the way i was before taking roaccutane, i feel much betteram back to study and loving life, but this experie ce will be hard to forget. have since learned that roaccutane has warning for depression and suicide thoughts. i am certain it set me crazy and that i was losing my mind. the worst horror is that derm allowed me to continue on roaccutane, that is unforgiv ble.i ws afraid to tell anyone cause i was sure they would have me locked up and i would not survive being locked up in mental hospital. I just thank my mother for making me go to family doctor and that i did break down and told her everything. the family doctor did not know about warnings for roaccutane and she now has sent my case to medical counsel. it is a crazy drug for some people.hope this helps someone out there.keep up the good work in having a site, i desperately need to know if roaccutane can ca se brain damage, please help

Kevin - 03/15/00 20:16:25
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Country: US

Oh yeah, one more thing I forgot to mention in my last post. After I saw my derm and got the prescription for Accutante, I found that I couldn't afford it! Price for 40mg twice a day was $479 per month! But I lucked out, because since I don't have insu ance the company (Roche) will send me a free supply- all I have to do is fill out a form. I guess it's a tax writeoff, according to the nurse I talked to. Anyway, I am getting my entire 6 month course free. If you don't have insurance you might want to talk to the dermatologist about it.

Just Me - 03/15/00 19:58:26
Age: 35
Gender: Female
Country: UK

Sorrie!!! Del, yeah, got it!! (DUH!!!) - me being in a rush again! Well at least I fix the bold that is defaulting on everyone's post when I post for everyone else !! (grins)!!

Just Me - 03/15/00 19:56:20
Age: 35
Gender: Female
Country: UK


Just Me - 03/15/00 19:56:15
Age: 35
Gender: Female
Country: UK

Hi everyone - Hi Jasmine! I'm so happy that your NONO turned up today!! This is a mega quickie (hopefully!) - dinner is getting ready.... will write you at my Board later tonite ....

Rianne, I do emphathise what you're going through as I've been there and only just a few months ago - say 4-5 or so ie I had to take a week off work each month as I had pretty bad cystic acne and right bang in the middle of my face for all to see and it w s humungous!! I work with professionals and I am in daily contact with them and I know how low the self esteem goes when you know people are staring at you and wondering why on earth you have acne and some don't even know it's acne and ask "What's tha on your face?" which makes it even more embarassing! Argh! I know how you feel and Jasmine, I know how you feel too, as I've been there. I know that desperate feeling ... of being so hopeless. Hang in there and sooner or later, you'll come across the 'ingredients' that work for you and that you're happy to embark on .. be strong!

Sonia - hi! The cream I use for the red scars is Vitamin E from HealthAid, High Potency Cream. It's from a company based in Middlesex in England, well that's what it says on the packet. I buy the cream from a health shop in reenwich Market, London. I've tried to find it on the internet but so far can't find it yet ... Not sure if they sell it in the US. It's not greasy at all - in fact when you put it on it doesn't feel like you have it on as it's very matt and goes right into the skin. Prior to using this I never used creams at all. I came across it by chance as it says on the outside that it's for scars. It really does work as prior to using this I never used any moisturiser cream on my face at all, being it's so oily and I had red scars for years ie the same one for years on my cheeks, which just never went away - I thought they were there for life until I used this Vitamin E cream and about (at a guess) 3 months of using it my red scars have reduced by 50% already!! The red scars are on both my cheeks and on the forehead too - ie the scars are slowly disappearing. Prior to using it I wouldn't have believed that a Vitamin cream could reduce scars but now I do!

Dinner bell has just gone off so gotta go ... Take care, JM.

Anxious mum - 03/15/00 19:55:36
Age: 15
Gender: male
Country: UK

My son started his Roaccutane [2 x 20mg a day] on 3 3 00. Change is very gradual. Dry lips, unable to wear soft, daily disposable lens. His skin seems a little drier but no great improvement in zit activity as yet. I suppose it is early days yet. Much ago ising over whether I should allow him to take the drug in the first place. Any signs of major side-effects will probably convince me to take him off them. So far, so good though. I wonder if he is a little young, but the acne he has had for the last six m nths has already scarred and I did not want him to suffer any more lasting damage. Prevention seemed better than a cure. The dermatologist he sees was very keen to put him on Roaccutane. Only been on antibiotics for 3 months, but no real improvement. This web site has been a real help.

Kevin - 03/15/00 19:55:03
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Country: US

Hi, I've been on accutane about a week now, and thought I would share my experiences and update them now and then, to let others know how things have been going as well as to help myself keep track. I am 150 lbs and my derm put me on 40 mg's twice a day for ix months. I have read about many Many people who have been on a lesser prescription- 40mg a day for 4 months - does anyone know if I will be able to stop taking it after four months? My acne is moderate to mild, a little worse on my back, but I was kin of suprised my derm prescribed it, maybe it was because my skin is so oily. Anyway, about 6 days in my skin and lips started getting dry, but I began drinking about 4 times as much water as normal and using some 'Aquaphor' the derm gave me and that really helps, they're find now. I haven't experienced dry eyes or joints yet, but it's early. My derm told me to take 1200 mg of calcium and 1000 IU of vit E daily and that would alleviate most of those symptoms, so that might help those of you with some of those problems. I have developed a slightly red scalp, a little flaky and itchy but not unstandable. If anyone has any similar symptoms or a good way to deal with that, please let me know. This is only week 1, so I'll keep everyone updated with the progress, I'm keeping a personal journal myself so I can watch closely how it goes, but hopefully not so close that I don't see the results myself :)

Jason - 03/15/00 19:41:59
Age: 22
Gender: male
Country: Canada

I have been on accutane for 35 days now and everything is looking great so far. All the scars from years of acne are becoming apparent since all the acne has either dried up or disappeared. I still have a few zits on my back but thats about it. My face and entire body is becoming very dry, i find it very difficult to open my mouth sometimes because it might jap (specially after facing my face). Anyways i will keep u people up to date with my experience on accutane as i am on it. See u later dudes (ema l me if you guys have any questions i would be very thankful to answer them as best as I can). Lates

Rianne - 03/15/00 19:20:26

A big, big thank you to Jasmine and Jules for your messages. It means so much to me because I feel so terrible at the moment (that is a huge understatement). It's hard to describe but I know you understand so well. (Please, for those who CAN cope with a ne, well, that's good, but some of us CANNOT & if you could see my face at the moment you would well understand why). I have to go to a meeting for work tonight and I just don't know where to begin - getting myself ready. I feel like I'm trapped in a ni htmare. No amount of make-up, concealer, NOTHING will hide the condition of my skin. It's at times like this when you wish you lived on an unhabited island in the middle of nowhere. I'll have to go now....I'd much rather stay in and talk with you. You know how it feels. Tonight I'll be with people who have smooth skin and I'll stand out like a sore thumb. I'm sorry, I CAN'T ignore is much too bad for that. I'm not coping all. Oh, I MUST go...I'm well behind schedule already...I' l speak to you soon. Thanks again Jasmine and Jules...I feel better just knowing that you're there for me. I can't thank you enough.... Lots of love and lots of luck and lots of thanks. Rianne.

Jules - 03/15/00 18:35:19
Age: 28
Gender: Male
Country: UK

Rianne, I'm really sorry to hear that things are still bad for you, I can't even begin to imagine how you must feel. I can however relate to what CHL said about blood coming through your shirt. For me it was in the morning after a shower when the scabs fr m spots came off. Haven't had that for years, but I remember how awful and miserable and embarressed it made me feel! Also when someone would smack me on the shoulder in a friendly way and I would try to avoid wincing with pain!

Anyway, about five yea s ago I did an amateur stage production and it involved taking my shirt off on the stage. I can't tell you how nervous I was about that. Luckily a girl I knew at the time was a beauty therapist and she recommended that I use Clarins products on my back. I really helped, used a couple of times a week. The products which she used were Clarins clay mask, body scrub and oil control cleansing gel. They are not cheap, but they really helped to reduce the amount and the inflamation of spots. If you can only get ne, get the clay mask!

I also had a face tanner (by Philips) and I used to tan my shoulders with it. The combination of the two things really made so much diffence.

I really hope something works for you Rianne. Also bear in mind that all scars reduce with time, no matter how deep, and technological advances are happening all the time, so who knows what may be available in a couple of years. Good luck to you!

To all: My skin is now clear again (week 13 and a half. It was clear for ages, then I had three huge spots on the jawline, but they have now gone. I think they were the last deep rooted ones! I still have that tanned look from the Roaccutane, but I kind o like it! People keep asking me if I have been abroad! Still use Vit E lip balm from body shop and Nivea Soft with Vit E and Johoba. Palmolive shaving gel with Vit E.

Jasmine - 03/15/00 18:19:08
Age: 33
Country: U.K.

Hi RIANNE.I'm so sorry your skin has taken a turn for the worse.I don't know what we can do about it all.Like you I am very down about it and finding it hard to cope.I don't really get out anyway because of my bad health but I used to be able to go to fri nd's houses or have people round to see me but at the moment I've even stopped that.It makes the world very small only seeing a very few people who I feel very comfortable with.My acne is so terrible and now with these 3 brown patches on my skin I don't k ow whether to stop using the cream or what.If it wasn't for my bad health I suppose I would have to carry on as in go to work etc. but I know I would be extremely miserable about it.I think it's a series of things that makes you feel unable to cope and th acne is like the icing on the cake so to speak.You and me must be the only ones who can't take Roaccutane.I recently made an appointment with Dr.Chu.He is the founder of the acne support group and I figure if anyone knows a combination of treatment that ight work it's him.The down side as usual is that the first available appointment and that is private was the 6th July.I made the appointment anyway and if by some miracle my skin is ok I can always cancel it.It goes to show how popular he is if private t at is the soonest date.A lot of desparate people out there.I'm just so sick of having acne.Why us.I feel we should have a break after 22 years of suffering don't you.My heart goes out to you Rianne and I'll be thinking of you.I had another cry this mornin .It definitly grinds away at your self esteem over the years.I find it worse the older I get because at least when you are younger other people have bad skin and you have the hope that it will go away.If someone had said to me when I was 17 or so that I w uld still have acne at 33 I probably would have topped myself.Well maybe not but you know what I mean.Nobody really understands unless they have it themselves with the :it doesn't look that bad or a male friend of mine said the other day on the phone.Spla h your face 10 times a day with cold water and eat healthy.Mmmm why didn't I think of that.Suffered for years and all I had to do was splash my face with cold water!!!We will keep each other going while we feel so down and I hope things turn around for us soon.Take care and speak soon love Jasminexx

Valerie - 03/15/00 16:14:30
Age: 25
Gender: female
Country: USA

I started accutance on Jan 1st and stopped on Feb 7th because I noticed that the veins in my forehead(around my temples) and throughout my chest became visible. My derm was not sure if this was caused by accutane so I stopped taking it for appox. 31/2 we ks and the veins are still here. I started taking it again around March 3rd. Has anyone started, then stopped, then started again? I was wondering what I should expect? Also has anyone else noticed there skin becoming much thinner where it looks almos transparent in certain spots and does it return to normal once the course of accutane is done?

Sonia - 03/15/00 16:02:06

Me again :-). Someone was asking abt cleansers. I find TEA TREEOil FACE WASH from Body Shop really good. I also use the t.t.oil freshener on top of that, which also helps it from over-drying. I also spend abt 15 mins each time I wash my face- probably ove -doing it, but as long as u're gentle, I think it gives a good "stimulation"/ massage. Thanks JOHN for the advice abt AHA/BHA. Ages ago, there was someone who mentioned abt MD FORMULATIONS in his post. If u're reading this, could u please tell me more like whether u found them effective or not in getting rid of the red marks. Cheers. SOnia

Sonia-TO "JUST ME" - 03/15/00 15:50:25
Age: 22
Country: UK

Hi there, u mentioned earlier that u were using a vit E cream on your face to help reduce the marks- could u please give me the name of the product. I was looking for one as well, but couldn't find any that didn't contain some oily stuff. Thanks, Sonia.< r>
Kara - 03/15/00 15:45:06
Age: 25
Gender: female
Country: USA

Week 16...still breaking out, but not as badly,and the accutane seems to work pretty quickly to clear up spots- one or two days, and the inflamation seems to go down, just leaves a red mark. I have rashes on the back of both hands, which is not so fun, b t tolerable. Fatigue and muscle/joint pain is high. I usually work out 3 to 4 times a week, quite rigorous aerobics, weight training etc...but have had to cut back. I can sympathize with my mom who has arthritis and fibromyalgia (spelling?). I think h ving acne and being on Accutane has made me a stronger person and more patient and more compassionate towards others...less judging of people and their differences. Even though some days I feel like sitting down and crying over this, I know it's what I'm like on the inside as a person...and as a person who used to have perfect skin, I've been on both sides. Hang in there everyone...I'm getting my hair highlighted on Saturday...hope it doesn't dry it too much. I blow dry every day and it's been fine, so 'm not too concerned, although I did call my derm and ask if it would be okay, and he said yes. Enough of my babbling, take care, stay hopeful, know that you all are not alone!!

Sonia-To Mark C. - 03/15/00 15:29:36
Age: 22

Dear Mark Are u sure it's not acne rosea/rosacea(I'm not sure) coz that's when the nose gets red and the skin on top of it a bit thickened-my flatmate has got it. Or it could be some form of nasal dermatitis, brought upon by roacc- did it come after u started the treatment? If it did, then there is a high chance it will go once u stop the treatment. I suggest u do some research on that kind of acne- which isn't like the normal one, from what I've heard. Take care,SOnia.

Rianne - 03/15/00 15:29:19
Age: 35
Gender: female

Jasmine...just a little're not alone! I'm breaking out in the most awful red lumps and bumps....despite everything I'm trying. I really just don't know what to do next. My face is already so scarred and all these new spots & bumps are go ng to add more scars. I don't know what I've done to deserve this for so long, I really don't. I'm so sick of battling with my skin, it's ruining me. When I spoke to my GP yesterday we ran through the treatments and he is doing all he can and is very s mpathetic. Roaccutane seems the only certain cure and I can't take it because of my health problems. (please no questions about why because I've been through it so many times now) I just don't know WHAT to do. I can't not go out, I have to work, go for shopping, etc. & I have to try and carry on as normal if I can. I'm just finding it so hard, so very, very hard. My face looks such a mess, it's terrible. Really terrible. With the scars and the acne it looks unbelievable. I can't bear it. Lots of l ve, luck and thanks to you all. Rianne.

Mike K. - 03/15/00 15:02:11
Age: 16
Gender: male
Country: USA

does anyone have a solution or helpful advice for the sore muscles caused by acutane? i compete at the highest level in soccer and am finding it almost unbearable to play right now. any advice would be appreciated..mail me. thanks.

Ursula - 03/15/00 11:13:11
Age: 27

Ginger, Thank you for your reply. Yes I still get breakouts but not like pre- Accutane days. My skin will clear up completely and the next day there are a couple of spots. I also can't wait for this stage to be over. Do you also experience joint pains?. M knee is so sore and my Derm said that I should take 1 x Myprodol a day for the pain, however I don't believe that this could be too good for you so I am bearing the pain. The Eczema is slowly clearing up after he gave me an ointment. Good luck to you too Ginger and I hope we'll be able to look back after our course and be really satisfied!

Al - 03/15/00 10:40:02
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Country: UK


Somethings bugging me - anyone got any input on this . . .

Well, I finish RoA in mid-June all being well and I believe this will be ok as I'm pretty clear and feel confident that by then I'll be almost if not entirely clear. I asked my derm. about scar treatment to my face following RoA and she said we will cross that bridge when we come to it and that it would be about a year after RoA to let my skin settle. The thing is I presume this long time period is to let your skin heal up as much as possible so that the scar treatment will be most effective. However, working full-time means that Christmas is the best time for me to consider treatment as I can take off about three weeks easily to allow my face to return to a degree of normality. This would mean I would have been off of RoA for about 6 months nd my face (fingers crossed) will be clear. Has anyone had peels/laser/collagen etc. after RoA an if so how long after and what's the difference between 6 and 12 months if my skin is healed and settled.

