Hemi banner © 1998 by Miranda/Randam Art


Hi! My name is Katie. I decided to have a Web site devoted to a rare disease called Hemihypertrophy, which I like to refer to as "Hemi." Why am I doing this? Well, I've tried to search for as much information regarding Hemi as possible, on the Web -- but I've found that there really isn't a lot available, and what is available isn't presented in a manner that someone other than a doctor could understand. There's a good chance that this may be the only Web site specifically about Hemi. I hope to be educating my visitors about this condition, as well as providing a support network for those who have it, and for their families.

In case you're wondering -- Yes, I have Hemi. Although I've had this condition since I was a "tiny onion"* ( that's just a little joke there, about the name I chose for my e-mail address ), it wasn't until a couple of years ago that I learned much about it -- including things such as my having to be hospitalized twice a year as a child, to be sure that I wasn't developing any tumors.

* ( Please click here if you want to view my baby picture! )

If you were to look at me, you wouldn't notice anything "wrong" with me at all. I'm reminded of my Hemi when, for example, it's time for me to get a new pair of shoes or boots -- and I have to find slightly different sizes for my left and right feet! However, Hemi can also be more visible. For example, I know of a boy with Hemi who has tongue and eye size discrepancies between his left and right sides.

I feel that more people need to be made aware of Hemi, so that they and their families don't have to feel alone. This Web project is something that's very important to me, and I hope it will serve its purpose. Thanks for your visit.

What is Hemihypertrophy?

The rare condition in which one side of the body seems to grow faster than the other is called Hemihypertrophy. The disease can be caused by genetic factors, and it can also occur by chance. While this may be "normal", there are certain serious conditions that may be associated with this type of growth pattern. These include cancer of the kidney, cancer of the liver, and a condition called Beckwith-Wiedemann Syndrome. The problem I mentioned above, for which I was checked twice per year as a child, is Wilms Tumor. Families of those with Hemihypertrophy need to be aware of these related disorders.

It is recommended that children with this growth pattern see a pediatrician for a thorough examination. Again, this may be normal, but depending upon what the rest of an exam shows, the child may need additional testing to make sure there is nothing else to worry about.

Note: The above information is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice. Please see a physician for that. Also, please keep in mind that every person's case is different from the next.
None of the information at this site is meant to frighten anybody. Hemi can be a sign of something possibly more serious, yet it can also turn out to be nothing to worry about. Again, a visit to a doctor is recommended.

Do you, a family member, or a friend
have Hemihypertrophy?

If so, and if you'd like to be added to the Hemi e-mail support group list, we would love to hear from you! The Hemi mailing list is automated, operating through Yahoo! Groups (formerly eGroups and OneList)
on the Web. To subscribe, please use the following link -

Subscribe to the Hemi Mailing List .

You'll need to register there (it's free), before subscribing, if you're not already a member of Yahoo! Groups.. The name of our Group/mailing list is Hemi. If you have any questions, please send me
e-mail, at:

Also, please take a moment to sign my guestbook, so that you may share your thoughts and experiences with others who visit my Web page. In doing this, you'll be helping to "connect" with one another, and to expand our online support group. Thank you so much!

Hemi Guestbook - click here to sign in
Please Sign the Hemi Guestbook! Click on these words,
or on the clipboard picture above, to get there.

View the Hemi Guestbook Here.

Links to Related Sites and Resources

The DRM WebWatcher: Rare/Genetic Disorders Links
The Rare Genetic Diseases in Children Home Page
The National Organization for Rare Disorders (NORD)
National Information Center for Children and Youth with Disabilities
MEDLINE - Search the National Library of Medicine (free)
Online Genetic Syndrome Support Groups
Pediatric Database (PEDBASE)
Kidney Patients' Resources
Neurofibromatosis, Inc. Web Site
Proteus Syndrome
MedWeb: Biomedical Internet Resources
National Parent to Parent Support and Information System, Inc.
Med Help International
Family Village

More Pictures!

Katie's Pics

Coming Soon:
Pictures of more of the Hemi Group!

"Open 24 Hours"

Hemi Chat Room
(please allow a few moments for the
chat page to "load", after going here)

Hemi banner created by Miranda/Randam Art, © 1998

Site designed and maintained by Randy
E-mail: ranatlas@earthlink.net

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