Themes in Danish Nursing
Temaer i dansk sygepleje
Breast cancer and breast reconstruction Brystkræft og brystrekonstruktion

Presently available on this homepage is an article about body image, body loss and breast reconstruction after losing a breast because of cancer. The article was previously published in a Danish nurses' journal, Klinisk Sygepleje.

The focus of the article is on body image and patients' experiences: the physical, psychological and social impact of breast cancer, mastectomy and breast reconstruction.
To get access to this article click here.

Future materials will include findings from a nurses' study based on interviews with breast cancer patients who have had a breast reconstruction.
A handout in English on the project is available. Presently, the project report is available in Danish only - but an English article is expected to appear in this homepage.


Further information may be obtained through e-mail:



Indtil videre indeholder denne hjemmeside:
- en artikel om kropsbillede, kropstab og brystrekonstruktion efter at have mistet et bryst på grund af kræft. Artiklen har tidligere været bragt i tidsskriftet Klinisk Sygepleje.

- afrapporteringen fra et forskningsprojekt baseret på interviews med brystkræftpatienter som har gennemgået brystrekonstruktion.
Projektet fokuserede på kropsbillede og patientoplevelser: de fysiske, psykologiske og sociale følger af brystkræft, mastectomi og brystrekonstruktion.

For at få adgang til materialet klik her.



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