Our work method:

Experimental learning, including lectures, discussions, individual and group activities. Discussions, activities and role play are aimed at the integration of knowledge with a social and emotional content.

Course-goers get the opportunity to practise their new skills and knowledge. Techniques and skills are taught for use in different situations.

To maximise effective social and emotional learning, our training process is divided into four basic phases:

1. Preparation (assessment of needs, personal strengths and weaknesses, etc.)

2. Training

3. Transfer and maintenance (encourage use of skills on the job)

4. Evaluation (before, during and just after the training).

Duration of the course:

It is now possible to enhance the emotional intelligence of yourself and your co-workers by choosing one of the following options:

1) A full three-day course where I facilitate modules 1-9. This is mainly focussed on insight and awareness. In-depth attention to specific areas is not really possible.

2) Attending the different modules as separate day courses. You can choose any of the modules you want to suit your company’s or individual’s specific needs or you can choose any combination of the modules in the order you want them to be done. It is also possible to do two or three modules on consecutive days. Integration may/will take place as I give more in-depth attention to specific parts of the EQ components.

3) I also facilitate the modules for individuals to meet their specific needs. This is only possible for employees and people in Gauteng. The course can be done individually, as a couple or with a friend. This will take at least ten sessions of two hours each.

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