Thanks in anticipation, Al.

P.S. RoA going fine at 4 weeks completed today - side effects bareable (dry lips a bit chapped; small rash/pigmentation on one hand; face not over dry but less oily; bit lethergic when attempting heavy exercise; break-out on back fully recovered; skin see s to have changed in texture and those horrible little buggers seem to have stopped intruding on my face).

Rianne - 03/15/00 09:54:32

Well said Chinese Herb Lady!!! Your post was just great and expressed a lot about how some of us feel. I've always said before that "some people can handle acne and some just CANNOT". Because we can't cope with it doesn't make us any worse or better th n others. I think we're strong's the hardest thing in the world to face social situations with a skin full of red and pus-filled sores. (This is old stuff for me, I've said this many, many times before) Thanks C.H.L. for putting it over so c early! Hi to Marcus, Jasmine, Just Me, Fish, Amae & all. Love, luck and thanks, Rianne.

Ryan - 03/15/00 09:28:20
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Country: Australia

I have been on roaccutane for about 6 weeks. Last week i thought i noticed some improvement but it has just started to get really bad. I used to play a lot of sport but due to the side effects i have trouble even walking without my muscles aching. I als seem to have lost my short term memory, has anybody else experienced this? One of the painful side effects is my finger tips, they constantly bleed and are always swollen, my dermatologist said that this was from thining of the skin around the nail and he nail cuts through the flesh causing the bleeding, does anyone experienced this and has any ideas how to prevent this. Thanks

elle - 03/15/00 07:33:57
Age: 15
Gender: female
Country: Scotland

Hi,first i'd like to say how much i've appreciated the support from you all,thanks.Today is my first day of off accutane,I don't know what to expect.Will my face go red?I have one spot on my face and a few on my back(is anyone elses back taking longer to lear up?)I have alot of staining stiil,how long will they take to clear up.I'd really appreciate if somone could answer my questions.I'm feeling a bit excited,it's going to feel unusual not taking any tablets.Anyway good luck to all and stick in there!Tha ks

ROB - 03/15/00 07:33:55

Brooks_ I have finished Roaccutane 2 1/2 weeks ago. Things are starting to settle down. my lips are no longer too dry. How long after treatment did your skin return to normal? My face it still a bit red and still looks a bit sensitive and aggrevated! I ha e one little pimple on my upper lip. I hope this is not a sign of more to come. Thanks ROB.

Chinese Herb Lady - 03/15/00 03:19:13
Age: 36

Hello all, I want to express to everyone that feel what you need to feel. I was an acne sufferer for about 20 years and I want to make sure that people know acne may very well run your world. Mine did. And you know what, that is o.k. Some of those who say not to let it run your life, I suppose they mean well, but...they sound just like every clear complexioned _________ that has said the very same thing. They have no idea. I know that I used to do the best I could considering and there were alot of bad times. Go with your feelings. Maybe try a little sensitivity . IT IS OK TO FEEL AWFUL ABOUT ACNE. And it is comforting to some to hear your experiences so that they know their not alone. That I know of this is a disease and it is not something th t we did to ourselves. Often times people who think they are encouraging those with acne actually are being downright insensitive. Feelings should not be discounted. Feelings are very important. They are a signal for us. For those insensitive soles, w y don't you speak with the "I" messages. Let's see how your saying "Don't let it run your life" sounds with the "I" message. Hmmm "I won't let your acne run my life" Yeah, that sounds better. If an acne sufferer doesn't feel like seeing anyone, that is o.k. Get my drift. Be who you need to be, feel what you need to feel. This is a wonderful web site. Acne can be a terrifying disease. There are so many situations sufferers do not want to be caught in because the dark red spots (especially on light co plexion) are horrifying or maybe the spots that leak plasma or maybe the ones that bleed. I quit college way back in 1991 because I had very large cyts on my shoulders that were bleeding through my shirrt(just in case a letter goes missing). How embarra ing that was. Those were spots that I hadn't even touched. How bout when the spots are healing and (if your lucky enough to be able to wear make up) they crack and bleed in the middle of the day while you are trying to work or eat. How bout if you have 10 or 20 scabs (lovely) and you look like a big scab. Then there is going to the Doctor, Dentist, Hairdresser, work, school, Grocery store, and store, let's not even mention a DATE. Sufferers have to discount there feelings already when going anywhere. T ere must be good ways to give encouragement. I have seen many on this page. I would like to encourage those who make comments about how Acne shouldn't run the sufferer's life to consider in your comments that IT MAY VERY WELL RUN A SUFFERERS LIFE.

Aaron - 03/15/00 02:12:07
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Country: England

Hi All, Its coming up to my next derm appointment this Friday (40mg). Last time, she said I would probably be ready to come off, I was kinda hoping I would but Im not sure now she will say so now. Although my face is pretty good, I still get occasional spots, especially under my chin when a big lump is as well as a couple of spots taking ages to go. Also, my back is still pretty bad. I was kinda hoping I would stop roacutane so that I could use some other thing to clear up the red marks and hopefully something for the scarring. I dont know if I can cope another 8 weeks... I can handle the side effects just about - but i just so much want to stop and have clear skin. Its getting me really down:-(

To the "Doctor" - 03/15/00 01:19:06

...And let's hear some of your "relapse rates" on "suppressive" therapy also. Say 70-80% relapse (even higher) with "conventional" "treatment"? I noticed you were eager to plug your web site too.

Brooks POST ACCUTANE - 03/15/00 01:11:27
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Country: Ontario Canada

*****ATT******Have been off Accutane for FIVE MONTHS NOW....have had two little little very zits since! Accutane is the best.....If anyone has any questions or comments etc. please e-mail me! I'd be happy to help anyone! Best to all- ~Brooks~

Just Me - 03/14/00 22:27:02
Country: UK

Hi everyone ... Jasmine :o) - you'll soon be running out of batteries so I hope you got plenty (smiles)! Will write you tonite ... though I'm hoping to stay on just another 10 mins or so and get an early nite tonight ... I'm really tired from a l my 1.00am shifts lately! (yawns!). Hi Rianne :) ...

Just wanted to say that the voy forums sites re back up again and so is my site (yeah!) so y'all can go visit (smiles)!

Nite! JM

VantMaS - 03/14/00 22:16:30
Age: 18
Gender: male
Country: usa

Douglas Grose- hey, thanks for the informative post. I have been wrestling whether to take Retin-A after accutane treatment, my 5 month course, most of the time on 80 mg's. I am sick of applyieng things on my face so i would rather not have retin-a, but if u see a signifigant approvement and maybe even a reduction in the chance of acne recurrence with people that use retin-a after treatment? whats your policy on after treatment face care? any info would be greatly appreciated, thanks.

Douglas Grose - 03/14/00 21:30:41
Age: 54
Gender: Male
Country: Australia

I am a Doctor with a special interest in acne. I have read the personal experiences page with interest. I try to avoid using Roaccutane as much as possible as I have concerns about the long term effects (20 - 30 years from now) of this drug. I am also in erested to hear from people who are 6 to 12 months after FINISHING Roaccutane to see if their skin remained clear. My experience is that the relapse rate without correct skin care after treatment is very high (20 to 30 percent). It is my belief that exfoliation is the key to most patients acne problem. The two components of the follicular plug are oil and dead skin cells. The third component in females is the particles in makeup. If you reduce oil production (Diane 35), don't add oil to your skin (oil based moisturizers, sun screen creams (use gels)) and exfoliate daily using a GENTLE scrub (we like one with 14% Glycolic Acid in it) then most patients will see a significant improvement. Use non comedogenic makeup (we like the Jan redale range). The best antibiotic in my experience is Bactrim (Trimethoprim/Sulphmethoxazole) as it covers both P. Acne and Staph Epidermidis, the two most common bacteria in acne. There is a page on my web site with more detailed information on acne treatment without Roaccutane. For those who can not tolerate Roaccutane or have had several courses and still have problems, the information may be helpful.

Nicola Keenan - 03/14/00 21:27:13
Age: 29
Gender: female
Country: Ireland

I have been on Roactutane for three weeks and already can see an improvement in the scaring on my skin. I had/have acne on my back and have found it embarassing to wear anything other than something to cver my whole back. I am really pleased with what i h ve seen so far. I feel really good and the only side effect I seem to be experiencing is chapped lips. I've tried vaseline and blisteze but no real improvement. Any suggestions? The other side effect is from the pill, loygynon, I have really sore swollen reasts, again any suggestions? Bye Nicola

Rianne - 03/14/00 21:09:33

Thanks Marcus for the information about the zinc. I think I might pick up a book on vitamins/minerals etc. when I'm next in town & see what it advises. I hope that you're okay and not having too rotten a time of it. Please let us know how you are. You ve been so very good & helpful Marcus & it's certainly been appreciated a LOT! I'm pleased that your skin is good though. One less hassle eh?! I've started taking the evening primrose on a regular basis now too. It says on the bottle to take 2000mg. p r day so I'm doing that. I saw my GP today and he agreed that I was having such a battle with my skin and that it was unusual for acne to go on for this long. Anyway Marcus, good luck with everything and I hope things settle down for you soon. I'm stil taking the saw palmetto and I'm sure it will help my skin. Jasmine, I hope that you are managing okay and that the NONO will work well for you. Please let us know how you're getting along Jasmine. As always, lots of love, luck and thanks to my friends out there - you're the best! Rianne.

Steve - 03/14/00 21:06:40
Age: 26
Gender: male
Country: 26

Sorry, I haven't been here in a week so I thought I owed a few good posts. Spring is around the corner.

Steve - to Dino - 03/14/00 21:05:21
Age: 26
Gender: male
Country: US

Dino, you're right about the sun's effects but you are wrong about the causes. Ultraviolet light makes your skin swell with blood as a reaction to the destruction of healthy cells. This effectively cuts off your sebaceous glands and stops them from secret ng sebum. The down side to this is the sebum overproduction that occurs once you stop exposing your skin to ultraviolet light. It happened to me hardcore and my GP calls it "fall acne". He says that it is a real phenomenon among young women.

Steve - to Everyone - 03/14/00 20:56:45
Age: 26
Gender: male
Country: US

I have had persistent mild to moderate worsening acne since about 23. If some one had told me back then that I would be taking accutane now I would have told them that they are full of it. Now that I look back I wish I had taken this drug three years ago ecause I would have prevented the inevitable scarring caused by adult acne. If you are in your early twenties and you are just now developing acne you need to face the fact that, without accutane treatment, it is not going to get any better and in most ca es it will get worse. If you are hesitant to take accutane you also need to realize that you will either be able to handle it or you won't. The sooner that you find out your tolerance to the drug's side effects the sooner you can get on with your life. If you can tolerate accutane hesitating will only deprive you of a treatment which may effectively prevent acne and if you can't tolerate it hesitating will only continue to give you false hope. I am just trying to say that if you are interested in taking ac utane find out sooner whether you can tolerate rather than later because if you wait and find out you can take it permanent scarring may have already occurred.

steve - to "That Girl" - 03/14/00 20:43:01
Age: 26
Gender: male
Country: US

Hi everyone. This post goes out to the girl who emailed me but had an unreachable address(at least through my server). You're not going to like this but I would not recommend treating your hair in any way while your taking accutane. I know that you haven' experienced the effects of this drug but you will understand after about a week or two into treatment. You won't have any problem with your hair if you refrain from heat and chemical treatments. This includes blow drying. A girl I knew in college who took accutane had to stop straightening her her because it started coming out. She ende up using only a natural conditioner to kill friz and everything was fine. I think what you need to know is that accutane drys your hair and skin excessively, including your folicles. Anything you do on top of that is only further weakening your scalp. Go natural and you will be much better off.

Shawn - 03/14/00 19:50:11
My Email:googaboo@uswest,net
Age: 25
Gender: Female / 1 month post-Accutane treatment
Country: Colorado, USA

1 month post-Accutane -- all is awesome. No new blemishes, all dryness is gone, eyes are back normal (i.e. night vision, dryness, etc.), no more chapped lips, no more dry hair, no more dry bung, etc., etc., etc. But all is good, and using Retin-A as pos -treament to smooth out some of the red marks. There ARE like 1 or 2 scars (little indentations) which I hope get smoothed out by the Retin-A, but only time will tell that. Also, all the redness is gone in my face so it matches the rest of my body. Hah . Also, I was the one who posted about the decaying teeth. And from what I was told by my doctor as well as 2 dentists, if you have dry mouth (and we all know how Accutane dries EVERYTHING) that it promotes tooth decay more so than when there is saliva resent etc. So before there are any lashes out that it doesn't, just keep it in the back of your mind and see you dentist regularly. But aside from that I'm EXTREMELY pleased with the results! Can't wait until summer so I can tan and look even better! Well, see you all next month.

Mark Carloni - 03/14/00 18:58:27
Age: 17
Gender: male
Country: south africa

i have had acne for over a year, however this is not on my cheeks but on my lower part of my forehead and on the bridge of my nose moving along my cheekbones ,just touching my cheeks, however, there is an unsightly redness there, i have been told it is fr m infection but i dont know, it is a bit inflammed to.2 months ago i went on roaccutane and the spots have got better, however the redness is still there, is this the redness from the roaacutane or is it still from the spots, my skin used to be olive colo r please tell me if it will go back to its original colour when i am finished on my course of 4 months on 60mg,the redness is still in the same place. Thanx ..please reply soon Mark Carloni

Thomas - 03/14/00 18:26:25
Age: 18
Gender: male

Let me first say that this really is a terrific page. I haven't found any other site which deals so thoughtfully and succintly with the facts, implications, and effects of acne. I sympathize will all of you, I have been suffering from acne for three years and it has a been a true emotional and social burden. I first started off using minocin with retian A and benzamycin gel. This managed to eradicate my cysts but my general acne was still terrible and it was no big improvement. Everyone i have spoken to ag ees that minocin is a shitty and usless treatment. Don't waste your time. After a year of minocin, I switched to trimothorpin and replaced the retin A topical ointment with isotrex. My skin has improved but to me it's always awful. Remember that people do 't see your acne as bad as you do. We are so senstive to it that we analyze it constantly and we know immediately when we get a new spot etc. IN reality, most people merely just see spots, they don't focus in on it. I know how it feels when you can't bare to look at people in the eye. For me, I hate bright sunlight and light. I feel SO much more comfortable in a dark pub or club because then my skin looks quite good. Don't let acne hurt your social life - I know that's easy to say but just say "stuff it." I noticed an earlier post that talked about how life is too short and precious to sit at home and fret about acne, i agree entirely. I don't know what else to say, this site is overwhelming. It's comforting to know that there are others who face the same fe rs and feel the same uneasiness. Acne has destroyed my self confidence - I was utterly convinced I was ugly, disgusting and so on. Then bizarrely (as i thought at the time) a really good looking girl (who i had fancied for a long time) made an approach to me and it's been going good ever since. Moral of the story: your acne is not as bad as you think it is. I continue to wage the war against acne, it's frustrating and depressing but I'm just holding on, waiting for the day when I can wake up in the morning without analyzing every groove and contour of my face. This is an inspiring site, I hate to get soppy but I admire you all immensely. Acne is a horrible disease, the bane of many teenagers (including me) but don't let it control your life. I just have a few technical questions: what soap should I use? my dermatoligist didn't recommend anything so I am currently using (for the past year) Johnson and Johnson PH 5.5 senstive skin facial wash. Is that ok? or should i use something more senstive Does anyone else have any experience with trimeothorepin? I'm hesitant to go on roactuane because everyone now tells me my acne is too mild and such to warrant a strong treatment (i'm also worried about not drinking - beer has been a saviour of sorts in aking me less self conscious and unconfident when going out). Sorry for the rambling nature of this post, I just felt I had to get this out. I feel for all of you, just hold on. Best of luck. Thomas

Matt - 03/14/00 18:00:53
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Country: USA

Dino--Thanks for the info, and I definitly agree. My derm said sun isn't really helpful to clearing acne, but then again he also said my diet had nothing to do with my acne either. From my own experiences it seems that greasy, fatty foods DO contribute o my acne and that sun DOES help my face clear up. I live in PA, so during the winter months I usually go to tanning beds once a week, depending on the current status of my acne. And I'll tell you, it's sad when I feel as though my face is clear and I'm in a chipper mood(not worrying about my acne) someone will always say,"Boy your face is so red". SO WHAT. It's really a downer when this happens. Here my face is clear yet it just isn't good enough. But I ignore it, as everyone else should. Hey, coul anyone tell me why so many people suggest not using soap? I've heard that people use some type of cleanser which doesn't have soap in it. Any info is greatly appreciated. Oh, and also, has anyone experienced that when acne is present you tend to just ot try getting a date?? So many times I get the looks from girls in class or just walking on campus, yet I don't know whether they think I'm good looking or whether they're starring at my acne. So I just assume they stare at my acne and just brush it off Well, have a great day and keep your chins up!

