If you find broken links, PLEASE Email jlhemt@yahoo.com to have them fixed ASAP. Thank you.

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Ok, I could be trite and point out, I'm Here, I'm Queer, get used to it! But Really folks, what is the point? You already figured out I'm a lesbian, I am obviously proud of who I am or why would I post all this to the WWW? Get used to it? well, sure would be nice, but we'll get to that later!

Here's the stuff you can find on this site-Including some stuff that will be up and isn't yet-give me time, I just decided to put all this up.

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blue neon aboutme.gif (1529 bytes) purpleblack neon photos.gif (3551 bytes) purpleblack neon thoughts.gif (3584 bytes)

Thanks for visiting, stop in again and I'll try and have more up and working!

This page is owned and written by Jeanine L. Hoffman

Last Edited 6 August, 2000