Psy/Psi Vampires

A psychic vampire, or more commonly called psi vampire, is that who feeds off pranic energy. They can also feed of emotions, feelings,"life force".

Some distinctions can be found between the terms psychic vampires and psi vampires. A psychic vampires would be that person who needs to feed of pranic energy due to imbalance in his own system and has psychic abilites at the same time. A psi vampire would be that who feeds off energy without having psychic abilities. The line is very thin, as to feed off energy requires some psychic abilities which we are not going to discuss now. In this line, some vampires would be able to feed unconsciously.

Each vampire awakes in a different way, as we are all different human beings with different life experiences. But while walking this long path to awakening vampires have gone through hard experiences, fear, depression, suicidal thoughts, social problems, drug and alcohol addictions, among others, which have led them to realize about their nature. You can think at this point, and you have the right to do so, that almost all mankind, if not all, suffers during life time. But the suffering and emptiness of a vampire relates directly to the search of himself. Some are lucky to find their way.. Some are not...

Having reached the point of awakening the psychic vampires start now to learn, and what is common to all of us is that eagerness to find answers. Psychic vampires are more curious, and they are constantly looking for information as well as trying to gather "stories" from their equals. The need for connection is strong.

Each psychic vampire has to test himself in order to find the best way of feeding. Feeding techniques then varies from one vampire to another. Meditation, visualization, auras approach, concentration, transformation of energies, astral projections, these among others are some of the techniques used by us. Shortly and as far as our investigations go deeply we are going to discuss these techniques.

So if you have felt at reading this that you share some of this characteristics start your own search as that is the best way to know what you really are. A book, a guidance, and advice can help you. But you are the only one who will give yourself the answer you are looking for.


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