Katherine - 03/14/00 17:26:52
Age: 17
Gender: female
Country: Scotland

I wasn't intending to post anything, but looking down the board, it sort of hit me, just how much my life centred around the fact that I have acne. I suppose the way I behave because of it has become normality, and after a while I must have stopped thinki g about living life. Do you know I can't even remember the first time I began to get acne on my back? I don't remember a time when I could pick any item of clothing from a shop - halter necks, vest tops, scoop necked tops, even swim suits. I don't remembe a time when it wasn't instinctive to inspect my back in the mirror morning, noon, and night. I don't remember a time when the despair I felt in looking in the mirror didn't cause a lump in my throat. I don't remember a time when I could enjoy gym class, ecause the thought of the communal changing room scared me shitless. I don't remember a time when my friends asking me to go swimming or to the gym didn't cause me to break out in a cold sweat. I don't remember a time when the idea of sunbathing sounded ttractive. I don't remember a time when I didn't live in fear of someone seeing my spots through my white school shirt. I don't remember a time when I didn't flinch if someone touched my back or my neck. Now, however, my acne is receding, hopefully for go d, and I am beginning to do things I haven't done for years. When it finally goes away, the thing I will value most will not be the clear skin, but the freedom it will give me back. So, for all of you, just think of that freedom. You'll have it back one day.

Jasmine - 03/14/00 15:12:51
Age: 33
Country: U.K.

Hi everyone.To JUST ME I have just got my friend to get me some batteries for my No-No so I'm all ready for it to arrive.Thanks again and don't forget to give me the price so I can write you a cheque.Sorry to see your site is down again.How frustrating.MA CUS.Sorry your having a bad time.I hope things get better for you soon.Whatever you do don't leave the sites for good.Take care.Hi RIANNE,FISH,JULES,CHL and all.Oh yeh before I go I've developed 3 small brown patches on my face on top of all the acne.It m de me worried thinking it is hyperpigmentation as I know some creams and acne drugs can cause this but I rang like an NHS hotline sort of thing.It is a new thing instead of having to wait a week to get a doctors appointment.Anyway they got back to me and aid that they couldn't find any information saying that Skinoren does this.In actual fact it is used for hyperpigmentation.They advised me to carry on with the cream which I am but am still a bit worried so I managed to get my derm appointment brought for ard to next week.That is all I need brown patches as well as acne so I'll keep you posted on what the derm says.While I'm there I can also ask for the main derm and ask him if in reality a cream is going to clear up this amount of acne.Anyway that's it fo now.Byee love Jasminexx

Marcy - 03/14/00 15:01:46
Age: 30
Country: US

I wanted to post this for all of of those who are looking at this board for some encouragement. I am going on my 6th month and will have 1 month after this. My skin looks great now. Not perfect, by any means, but MUCH MUCH better than even a month ago. I didn't start seeing positive results until almost 4 months into the treatment. By month 5 my skin looked much better. Only breaking out at that time of the month. Now, going into month 6 I am very satisfied with the results. The first half of the t eatment was HELL!! I mean HELL! I didn't even want to look in the mirror. I didn't go out cuz I looked so horrible. I didn't know how my boyfriend could even stand to look at me. I guess my point is, hang in there. It does get better, even when you ook at yourself and wonder HOW can this get better??? The most important thing is to take the medicine religiously, drink lots of water, and be patient. I know that's hard -- believe me, I'm the most impatient person in the world. But it does get bette . I wish everyone luck. I like to think that this experience has taught me to be mor kind to people and try to like them for what's inside rather than their physical attributes. Good Luck To All!!!

Dino - 03/14/00 13:01:18
Age: 23
Country: USA

Matt, My Derm and I believe the summer time is better for you're skin because when you sweat it tends to naturally cleanse you're pores; some skins may differ. In the winter time when it gets chilli your pores don't get that natural cleansing and tend to log up. Ofcourse you would need to wash you're face more often when you sweat because you dont want the bacteria in the sweat glands do dry up in your pores. What I also seem to notice is the more sexually active I am with a partner, the more my face clea s up, that and with the other medication I'm taking, my face is saying "Who needs acuttane!" I believe the sex has something to do with hormones. Has anyone experience the same affect

Just Me - 03/14/00 12:15:56
Age: 35
Gender: Female
Country: UK

Hi all ... Hi Dell - didums!! I use Internet Explorer at home and everything looked normal on my home PC. This message board seems to like only basic html which is why the red code still showed up as I did close it (promise! ;o)! but it wante a double close as I used a double command with a single close, which would do the trick on any board, though not with a basic board. Dooohhh - lesson learnt!! Apologies for the inconvenience folks! I was in such as rush last nite as I was so tired and had a way to go before I could call it a night.... I know now only to use basic codes! I was also so excited that I wanted Jasmine to know her NONO gadget had arrived!! (grins)!! In my haste, ... you know the rest! ~~ I'm happy Del :) that you like m site ... yes, I have spent quite some time building it up - as said with the hope that if just one person benefits from it and it has a positive effect on their life, then it would have all been worthwhile! I think I summed it up last nite as I was on a mission role (grins)!!

BTW, I'm real bummed about this but my Board seems to have gone down again overnight - ie it's not just my Board but the whole Voy Forums site ie at which is a bumm. They probably have a technical glitch somewhere - this is really unus al to have a down site again so soon. Sorry guys!! I'll let you know when it's up and running again!

Marcus, hope you're doing okay .... and that you're back with us soon! Take care.

Have to go get something to eat now! Jasmine, keep an eye out on the postie (grins)! ... later :) JM.

Bec - 03/14/00 09:30:51
Age: 23
Gender: Female
Country: Australia

Thanks SP, much appreciated. Sorry I didn't put my e-mail last time, if anyone wants to ask me anything please write. Big hugs again

pad - 03/14/00 08:20:35
Age: 20
Country: us

I started having acne when i was about 16, when i hit about 17 1/2 i broke out terribly. My Derm. prescribed accutane for my first treatment. I had a terrible time coping, terrible break outs worsened. I don't believe it started getting even close to b tter until my derm decided to take me off of it. I took accutane for probably 6 months! 40mg doses twice a day. Soon as i ended my treatment i guess you could say it started working (A little ironic i guess). But either way i was clear. To make sure othing was coming back, the Doc put me on tetracycline. I had a few zits once in a while since but for the most part things were pretty clear. Within the last few months it seems as though my acne has made a comeback but not near as bad as before. I we t to the doc about a month ago and he set me up on Accutane for the second time. I am now in my third week and things aren't looking too cool i guess you could say. However, i believe that is just a reaction my skin is having to the early stages of the edicine. I am quite optimistic and know the next month or so will be quite a bitch but i have full confidence that i will soon look at a flawless face. This is very important due to the profession i am in. Yes, i am an actor. Overall, when i look at t e situation, i consider myself fortunate. That is, i know what its like to be on the other side of the table. I look at life in a much different perspective than i did before. I guess a blessing in disguise. (Not that having flawless skin wouldn't be blessing in itself), but the lesson taught me humility, which i have been forever changed. My acne problem is probably not near the harshness that i expect some of you to have after reading about what a tough time acne has caused you, but i know what it is like to not feel confident in yourself, and that is the meanest thing that any condition can do. I use to think people treated me different when i had clear skin (and they did), but it was amazing when i took a step back and realized how much i took m self out of life waiting for my skin to clear up. Almost like my entire life was on hold. Life is too short, no matter what you look like with a blemish or a scar, don't waste your life. Your life is too precious, don't be ashamed. Anyone who can only see the acne on your face instead of the person you are is not worth the time anyway. Don't let the condition of your face rule who you are. You are a living creature who has been blessed with life. Wake up tomorrow and introduce yourself to the world, be proud of the person you are, the way you treat yourself, the way you sympathize with everyone, the way you can have the strength to say i have a few zitz and i just don't give a flyin shit! Someday the acne will go away, and it's not in your control, o when they finally see that beautiful skin of yours, who's it going to be that's behind it? I feel for everyone who wrote here, i do. It's too bad something this crummy has happened to all you beautiful sympathetic people, but it will get better. It's how you get through it that makes the difference. I'll write in later some time to update the status of my second go round with accutane.

SP - 03/14/00 07:38:21
Age: 32
Country: Australia

bec...honey...I wish I could reach out and hug you too!!! since I can't...I'll send you this (((BEC)))

bec - 03/14/00 05:50:12
Age: 23
Gender: Female
Country: Australia

I'm not sure if this will help anyone,mainly for those not on roaccutane, like me, I'm still in the trying other things stage, my acne is a very recent thing (the last few months) and I'm hoping that I won't have to take roaccutane, whilst I know it's inc edibly effective, In Australia at least we're governed by NHS laws that prevent its distribution unless absolutely neccessary, I know how frustrating that can be, when a friend first told me about it (she took it because she acts on a soapie over here and was ordered by the director to clear up her skin or she'd be off, she had "wait for it": all of two spots at the time, and I've never known her to have problem skin, but being desperate she went off to a dermatologist and he prescribed accutane;- she said it worked great for her, she of cause told me all about the dryness, sun sensitivity, and redness, she actually took half her dose to minimise the redness and did not complete the full course, I think she took it for around three months, that was two year ago and she has had absolutely perfect skin since, I don't really think she's an average case, but of cause naturally when she told me about roaccutane, I thought that is absolutely the drug for me, my dermatologist however did not.) I know for many of you antibiotics have not been a cure and sympathasise with all of you over the years that you have struggled with this incredibly emotionally debilitating disease. Most of all it frustrates me that such a common affliction is not taken ore seriously by many GPs, over the past few months I've spoken to friends of mine who suffered severe acne in their teenage years, many of them found in general that their GPs were seriously unsympathetic on the whole. Even at age 23 I made sure that I t ok a friend or a family member to my appointments both to my doctor and to the dermatoligist, I knew these visits would be stressful and that I'd be bound to break down, knowing this I didn't want to miss out on finding out everything I needed to know, ie - what this medication will do for me, when could I expect to see some change, is a worsening in my skin normal, what do topical solutions do. I've taken these lists of questions with me everytime, feel like a bit of a gumbie but it helps, there's nothing worse that feeling like someone has looked at you for all of 30 seconds and just thrust another script into your hand with instructions to "see me again in four weeks"....sorry about the waffle but like everyone else here, this is just such a great place o vent. Anyway the dermatologist I went to was one of the good ones, really sympathetic, He actually recommended anti-depressants, I wouldn't recommend these for everybody obviously, but I've been totally stressed out, not sleeping, unable to eat and zero concent ation span, none of which would help your skin. I started taking them three weeks ago and since then I have been sleeping through the night and even though my skin is only just starting to look up I don't spend the day glued to the mirror willing it to ge better (I know many of you do). I've been on 1000mg a day (1st week) and 500mg a day (the second week), so alternating in other words for just on three weeks of Acrhromycin V (another of the tetracyclines I know you've all tried, I'm just writing this for anyone else out there is in a s milar position to mine, late first time acne, having not tried any drugs yet)My dermatologist spent a long time checking out my skin, rather nerve wracking experience, and concluded that mine was going to be "easy" to fix, I'm a born skeptic so we'll see. He said I have normal to dry skin (go figure the whole acne thing then) and told me to throw out all the face washes I'd been using and the topical solutions. I was so relieved when he said this as they just made my face really red and really aggravated m skin. I know Benzoyl peroxide works for some, many of my girlfriends swear my it, I was told that it's really important not to just smear it everywhere, just apply it directly to spots, I totally get the temptation to just coat yourself in it, don't, it' 'peroxide' so any "good" skin between the spots will only suffer. He told me just to use sunlight soap, about the cheapest soap you'll find in the supermarket, it is pretty good, a little drying if you have dry skin, but for those of you with oily skin ou'll find it actually makes you skin feel clean, unlike many cleansers that stay on your face after several rinses. My dermatologist also prescribed me a sulphur and calamine lotion to wear on my face at night, I also wear it in the daytime as well as I' fortunately able to work and study from home, he did say I could wear it under make up if necessary, I asked him if this might have caused my acne (I've worn makeup every day over the past six years, not a lot but some) and he said definately not as most reasonable makeup these days are made in such a way so as to not promote the growth of bacteria.Anyway the calamine and sulphur solution, what it basically does is draw any blocked oil glands to the surface and then a secondary medictaion either roaccutan or an antibiotic will start the bacteria from within, so for others of you topical solutions you are using will also do this, the calamine helps to calm your skin down, I still have spots and get new ones, but my face isn't really red nor does it hurt or itch. I also take Dianne-35 I've been on it for three months, it will take around 4-6 months to see any improvement with this drug, I asked my Derm about it, he said it wouldn't affect my skin, ie;- make it worse, but he basically said that the pill wouldn't d amtically help my skin, he wasn't terribly enamoured with the whole unbalanced hormones theory, his reasoning "women's hormones change on a daily basis and then what do we give the men?" so I'm still taking it, if it doesn't matter either way what can it urt? I saw him again yesterday and he was really positive about my progress, it's really hard to see any change when you look at your face daily isn't it? and you always concentrate on any new spots rather than the triumph of some departing. Again sorry this was so long, remember you're all really amazing people, wish I could reach out and hug you all, as I know how hard it is, to go out, go to work, get up and to be fair on yourself, none of it is your fault and I hope things start to improv soon for all of you, I was so relieved to discover this site as it gave been some really valuable advice and information for when I went to my dermatoligist for the first time and knowing there are other people doing it tough like me makes me feel less a one. RE: sunlight, he said absolutely, sunlight is vitamin A so those of you not on Roaccutane a little sun each day will definately help. RE: Diet I have a really healthy diet always have, but have made a real effort to cut out any excess oil or sugar, I drink about 3-4l of water a day and am a bit of gym junkie, whilst I don't think takeout food (for most people) will affect your skin, a b lanced and healthy diet will show all over your body. I have had the same diet for my whole life, so the idea that dramtically changing my diet, (which has never bothered by skin before this year), which is really good seems a little strange. I've ponder d what might have caused this outbreak, I can only think it was due to an incredibly stressful year in 99, my dermatologist tended to agree with both points..hope this babble helps, bye

Anne - 03/14/00 04:14:44
Age: 30
Gender: female
Country: Australia

While on Roaccutane can you put any non prescription lotions or creams on acne without consulting a doctor - are there any that make the acne less painful while waiting for the accutane to work - also is sorbolene OK as a moisturiser and cleanser???? And finally are there any vitamins or minerals that can be taken without stuffing around with the treatment? Thanks for any help

Dave - 03/14/00 03:20:51
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Country: Australia

