
The Childbirth Nurses Interest Group represents nurses interested in any aspect of childbirth nursing, from preconception to postpartum. We are hospital and community based, and work in a wide variety of settings, including public health departments, clinics, labour and delivery, postpartum, special care nursery, prenatal education and nursing education.

CNIG, which currently has over 600 members, plays an active role in RNAO committees and in the development of political statements. Executive and Committee meetings are held by teleconference, with our annual Breakfast Meeting held in conjunction with the RNAO Annual General Meeting. Our informative and educational newsletter is published three times yearly. The CNIG supports continuing education efforts through bursaries and our Continuing Education Program Support fund.

For more information on the CNIG, contact the RNAO Membership Office.

Contents of this website

orange bulletOur statement of beliefs
orange bulletOur Goals
orange bullet Benefits of CNIG membership
orange bulletPast Accomplishments
orange bullet Our Newsletter
orange bullet To become a member
orange bullet Upcoming Events

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