Is there such a thing as a CHRISTIAN with DEPRESSION ?


The answer is yes. But... there IS

Hope In Sight !

The purpose of this site is to offer hope to those of you who suffer from Depression. I especially want to reach out to my fellow brothers and sisters in Christ who battle with this illness. I am a Christian with Clinical Depression. I know the shame and self-doubt that goes along with having Depression, especially if you are a Christian. This is something that I'm sure many people struggle with. It's time to stop hiding our problem and to move forward so that we can begin to heal.

Bible Being confident of this, that He who began a good work in you
will be faithful to complete it. Philippians 1:6

Site Map

What is Depression ?

What Depression is like for me

If I take anti-depressant medication, does it mean I am lacking in faith ?

Comfort and hope from God's Word

Read what others have shared

Christian's with Depression MESSAGE BOARD

Christian's with Depression CHAT ROOM

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(Hopefully there will be no further guest book changes!)

View My Previous Guest Book
(May 1999-December 2000)

View My Previous Guest Book
(May 1998-May 1999)

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