Hello, ive had pimples when i hit 13. And since then ive had pimples, zits, acne, volcanoes watever u call them til now. I know how all these other people because ive been through the same. When i was like 15 i would start to get acne, and it was a terrib e for me during that time. Girls were in my head and thats wat all i was thinking about, i would do anything in my power to clear my face, but unluckily i didnt suceed. Even some of my good friends would tease me about my acne which made me depressed, the had clear smooth zitless skin and i envied them. One of them even made a name for me "rumplepimple skin" which came from rumplestilzskin, that fairytale. That hurt me so much because all my friends laughed at me. Everytime i went out, i would try to cove my face as much as possible so that no one would see how ugly i was. And in the 10th grade we had a dinner, a formal as we call it. I didnt go because i didnt want people to look at my face and how ugly it was. I made excuses as to not to go. I had tried everything from Differin, Clearasil, Mynomycin, and cultural medicines to acheive a clean and clear face. And still i couldnt suceed until i finally decided to take roaccutane. Roaccutane was a bit of pain but in the end when i was finished it was all wor h it because i now have a acneless face. But sometimes i would occasionally get acne and these red spots, which are not pimples nor acne because they dont hurt and dont produce pus. I dont know wat these red spots are, but at times it feels itchy. Now i h ve confidence in myself because my face is clean and clear, and by the way Girls now take notice of me!!...I TINK!! Hahahahah. Newayz for all you acne sufferers, i sympathise for wat your goin through, dont give up because there is a way to overcome acne. BE in high spirits, dont let anyone keep u down, and if they do IGNORE wat they say. I know it's hard but HEY there is a way to BEAT these ZITS. BYE!!!

tom - 03/14/00 03:10:01
My Email:stevotom
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Country: Oz

g'day, am on my 3rd box(60 per box) of 20mg and am having 3 a day now. although my skin isn't terrible its still kind of embarrasing and i want it cleared. my derm said that it would clear up by about the trird box so hopefully it will clear anytime soon. i k ow some people who have been on it longer than i have and their skin is now perfect i really want to know how much alcohol i can drink. can someone put a figure on it because i have been out on this piss every weekend since i have been on it and got flo ged every time. im pretty sure this is not good! any suggestions? also i find that washing with a soap (i use neutrogena) 2 times a day helps i think. i think that this soap is helping just as much as the accuatane. cheers

Matt - 03/14/00 01:55:05
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Country: USA

Reading all these posts is somewhat of a comfort for me, as many times in a single day I feel as though I am alone in this struggle for clear skin. I had minor acne in high school and my derm had me on Retin-A, which helped. Then during my first semeste in college I completely broke out. So I went on accutane. I took a while for it to work, maybe 2 months, but eventually it mostly cleared up what I had and helped prevent acne from forming. However, this whole process of acne has left me with such li tle confidence. And now 3 years later I still get acne(albeit much more smaller in size and less). Some days are better than others, and it's amazing how much more energized I am when I'm having a "good" acne day as opposed to a "bad" one. I'm much mor confident and out-spoken(the way I used to be). I fortunately have only a few small scars on the face and none on the body and after reading your posts, I believe I will try something to rid of these. It's amazing though how something as small as acne an impact my life as much as it does. I see others who have it worse than me and my heart goes out to them. I just walk by them on campus and I know exactly what they think and feel regarding their acne. I will try to change some bad habits regarding ea ing(fastfood, processed food, soda, coffee--that will be so hard!) and hopefully it will help. Has anyone experienced clearer skin as a result to sunlight(either suntanning outside or tanning beds?). I tend to believe my skin is clearer in the summer as a result of the sun, but am not sure whether it's because a tan tends to hide blemishes. Anyway take care, good luck to all, and e-mail me if you wanna chat. Oh, and don't give up the simple dream of clear skin!

marcus - 03/14/00 01:09:38
Age: 22
Country: uk

Rianne, I wasn’t planning on posting for a while as I’m going through a personal crisis I’d prefer not to go into on such a public board!! (Not acne I’m 100% clear at the moment) On the other board it’s been mentioned by Jasmine and some other people that the Zinc dosage we take are toxic, I know that Zinc gluconate is toxic when taken at these levels but as far as I was aware the one formulated with copper was fine? However I felt I needed to bring this up, as I would be devastated to find out you had dam ged yourself!!!!!!! I have posted the link to the site where I originally found the info on the dosage we take! (Although I can’t see how such an informed board would recommend a dangerous amount!) I promise to come back to the board soon & hope to see t at you’ve had some progress with the saw palmetto etc! If someone could find out the facts about Zinc dosages it would be much appreciated, as I’m sure I’m not the only one confused about this!! Take good care of yourself!

micah stewart - 03/14/00 00:04:07
Age: 19
Gender: male
Country: united states


Katherine - 03/13/00 23:02:35

Look who's a right idiot and posted 3 times, apologies.(The computer said the connection had failed.) And the motto of today's lesson is "Never believe what your cranky computer tells you!!!!"

Katherine - 03/13/00 22:59:29
Age: 17
Gender: female
Country: Scotland

Hey all, Just like to say thanks to Marcus, Kaja, and Ciara for your e-mails. I only just got them 'cos the e-mail's been down for sooooo long. Anyway, decided to try Dianette before I would take the plunge and try roaccutane. Just sitting here keeping fingers (an toes) crossed. You see I'm going on holiday to sun-kissed Crete in June and the thought of it is cool, but kinda scary too. See, it's going to be mid June and I will die of heat exhaustion without a bikini and vest tops. So I'm praying for a miracle, hop ng against all hope, against all odds, that my skin might even be just semi presentable by then. I really don't want to spend two weeks all covered up when all around me, on the beach and in the pool will be naked, tanned and flawless flesh. Hey it's a di emma, but I guess I've just got to take it as it comes. And I know that if I've got the guts to reveal myself, the sun will be good for my skin. It'll feel wierd though, after six years all covered up. I guess that it's only a minor, trivial problem if I et it into proportion with all the other things acne does to you. By the way, I don't know how you all cope with the dry skin you get with roaccutane. I'm using retin - a, and my skin burns and my lips chap like hell so I have a little tube of moisturiser and a lip balm in every pocket of every jacket, in every drawer, on every surface, in every bathroom cabinet and in every bag. I cannot move for lip balm. (Well, slight exaggeration, but you get the point.) I really admire you folks. No, seriously, I do. or a long time I just couldn't make the best of an ugly situation, but if you can, I can. Good luck, and (just to come over all soppy) hugs to all who are in need of a hug.

Katherine - 03/13/00 22:58:06
Age: 17
Gender: female
Country: Scotland

Hey all, Just like to say thanks to Marcus, Kaja, and Ciara for your e-mails. I only just got them 'cos the e-mail's been down for sooooo long. Anyway, decided to try Dianette before I would take the plunge and try roaccutane. Just sitting here keeping fingers (an toes) crossed. You see I'm going on holiday to sun-kissed Crete in June and the thought of it is cool, but kinda scary too. See, it's going to be mid June and I will die of heat exhaustion without a bikini and vest tops. So I'm praying for a miracle, hop ng against all hope, against all odds, that my skin might even be just semi presentable by then. I really don't want to spend two weeks all covered up when all around me, on the beach and in the pool will be naked, tanned and flawless flesh. Hey it's a di emma, but I guess I've just got to take it as it comes. And I know that if I've got the guts to reveal myself, the sun will be good for my skin. It'll feel wierd though, after six years all covered up. I guess that it's only a minor, trivial problem if I et it into proportion with all the other things acne does to you. By the way, I don't know how you all cope with the dry skin you get with roaccutane. I'm using retin - a, and my skin burns and my lips chap like hell so I have a little tube of moisturiser and a lip balm in every pocket of every jacket, in every drawer, on every surface, in every bathroom cabinet and in every bag. I cannot move for lip balm. (Well, slight exaggeration, but you get the point.) I really admire you folks. No, seriously, I do. or a long time I just couldn't make the best of an ugly situation, but if you can, I can. Good luck, and (just to come over all soppy) hugs to all who are in need of a hug.

Katherine - 03/13/00 22:57:52
Age: 17
Gender: female
Country: Scotland

Hey all, Just like to say thanks to Marcus, Kaja, and Ciara for your e-mails. I only just got them 'cos the e-mail's been down for sooooo long. Anyway, decided to try Dianette before I would take the plunge and try roaccutane. Just sitting here keeping fingers (an toes) crossed. You see I'm going on holiday to sun-kissed Crete in June and the thought of it is cool, but kinda scary too. See, it's going to be mid June and I will die of heat exhaustion without a bikini and vest tops. So I'm praying for a miracle, hop ng against all hope, against all odds, that my skin might even be just semi presentable by then. I really don't want to spend two weeks all covered up when all around me, on the beach and in the pool will be naked, tanned and flawless flesh. Hey it's a di emma, but I guess I've just got to take it as it comes. And I know that if I've got the guts to reveal myself, the sun will be good for my skin. It'll feel wierd though, after six years all covered up. I guess that it's only a minor, trivial problem if I et it into proportion with all the other things acne does to you. By the way, I don't know how you all cope with the dry skin you get with roaccutane. I'm using retin - a, and my skin burns and my lips chap like hell so I have a little tube of moisturiser and a lip balm in every pocket of every jacket, in every drawer, on every surface, in every bathroom cabinet and in every bag. I cannot move for lip balm. (Well, slight exaggeration, but you get the point.) I really admire you folks. No, seriously, I do. or a long time I just couldn't make the best of an ugly situation, but if you can, I can. Good luck, and (just to come over all soppy) hugs to all who are in need of a hug.

Just Me - 03/13/00 22:27:47
Age: 35
Gender: Female
Country: UK

Hi Everyone :)

Hi Jasmine, Rianne, Marcus, ohhh and everyone else! Jasmine sweetie (smiles) - if you haven't been to my Board yet, Good News!!!!! Your NONO gadget has finally arrived in the post!!! Yippeee!! I'm sending it off first class to you tomorrow morning and you should get it the next day! Wahoooooo!!! I'm so excited for you as at least now you have some form of power back in 'fighting' against these zits! I know how hopeless it c n feel just having acne and feeling powerless ie and just waiting and waiting and waiting! With the NONO, you can at least speeden up the healing process and heal the acne that you have!! Remember what I said though that the NONO is not a cure - it just speeds up the healing process. Curing acne comes from within ie our healthy eating habits, ie fruit, veg, lots of water etc and the supplements, homeopathy etc ....Antibiotics work, yes, but that's another subject which I won't go into right now as I'm m re into the healthy approach as antibiotics etc supress the problems which only surface worst when they are stopped, as I have personally experienced time and time again (having had acne for 22 years!!).

Rianne I know it's easy to slip up on the Natrum Mur! I used to do it too - it's tough to keep the routine going as you are not allowed to drink anything 15 mins before and after! I'm not spot free as I have some spots though I seem to be acne fr e (yes!!) which I give thanks to my changed eating habits, fruit, veg, water, definitely my supplements, the Dermalux lamp and the NONO gadget helps as well! The Vitamin E helps with the red scarring and my eating habits help internally for the acne. My supplements help my hormones as they are the main cause of the acne. I've detailed it all out at my Board (smiles) Acne Support Group in Cyberspace @ - Most of us are visiting both pages ie Gills an mine, for the best of both worlds .... together, we'll beat acne forever!! I've included a lot of links there over the weekend and there's a wealth of information and we've been discussing supplements and safety etc .... I've learnt a lot and thanks to those that have encouraged me to spend the time in doing the research and thanks to the others who have participated in their own research etc and sharings!

Talking of which I have to go and post some replies there and then get ready for bed as it's late!!

Rianne, if I may be so brave as to ask sweetie, what are you eating habits? ie what kind of foods do you eat? Do you eat any fruit and veg? Drink water? You'd be suprised at how many people don't drink water and think drinking tea or coca cola is drin ing water!! When I had my acne I was eating junk foods ie take aways, Indian take aways, Chinese, pizza, Kentucky, lots of processed foods ie like fast noodles, tv dinners etc and nothing fresh and definitely not even fruit for years! I mean years!! I ould maybe have one apple a year or something - seriously!!

Okay, must dash ! Keep up the good work everyone! :o)

Cat - 03/13/00 21:57:57
Age: 20
Gender: Female
Country: UK

Has anybody experienced persistant mild headache during their course of Roaccutane?

cate - 03/13/00 21:40:11
Age: 18
Gender: female
Country: Tasmania

I've had rather bad acne for the last year, and I've been on roaccutane for four months so far, and there's still pimples on my face- I feel like a freak and everyday I look in the mirror I look terrible - my face looks red and bumpy although it's rather smooth to feel. It's so depressing!!

Mike - 03/13/00 20:40:05
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Country: USA

Hi, i ve just been reading some of the things written on the site and figured id chip in. Im taking accutane for the first time because just like most people i was tired of letting it effect my confidence. I am just starting my 3rd week, over the past 2 i have noticed an increase in breakouts, my skin tends to dry out but this problem is easily taken care of by applying mosturizer a few times a day, and my lips have become cracked, for this ive tried using lib balm which my doctor gave me and medicated cha stick, but it still looks dreadful. Ive seen questions about exercise and alcohol, well i m a gym rat and workout 4 times a week and have not suffered any muscle soreness. My doctor advised me that i could drink as long as i kept it in moderation and so f r ive gone out 3 over the period of 2 times and besides my lips which seems to be a side effect anyway i havent noticed any difference.

Rianne - 03/13/00 20:12:22

For KM who wrote about the Exoderm site - a big, big thank you!!! Do you know anyone who has had this treatment? I had a look and it sounds really promising!! I'm going to follow this up and hopefully they will maybe have someone in the UK too who can d this treatment. Thanks again KM!!! For Barber who wrote...I can't find the Clearlogix site. The salicyclic acid you mentioned...will that help pitted scars? I have a lot of pockmarks from the acne and they seem so hard to cure.... After my experienc last week, seeing the plastic surgeon & coming away from the clinic so disappointed.... I have been so depressed and down about it all. Really, really low. Kennedy...I know...isn't it just a pain having to deal with all this OIL!!!? I use Clean & Clea Oil Absorbing Sheets from Johnson and Johnson....I go through soooo many....the grease just keeps on and on. BAH!!! I've tried also to only wash my face morning and evening and it makes not one bit of difference...the oil is always there no matter what regime I follow. Jasmine, I hope you managed to get the saw palmetto. It doesn't matter really whether it's the liquid or tablets (they're both easy to take really). I suppose it's early days yet and my skin is still giving me lots of problems. BUT I ill try and remain optimistic. Hope you're okay Jasmine, I'm thinking of you and hope everything will turn out alright. Marcus, how are you doing? I hope that your skin is still okay....good luck Marcus (and thanks too for all the work you've done on o r behalf!!). Just Me....I must admit I haven't taken the Natrium Mur for a few days (bad girl that I am!). What else do you take for your skin? Have you found that you're pretty much spot-free now? A huge thanks to you all. Wonderful bunch of people hat you are!! Love and luck, Rianne.

clara - 03/13/00 19:47:31
Age: 21
Gender: female
Country: uk

Whoops, Forgot to include my e-mail address in case you have any advice, so here it is

clara - 03/13/00 19:43:32
Age: 21
Gender: femalw
Country: uk

I have been taking Roaccutane for 5 months. Unfortunately it has not been the 'miracle drug' I was promised!The dermatologist's answer seems to be that I need to keep talking it, even though I have heard that 4 months is the recommended length of time. In the past week I have come out in raised blotches all over my upper body, which look as though they are going to scar. I stopped talking Roaccutane a couple of days ago, and am seeing my dermatologist in a couple of days. Until then could anyone tell me if they have had similar experiences because I am very worried about this whole situation. Thanks

Michelle - 03/13/00 19:22:53
Age: 22
Country: USA

I have been on Accutane for five weeks and have had really good results. I break out on and off, but overall I get a lot less acne than before. Before I started Accutane I had moderate acne, now I have very little acne. I have suffered from dry lips and achey joints. I have dry skin rashes on my hands and arms, my doctor prescribed an ointment called Elocon and it clears up the rashes very well and helps it so that there is no scarring or marks. I have tried numerous m isturizers on my face and found that the the new Shiseido line called "The Skincare" has worked wonders. I cannot tell you how nice the texture of my skin is after I started using the daytime and nightime moisturizers. My face use to get dry and flakey nd this moisturizer has kept my face hydrated, smooth and soft. I told my friends about the moisturizer and all of them LOVE IT. If possible you should try a sample. The solution that I like is the middle formula. They have 3 formulas one for oily, no mal and dry. I use Carmex and also a great lip balm from Bare Esscentuals. They have a web site This lip balm has shea butter and vitamin E. It soothes and heals lips better than any other lip balm that I have tried.

