Some Triangle-area GF Food Stores

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Durham Co-op Grocery, 1011 W. Chapel Hill Rd, Durham
Eshel Kosher Market, 5540-109 Atlantic Springs Rd, Raleigh
Harmony Farms, 5653 Creedmoor (at Millbrook), Raleigh
Kroger, 350 Six Forks Rd., Raleigh
Oriental Store, 3601 Capital Blvd. (at Old Buffaloe), Raleigh
Silver Wok, US 15-501 Bypass, Chapel Hill
Triangle Oriental Market, 5003-G Falls of Neuse (at Millbrook), Raleigh
Wellspring Grocery, 81 S. Elliott Rd., Chapel Hill
Wellspring, 605 Broad Street (at Main), Durham
Wellspring Grocery, 3540 Wade Ave., Raleigh
Whole Foods Market, 102-B New Waverly Place, Cary

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