Leroy's Summer of Love

Leroy grabs a nap on the trampoline at Aunt Lorna's in Eugene, OR.

The project of the trip was building a sand table for Leroy. Aunts Lorna and Elaine located a table at the thrift store, and Uncle Kurt added sides to the table in his shop. Everyone contributed to the project.

We took this trip to attend the Holter family reunion. These are Alice's relations from her paternal grandmother (Elizabeth Mercer nee Thompson).

Pictured at left is Alice's Great Aunt Lucille (Elizabeth's sister).

Alice got to meet with lots of relatives she hadn't seen since childhood, and other kin from far away. Left is Michael Bratt, husband to Alice's Aunt Elaine in from Pennsylvania. To the right is Carrie Thompson, wife to Alice's Uncle/Cousin Dave Thompson down from Seattle.

return to the House of Alice home...