- 03/13/00 19:13:48

Stick with it guys. Roaccutane's the best. I'm nearing the completion of my six month course and my skin has been great now since about the second month. The sadness and isolation I felt when my face was a mess is now just a distant memory thank God! I'm tarting to regain my confidence and things are looking up! Best of luck to you all!

John19 - 03/13/00 19:09:21
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Country: Uk

Jules: i have been taking zinc and vit c and vit e for a few weeks now and have not encountered any problems. However, i would warn ppl to be cautious over taking anti-cold/flu remidies while on accutane, esp decongestants. It played a havoc with my stomach. As anyone else had the same experince? Please e-mail me.

Jules - 03/13/00 18:59:02

I have been taking zinc with Roaccutane for the last week. Do you think it is ok? I also take vitamin E and C. It doesn't seem to be causing me any problems. Just thought I would ask if anyone had heard of any bad experience with the mix of roacc and zinc There are no warnings about it. My skin is fine. Cheers

Baber Pervez - 03/13/00 18:55:33
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Country: Canada

To start off, acne is one of the worst things to effect humans period. The psychological stress it puts on its vicitms is (what other word to describe it?) SHITTY! It's so odd that a person's entire life can change so substantially just because of clear skin. I'm sure I can relate to thousands of other people out there for that matter.. so in regards I thought I'd share some insightful suggestions. Keep Your Chin Up (Literally) You will find that the most understanding people out their (and those who won't discriminate you for your acne) are the ones who have been through it before. Friends and the social support they will give you (emotional stability) is the best remedy (I fi d at least) to the stress we have to encounter with acne. Honestly I cannot wait for my acne to dissapear. It's been so long now that I've been plaqued with it that I sometimes hate life for it. A couple of people were talking concerned about scars on their face (presumable caused by acne ofcourse) and wanted some advice on how to get rid of them. I have been researching on the answer for quite some time now. Evidently.. there is no use spending so much money on scar remedies when the damn stuff keeps coming back! I did this. I spent $50 a month on trying to combat my scars. Fortunately it was ery successful however of no permanent use since new ones keep appearing. Word of advice on Scars: Try Salicyclic Acid. If you don't know what it is try researching on it. Its an excellent remedy (if used properly) to get rid of scars on the face. If you use the right products.. you can actually see a significant difference in a week. It did for me Go to and look of the Acne Night Treatment Serum. This substance, is bad ass! Literally.. It will hurt.. but it works like a miracle. Its not that expensive either ($8 for a week's supply. Try applying three times in a day (one ri ht after another) washing it with a mild cleanser once in between. Leave it on overnight on the last application. The scars will start dramatically disspearing in 4 days of use! It will take around 3 weeks for all of your scars to dissapear (don't quo e me on any of this though) and in fact you will probably continue using it thereafter (cuz you like it so much). Unfortunately there is a disadvantage to it. It can become painful. Redness may appear frequently and your skin will peel (which is good). If you find it is unbearable stop for 1-3 days to let your skin grow back. If you don't have allergies or proble s withe the product you'll love it. Use plenty of it (around 15 squirts) on each application (you might want more or less but it works great for me). At the end... you will have.. no scars.. no shit on your face.. glowing skin... damn.. I can't wait for Accutane to work. Just Try it and Remember be patient and tolerable.

TWEETER - 03/13/00 16:42:22

hey guys, me again... hows everyone doing? im doing good, staying optimistic! you gotta keep your head up even though its VERY hard sometimes. sometimes i prescribe to the STUFF IT theory, like ignore what everone else thinks you are yourself and you will never be anyone else so love yourself already! well, im on about week 11 of 80mg a day and havent seen much improvement i have good weeks and bad weeks. but it will be all good in the end i know that. its a test and you will be a more compassionate person in the end as a result. you will learn that ev ryone has fauslts and that NOBODY IS BETTER THAN ENYONE ELSE REGARDLESS! well, i wanted to know if anyone else had experience with clearing late into their accutane treatmanet....thanks again and ILL BE BACK!

Ginger - 03/13/00 15:06:44
Age: 39
Gender: Female
Country: USA

Ursula: I happy to hear that you are doing so well on the roaccutane. I too, am on the same dosage per day, and am on day 12. I'm still experiencing breakouts--nothing huge, but probably have at least 10 spots. Did you break out on your face during this time p riod? I'm so looking forward to getting past this phase. This is my 2nd time on accutane. The last time was 3 1/2 yrs. ago. At that time, I was on it for cystic acne. I would get just one or two of them at a time. I also had mild acne too. The accu ane surely did get rid of the huge cysts. But now they are small ones. My doc thinks I need a 2nd dose to finish shrinking my sebaceous glands. I hope he's right. I too, think that accutane makes the pores seem to shrink, and the skin seems taut. God bless

KM - 03/13/00 10:28:18
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Country: USA

whoops sorry that website is:

Ursula - 03/13/00 09:51:35
Age: 27

I posted a reply after being on Roaccutane for 2 weeks, I am in week 5 now and I am quite impressed with my skin. I have cleared well but still feel little bumps in my neck and under my chin, I suppose this will go as I read a response that said that it t kes 3 months for everything to come to the surface. I have suffered the following side effects: Eczema on my upper arms and legs and quite bad joint and muscle pains (knees and ribs!) Any advise? I enjoy the taught feel of my skin and my pores have shrunk considerably, the redness has subsided, so I don't look like a lobster anymore. I am on 40mg (2 x 20mg once a day) Overall I was expecting worst. Which stage is the worst ??? I am on a 6month course.

SP - 03/13/00 08:10:33

Hi Charlie...since Roaccutane dries EVERYTHING out...I'm not at all surprised you are experiencing this type of problem...many people have posted about this in the past...and I find it completely ludicrous that your derm claims it's 'unrelated'...I would efinitely seek a second could also try searching through the archives to find out how others have dealt with this problem...good luck with it all...

Sharon - 03/13/00 01:10:56
Age: 26
Gender: Female
Country: USA

I have really enjoyed reading all of your posts. They are very informative, and I sympathize with all of you. I wish I had found this site a long time ago. It's the best one I've seen yet. I just wanted to tell everyone what works for me in the dry skin and lips department. For the lips, I have found that a generous application of Blistex Ultra Protection SPF 30 (the flip cap is very convenient since I have to apply so often) along with lots of philosophy brand "Kiss Me" lip balm (it's mo tly petroleum jelly but tastes and smells Yummy) I wash with Cetaphil cleanser in the mornings, and still use a benzol peroxide wash at night (Clean and Clear continuous clean is the only one gentle enough) I also follow with a mosturizer with spf 15 afte each wash. (I still haven't found the best one since mosturizers are a whole new thing for me) Start this regimine the day you start Accutane, and your lips will feel 'like butter' and the mosturizer minimizes the redness in the face. Also, for the ladie , philosophy makes a liquid lip stain ideal for dry lips that lasts for hours and hours and works well with the blistex and lip balm. Looks really natural too. I use Revlon Colorstay foundation dabbed on blemishes followed by a little powder over my entir face. The foundation lasts all day but is not unnatural looking like concealers. Good luck to you all.

Alessaan - 03/13/00 00:46:54
Age: 26
Gender: female
Country: US

Hello All, I've been reading many of your experiences tonight, and it is so nice to know that I am not alone. I have had acne since I was about 14 and since then, all it's done is get worse. Twelve years later and every kind of antibiotic imaginable, I am a monster. I woke up this morning with about 6 new painful cysts. I tried to put makeup on to cover it, but washed it off and just cried for several hours. I didnt go anywhere today....I have been seeing the dermatologist for about 7 years now. I am on my second go round on accutane. The first time my skin cleared up pretty quickly, but only stayed clear for about a year after being off it. This time I am two months into it next week, and all that has happened is that its gotten worse. I feel like darkness is my com ort. I am so humiliated and embarassed to let anyone see me. When I wash my face it hurts. Not only for my face when I touch the acne, but for my hands when they touch my bumpy face. It feels so horrible.I have been on prednisone for about a month now to eep the swelling down, but when the mg taper off to about 5mg, it just gets even worse. I get about 15 shots a week in the large ones, but sometimes that doesnt even work. I'm sorry for writing so much, it just helps to hear of people going through the sa e thing. Please write me if you have any advice or would just like to talk. Thanks for listening, Alessaan

Just Me - 03/12/00 22:48:12
Age: 35
Gender: Female
Country: UK

Hi everyone !

Hi Rianne - oh girl you had me in stitches regards the handle and password (grins)! You're referring to the Acne Support Group Real Time Chat Room @ v/11818 - that's for chatting LIVE with people if they happen to be in the room at the same time. Regards a name, just type in any handle you want ... okay I'll give you one - try RianneUK and for a password, think of anything that you can remember e sily - eg a pet dog or cat or your favourite food etc! That's all you need to do and it'll take you into the Real Time Chat Room! (grins)! Regards my main site (smiles), that Board is at an you don't need any passwords for that - ie just click on the live link and it'll take you there sweetie (smiles)! You're doing okay! Don't put yourself down! Marcus, DavieS and I have been chatting about supplements at my site and we've uncovered quit a lot of ground! Thx guys! I'm about to post there before I call it a nite. Sorry to hear about your oiliness continuing Rianne ... are you still taking Natrum Mur? I blot my face constantly with tissues to blot off any oil production and that usuall helps and also I use Corn Silk Loose Powder which absorbs oil and the Loose version is better than the compact version, so I read as it absorbs more oil and clogs less. I can even use the Loose Corn Silk powder at times without makeup underneath (smiles which lately I have been able to do (and for which I am soooooo grateful for!). You can still see some red marks ie scars etc but they have gone down substantially since using Vitamin E creme which heals scars! Jasmine - yes, we'll chat soon .... I've been mega swamped this weekend .... ! Hope you're doing okay - have left you some messages at my Board .... will chat to you tomorrow re the NONO gadget. BTW what are your eating habits? Foods don't cause acne but as our immune systems are weak as it is, we can help it along by eating the right foods ie with less toxins etc .... have to go for now ... Nite :)

kennedy to rianne - 03/12/00 22:11:33
My Email:tomato_heart
Gender: male
Country: usa

RIANNE- i totally sympathize with your situation. my skin gets extremely oily less than 30 minutes after i wash my face. it drives me insane because the doctors say that we should just wash our face in the morning and in the night. but when your face f els like the inside of a greased pan, what can we do but wash the oil off to get the icky feeling off our faces, which makes it even oilier. take care. kennedy

Charlie - 03/12/00 21:21:17
Age: 25
Gender: Female
Country: UK

Slightly embarrassing;I've been on Roaccutan 6 weeks now and for the last month I've found it painfull to poo, slight bleeding can result.I gave a message to my dermatologist and was informed that it was not related.I find this hard to believe as my diet asn't changed and I haven't had this prblem before.I'm on 60mg per day,sometimes have headaches,occasional nausea, and I'm getting my eyes tested 'cause my sight doesn't seem as good. Anyone relate?

Chinese Herb Lady - 03/12/00 20:56:33
Age: 36

The rest of the books info. Possible Interaction with other substances MAY have the combined effect listed after the substance: ALCOLHOL: Significant increase in triglycerides in blood. Avoid. BEVERAGES: No problems expected. COCAINE: Increased chance of toxicity of isotret noin. Avoid. Foods: No problems expected. Marijuana: Increased chance of toxicity of isotretinoin. Avoid. TOBACCO: May decrease absorption of medicine. Avoid tobacco while in treatment.

Chinese Herb Lady - 03/12/00 20:43:53
Age: 36

All the following information is in a book I purchased at a pharmacy (I’m sure it is available in book stores) 1996 edition by H. Winter Griffith, M.D. “Complete guide to prescription and Non prescription Drugs” The following information is found under sotretinoin. BRAND NAMES: Accutane and Accutane Roche BASIC INFORMATION: Habit forming – No, Prescription needed – yes, Drug Classification – Anti-acne USES: Decreases cystic acne formation in severe cases and Treats certain other skin disorders invol ing an overabundance of outer skin layer. DOSAGE AND USAGE INFORMATION: How to take: Capsule – swallow with liquid or food to lessen stomach irritation. If you can’t swallow whole, open capsule and take with liquid or food. WHEN TO TAKE: Twice daily. F llow prescription directions. IF YOU FORGET A DOSE: Take as soon as you remember up to 2 hours late. If more than 2 hours, wait for the next scheduled dose and double dose. WHAT DRUG DOES: Reduces sebaceous gland activity and size. TIME LAPSE BEFORE RUG WORKS: May require 15 to 20 weeks to experience full benefit. DON’T TAKE WITH: Vitamin A or supplements containing vitamin A and any other medication without consulting your doctor or pharmacist. OVERDOSE: Symptoms: None reported. WHAT TO DO: Ove dose unlikely to threaten life. If person takes much larger amount than prescribed, call doctor, poison control center or hospital emergency room for instructions. POSSIBLE ADVERSE REACTIONS OR SIDE EFFECTS: Life Threatening – none expected, Common: 1 Burning, red, itching eyes; lip scaling; burning pain; nose bleeds…..What to do: Discontinue. Call doctor right away. 2) Itchy skin…..What to do: Continue. Call doctor when convenient. 3) Dry mouth….What to do: Continue. Tell doctor at next visit (Suck ce or chew gum) INFREQUENT: 1) Rash, infection, nausea, vomiting….What to do: Discontinue. Call doctor right away. 2) Pain in muscles, bones, joints; hair thinning, tiredness…..What to do: Continue. Call doctor when convenient. RARE: Abdominal pain, bl eding gums, blurred vision, diarrhea, headache, moodiness, vomiting, eye pain, rectal bleeding, yellow skin or eyes…. What to do: Discontinue. Call doctor right away. WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS: Don’t take if: 1) you are allergic to isotretinoin, etreti ate, tretinoin or Vitamin A derivatives. 2) Your are pregnant or plan pregnancy. 3) Your are even able to bear children. Read, understand and follow the patient information enclosure with your prescription. BEFORE YOU START, CONSULT YOUR DOCTOR: 1) If you have diabetes. 2) If you or any member of family have high triglyceride levels in blood. OVER AGE 60: Adverse reactions and side effects may be more frequent and severe than in younger persons. PREGNANCY: Causes birth defects in fetus. Don’t use. isk Category X (see page xxii).(You can look this one up if you want to risk it). BREAST FEEDING: Effect unknown. Not recommended. Consult doctor. INFANTS AND CHILDREN: Not recommended. PROLONGED USE: 1) Possible damage to cornea, 2) Talk to your doctor about the need for follow up medical examinations or laboratory studies to check complete blood counts (white blood cell count, platelet count, red blood cell count, hemoglobin, hematocrit), liver function, blood lipids, blood sugar. SKIN AND SUNLIGHT: Ma cause rash or intensify sunburn in areas exposed to sun or sunlamp. DRIVING, PILOTING OR HAZARDOUS WORK: Use caution if there is a decrease in your night vision or you are unable to see well. Consult doctor. DISCONTINUING: Single course of treatment is a l that is needed. If second course is required, wait 8 weeks after completing the first course. OTHERS: 1) Use only for severe cases of cystic acne that have not responded to less hazardous forms of acne treatment. 2) May interfere with the accuracy of s me medical tests. 3) Don’t donate blood for at least 30 days after discontinuing medicine. 4) If you are planning pregnancy or at risk of pregnancy, don’t take this drug. POSSIBLE INTERACTION WITH OTHER DRUGS: Generic name or Drug Class: 1) Etretinate…Com ined effect: Increased chance of toxicity of each drug. 2) Tetracyclines….Combined effect: Increased risk of developing pseudo-tumor cerebri. 3) Topical drugs or cosmetics….combined effect: May interact with isotretinoin. 4) Tretinoin….combined effect: I creased chance of toxicity. 5) Vitamin A….combined effect: Additive toxic effect of each. Avoid. Hope this may be helpful to some.

Garry - 03/12/00 20:34:25
Country: usa

i went to derm. last week and he put me on Retin-A . i took it for 3 days and i made my face red and peeling . is this normal. i m going back to try to get on accutane should i mention the reddness. and i smoke marijuana for my medical condition :] does t is interfere with accutane?? thanks all....

jasmine - 03/12/00 20:16:28
Age: 33
Gender: female
Country: U.K.

Hi everyone.I just thought I would write a quick note.To ANNA.Sorry to hear you are having such a bad time.It sounds exactly the same as me but I'm not on Roaccutane.I have just started using a regime by a company called Dermapharm.They have a face wash o soap that is P.H. balanced so it is not harsh on the skin(I prefer the soap) and they also do a moisteriser that is especially for people using topical solutions or Roaccutane.It says that it helps repair the dry damaged skin.There are two moisterisers o e is slightly heavier than the other but the heavier one is the one designed for Roaccutane AND TOPICALS.It is called Apaisac.I can't actually recommend the products as I haven't been using it for long and they don't do a toner with the regime but it is a l especially made for acne skins.The no. is 0800 515203 and they were very helpful on the phone to me.They sent me some free samples so ask for some.MARCUS I know what you are saying about the Azelaic Acid making my skin worse.I actually stopped trying to introduce the Benzoyl Peroxide into the regime as it was making my face too sore so I'm just on the Azelaic.The thing is I'm hoping it is one of these treatments that make the acne worse before it starts to get better like I think the Vitimn A creams do.T ey clear out the blackheads.I can't stop now as I've been using it just over 3 weeks so hopefully in the next 2 or 3 weeks I'll see some improvement.If I stop now I'll just be back to square one.I will still be amazed if the cream works but I'm now going o start with the supplements just zinc,B6 and the Saw Palmetto to start with and I'm also waiting for the No-No gadget off of Just Me.That is meant to make the spots go down quicker as well as waiting for the Dermalux bulbs.I am just about to e-mail Derma ux again.This time being firm about the length of time I've been waiting.So surely something in all that lot should work.If not I suppose anti-biotics but I think it's about 3 weeks till I go back to the Derm.Sorry for the rant.Anyway glad your site is ba k up and running JUST ME and I'll speak to you soon on there.Hi to RIANNE,did you prefer the liquid saw palmetto or the tablets as I'll be getting some tomorrow?Anyway not such a quick note after all.I never seem to do a short posting.Take care all love J sminexx

Rianne - 03/12/00 19:11:22

Marcus, I found the amount of evening primrose oil, 3000mg. per day! Thanks!!!

dawn - 03/12/00 19:04:01
Age: 39
Gender: female
Country: us

To Danielle age 13, I know its hard i've had acne since i was 14 not severe but always there. But there is always something you could try from your dermatoligist that would help for a while sometimes for as long as a year or more. What works for one person might not work fo the other. right now you are young so theres no way you have tried everything! So you need to see a good dermatologist that can help you. Theres lots of different antibiotics that you can try and topical medications. Have you tried Differin, i tried t and it helped for a while expect i have very sensitive skin so i got very irritated. At age 16 i started on RetinA and antibiotics my skin was pretty clear for about 5 years. So there are things out there you can try that with Gods help will help you! Now at age 39 my acne is back not that bad i will have a good week and then a bad one, but i also have acne rosacea which is worse than just acne. I was lucky enough this year to find a derm that will put me on accutane, im just waiting to have a test d ne to see if i have an ulcer one thats determined i will be going on accutane, thanks to all the support on this site. So hang in there, have patience and definetely find a good derm that understands you and can help. if you find a derm that really doesn't give you any hope then dump him and find another one. To Emma Thank you for writing you experience it helps so much in making a deficult decision as to go on accutane.

Rianne - 03/12/00 19:03:53

Marcus, can you tell me how much evening primrose oil you take per day? I haven't taken it for a while but after I read your posting I thought I must start taking it again! The capsules I have are Seven Seas 500mg. if you could just tell me how many to ake? (Meanwhile I'll look in the archives Marcus because I know you've posted it there quite a few times) I'm still taking the saw skin is still just as greasy but I think the s.p. is helping the spots. Have you bought some Pygen? Wher from? Thanks Marcus for all the help you're giving on the site, it's really, really appreciated - a HUGE thank you!!! If I can get this "oil production" down I'm sure my skin will improve. I can't bear the thought of being stuck with this acne forever When I put my make-up on this morning within 1/2 hour my face was covered in oil - it looks awful. I just don't know where all this oil comes from - it's ridiculous. It just washes the make-up off and the spots and red marks then show through worse tha ever! This acne thing gets too much for me sometimes - it's gone on so very long. I'm sure that the saw palmetto will help dry my skin out eventually - I'm taking 6 x 475mg. tablets per day (this is recommended on the pack) so it should start to work so n. Just Me, for your site what do I put in for the handle and password? Sorry to be so ignorant, it's just that you could write on a match-head the amount I know about computers!!! Anyway, as always lots of love, luck and thanks to you all! Rianne.

Sameer - 03/12/00 15:39:53
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Country: England

Hello guys. well this is my fourth day on "THAT" drug and i havent got the sudden bout of acne coming back.They say it starts two wks into the treatment. Right now i have few spots on my face.When will it start getting worse and how worse will it get?

Anna - 03/12/00 14:49:45
Age: 26
Gender: Female
Country: England

I'm having an awful time on Roaccutane. This is my second week and my whole chin is swolen with spots as well as being really dry. I'm finding it hard to speak as it hurst so much!! It's incredibly painful to wash or moisturise and I need advice on which roducts to use - is there anyone in the UK who can recommend products which are effective for washing/cleansing the skin when on roaccutane. And what moisturisers are effective?

Tony - 03/12/00 11:06:58
Age: 18
Gender: male

I was just wondering if there can be any adverse effects from drinking alcohol while on roaccutane.Anybody any ideas ??

- 03/12/00 09:20:51

is it???...could it possibly be???

- 03/12/00 08:43:06

....*1. (footnote below) "Hypertrophic scars, on the other hand, are scars that have become thickened during the normal healing period, but do not go beyond the original wound edge. They usually settle somewhat, but over a longer period of time than that f a normal scar. TREATMENT OF SCARS There are many misconceptions about what can be done about scars, and when things should be done. Generally, no surgery should be done to revise or attempt improvement of a scar until maturation has occurred. Revision is generally done to even out the lev l of a scar, improve the orientation relative to the normal skin lines, or narrow it. Keloids and hypertrophic scars can be difficult to treat. Patience is usually the best treatment for thickened but non-keloid scars. Vitamin E and aloe vera extract may make the scar look better during the maturation phase, but studies have shown no effec on the final result. Vitamin E may slow down healing if it is used during the early postoperative period (3 weeks). Many other drugs and agents have been and are currently being investigated, but none has proved to be better than time itself. Injection of thick scars or keloids with cortisone-like drugs may be helpful in many cases, but this has some side effects and should not be used for scars that are only somewhat thick during normal wound maturation. Pressure has been used for many years for burn scars, and recently has been combined with silicone sheeting laid directly on the scar. Pressure is applied by various means, usually by the use of custom elasticized garments, worn 23 or more hours per day for months. Silicone sheeting, when use alone or with pressure, has shown some success, and some surgeons now advise it routinely for certain incisions, such as breast lifts and reductions, and for tummy tuck incisions, however, it must be used 23 hours daily in these situations as well. In extreme cases, keloids have been treated with low-dose radiation therapy combined with the other methods described above, but with variable success. It is unusual for keloids to result from surgery in people with light skin color, and keloids are rare n cosmetic surgery in general. This is because the location of incisions is carefully chosen, careful technique is used, and most people who may be susceptible to keloids can be warned in advance. *1. Benjamin Gelfant, MD, FRCPC, in association with Dr. Gelfant's plastic surgery website

Matt - 03/12/00 08:11:32
Age: 20
Gender: male
Country: NZ

Hello there, Just a quick question I'm wanting to know if Roaccutane (isotretinoin) has an expiration date. Regards

kennedy to killjoy - 03/12/00 03:37:12
Age: 20
Country: usa/new york

hi killjoy. your reflections on our agorophobic tendencies are on the spot (no pun intended). i'm so glad i went outside from the prison i call home. anyway, my prediction was correct. the next day i broke out with a few spots. i guess i shoul cherish that little freedom. i hate the way i sound. my family says that they can barely tell that i have acne and that my skin looks significantly better. for all i know, they're right, but it's been such a long time and i figure a depressed person sually can't tell much about their body image because he/she is used to seeing themselves as ugly from the inside out. you are also right about us having no one to call up and say " lets go hang out today." for 2 years i have disconnected myself from al of my friends. they've only seen me with clear skin and i have become fearful that they wouldn't want to be seen with me in public. the funny part is that i was afraid of losing my friends and that's exactly what happened. not because of them , but bec use of me. i figured it would be less painful if i rejected them before they had a chance to reject me. take care killjoy. also, to marcus i'm crossing my fingers that someday things will be different for all of us on gill's site and that e will have the confidence to truly be ourselves and the worthful people that we are. kennedy

Just Me - 03/11/00 23:55:14
Age: 35
Gender: Female
Country: UK

Hi everyone! Hi Rianne, Marcus, Jasmine, Kaitlin, Kelly, et all .... :)

I haven't been a couple of days ... fell asleep last nite and didn't log on till tonite! Good news is that my board is back up and running again ! Wahoo! I finally found the email of the Forum owners and wrote them though not sure whether it was my email that did it or whether they finally got it fixed! Whichever, I'm so glad it's working as I felt so lost without it!! I like to nip at work and post tid bits and read up on bits and pieces etc etc !!

Marcus, I'm going over there in a minute to reply to your post .... by the way, what is DHL? Re Green Tea, I have been drinking Avureydic (spelling) Green Tea with Kombucha (spelling) since last May and I read recently in a health magazine that t ey have healing properties. I can't drink normal tea anymore. Do you think that has helped my acne clear? I can find the article and post the contents at my site in the next few days as I'm not sure if it's here at home or at work ...

Jasmine, boo hoo, the NONO didn't turn up today so it'll probably turn up on Monday if she posted it yesterday afternoon, as she said she would. I thought she was being a bit keen by saying that it would arrive today! Hang in there sweetie! I fe l asleep last nite around 9pm and had only wiped my face off of make up with those make up clearing sheets ie T-Zone facial cleansing wipes, and woke this morning .. thankfully I didn't get any spots as usually if I do that the next morning ho ho ... a sp t decides to appear overnight! I still have a few spots, thankfully not acne, as I just had my period so hormones went haywire, but I'm doing okay. Like everyone, I still have the battle scars of when I did have acne and they are red though only seem to be skin surfaced ... the really bad ones I had that are deep pitted are from when I was a teenager. My red scar marks seem to be fading with using the Vitamin E cream daily, though it takes months but they are gradually fading ....

Rianne, I can emphatise really as we all know how it feels to have acne, and scars and to feel like the scum of the earth. There's nothing worst than having acne cos you feel so worthless and ugly and I personally think it's worse when you're not n a relationship cos you think well I have acne, who's gonna want to go out with me etc! I'm an okay average attractive female but with the acne, I have felt so ugly and it really takes away the self confidence and it really takes a lot of work to build p that self confidence and to talk yourself into "forgetting" you have acne etc cos I can't walk around the office feeling ugly cos it's not going to help my career etc.

Jasmine, sure thing re the Dermalux company! (smiles). ~~ I have a mega headache so going to answer some emails and post on my Board and get some sleep as it's closing on midnight in 6 mins!

L&H, JM!

p/s! :)

marcus - 03/11/00 22:24:06

Rianne & any one else who’s interested, the last few days I’ve been researching green tea as a possible D.H.T blocker, but so far I’ve drawn a blank! Good news though I found two more blockers with the possibility of another that I’m looking into. Firstly a herb called Pygen, also known as African pygeum. It comes from a large evergreen tree that grow in Africa, secondly essential fatty acids (evening primrose oil) I already take this and have mentioned before that I feel it greatly helps (this could be wh )! Rianne if you can force yourself to take more pills I’d really recommend you pick some of these up especially know! Kennedy, sorry I missed your post earlier! Well done! Hopefully one day we’ll both be able to go out all day everyday & never have a pan c attack again (here’s hoping)!!!!! Scott, thanks for backing me up on the accutane lowering D.H.T Issue!

Davie S - 03/11/00 22:03:12
Country: UK

Billy, I'm shure the recommended intake for alcohol is now Zero, you can check this direct on Roche's web site or access it through If it isn't then thats what I would reccomend as your liver will be working overtime as it is. As for the exercising, I trained throughout my Roaccutane course without any problem but I guess everyone is different. Good luck.

Seth - 03/11/00 18:42:15
Age: 14
Gender: Male
Country: Canada

Remember everyone to get your beauty sleep. Believe it or not sleep is really good for our skin. :) Take care.

Billy - 03/11/00 18:42:05
Age: 22
Gender: Male
Country: UK

I am concidering starting taking Roaccutane and have been told that I need to cut down on my alcohol intake and also probabaly my exercise levels (because of the muscle soreness). I was wondering: 1. How much alcohol people cut down to and 2. Whether people had found problems with exercise, (especially high intensity). Thank you.

Seth - 03/11/00 18:37:16
Age: 14
Gender: Male
Country: Canada

Everyones in here is so much older than me. Anyway Acne is a real b*&%# eh, so is puberty. I first got it when I was 10 I was perrty young my freinds couldn't figure out what it was. Ever since then I've been studying up on it. I know queit but alot of it seems to contradict each other. Something bugging me is is it better to drink cold or warm water. My derm isn't any help I can't beleive he passed grade school. He doesn't know but he didn't have to tell me. He could have at least said he'd look it up. I ad Tetracyclene for a while until I bulit up an immunity to it so I stopped. Ever since I've been using Hibotene. (its a face wash) Its kind of nice to know that all you people are just like me. Take care everyone. :)

- 03/11/00 18:26:10
Age: 30
Gender: Female
Country: US

Scott: I noticed a decrease in my sex drive around the 2nd month of treatment. All was well after a month of finishing the Accutane.

Jen - 03/11/00 18:25:04
Age: 22
Country: U.S.

Hey everyone, I think this sight is really wonderful. There are so many of us who have acne problems and it is great that we have this as a way to connect and share our feelings with each other. It amazes me that with all of the modern advances in medicine and technolo y, that they haven't come up with a treatment that really keeps acne away permanently. Acne causes people so much grief and pain and it is so sad. I think it can be avoided if more research was done. Accutane is definitely a great drug and does cure some eople forever, but what about the people it doesn't help permanently? Too many courses on Accutane might not be good for a persons system. I don't know? Has anyone ever heard of hormone therapy helping?

Jamie - 03/11/00 17:57:41
Age: 26
Gender: 100% Woman!!
Country: USA

I wanted to write my experience with Accutane because it was almost fatal. I know that Accutane has rare side effects but I was allergic. I started Accutane and within 2 days I was having heart palpitations, difficulty breathing, and severe dizziness. I c lled my DR. and he said it wasn't the accutane but probably Mitral Valve Prolapse and reccomended that I see a cardiologist. I made the appt. that same day and by the time I got there, I couldn't stand up without almost passing out. It felt like someone w s stepping on my chest!! The cardiologist said told me to drink gatorade and sent me out thedoor. I took Accutane for almost 3 more weeks and everyday I thought was going to be my last. I work for a Dr. and he finally brought to my attention that I might ave an allergy. I have since stopped the medicine but since it takes 2 weeks to get out of your system, I find that i'm still having the same symptoms. I can't express how disappionted I am that I cannot tolerate the medicine. I have struggled with acne f r almost half of my life, although I hide it well! I wonder if any of you have tried a topical and have had any success. My Dr. has mentioned Cleocin lotion but I 've never heard of it. I was seen seeing amazing effects during those 3 weeks!!! I have nev r had severe acne but I just want to be clear. I was almost there but I'm not willing to die for it!!! :)

Rianne - 03/11/00 16:24:51

Hello again. After a sleepless night I feel like a zombie today. I just couldn't get yesterday out of my mind and all the problems and insecurities that my skin has caused me over the years raised its ugly head. Thanks for the lovely messages, you are uch great friends & I really couldn't get through this without you. Jasmine, the lumps and bumps that were coming up (and they were very red and really determined spots!) have started to go down a bit. Like I've said before - I don't want to build up my hopes too much because I can't stand any more let downs - BUT I think the saw palmetto is helping. I'll let you know if I have any set-backs though! Yesterday, because I was in a city which is totally unknown to me (seeing the plastic surgeon) I couldn' find a health food shop so I ended up in Boots chemist. I bought the saw palmetto tablets there - they are called SABALIN and there are 60 no. tablets, each one containing 475 mg. of saw palmetto. (they cost about £7) It says to take 2 tablets 3 times d ily - 6 in all. Jasmine, if one of your friends could go to Boots for you, even if it's tomorrow, most Boots in large towns are open. The quicker you can start taking them the better. I still have some spots and a lot of red marks where the skin is so hin, so my face looks a sight....but I think the saw palmetto will help me. I'm trying not to let the acne (and scars) get the better of me - but it's an uphill battle lately. I'm thinking of you Jasmine and hope that the saw palmetto will help. (Thank goodness for Marcus - where would we be without all his wonderful help! Again Marcus - you're a genius!!!) Yes, it was a private plastic surgeon I saw. He was really helpful but I suppose even they can't work miracles. I have a LOT of deep pitted scar ing...mostly on my face...a little on my back but not too bad there (I wouldn't wear a backless dress though, put it that way!). I'm using the Clean and Clear sheets (thanks for the helpful suggestion though Marcus) & they certainly have their work cut o t with me!!! Yangas, I've had dermabrasion twice, excision work a few times (where they cut out the centre of the pockmark and stitch it up) and numerous lots of collagen "filler" injections (the results of which only lasted a few days before I "absorbed the collagen). The plastic surgeon seemed to think that laser treatment would only produce the same effect as the dermabrasion (which was done with some kind of scrubbing effect. Sounds horrible I know) & as the dermabrasion showed little/or no improve ent the laser would probably only do the same. Also he said there would probably be a pigment problem with the laser for me - i.e. I would end up with patchy skin. I've searched so hard for someone to help me and I have to be careful that I don't just " ump in" to something and end up looking worse - I couldn't bear that. At least the plastic surgeon was being realistic. I just find the whole thing so humiliating though & feel so embarrassed. I virtually RAN out of the door & afterwards really cracked up. I must get a grip!!! Yangas, what medicine do you take for your acne? I think that's terrific that you took that step to conquer your agoraphobia Marcus (and Kennedy too - well done!!). Over the years I have suffered from appalling panic attacks & n ver realised, until I spoke to friends about them, that such a lot of people have them. It's surprising how many people suffer from this. It's a hard thing to cope with and requires such mammoth determination and guts to overcome. Marcus and Kennedy I dmire you a lot! There are quite a lot of famous people who suffer from the same thing too. It helps a bit to know that you're not alone in this!! Jasmine, I hope you manage to get some saw palmetto & it helps've had such a rotten, rotten ti e.... I think acne - on top of everything else plus other problems - really gets us sooooo down. We'd cope better if we didn't have the acne to worry about as well. Oh I've gone on way too long here!! Sorry!!! Lots of love, lots of luck and lots of t anks!! Rianne. (ps. HI to Amae, Fish, Just Me and CHL too!)

marcus - 03/11/00 16:13:17

Jasmine, yes my acne was defiantly a massive factor in me becoming agoraphobic, unfortunately becoming agoraphobic is a far to easy trap to fall into especially when your paranoid about your self image! 41 spots I can’t begin to imagine how bad you must f el right now, I’m soooo sorry!!! This is just a suggestion but could it be that the products your using (Skinoren & I think you said benzyl peroxide) are doing nothing but causing more & more spots (you should have had some let up by now) they seem like uch very harsh treatments to use, this could be just aggravation your skin causing more spots, to me it certainly sounds this way!!! Once I used some bezel peroxide on five spots on my back and all it did was turn them into raised bumps which never went this wouldn’t have happened normally as I found only the really huge spots left bumps behind) If I were you I’d throw that stuff in the bin & use something more gentle. I think using stuff on the outside is only a temporary solution if were going to win t is war we need to address the underlying problem and attack it from within. Of course all of this is only my opinion & could be totally wrong, but I think it makes sense! Take care of yourself Jasmine!

Sameer - 03/11/00 15:57:27
Age: 17
Gender: male
Country: UK

I would like to say a big thank you to the saint who has made this site. It really makes people feel better. This is the first time on this site for me as i have started taking Roaccutane two days back and i was surprised there was a site on it. Its reli ving to know other people are going through the same thing as me. I hope this treatment really works for myself as i have quite severe scarring already caused by acne. My dermatalogist doesnt tell me much about this but can scars (pitting) be removed? Please email me if any of u guys have the answer to this.

Scott - 03/11/00 15:24:19
Age: 23

Did anybody notice a decrease in their sex drive with accutane? I felt 90 ever since taking it. I do know for a fact that it LOWERS DHT.

jasmine - 03/11/00 15:06:00
Age: 33
Gender: Female
Country: U.K.

Hi everyone.RIANNE.I felt so bad for you when I read your post.Isn't it depressing.I agree with you about the scarring because even if you are lucky enough to clear your skin for a while you are still left with the scarring.Evertime I have a bad bout this being the worst ever the scarring remains.Like you 22 years of acne has taken its toll.To make you feel not alone I have just counted 41 spots on my face yes I said 41 not 14!!One of my close friends came round the other day as I haven't seen her since my face has got really bad.As soon as she walked in the door she looked at me and burst out crying.That really helped me! I thought God do I look that horrendous that people are crying for me.She means well but it made me feel even more down.Well I've starte on the zinc but I have still to get the B6 and Saw Palmetto.I rang the no. you gave for it but being Sat there was no-body there.So hopefully Monday I will be ordering that.I agree with you Rianne.The saw palmetto does look promising and we have to live n hope.Thanks Marcus for discovering it and if it doesn't work we have lost nothing.MARCUS that was a positive step for you yesterday.I wouldn't say I'm exactly agrophobic but having ill health I didn't get out much anyway but now with the terrible skin I haven't been out in weeks.I worry that I might become agrophobic.I know you said a whole range of problems made you become agrophobic but would you say the acne contributed a lot to it?A few people on this board seem to be because of their acne.What a cru l life it is.The amount of us hiding away in our homes because of acne.It is terrible.Thanks for saying you hope I feel a bit better.On a more positive note thanks JUST ME for the update on the No-No gadget.Hopefully it has arrived or will very soon.I can t wait.Thanks for the offer of hassling Dermalux for me.I'll leave it a little while longer and if not I might take you up on the offer.I'm still using the Dermalux even though it is doing nothing.I definitly need lessons in being assertive.ROB(RL)If you' e out there I need some hope.How long before you started seeing any effect from your Skinoren and how much acne did you have on your face before you started using it?I take it that it has worked well as you said you weren't going to bother investigating t e gylcolic acid theory.If you're out there please I need some encouragement.I have been using it for 3 weeks now.Oh yeh Rob did your acne get worse before it got better as mine is just getting worse and worse.Anyway that is it for now.Take care everyone l ve Jasminexx

Emma - 03/11/00 14:38:37
Age: 29
Gender: Female
Country: UK

Good luck to everyone with their Roaccutane treatment, I am on my last 2 weeks of treatment out of 20 weeks and my skin is transformed, it has definitely been worth it. I'm sure I'm just repeating what has been posted on this site in the past but here are some suggestions that might be of use. Roaccutane works by shrinking your sebaceous glands from the inside (don't ask me how), so any stuff that is lurking within them is squeezed out - if your pores are blocked (which they tend to be with acne skin) you end up with more spots, this is the rea on why you get bad breakouts during the first weeks of treatment. One way of avoiding this is by starting on a low dose of Roaccutane for the first month (e.g. 20mg daily)so the "shrinkage" isn't as sudden, and taking antibiotics (e.g. erythromycin) for he first 6 weeks or so to minimise infection. This is what my dermatologist advises. Then go up to a higher dose (40mg in my case). This worked very well for me, even though I was convinced my skin bacteria were resistant to most antib's as I seemed to have tried all of them with little success! You mustn't use any topical acne treatments on your skin while taking Roaccutane, this includes Isotrex, Isotrexin, retin-A, benzoyl peroxide, facial scrubs, fruit acids etc. Roaccutane makes your skin much thinner and more sensitive so you could end up ith irritation and burning. Also avoid going in the sun (this is all in the leaflet with the packet). Just slap on the moisturiser - petroleum jelly and aqueous cream are the best (and cheap). I have also found that my scars have been losing that awful red-purple colour and have been levelling out. They are now hardly noticeable, even to myself. Spots take about 3 months to come to the surface so you need to take Roaccutane for that length of time before you stop getting new ones. Don't give up, be p tient, the time passes very quickly. I had moderately severe cystic acne, typical of women in their mid-late 20's, apparently, which they say can carry on into your 40's. I never had particularly bad acne in my teens, though. Dermatologists used to only prescribe Roaccutane to people with very severe nodular acne" but they are now realising that it is very useful for those whose acne just isn't going to go away once their raging adolescent hormones have calmed down. I thought long and hard about taking this treatment. There has been so m ch bad press about it and everyone reacts differently but I can honestly say that I would wholeheartedly recommend it to anyone who is suffering from the physical and psychological damage of acne. My lips and nose have been quite dry and chapped, but I a tually really like the feeling of dry skin and not having to wash my hair every day (I used to look like I had been dipped in chip fat in the mornings). I feel like the ugly duckling who has turned into a swan, and about time too, at the age of nearly 30 You are not alone, whatever age you are, and I hope you all find a solution to this miserable skin disease, whatever it may be.

marcus - 03/11/00 12:34:56

Jim, if cheek out last months archives you’ll be able to find al the info you want! Don’t get me wrong I wouldn’t mind posting it again but I don’t want to bore everyone with the same old thing!

Dino - 03/11/00 11:14:21
Age: 24
Gender: male
Country: USA

Well done Killjoy; I can absolutely relate to what you have so elequently written. I have been one of the few thay feel the same emotions, it's nice to know I'm not alone. You must be an educated man.

Amae - 03/11/00 06:17:45
Age: 22
Gender: female
Country: USA

Hey GW, STEVE, PIG, DENNY, RIANNE, FISH.....been so busy, no time to keep up with the board. Hope all is going well! ~Amae

Lori - 03/11/00 05:45:01
Age: Who cares
Gender: All woman!!!
Country: USA, of course!

Thank you to everyone that has e-mailed me. I gve up though! Maybe I'm too old? Oh well, so much for a 'clear' summer. My dream of dreams was to be able to put my head under the water when I went swimming this summer. Haven't done that for over 5 years!!! OH WELL< good luck to you all!!! L

killjoy - 03/11/00 05:14:05
Age: 22
Gender: male
Country: Canada

Kennedy, and all my other agorophobic friends. Going out into the "real world" is supposed to make you feel better but often makes you feel even worse than you had before making the bold venture. A clear spell can be uplifting, but also depressing at th same time. You feel a sense of urgency to go out and do things - but because you've been avoiding the outside world for so long you realize that you have nowhere to go and no real close friends that you would want to call and say "feel like going .... t night?" Now this may sound strange, but you feel like you no longer have the comfort of being the zit face you've grown so accustomed to and all the oddities that you've developed as a result of it over the years of suffering. You still see yourself as hat guy/girl with the really bad acne even though it might not even be that bad. Perceptions become a quasi-reality - the perceptions are unfortunately ours and the reality often something quite different. Just a few of my reflections - some of you migh be able to relate and some may not.

Jim - 03/11/00 05:02:36
Age: 19

Marcus, what are you taking? Just the palmetto did the trick? I'm interested in what you did to clear up. Please reply. Thanks

Meredith - 03/11/00 02:56:38
Age: 28
Gender: Female
Country: USA

Hi, all. I took Accutane a few years back and now THE ACNE IS IN FULL FORCE AGAIN! I'm thinking of going on it again. Has anyone had to do multiple treatments?

Meredith - 03/11/00 02:55:22
Age: 28
Gender: Female


kennedy to marcus - 03/11/00 02:42:46
Age: 20
Country: usa

hi marcus. i know what you mean about going to the movies being a big deal. my skin is looking better than it ever has. however, i still have scarring, dark patches, and a few spots. i've been agorophobic for the longest time, but i went outsid anyway because i'm afraid i'll breakout soon so i better go out while i still look kinda normal. anyway, it was pretty scary. since i live in new york city, there were people constantly walking past me. the worst is on the subway when it got crowded. ho knows how many people stared at me? i was getting panic attacks but managed to get through it. the crappy part of going out was that every 30 min, i had to wash my face from the oiliness. but i am so happy that i got a chance to go out and live for nce. the strange thing was that even though i went out in a crowd of people, i was feeling even lonelier than i usually do. kind of depressing. well, take care and good luck. kennedy

marcus - 03/11/00 00:30:53
Age: 22
Country: u.k

Rianne, Hi I’m still fine (feeling really bad for you though!!!!). I’ve come out in two small spots, only one on my face (Don’t get me wrong I’m not complaining at all, most people here must dream of being this clear) I think it would be unrealistic to ho e to be 100% clear 100% of the time!! Yesterday was a big day for me, I took my niece to see toy story 2 (for any one who doesn’t know I’ve been 98% agoraphobic for six years so for me it was a big breakthrough!) I guess I’m lucky (although I don’t think lucky is the right word!!!) that all y scarring is raised and not pitted! Saying that my derm told me there was nothing that could be done for me either but then my derm’s a crap little nazi!!!!!!! (Raised scarring can be treated right?) Scarring is definitely the worst part of acne, if it w sn’t for the fact that I was scarring I could have handled it a lot better! Rianne did you see someone on the NHS or private? Is your scarring on your face as well as your back (if you don’t mind me asking of course?)? I was always lucky (there’s that wor again) not to have scared on my face! I saw an advert for clean & clear today, they’ve brought out oil absorbent sheets for (obviously) oily skin, I don’t know if you already use these or if your interested but I thought I’d give it a mention! Take care f yourself! Just me, have you got any more info on when your boards going to be back up? Jasmine hope you’re a little well actually a lot better today!!!!

Yangas - 03/11/00 00:13:48
Age: 17
Country: aussie land

Hey all to riane did u go thorugh a laser resurfacing procedure???? cause i heard they can treat dip scarrs as well some kind on ebrium laser or co2 laser is meant to do the trick. The derm suggested that laser resurfacing is an option but she put me on some medicne that heals my skin faster for 6 months so i will have to wait. And why does my skin feel uncomfortable and reddish on rainy days??? plz anyone that knows anythihgn about laser treatment or just waanna have a talk plz email me at thankz god bless

John19 - 03/10/00 20:58:29
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Country: Uk

SONIA Have you tried Neutrogena Healthy skin renewing lotion -it contain AHA's. And it reasonably priced £8. Neutrogena's pore facial cleanser also contains salicylic acid. Hope that helps. Good luck.

adri - 03/10/00 20:30:35
Age: 18
Gender: male
Country: holland

i'm just started with roaccutane and i hope my skin improves fast, going out has been very long ago because of my being ashamed. i can tell everyby now that everybody who has said something about my acne to me has taken me over to see a skin specialist in the hospital,. Thanks

Rianne - 03/10/00 18:44:43
Age: 35
Gender: Female

A big hello to Jasmine, Marcus, Just Me, Fish and CHL! It sounds like some of us are having such a lousy time lately. Today I had an appointment with a plastic surgeon, to see if he could do anything about this awful acne scarring. As I've had 2 dermab asion operations in the past he felt that the laser wouldn't help. Some of the scarring pits are so deep that they are hard to treat. He said he didn't think that there was any treatment that could help me at the moment - and I appreciated that at least he was honest (and also very kind). I was on the verge of tears, while I was in the clinic seeing him and as I was coming out I kind of stumbled past reception and could hardly speak. I think the poor receptionists didn't know what to say. When I got ba k to my car I just cried and cried. The acne is bad enough but these scars are so awful and it breaks my heart when I look at the mess that acne has made of my skin. I bought some more saw palmetto today and I'm hoping that I get good results from that I have a feeling that eventually it will work - I must keep my hopes up otherwise I'll go mad). Sorry to sound so negative tonight. Oh Fish, I hope that your skin settles down soon and that your boyfriend will be okay too. I'll really be thinking of yo and sending good wishes your way. Good luck Fish, you deserve it. Also Jasmine too, I hope that the zinc/B6 and saw palmetto will bring an improvement for your skin. It's worth trying. When I woke this morning I had a BIG lump coming up on my face betwe n my nose and chin (plus a few others - groan, moan, groan) and it seems smaller already. I won't hold my breath but I hope it goes away. I'll certainly keep you posted how I'm getting along with this regime of treatment. Marcus, are you okay? I hope y ur skin is continuing to be clear? Good luck Marcus (and thanks too!). Another HI to Just Me and CHL. Hope you're okay too? Sending you all lots of love, tons of luck and thanks for being there for me. Rianne.

Sonia, to TWEETER - 03/10/00 18:22:51

Dear Tweeter Please don't lose hope. I'm sure different people react differently. U might start noticing an effect later than most of us, but the key is NOT TO LOSE HOPE. Are u sure u're having your tablets with a proper meal, and not just light breakfast- the meal ne ds to be fatty, I've confirmed it. And what does your derm say? Is the dose right for u? Take some VIt E, 800iu, together with it; apparently it increases the activity of roacc, while reducing its toxicity. SOnia

Sonia - 03/10/00 18:14:57
My Email:desai_sonia
Age: 22
Country: UK

HAs anyone tried sesame & sunflower seeds as a remedy for acne? I read in this "Bharti Vyas beauty book" that these seeds have got skin-enhancing properties?! Now, isn't the oil made from the seeds themselves, which means they could be oily too and aggrav te the spots? ANyway, if u've tried them please email me, coz I wanna do anything to reduce the redness of these marks. By the way, I'm pretty sure that having hair (even if clean & dandruff-free)all over the face exacerbates the acne. Whenever I wear my air down, I'm guaranteed to have a new spot. What a pity coz I hate my face with hair up. Lastly, once the treatment by roacc is completed, what are the best products to use? HAs anyone tried glycolic acid lotion, etc, to help fade the marks? There was a ime before I started using roacc when I would exfoilate my face daily with salicylic acid scrub(Freeeman's)(and as long as I used it, I wouldn't get a single spot)- but Boots doesn't seem to have it anymore. Can anyone recommend me a good AHA/BHA-containi g product good for use after Roacc. Please reply. Sonia, with love.

TWEETER - 03/10/00 17:14:26

Hey Guys--- i havent been in here for awhile, but i have still been having troubles. im going into my 11th week or so with accutane and i havent seen any difference with my acne. this is so damn frustrating i thought i would finally have something to make a differenc and get rid of this shit but of course it dont work i dont know what to do anymore this sucks so bad. i have a goood, clear dapy and my hopes go up so much and then i wake up with more spots. its like a nevereneding process. it sucks so much i dont know hat to do anymore its killing me. i want to be a happy person. but im not. im deealing with all the side effects of tyhis drug i better see some improovement or itll be the biggest disappointment of my life i swear. at first i was like, oh, in 3 weeks my skin will be better. then it was 6 weeks. now its i dont know...anyone have any stories about accutane starting to work this late into the treatment? please help me im in bad shape over here. thanks again and good luck to all of you! god bless...

KIT - 03/10/00 16:50:56
Age: 17
Gender: female
Country: Scotland

DANIELLE - I know it's a drag but you've gotta just stick it out. There is no other way. I know that, like everything to do with acne, the way it makes you feel is totally unfair. I was so ashamed of myself that I wouldn't even let people hug me, not eve my mum. I've been there (done that, got the T-shirt, don't ever want to go back). I think everyone who visits this board has been there. But life is for living, so don't let anything, especially not the face that stares back at you in the mirror, tell y u otherwise. Don't cheat yourself.

FISH - 03/10/00 14:39:03
Age: 28
Gender: Female
Country: UK

KARA - I find that really refreshing to hear what your derm said. Thank you for the update. I did reply to you yesterday - it's in the archives now though! Thank you for the info and let's hope that within the next couple of weeks both our faces stop t rowing up!!! Much love Fishxx

Just Me - 03/10/00 14:23:17
Age: 35
Gender: Female
Country: UK

Hi everyone ... Dear Jasmine - a quickie ... I just rang up the NONO suppliers, and as expected, because I am not a big company etc, my details got lost in their system etc and they lost my details. I just gave it to them again and your NONO hould arrive at my home address tomorrow morning! YES! I'll take it to the post office straight away and send on your NONO gadget, which hopefully should reach you by Monday! If you were in London, I'd be tempted to drive to your place and deliver it p rsonally (grins), though I do understand that the way you are feeling right now, even though it's me (smiles), you probably wouldn't answer the door (grins) as I think I wouldn't either! I'm so excited for you Jasmine! Yes! Oh, and yeah, regards Dermal x UK, would you like to email me the details of when your replacement tubes arrived etc and I'll call them up for you and get them moving on things! I'm more than happy to do it if it'll get the Dermalux to you quicker and it's only a phone call!

Okay, have to dash! By the way, my Board at the Acne Support Group in Cyberspace ie link above, is still down (groans) ... so pls be patient while the works are still going on!

L&L, JM.

p/s Heya Rianne, Marcus, Kaitlin, Kelli and all ... :)

Kara - 03/10/00 14:16:26
Age: 25`
Gender: female
Country: usa

HI all- Just wanted to write an update since I went to see my derm for my re-check- which I do every 4 weeks. I'm finishing week 15, and he's keeping me at the same dosage- 60 mgs/day. He said that I was on the 40 mgs/day for 10 weeks,just to get my skin used t Accutane...that's why it really looked fine that whole time. I complained about it breaking out really really badly for the past 4 weeks, and he told me "Good, that's what it's supposed to be doing" He joked about how mean it was of him to make my skin look awful right now, but that by the end of 20 weeks, it would be clear and smooth as a baby's butt. He said he had just seen 2 other women that day who just finished up and they looked great, not a spot on their faces!! So I have to keep up hope that e's knows what he's doing. I did research before I went to him, and he's rated the #1 derm in my state (Minnesota) for many many years, plus he was referred to me by some girlfriends who have had great luck with Accutane. So, hang in there, I know it's ad and depressing when your face looks like it threw up, but we just have to trust that it'll get better. Good Luck!!

Nicky - 03/10/00 12:45:01
Age: 28
Gender: Female
Country: UK

Hi to everyone. I have been on Roaccutane for 9 weeks now and I've been hunting high and low for something to stop my lips getting sore and chapped. I started using Blisteze cream (active ingredient ammonia solution) a few days ago and have found it reall works. I apply the cream every two hours and before going to bed. Before I would wake up in the morning with dry, sore and sometimes bleeding lips but now they are absolutely fine. Take care all. Nicky xx

Edmond - 03/10/00 11:25:11
Age: 16
Gender: male
Country: Hong Kong

I've been taking Roaccutane for almost 10 days, but it doesn't show any effects, such as driness and less acne. Not only this, but also there were more and more acne grown on my face. Is it a normal phenomenon? Moreover, I want to try Isotrex. Does it rea ly work? May I use these two things at the same time? I feel extremely stressed and sick of my face now. Please help. By the way, can anyone tell me that how much Roaccutane costs in your country? It is very expensive in Hong Kong, about HK$3200 per month and people can't buy from chemists. The only way to get this medicine is to consult a doctor.

Colin - 03/10/00 08:39:03
My URL:BRIANE, I can't send the information to your aol address

Briane: Do you have another email a/c which I can send to? Preferably not aol domain, thanks.

cliona - 03/10/00 08:36:57
Age: 19
Gender: female
Country: ireland

I have been using isotrex for 5 months and i hardly get any spots now, but i still think my skin looks fairly bad because it is very dry and there is alot of red marks and minor scars. I was wondering if any one has ever tried a skin peel as i was thinkin of having one. i would be really grateful for any information about them.also has any one tried retin-a micro?

Yangas - 03/10/00 08:29:40
Age: 17
Country: Aussie land

Hey all i have been off roac for 2 months now and the scars have been fading slightly. i visited my derm and she prescribed me like a medicine which makes your skin heal faster.She said she will put me on this for 6 months and if this dose;nt work she sai that laser resurafacing was an option . this shocked me cause i thought i would'nt need that of a serious situation. Anyway i will see how this medicne goes and if anyone has QUESTIONS OR ANSWERS OR ANY HELPFUL STUFF PLZ EMAIL ME Plz i need answers about ppl that have been thru laser treatment or andy sacrring stuff plz email me thankz god bless

Jim - 03/10/00 04:19:22
Gender: 19


Jim - 03/10/00 04:18:38
Gender: 19

Hi C.H.L. I actually might want your herbalist to call mine. I don't think i have your e-mail anymore but if you could e-mail me I'll give you my herbalist's number, or you can give me your herbalist's. Thanks. Peace

Colin - 03/10/00 02:48:26
My URL:Obtain US$20,000 for a 1 time fee of US$5. This available to people from any country, not just to US citizens.

Hi to all visitors of Gill's page, if you had the opportunity to obtain an education fund of up to $200,000 for each of your children, would you take it? If you and your spouse (under age 50) had the opportunity to obtain $40,000 or more to pay off debts or put away for retirement, would you take that opportunity, as well? What if the money NEVER had to be repaid? Would you be willing to look at a program of a kind that never has been tried before, and that has been developed by good people of faith who are trying to give a helping hand to working class people who may be living from paycheck to paycheck? Would you be willing to learn everything possible about this program, to form your OWN opinions about its worth, and not to take the "opinions" of others about the program as "truth?" If so, please email me for more information and personal assistance. And also indicate you're from Gill's page so I'll know. Thanks for your time.

Just Me - 03/09/00 22:09:07
Country: UK

p/s Jasmine ... just read your post regards your acne by your nose and eye - was that the top of your eye? If yes, then only a few months ago I had a spout of those acne and I think that's what's called cystic acne - ie they are really really eally big and full of pus (yuk)! They just kept coming back every month and I'd only get one and if I was really unlucky two. The last one was probably maybe 3-4 months ago give or take and I had to take a week off work cos it was so bad. It kept recur ing in the same place and I couldn't figure out why I would get such a large acne by the eye and eyebrow ie that gap. I also got one large cystic acne by the nose and cheek and boy were they huge and full of pus. I took that week off and constantly used the NONO full time on the acne and it only worked after 2-3 days and whew, it began to heal up, which is why the NONO saved my life!! I work with professionals and can't go to work with a face like that!! I was even embarassed to let my mother see me wi h that acne that was so large, ie by the eye! It swelled up to the size of the tip of my thumb, but round and fat!! Erk! Thankfully with the NONO, after 2-3 days of almost constant use, it began to go into the healing stage and the pus came out etc and it reduced in size.

Prior to using the NONO, I'd have similar acne and if I didn't use the NONO, the acne would stay with me for about 6-8 weeks or longer and would NOT budge at all!!! Soooooo embarassing! So again, I swear by the NONO as a life saver for me!

Talking about NONO, Jasmine, as promised I'll chase the supplier again tomorrow and ask where on earth my order is!! He promised diligently last week that he'd send it on Tues/Weds. I'm sorrie as you were really looking forward to getting it! Have you aken a look at the NONO Official Website yet? There's so much to read there!

Okay, I got carried away talking about that cystic acne and how upset I got over it and I was taking like a week off a month with my acne! Well it is a dis-ease of some sort so we are ill technically!! :) ... anyway, eyes can't stay open much longer so ite again!! :)

Just Me - 03/09/00 21:55:04
Age: 35
Gender: Female
Country: UK

Hi all (smiles)

Hi Jasmine - the Voy Forum site is still down and I'm keeping my fingers crossed that they are working hard on fixing it! The whole site seems to be down as I can't even get in to contact the owners etc. It happens once in a while like all sites. It sh uld be up and running by tonite or tomorrow (fingers crossed!). Thx for posting about it here! I'm pleased you're taking some supplements as I really do believe they help, as both Marcus and I will personally vouch for and which all can read when my boa d is up and running again at!!

Gill, thx for fixing the room so quickly! I was really worried that you wouldn't read the message for a while!

Danielle, hang in there sweetie. It's only your hormones playing up. Keep reading the Board, and read up as much as you can on acne, eat lots of fruit, veg, drink lots of water, and as children can take vitamins and you're a teenager, you could a k your parents if they could start you a vitamin supplement .... you can check it out with your doctor first. Remember to keep your skin clean, use the right soap, cleanser, toner, and acne cream and if you do it all right, eventually you'll manage to ke p your acne under control. If you do it now while you are young, you won't have to suffer like the rest of us, ie like me who had it for 22 years! Keep coming here for support and you can visit my site too and follow up on the links there for acne treat ents etc. When in doubt, ask, and keep asking till you find what works for you. Sweetie, you're not alone and there are lots of us like you out there. I'm glad you found this room and I wish you all the best sweetie!

I have to end for here as I was up till 1.30am trying to figure out why my Board was down etc (groans) not realising that it was down then (grins) and need to play catchup on sleep! (smiles)

Heya Rianne, Marcus, Maurice, Rob, Kaitlin, Kelly, and all .... Nite :o), JM!

Danielle - 03/09/00 21:33:13
Age: 13
Country: USA

I would just like to say that acne has now controlled my life. I'm afraid to do things like going out in public, and I constantly have to turn down my friends to do things. I come home every day and just cry for hours. i don't understand-> I've tried ever thing to help clear up my face, and nothing seems to work. And It's not like my friends make fun of me either. I'm just imbarassed to look the way I do.i hate to have to turn my head away when I talk so that when they look at me they will only see the good, healthy parts of my face. I just don't know what to do. Danielle

/// - 03/09/00 20:49:38
My Email:///
Age: //
Gender: //
Country: //


Jasmine - 03/09/00 20:01:04
Age: 33
Gender: Female
Country: U.K.

Hi all.To BRIANE,KAITLIN,MARCUS.I just e-mailed Just Me and she knows her board is down and she said it should be mended by tonight or tomorrow.Thanks FISH,MARCUS and RIANNE for your kind thoughts.I'm glad the saw palmetto doesn't cause extra hair growth. t definitly looks promising and I have just taken my first zinc tablet.I will also get some B6 and Saw Palmetto.A friend of a friend who hasn't even seen me said "are you sure she hasn't got impetigo?"Well the friend mentioned it to my mum and my mum gets out an ancient medical book and says I should go to the Doctors to be on the safe side.Well I only saw the Derm 3 weeks ago and I'd like to think that he would have noticed.Besides I've had acne for 22 years and I'm sure you don't get massive blackheads a d greasy skin with massive spots with impetigo.I can just see me down the docs with acne asking are you sure its not impetigo!Talk about clutching at straws.I know people mean well but I think I know what acne is by now!!Anyway that is my moan of the day. 'm sorry FISH that your skin is breaking out again and that your boyfriend has had to go back in hospital.Hopefully one day soon all our lifes will get better.That's about it for now.Hi to RIANNE,MARCUS,FISH,JUST ME,JULES,ROB(RL)and all.Take care love Jas inexx

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